Mya Barrymore

Mya Barrymore


Mya Barrymore

Wednesday, Aug 24th 2022

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Mya brings Hollywood glamour to the ARIA Awards in Australia
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Ravishing in red! Mya beautiful in pussy-bow suit at Grammys
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Published: 18:58 BST, 12 February 2020 | Updated: 19:58 BST, 12 February 2020
Mya has tied the knot during a very secret wedding.
The singer, who is best known for her song Lady Marmalade with Christina Aguilera and Pink, said 'I do' to her boyfriend in the Seychelles in December, according to a Wednesday report from TMZ .
The identity of the 40-year-old performer's spouse is not yet known.
A married woman: Mya has tied the knot during a very secret wedding. The singer, who is best known for her song Lady Marmalade with Christina Aguilera and Pink, said I do to her boyfriend in the Seychelles in December, according to a Wednesday report from TMZ
Dreamy location: The Seychelles is an archipelago of 115 islands in the Indian Ocean, just off East Africa. Here is an image of the beach with granite rocks on Silhouette Island, the third largest island in the Seychelles
The songbird looked regal in her beautiful, plunging lace and tulle wedding gown with veil as she posed on the pristine shore of the island.
There were no images of her groom. 
Mya - born Mya Marie Harrison in Washington, DC - has not been linked to a boyfriend in years.
Her past love interests reportedly include Beyonce's husband Jay-Z, Khloe Kardashian's ex The Game and Silk The Shocker as well as football stars DeSean Jackson and Larry Johnson.
Her last Instagram post was from Wednesday morning where she shared images from her concert in Dallas, Texas.
Sweet portrait: The songbird looked regal in her beautiful, plunging lace and tulle wedding gown with veil as she posed on the pristine shore of the island. There were no images of her groom
There was no ring on her wedding finger.
The Seychelles is an archipelago of 115 islands in the Indian Ocean, off East Africa. 
It's home to numerous beaches, coral reefs and nature reserves, as well as rare animals such as giant Aldabra tortoises, according to Wikipedia. 
She released her first album at age 19 which included the hit song It's All About Me.
Her next album was Fear Of Flying in year 2000 and it made her a superstar thanks to the hit Case Of The Ex and then came 2003's Moodring.
Mya won her first Grammy Award in the category for Best Pop Collaboration with Vocals for her rendition of Labelle's 1975 hit Lady Marmalade alongside with Pink, Christina Aguilera and Lil' Kim.
No ring! Her last Instagram post was from Wednesday morning where she shared images from her concert in Dallas, Texas. There was no ring on her wedding finger
Then came Dancing With The Stars - she can in second place during season nine.
Her film career includes 1999's thriller In Too Deep starring LL Cool J and Omar Epps, 2002's Chicago, 2004's Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights Shall We Dance? (2004), and Cursed (2005).
Her next movie is Lazarus with Sean Riggs and Shane Brolly.
Looking good: Here the Lady Marmalade singer is seen in NYC in July 2019
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Wednesday, Aug 24th 2022

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50-year-old arrested on suspicion of murder of Stuart Lubbock
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Published: 08:57 BST, 19 March 2021 | Updated: 09:00 BST, 19 March 2021
Michael Barrymore's friend and ex-agent has been spoken to by police investigating the murder of Stuart Lubbock whose ex-wife is praying he finally gets justice after his rape and murder in 2001.
Mike Browne said Essex Police detectives visited his home on Wednesday - shortly after a man, 50, was held in Cheshire in connection with Stuart's death.
He told the Mirror: 'They just really wanted to clarify if I was aware of anything coming to light over the last 20 years. Of course, my honest answer was believe me, if anything had done, you would have been made aware of it'.
Mr Browne had been called to Mr Barrymore's mansion in Roydon, Essex, at just after 6am as paramedics battled to save Mr Lubbock, 31, who was found unconsciousness floating in the swimming pool. Barrymore fled as police arrived. He later apologised, saying he 'panicked'.
Today Stuart Lubbock's ex-wife Sue Homan, 47, spoke of her hope that police are closing in on his killer. The couple were married young but the relationship broke down before he died, leaving them both heartbroken.
She told The Sun: 'The police say he was raped and murdered with the killer still at large. You cannot move on with your life until you know the truth. However, finally there is light at the end of the tunnel. We're hopeful of getting justice for Stuart.'
Essex Police Superintendent Lucy Morris said that the suspect, who has not been named, was held in Cheshire after new evidence came in following the offer of a £40,000 reward when the Channel 4 documentary Barrymore: Body In The Pool was released last year. The man was released on bail this evening, pending further enquiries. 
Mr Barrymore, 68, has yet to be spoken to by police but is 'fully committed' to uncovering the truth about the death of Stuart at his mansion in 2001, after 'significant new information' led to the arrest of the suspect, 50.
Michael Barrymore, 68, (pictured walking his dog with a friend in West London last week) was one of Britain's best known stars and has always denied involvement in the death as a 50-year-old man was arrested in connection with Stuart Lubbock's murder
Stuart Lubbock's ex-wife Sue Homan, 47, (pictured together on their wedding day) spoke of her hope that police are closing in on his killer and said: 'Finally there is light at the end of the tunnel. We're hopeful of getting justice for Stuart.'
Mr Lubbock, 31, had been attending a party at Barrymore's luxury home in the Essex village of Roydon with eight other people on March 31, 2001
Police believe Mr Lubbock was sexually assaulted and murdered with his body possibly moved from a jacuzzi to ma
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