N Dofline

N Dofline


N Dofline
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other drawer I like : N. dofline "if a guest wants to eat your foot, he will eat it,ย raw or cooked, like he wants
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Cool! I would like eat one guy foot!

sharktorok 32 Recent Deviations Featured: Blobman Eats
Mathias's eyes open slowly, a faint weight on his stomach. Laying on him was a tiny harpy with gray feathers, her hair matching her wings while covering her eyes with large bangs and soft golden skin."Ah, you're awake." she chirps cheerfully, her head resting on his belly like a pillow."Good morning," he grins and brushes some of his long black hair away from his eyes. The covers slip from him as he rises, even sending the harpy tumbling, not that she minds leaping back up with a smile. Standing she is barely four and a half feet, a paltry size compared to the freakishly tall Mathias's seven foot nine."Now, let me try and recall. We met at the cafe right?" he gins, the harpy nods excitedly, "You had a friend with you who came along. What was she again? A naga? No there'd still be a belly to lay on if that were the case. What was she?" he scratches his chin trying to recall his dinner from the night before. His cheeks puff out, gas forcing its way up his throat, a booming belch erupts from him sending something flying into the harpy's face. A large partially digested cow print bra."A, right. That's what she was, a minotaur." he cooes as he plucks the bra off his guest, placing it in a chest of other tattered melted clothing."Now," he turns his attention back to the harpy with a hungry smile, "I'm in the mood for breakfast before I go to meet a friend of mine. Would you be so kind as to help with that?""I'd love to," the harpy chirps. With her so small, she'd probably only last an hour or so before she was fully digested and he was hungry again, but that would be fine. He only really needed a snack to tie him over until he met up with Richter. He scoops the harpy off the ground, his mouth parting greedily to inhale her, her tiny body fits entirely into his mouth easily, her small body puffing out his cheeks comically before swallowing her down in a single gulp. The harpy tumbles down his throat in seconds, her soft feathers tickle as they slip down his gullet.Burb"Ah, such a nice snack. Have fun digesting in there. I have to get ready." he pats his wriggling belly playfully as he grabs a long black coat off a hanger."There you are," Richter growled as Mathias sauntered into the restaurant, the two contrasting each other in almost every way. Richter's short messy brown hair, ratty blue jacket and tattered jeans left the man looking dishevelled, pale skin had enough colour to make him appear tanned and short for most men nowadays at only six foot three but decently muscular. Mathias by contrast was a towering beanpole with no muscule whatsoever, his long black hair a tangled mess held in a ponytail that reached his shoulders. A long well kept black coat fluttered with every step paired with black dress pants and a vest, the only colour from his outfit was the red interior of his coat and his red shirt. He takes his seat opposite the dishevelled man."You look like hell. As always." Mathias chuckles."And you still look like a pompous prat, who's allergic to normal clothing." Richter fires back with a grin."Ohh, cutting." the gothic giant sniggers. The two burst into laughter and smiles."So how have you been Richter? We haven't gotten the chance to talk much in the last few weeks?" Mathias beams cheerfully as he plucks up a menu from the table."Annoying. Boss is still riding my ass, he also wasn't happy that the new monster girl he hired didn't even make it to the end of her shift before I ate her. Apparently, he expected her to actually be useful for the job since she was one of the larger races...what was she again?" he tries to recall the girl to no avail before shrugging, "eh, doesn't matter. She could barely lift one of the small creates. So it's not like it was a major loss but for some reason, he got pissy at me for it. She tasted nice though. Hell of a squirmer too. Love when they squirm and cry. Makes them taste all the better." Richter spoke, his eyes tracing over a centaur who passed by with a plate of food. Just passing by the two it was clear her strength wained as she struggled to keep the platter of food up until she was past them. The centaur's silky red hair, large breast and chestnut lower body made her stand out in a tight-fitting white shirt and black skirt that didn't reach her knees. "Hmmm, she looks yummy. I could use a nice meaty meal." Richter grins evilly."You know, you really should treat ollpheists better. You can still eat them without making