My Young Sister Pussy

My Young Sister Pussy


So as summer arrives, I visited my sisters school ( she's now a seventh grader) I saw that during her gym class she wore spandex and knee high boots ( that's just what she does) but for some reason while they were running there was a bunch of boys following her and stoping to do what looked like the waistband trick and then kept going. I pulled her aside and told her what happened and she told me that she saw them tucking their waistbands often but she never knew what for. what should I do?
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Does anyone have idea why they would even get an erection?
How should I handle this because she has hada boy experience with boys so stuff like erections scare her
Why do guys keep getting erections around my little sister?
74 opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic.
To be fair, it is high school and I've learned that high school boys can't seem to control their erections as well as older men can. We can't always control the physical responses we incite in others, but knee high boots doesn't sound remotely practical for a gym class. If she isn't breaking the dress code and she isn't purposefully trying to get these reactions, then I don't think it's her fault or anyone's fault for that matter. We are human beings, hardwired for procreation, especially in our teen years. I say just leave it alone. It's good that you let her know, but what else can be done? You don't expect her to dress like a nun because someone else finds her attractive.
279 opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic.
I can't really imagine a bunch of kids of this age chasing after a girl in gym class with erections. How do you know they aren't adjusting the inside draw string to their shorts? Have you seen erections? or are you assuming?
I would say you can't do anything regarding this situation, your sister shouldn't wear knee high boots in gym class either... That's weird!
As for adolescent boys liking girls... This is normal. You're a guy... You should know this.
First off she wears boots because she isn't required to wear sneakers for gym. Second of all I have seen erections as I have multiple guys who get them because I wear a sports bra and spandex for gym class. Plus when they do it there is normally a small bump peeping out from their t shirt since they wear tighter t shirts.
Awesome, why are you asking for opinions then?
Tell her to kick their asses with her big boots on!
It's not her fault at all. It might get creepy and worse in the future, maybe give her some light encouragement to just wear jogging pants. If it continues, tell somebody maybe? Sounds like a complicated situation you have there.
how about neither. It isn't her fault, she is wearing acceptable gym clothes.
And you don't need to intervene. Boys that age get boners, and they notice your sister. Unless you plan to put her in a burqa, you have to accept that your sister, like ever other girl at that school, is being looked at by the boys she goes to school with.

Unless they DO something (other than have erections) there is no reason for you to do, or say, anything.

Why would they get an erection? Because they are pubescent, hormones are effecting them, and they see a girl they think looks good.
I don't think you realize how often that happens to boys in middle school. It happens for no reason sometimes. In puberty, you start getting erections out of nowhere--a lot. I guess seeing some curves would help that along, if she's dressing proactively--or even if she's not dressing provocatively. But you don't need to feel threatened by erections. That's just silly. You should do nothing. I assure you, just because they have random erections doesn't mean they're suddenly dangerous.
No it's because she had a bad experience with guys in the past so stuff like that scares her
Well, that's understandable. She should understand that it's just a biological thing. 99% of males aren't going to want to have a boner in front of a girl. It's embarrassing. That's why they tuck it under the waistband. But, sure, maybe she shouldn't wear tight-fitting spandex if that's something she's worried about. Not blaming her or anything. Just saying cause and effect. To just do what she can to minimize the possibility of her getting scared.
He loses his erection when I touch him and sometimes during sex, but comes quite quickly during sex...what's going on here?
Did I give him an erection while we were at the movies on a date?
2.4K opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic.
Why would they get an erection?

Because they think she's hot

7th grade many of us guys do get random boners even with the thought of sex. I had to stay sitting down even when the bell rang a few times.

