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Is this a bot post? With all that has gone on and is going on with Alexa, and how dead this sub has gone, is she even updating anymore?
I think, in the end, you both are going to definitely have some good takeaways from this even if you aren't "together" together. Hopefully you will still manage to be friends and close because the wild ride you both went on was really something to marvel at and envy. I remember both her first post, ever, and the first one you both ere in and I like to think that at least gives some insight and frankly, I dunno if I'd count you out. May the force be with you.
Holy shit. I’m so sorry for both of you. I hope you both find what you are looking for, and everything works out.
I've posted twice with no response or anything... Breaks my heart ;-;
ah I see, I was messaged by another user that told me the same thing. This sucks dewd, we lost a good one :/
Thanks for the info!
IIRC, scrandle’s face got leaked accidentally so she stopped posting.
I could be wrong, but it was something along those lines.
I'll delete the post if need be, I was just curious
Very hot Girl. Thanks die Sharing this picture 😍
I'm alive, just not posting here right now.
I am active on my Instagram but still not really posting anything sexy there either. The stuff with my family back in December hurt me grately but it isn't the only thing keeping me away. Just like all of you, I'm human and with that humanity comes a lot of heartache. I'm broken but healing from a lot right now. Healing from things I thought I had long ago, healing from things painfully fresh as well. So as always, I'm on a journey and I'd love to have you along for it if you care to join. I love this community and what you all have brought to my life, self confidance and my overall knowledge and acceptance of the many wonders of the world of sexual experience. <3
Thank you all for reaching out to me. I mostly just check my notifications and haven't been on an actual computer in quite some times, so I didn't even realize this thread was going on. My bad guys. Definitely a nerd with a made up story πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
You know what. Where do you get off bringing negativity into something that is just supposed to be a happy event. So what if it's made up, these would have gone to goodwill anyway. If it's true, then maybe in some small part a perfect stranger can help bring a father and son closer together.
Your comment is childish and churlish for no reason. This guy gets the cards, and I don't care if he's a fat neck beard who is lying from his parents basement... I choose the optimistic point of view in life. You bring nothing of note to this discussion, go fuck yourself.
A man and woman had been married for 30 years, and in those 30 years, they always left the lights off when having sex. He was embarrassed and scared that he couldn't please her, so he always used a big dildo on her. All these years she had no clue. One day, she decided to reach over and flip the light switch on and saw that he was using a dildo. She said "I knew it, asshole, explain the dildo!" He said, "Explain the kids!"
Hey that's me! Yes I'm still alive! This week has been nuts with moving, driving across the country, etc. I haven't had time to take pictures of more content πŸ™ƒ. Sorry loves, I promise to post more coming soon, give me a week to unpack and it's back to the boobie dancing, butt shaking, lingerie wearing posting 😘
I was able to do one (making regular content) or work at a full-time job. I assume content creation will probably slow. Luckily I have some content stored from the past couple weeks so I may be able to stretch that till July.
What a wonderful launch to Patreon we have had over the last two months!! We are just 18% away from meeting our November Goal ! If we hit that goal (about 15 patrons worth) we will do a show Chaturbate next Wednesday (12/6) to give everyone the MF show you've been asking for. <3 I will also be releasing one of my favorite pre-made videos to my Patrons.
We understand that not everyone can afford or even wants Patreon access, no worries! Every like, comment, share and upvote really helps out the campaign as a whole. And at the end if we all work together everyone will have access to the Chaturbate show. :D
I love you all so much! Thank you for your unfailing support in all of these new adventures.

Record, transcribe, summarize and monitor the factual accuracy of what is said in public by the DeKalb Schools board and administration.

SACS Kicked Out Of Georgia? – Part of this bill also includes creating a joint study committee to look into establishing a state accreditation process for public schools and school systems.
The committee will also consider the possible consequences of losing state accreditation that could be administered, such as removal of local board of education members.

Remove Central Office? – Note this bill currently allows for the CTO to remove the Board of Education and anybody in the school house. Apparently the central office is untouchable. While the Superintendent and senior administrators are most responsible for the performance of the schools and district, superintendents across the state wouldn’t let this bill pass if their jobs were on the line.

State Superintendent Richard Woods’ thougths? – The state legislature is working with everybody and their dog on this bill … except for the State Super and the GA DOE.
According to the AJC , Richard Woods is not taking a position on the bill yet. A spokesman said he will comment eventually, but needs time to review it. β€œHe looks forward to working with the legislature and Gov. Deal on a bill that appropriately addresses improving under-performing schools,” the spokesman said.


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