them cry or scream in terror." Mathias sighs, unlike Richter he liked monster girls as more than just food or toys, as a result, he tended to treat them better, not that he didn't enjoy slurping them down for breakfast, lunch and dinner."HA, why. they don't deserve it. They deserve to be wolfed down like the food they are. I don't know why you treat them like people." Richter scoffs, he didn't care about their consent or willingness. The fact there were no consequences made sure he never thought twice about eating any monster girls he saw."Um, sorry to interrupt." a timid woman's voice squeaked out to interrupt the two. Standing at their table was a shaking dryad in a uniform that looked wrong on the plant woman, her green skin glistening with water, long vines for hair done up in a ponytail, and a pair of plastic pots filled with soil for her shoes. "Wh...what can I get you?" she stutters out nervously. Richter cringes at the sight of her before turning his attention back to the menu, Mathias eyed the cute dryad for a moment before replying. "I think a salad sounds nice." his eyes locking with the dryad who quivers timidly. "Ummm, I umm." the dryad stammers nervously, her bark brown eyes darting around the room timidly. "I...is there anything else you would like instead sir?" she stammers out weakly, "Perhaps something that's actually on the menu?"Mathias simply stares at her with a playful smile."Oh? But I think you'd look really cute in my stomach. I think you might enjoy it, it's not painful." he reaches a hand forward to scoop her off the ground and pull her onto his lap. She lets out a weak squeak as she lands on his legs."Did she enjoy it?" she hesitantly pokes at his stomach knowing full well that at least one of her kind had ended their existence in his gut."As a matter of fact, yes. She came home with me and was happy to wait the night to follow her friend and become my food. Sadly she didn't last that long, but she still enjoyed it." he smiles at the plant woman, leaning down with an unsettling cracking from his spine to kiss her neck. The dryad looked around timidly. It was strange to be in the arms of a human, most looked at her kind as either monster or walking food, yet he was being so gentle, his words so kind. Maybe he was just telling her things to make her want to be his food, but it was oddly working. It was hard to think of anything she enjoyed in the world. Her friends and family? Most had ended up being devoured, several right in front of her. Her job? She hated it and was constantly on edge about being grabbed and eaten by any rando who thought she had a nice ass. Her home? A slum crammed full of other ollpheists. Her love life? Hard to get romantic when your partner could swallow you whole for the kicks at any moment. The only thing that held any lustre was her homeworld, a world she couldn't go back to, and even if she did, most of the problems would remain. Even the forest where she sprouted was gone."If I say you can eat me...will it hurt?" she rasps faintly. She feels a large gentle hand stroke her head, running through the vines and leaves that make up her hair."Not at all. Most of the girls I've eaten have compared it to a hug and a massage. One of the perks of this little mutation is we can control how the stomach works to some degree." He smiled warmly down at her. She couldn't help but stare up into his throat every time his mouth opened to speak."Will you be gentle?" her timid voice asks."I will chew to savour you and play, but I'm not going to hurt you by doing it." "Would it be fast?" she squeaks into his chest."I don't know. I've never had a dryad. Some girls last a day or even two in there. But, some like the harpy I had for breakfast, only lasted an hour, maybe an hour and a half. But the minotaur I ate last night, oof I was still churning her up when I woke up. But you...Maybe half the day? Your bark might be hard to digest, but I can't see your leaves being too hard." "Final question...would you remember me?""Not your taste or your name. But I think I would, I've never had a dryad before. I also like to collect a little souvenir of all my meals. Bring back those pleasant memories." The dryad fumbles through her uniform for her wallet, placing it into the human's hand."Th...there's a picture of me and my best friend in there, this way, it'll be even easier to remember me," she explains as she reaches up toward the human who would consume her. He took her hands in his with a gentle smile, his tongue lolling out to lick across her digits. The taste was different from any monster girl he'd eaten before, in place of flesh she had a soft bark, not hard or coarse, but slightly spongy and overall soft but nowhere near as soft as normal skin. The leafy nature of her body gave