Never seen/heard of a guy with a boner while running or in public. She must be super developed for her age.
I would advise her to change her cloths.
Thanks. I was thinking of making her wear shorts instead
can't really say without knowing what she looks like you know? So i'll just offer a few scenarios.
one is she hot? if so then there's your answer.
Two: there could be a rumour or story going round that she puts out and that could lead people to think about her sexually.
three: there could be a story going round that she would never put out and the same as above but as an added challenge.
four: it was because of someone else
She is considered quite grown up for her age... But she doesn't do all those sexual things
Sorry can't offer anything else without knowing what she looks like but I assume by grown up you mean physically?
Yep. She worked in modeling when she was younger so she is considered quite beautiful
then do you really need to ask why guys react to your beautiful sister?
No but they were running behind her so that's why
1.5K opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic.
you need to intervene? what are you going to say " you boys stop getting erect around my sister"?

you don't do anything. if a girl gets aroused when she sees a boy should someone do something? there's nothing to do.
haha oh that makes more sense. it may help but boys are boys and may be attracted to her regardless
It’s normal for boys that age to become aroused by your sister. Especially if she’s wearing what she does for gym class. It would be kinda concerning if they weren’t. FYI it sounds like your sister is going to be very popular with the opposite sex. You might even notice her getting looks from older men 10-20 years older than her. Snap me if you have anymore questions Snap - b_black420
1.1K opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic.
I don't really think you'd be able to do much after all they get boners al the time at that age.
They're boys who are just hitting puberty. Basically anything can give them an erection so it's no big deal and you don't have to do anything about
Hilarious that you're disapproving your younger sister for doing something she apparently learned from watching her older sister.

