My dearest, Yumna

My dearest, Yumna


Hei, my love. I hope you percelve all the happiness i transmit to you when I write this letter when you read it, and I hope it makes you happy. I could not finish this letter of i describe all my love for you. Words would not be enough. Just thinking of you makes me write this.

Thank you for being the one I fell in love with. Thank you not for just being in my life and for sticking around, but for reminding me that even broken things can be loved. You mean so much to me. I care about you more than you can ever know, and it fucking hurts seeing you hurt. You deserve happiness. And I mean real happiness; true happiness. The kind of happiness that makes your heart fill with warmth.

To me, you were the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. You made me feel comfortable whenever i talk to you.

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