My little Dani

My little Dani

Estimated reading time: [13 min. ]

How a father seduced his wife's daughter and made her his wife.

How a father seduced his wife's daughter and made her his wife.

This story was told to me by a friend I met at a party. I never saw him again, but try to transcribe his story as best as possible. A yes that I will give a short introduction to summarize a little everything told by Javier and avoid boring them with details.

Javier got married when he was 27 years old with Yuriana - a beautiful lady 10 years older than him, besides Yuriana had a beautiful daughter of 9 years-. Despite the difference in ages, the marriage was wonderful and due to the unbeatable economic status of Yuriana the three Vivian luxury. The small daughter of Yuriana named Daniela (Dani de cariño) was always very precocious, this derived from the great open mentality of her mother. Javier for his part was always very affectionate with Dani even though he was not his daughter, he was always very open with the girl. The beautiful family lived of the best, they did not lack anything and the passion between Javier and Yuriana was the cornerstone of their good marriage. Both were having sex at every opportunity they had, they were definitely complete lovers.

(Up to this point I will continue the narration of the words of Javier himself).

We lived a wonderful life, Yuri's business went from strength to strength and mine too. Of our marriage or say, we were the most horny lovers in the world and we loved each other for real. My relationship with Dani was best friends, this because he never saw me as his father and I never saw her as a daughter. Dani was always very pretty, but in her sweetness there was also a very sweet precosida.

But happiness lasted very little, because after two years of marriage my beloved Yuri died in a tragic accident. From one moment to another I found myself in a very difficult situation in life, at 29 years old I was already a widower and with a small one to take care of. Dani was not even discarded, her mother no longer strives with her. Take strength I do not know where and I decided to take care of Dani as the best of parents.

The first year was difficult, but we surpassed it. The relationship between Dani and me became closer. The businesses also work, I sold almost everything Yuri left this added to my small fortune gave me the opportunity to live comfortably without worrying much about business. What I did was to buy a small chain of Cooffe's which is managed by my best friend and I only receive accounts.

Dani was already 12 years old and was shaping up to be a beautiful woman like her mother, although her breasts and hips were still small, they showed a beautiful silhouette that I especially liked a lot. Tall, brunette, honey-colored eyes and the most sensual mouth you can imagine. Obviously I did not see Dani as a woman, but it was a night that everything changed for me. I was in the living room watching TV when Dani suddenly appeared in her underpants and bodice as she used to sleep, she sat next to me and told me that she could not sleep, I embraced her and I laid her on my legs. The minutes passed and she gradually fell asleep, I began to admire her beautiful little body and suddenly I had an erection (for this I must say that since Yuri's death I had not had relations, after being very active I went to being almost a priest), a cold sweat ran through my body, a kind of excitement combined with fear. To avoid having bad thoughts take Dani and take her to her room, I put her to bed and there I left her not without first giving a final review of her beautiful and fine body. I did not know why that excitement, but the idea did not stop haunting my head for a long time.

The days passed and those bad thoughts were disappearing, I came to the conclusion of being a product of the lack of sex for a long time and that the solution was to go with any bar whore and have a night of cogedera and now. But fate is a bastard; one night I could not sleep because that day I got to smoke a lot, I went down from my room to the living room, I noticed that the television was on, I approached silently about 3 meters away if I made noise and discovered that Dani was lying down the armchair, but what I saw left me cold: On the TV an erotic movie (not porn) and Dani lying on the couch with her eyes closed, dressed in her usual underwear and bodice, the left hand ran through her vagina over the underpants and with his right hand he rubbed his little bosom with a little nudge. The scene caused an erection in me immediately, Dani was masturbating and I was watching her. I returned immediately to my room without my noticing. This caused bad thoughts to return.

To my disgrace, every day that passed Dani got better, they were a great moral martyrdom for me. After turning the matter over I made the decision to take what belonged to me. At the end of the day, Dani was not my blood and apart from that I had not taken much. And it was not for less, with Yuri had lots of sex, to the extent of hiring other women to have threesomes, and imagine the great sex life he was leading, and suddenly nothing at all. This added to the fact that Dani was a beautiful and flirtatious girl, I certainly had all the mitigating factors to do what I wanted to do with Dani. The desire blinded me completely, the easiest thing was to go out and find a woman and satisfy my appetite, but Dani had me spellbound and I could not think of anything else but her.