her a taste similar to a salad. He brings her hands into his mouth, jaws working over her dainty wrists, slurping across her arms, her green scalp entering his jaws. she could only gaze into the dark throat that would be her final resting place. Any strength she had long since sapped from her, her body struggling just to hold her arms up. Meanwhile, Mathias easily pulls her into the air, her mossy legs pulling off his lap as he slurped more of her up. Her shoulders folded into his jaw, her arms pinning to her crotch. Saliva soaked across her body, running down her stiff breasts before the hungry jaws claimed them too. Before she knew it her entire body was tucked away in the human's stomach, his gastric acids already trying to melt her down. Her leaves tumbling off her body, her roots sizzling and turning the acidic juices black."Guess I also make tea while I digest." she giggled playfully. He had been right, despite how scared she'd been all her life of being eaten, it felt nice in his stomach, comfortable, even right. Mathias playfully licked the mass of roots that made up his meal's feet before gulping loudly and sending them down to join the rest of her. Stroking his belly with a chuckle he could feel her squirming to get comfortable, even saying something. Though he couldn't make it out, but given her faint laugh, he assumed it to be something cheerful."I don't know why you go through all those steps." Richter rolled his eyes as he grabbed the unlucky centaur, despite her size she was torn off the ground with one hand, his jaws snapping around her crying head. Mathias winced seeing her pleading face looking at him just before Richter engulfed her. The ratty human easily enveloping her body, her muscle, massive boobs bigger than her head and lower body larger than the human doing nothing to slow him down for even a second. He only stopped to gnaw on her boobs before sending them down his throat. Her horse body slipping into Richter's maw as if she were a liquid, her kicking legs doing nothing to assist her. All she could do was cry as her fate was sealed, her body trapped in the human's gut in only a few quick minutes, if even that. Her massive body barely bloating his belly out half as large as she was, her pleading cries for help growing louder as the acids set to their task of melting her down, and unlike Mathias, Richter made sure his prey suffered. "Poor girl." Mathias sighed sadly, he could see her crying face press out against the stomach before Richter slammed his hand down on her."Why? It's not like she's human. Then again for some reason, you care more about food than people." Richter groaned at his friend caring about monster girls as anything more than food again."And? what's wrong with wanting to be kind to them?" Mathias snapped back."They tried invading us! They planned to do this to our women. I say it's fair turn around.""Oh wow, they tried invading." Mathias waggled his hands by his face to emphasize his sarcasm "not like every damn culture that's ever existed hasn't invaded someone. We don't look at Italy as evil because the Romans tried taking over.""It was only two years ago! People died! And not everyone was able to dodge the war like someone I could mention!""Oh please, the number of human deaths didn't even go over thirty, and at least four of those were horny bastards trying to bang something the size of a literal house. Even then most of the losses were humans' fault. Calling it a war is like calling the emu war a real war." the two argued, neither of them giving attention to their meals. As the two bickered and argued they were far from the only guests who had decided to chow down on some of the unlucky waitresses. A fawn's legs kicked wildly in the air as a guest inhaled her, a crying orc's face gazed out of a human's maw, a wolf girl sobbed as a family put a collar around her neck. The remaining staff rushed away from the customers running to the kitchen of the restaurant, something at least a few of them must have quickly regretted as swallowing and burps rung through the kitchen. The two who had started the chaos paid little attention to what was going on around them, such things were far from rare. "Come on, hurry up and digest your salad, we should see about seeing a movie. I hear there's a good vampire action movie I think you'll enjoy." Richter grinned, his stomach growling before shrinking to its thin frame."Oh, I like that, but I think I'll pass on digesting her quickly. I said I'd let her churn slowly. As for the movie I can't wait." the gothic giant chuckled. "Let's go."

Roxana 1


fish Vore megumi 02


Fish Vore Megumi 01


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Snake vore ashly 04 old version


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