Smoke some legal recreational herb and get over your jealousy of your sister attracting guys, and grow up.
164 opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic.
They're 7th grade boys. All they have to do is hear the word "boner" and they'll get one
what you mean by tucking their waistbands? i dont get it
It's when you take an erection and tuck it into the waistband of the pants that are being worn.
well then tell your sister to wear some more clothes and dont wear any revealing clothes
"Tell your sister what to wear because teenage boys can't control themselves."
@SweetHomicidalQueen I'm saying I would talk to her about wearing longer shorts instead of spandex
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this guys are gonna get boners even is she changes her clothes she just has to accept that.
i would recommend to stay close to her friends, the bigger the bunch the safer and more reclutant boys would be to get close to them
54 opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic.
sex is the solution, don't get caught not acceptable according to society dogs do it, be a dog
I don't know depends on how attractive she is
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Read Deidre’s personal replies to today’s problems
I KISSED my sister to comfort her after her boyfriend dumped her and we ended up having sex on her sofa.
She has a good job, a flat of her own and a nice car but her partner was a rat.
She’s beautiful but he made her feel worthless.
He was always calling her names. When he cheated he somehow made her feel it was her fault.
Nobody in our family has ever liked him. She is 21 and I am 25.
She called me one evening a couple of months ago and was in bits. She said her boyfriend had been seeing someone else and when she confronted him he called her fat and ugly.
He threw his clothes into a bin bag and stormed out, saying they were finished for good.
She was crying and saying she must be really ugly because she didn’t deserve to be loved.
I went round there straight away to comfort her. I put my arms round her and cuddled her to reassure her.
I told her she is pretty and cute and I kissed her on the lips. She stopped crying and asked if I meant it. I said yes and kissed her again more passionately.
We both got carried away, went into her bedroom and had sex. It was mind-blowing.
I stayed the night in her bed and we had sex again next morning. We both enjoyed it but agreed we needed to keep it secret.
I couldn’t forget about it though, and I went round two days later to talk about it.
We ended up in bed again and it was even better. We have carried on having sex since then. This morning she dropped the bombshell that she is pregnant and it is my baby.
She wants me to move in with her and us to live as a couple.
DEIDRE SAYS: Brother and sister can sometimes find each other attractive, because you grew up together and feel so comfortable in one another’s company, but that doesn’t mean it is all right to have a sexual relationship. In fact, it is illegal.
You and your sister must stop having sex. It’s not just that you could both be in serious trouble with the law and your family, but that it is trapping you both when you should be out there forming other relationships.
Don’t move in with her as that would make it hard to resist temptation.
You both need to get out with other friends and look for a loving relationship
outside the family. It is a key part of growing up.
If she goes ahead with the pregnancy, there will be so many questions about who the dad is, which could be difficult to deal with and think how this would be for the child.
My e-leaflet on Unplanned Pregnancy explains more and Brook help under 25s with this sort of problem (
You can text them for advice on 07537 402024.
I WAS so frustrated when I discovered my partner had gambled away our mortgage money yet again, I threw a casserole of hot food at him and he called the police.
He admitted he had a gambling problem during our first year together. He promised to get help and I said I would support him but it’s been so difficult.
He stopped for a few weeks but then started again. That has been the pattern for 18 months. I’m 31, he’s 29 and we live together, buying our own house now.
He has agreed to get help and we’ve decided to try starting our relationship afresh with date nights once a week. But even if we get back on track and he stops gambling, I am always going to think, “What next?”
DEIDRE SAYS: He has said he’s going to get help before so he has to understand this really is his last chance. GamCare can help (, 0808 8020 133).
He should only have access to cash he needs for basics for the day and you should have control of your joint money for bills, credit cards, bank account etc.
My e-leaflet Gambler In The Family explains more.
I’M looking after my mother as she recovers from stomach cancer so life is tough enough, but I think my boyfriend of two years is cheating on me again.
I’m a gay man of 25 and an only child. He is 22.
When my mum fell ill six months ago he agreed that we should care for her.
We are so in love but he has cheated on me loads. Now every time I enter the room I hear frantic clicking from his laptop. When I look, it’s magically on the home screen. I can’t just throw him out because his family are homophobic.
I used to feel confident and have a good body image but that’s slowly ebbing away. I’m worried about my mum as well. I don’t know what to do.
DEIDRE SAYS: You are under a lot of pressure and it seems your boyfriend is not up to being supportive.
His horrible family background won’t have set a good example but you can’t accept his cheating.
Tell him he must either commit to being faithful, or go. Then the choice is his.
I’m sending you My Gay Resources e-leaflet. For further help see Macmillan Cancer Support (macmillan., 0808 808 0000).
MY boyfriend eyes up other girls so much, I wonder if he’s fantasising about them.
He does it all the time whenever we are out. It eats me up and I end up having a go at him about it. He denies it but even my friends have noticed.
We have been together for four years. I’m 20 and he’s 22.
He says he loves me and nobody else and wants us to be happy, yet we don’t have sex very often.
When we do, it’s all about him. There’s no foreplay and it only lasts a few minutes.
I generally feel that he is just with me because I am there and I put up with it all, but am I being paranoid?
DEIDRE SAYS: If friends have noticed, you are clearly not being paranoid.
My e-leaflet How To Have Great Sex will help but you must spell out to him what it takes to be a good lover.
Putting more energy into his sex life could stop his eyes wandering. If not, he will never make you happy.
I LOVE my wife but it’s not her I’m thinking about when we are having sex.
Our marriage is good and we get on great. I’m 27, she is 24.
She has a sister who is two years younger. I didn’t take much notice of her at first but she looked stunning at a party last year and I couldn’t take my eyes off her.
Since then, when I have sex with my wife, I think about her sister. I’m so confused.
DEIDRE SAYS: Your wife’s sister probably shares some of the characteristics that attracted you to your wife in the first place but with the spice of being forbidden.
Make no mistake, letting your thoughts focus on her is going to cause big trouble.
When your mind wanders, open your eyes, look at your wife and remind yourself that she is the one you are with.
My e-leaflet 50 Ways To Add Fun To Sex will help you pep up the sex and knock out thoughts of anyone else.
ONE in five men suffer from loss of sex drive at some point. That isn’t surprising when stress and depression can knock passion for six. My e-leaflet Reviving A Man’s Sex Drive explains what you and your partner can do. Email the address below for a copy.
EVERY problem gets a free personal reply.
Email me here, private message me on Facebook, or write to Deidre Sanders, The Sun, London SE1 9GF (please enclose SAE).
You can also follow me on Twitter @deardeidre.
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My Young Sister Pussy

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