But how would I do so that Dani would accept having sex with me without forcing her?

Well, I created a small plan that would take a few months, but I hoped it would work.

I would take advantage of the situation that Dani was always a precocious girl, would induce the little girl to be interested in sex. The first thing I did was to propose to Dani that we take a sabbatical year in the house we had on the beach, obviously she accepted the most pleasant. The second part of the plan was to create a 100% sexual environment; unblock the pornos channels of all the TV's of the house, insert directions of porn pages in the browser of the computer, so she could enjoy in her room all the porn movies she would like. I also used to sit with her to watch movies with erotic content in the room and talk about sex issues openly with her. We used to walk in clothes too light for the house, since the heat on the beach is unbearable, this gave rise to both we could admire our bodies naturally. After a few weeks the atmosphere of the house became more sexual.

La tercera parte del plan consistía en seducir a Dani. Como el ambiente era de lo más acogedor, Dani y yo éramos una verdadera pareja, solíamos salir juntos a todos lados, platicar, jugar y decirnos constantemente lo mucho que nos queríamos (sin pasar al plano de amantes) . Yo hacia una verdadera labor de cortejo llenando a Dani con regalos y flores, recalcándole lo hermosa que me parecía y la belleza de su cuerpo; esto hacia que Dani se sonrojara y estremeciera.

Todo el plan corría de maravilla, pero faltaba la ultima parte, que consistía en tomar a Dani como mi mujer y vivir el resto e mis días con ella, ya que después de tanto cortejo y convivencia diaria con ella, en mi había nacido un nuevo amor que nunca había sentido.

Por fin llego su cumpleaños y es aquí donde consumaría mi plan. Para el día del su cumpleaños ya lo tenia todo planeado, así que por la mañana desperté a Dani, la felicite y le di uno se sus primeros regalos:

Dani- que esto Javier?

Javier- pues que no ves preciosa, es tu nueva tarjeta de crédito. De ahora en adelante podrás comprar lo que tu quieras. Ya eres toda una mujer y tienes gastos. También abrí una cuenta bancaria a tu nombre con una cantidad considerable de dinero para que por mucho tiempo no te preocupes por nada.

D- pero Javier, por que haces esto por mi?.

J- espera, aun falta más pequeña.

Saque de mi pantalón unas llaves y se las di junto con unos papeles. Ella se quedo un poco incierta.

D- y esto?

J- son las lleves y las escrituras de esta casa, ya que desde que tu madre ya no esta con nosotros tu pasaste a ser la mujer de la casa y la dueña total.

D- gracias Javier, te quiero mucho, mucho, mucho.

J- yo también mi amor, y recuerda que de hora en adelante eres la dueña de esta casa, ya no eres una niñita, así que tendrás que comportarte como toda una mujer, eh. Que te parece?

D- claro Javier, ya soy toda una mujer. Veras como seré una gran mujer.

J- bueno mi amor, dúchate y vístete, por que nos falta un largo día de sorpresas para ti. Te espero en el auto en 30 minutos.

D- ok.

Salí de su habitación y ella me despidió con un besito soplado. Ya en el auto, le dije a Dani que el itinerario del día:

J- primero iremos al centro comercial a desayunar e iremos a que te compres una tonelada de ropa acorde a tu nueva condición de mujer. Después iremos a ver una película, la que tu escojas, iremos a comer, regresaremos a la casa nos ducharemos y te mostrare otra gran sorpresa que te prepare.

D- todo eso haremos?, creo que quedare muy cansada.

J- ya lo creo que quedaras cansada mi amor.

En la plaza comercial recorrimos un sin fin de tienda y compramos una gran variedad de ropa. Sugerí a Dani comprar ropa atractiva, tangas, bikinis diminutos, a si como zapatos, cosmeticos y accesorios. Me moría de la excitación al solo imaginarla con esa ropita puesta. Ella estaba encantada yo aun más. Después de dejar la enorme cantidad de bolsa en el autos nos dirigimos al cine en donde vimos una película un poco aburrida, pero lo mejor de todo fue que no la pasamos abrazados toda la función como si de dos novios se tratara. Comimos en un Mc’donalds y fuimos rumbo a casa. Llegamos alrededor de las 6 de la tarde.

J- bueno pequeña, como te la has pasado hasta ahora?

D- Bien Javier, es fenomenal todo esto, me siento como una princesa.

J- como una reina... ¡mi reina!

D- y tú mi rey.

J- bueno mi reina hermosa, dúchate y ponte lo más sexy que te hallas comprado, por que falta la cena que prepare para ti y la ultima sorpresa que te tengo guardadita. Nos vemos a las 9 en el comedor. Y no bajes hasta esa hora OK.

D- ok mi rey, nos vemos al ratito.

Dani me mando un besito soplado y se retiro a su habitación, con esa cadencia característica en ella cuando camina.

A estas alturas Dani ya estaba mas que rendida a mis pies, yo notaba en su mirada como cada halago e insinuación mías tenían una cierta correspondencia de su parte.

Prepare todo, puse la mesa con velas, encargue comida Italiana, saque de la cava una botellita de vino tinto, me duche y me arregle con una camisa blanca, pantalón de vestir también blanco y sandalias, un poco de perfume y listo.

Dieron la 9 de la noche, yo esperaba impaciente en la entrada del comedor, la puerta de la habitación de Dani se abrió y ella apareció esplendorosa y radiante; vestía con un pantalón blanco a la cadera super ajustado, que marcaba sus caderas y la tanguita que traía puesta, un top color miel como de licra también super ajustado, que marcaba sus pequeños senos y dejaba al descubierto su abdomen plano y firme. Me quede paralizado, estaba ante mis ojos la mujer más hermosa que en mi vida halla visto. Cadenciosamente se acerco a mi y la tome de la mano.

D- que tal me veo?

J- guau, te ves espectacular reina mía.

D- Gracias, tu también te ves guapísimo mi rey.

J- gracias. Por que no vamos al comedor y cenamos?

D- Ok.

The dinner was perfect, the red wine Dani did not like at all, but I enjoyed the food to the fullest. After dinner we retired to the living room, put on some light music and danced for a while. Stuck with each other we stayed several minutes, I felt his breathing a little agitated and his heartbeat too; I could feel her body close to mine, it was a very exciting sensation, I do not know how I did it but I could contain the erection of me I punished, She hit more and more her body to mine and I rubbed her back lightly. Stuck as we were, she began to whisper in my ear.

D- Thanks for everything Javier.

J- You have nothing to thank my love, you deserve this and more.

D- I feel like Cinderella with her Prince Charming.

J- thanks for the prince, but let me tell you that you are the most beautiful princess in this world.

D- I love you Javier, as you have no idea.

J- I love you much more my life, so much that I think I love you.

D- I feel the same, swear to me please that you will always be with me.

J- If you swear to me the same, I will be with you all my life. You are my beautiful queen and I will always take care of you.

D- I love you Javier.

J- I also my beautiful queen.

I placed Dani on the couch and went to the fridge for a few beers. It was already done, there was nothing more to wait, Dani had fallen round my courtships, just missing the last move and it would be all mine. We drank the first beer without a word, we just looked at each other.

It was time for the final movement, I took Dani by the hand, I looked her straight in the eyes and I started:

J- Are you sure you want to always be with me?

D- Sure, yes. Why you ask?

J- good little one. What happens is that we do not contemplate some things.

D- I do not know what you mean.

J- Look Dani, I'm an adult and you're a woman. Do you know what that implies?

D- I think I do not understand well.

J- Look, I want to know what you mean when you tell me you love me.

D- well, I love you, because you've always taken care of me, now you do all this for me and I'm sure that your eh ... well ... I do not know how to tell you.

J- just say it.

D- is that you are a very special person for me, I have never met other men, but I am sure that nobody would do for me what you do, or make me feel or that you make me feel. When I am with you I feel happy, I feel free and protected. Besides you are a handsome and strong man, I have noticed how the girls are watching you and this makes me very jealous.

J- Are you telling me you like me? (pretending naivety)

D- yes Javier, and I do not want any lagartona to slip by.

J- Dani you are a beautiful woman and I must confess that I also like you a lot, but I am a man and I have needs, you understand me not?

D- I understand, but I am no longer a brat and I am willing to do everything to not lose you.

J- everything?

D- yes, everything?

Then I took my hand to the pocket of my trousers and took out a small box, I opened it and before his eyes a ring of diamonds appeared and I said:

J- Well, if you're ready, marry me!

Dani that open mouth. For a second I came to think that he would send me to hell. But it was not like that.

J- Tell me something, do not be quiet please. Do you accept or not?

D- Of course if Javier, I accept.

We stare into each other's eyes and if we wait a second we kiss, first it was a slow and romantic kiss; She did not kiss very skillfully but little by little she got hold of the rhythm and the kiss went up a little bit. Our mouths parted, we began to look again. After a few minutes we kissed again and again. I ran my body carefully with my hands. First her legs, then her back, I decided and also timidly approached my hand to her butt, she said nothing so I continued with her breasts. Let us separate, I lift the chair, and I carry it with my arms:

J- Well my love, what do you think if we went up to the room and spent our first night together, as good husbands we are now.

D- ok

He did not say more, in his look I could see a mixture of fear and horny. She knew what would happen and I knew that she would finally take that body that she had wanted for many months.

I raised her to my room in my arms and laid her on the bed; She looked at me timidly, I approached her and kissed her, our tongues played joyfully inside our mouths.

J- Take off your clothes my love. You will not need it

She obediently began to lower her pants, then continued with the top, her small breasts sprouted from the prison they were in. I for my part stripped of all my clothes, my member immediately jump from the enormous pressure I was in, she was looking at him for a second, I approached her kissed her passionately, I laid her on the bed and started kissing her little body , from her neck, down her two breasts, I licked them gently biting her nipples lightly, she just closed her eyes and moaned timidly. Then I went down to her belly to admire that tiny tanguita that she was wearing, little by little I went down her until her beautiful little shell appeared before me, I put my face close and I could smell her fragrance for a second, without waiting for my tongue to come closer to her rajita and began to chaparla, she began to moan with more force, I opened her vaginal lips and uncovered her clitoris to be able to lick it in all its grandeur, she shivered more and more, her humidity increased along with her moans, so I was about minutes until she was wet enough and ready to receive my member.

I went up to her face and kissed her:

J- Are you liking my love?

D- yes, very much.

J- Now comes the best little princess.

D- I'm scared, you do not think that I'm very dull.

J- Maybe my love hurts, but you just relax and leave everything to me, I swear I will not hurt you.

D- ok

I put a small cushion under her back, I opened her legs and brought my penis to her tender vagina, very, very slowly I introduced it, she only bit her lips and moaned (I do not know if of pleasure or pain), the humidity of her concha helped my member to sink more easily, and there was little left, so I dropped on it and with one push I pushed it to the bottom, she let out a scream (mixture of pain and pleasure), so that little by little I started my movements of moves in and out, with each thrust she buried more and more her nails in my back, but I continued in my work without worrying about anything, the pleasure was increasing for both, obviously she was still feeling pain, I I increased my rhythm my movements, the sweat of our bodies melted into a single drop, their moans gave me courage to continue with more power; I felt like flying, from one moment to another I would reach ecstasy, I went even higher, she moaned more and more:

J- you like my love.

D- sssi. mme gggusta muchoooo.

J- I love you princess, I love you.

Oh oh I come.

My penis swelled announcing the arrival of ecstasy, I could feel as one jet after another came out of my swollen member, flooded all of my vagina with my semen, we convulsed at the same time. After the great storm came calm, we stayed in the same position, I resisted taking my penis from his pussy, but my member began his rest after such hard work. We looked and kissed, I noticed how some tears had stained his face (possibly pain), but she smiled at me and I kissed her for a long time.

J- It was great, my love. I really enjoyed it.

D- I also love. I love you. I will be your woman forever true.

J - of course my life, you will see how we will spend whole nights of love and sex as good husbands that we are, right?

D- yes, I am all yours, my love, I want to make love with you all my life.


It was a great night, we kept talking and planning our new life as a couple. For obvious reasons it was impossible to get married, but when she came of age, we would consummate the agreement. While I would continue to enjoy that beautiful little body for a long time.

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