My Woman Cheating Xxx

My Woman Cheating Xxx


My Woman Cheating Xxx
by Laura Ongaro Published: Mar 31, 2015
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Even if you’re sure your woman would never stray, the urge may pop up at one of these times
First, let me defend the sisterhood by saying, many, many women don’t cheat.
Especially when we’re in happy relationships. If we’re really into a guy, we’re loyal-from-first-kiss. Faithfulness is hardwired into our female circuitry, like our need to cuddle and to buy shoes.
Now, the unfortunate exception: Some do. Okay, a lot
Do: The incidence of extramarital intercourse for women is 25 percent, and the estimate of single women who’ve cheated is even higher.
And if a woman is going to cheat, there are surprisingly specific times when she’s likely to do it.
Pay attention, because even if you’re sure your woman would never stray, the urge may pop up at one of these times. Then put our advice to work, because the follow-through doesn’t have to happen.
She ’ s Turning 25 or 30 or 35 or . . .
Decade and half-decade birthdays trigger navel-gazing-figuratively, and perhaps literally. A woman asks herself, “What have I been doing for the past 5 years?”
“She’ll think deeply about her love life and its direction, and if it’s not going the way she planned, she might jump at the chance to correct it with an affair,” says Don-David Lusterman, Ph.D., a psychologist and the author of Infidelity: A Survival Guide .
The incidence of birthday cheating triples in women who report being in unhappy relationships, according to a survey by .
The plan: Be there.
There are 2 nights when every straight woman wants a man in her bed: New Year’s Eve and her birthday. Leave her solo and you’re giving her permission—and reason—to cheat.
And remember, birthday sex is about the birthday girl. Presents are good, too. Especially jewelry.
She ’ s Been Promoted
Women like to have projects and goals. When she reaches a milestone-say, in her career—she may start to think, Now what? says Bonnie Eaker Weil, Ph.D., author of Can We Forgive Adultery? Staying Not Straying .
For her next challenge, she may focus on another big part of her life—say, her relationship.
Riding the high of her work success, she’ll feel that goals are achievable, and she’l be motivated to get the rest of her life on track.
Also, women with fat salaries are more likely to cheat.
A University of Washington study found that people who earned $75,000 or more per year were 1.5 times more likely to have had extramarital sex than those earning less than $30,000.
The plan: Brag about your woman ’ s promotion.
“Most guys make the mistake of not doing enough to celebrate their girlfriends’ accomplishments,” says Scott Haltzman, M.D., a clinical assistant professor of psychiatry and human behavior at Brown University.
“When she sees you honoring her, she’ll feel as valued by you as she does at work.”
Translation: She won’t look for that emotion elsewhere—like in the marketing veep’s bed.
She ’ s Moving in with You
Yes, it was probably her idea. But now that you’re together 24-7 and sharing every detail of your lives, there’s not as great a need to keep the conversation flowing every minute.
“She could subconsciously interpret this as meaning that you think she’s boring, says Stuart Fischoff, Ph.D., a professor of psychology at California State University at Los Angeles.
“If there’s someone else around who finds her attractive and intriguing—and shows it—she might go for him instead.” 
(A survey found that 41 percent of women who’ve cheated did it with a coworker.)
And again, with the whole goal thing-now that you’ve moved in together, she’ll be thinking about the next step, such as engagement or marriage.
“Face it, most women want marriage, and they want to have children,” says Susan Heitler, Ph.D., author of The Power of Two .
“If you’re withholding either or both, you’re inviting the risk of her turning to someone else who can make that commitment and give her children.”
The plan: Make it clear that you ’ re thinking of living together as a starting point.
Talk about the future. Talk about her in your future.
She Thinks You ’ ve Cheated
Revenge affairs are common. Women have them in an attempt to restore self-esteem and feel desirable again.
“It comes down to human nature,” Heitler says. “She’ll want to get even.” She won’t necessarily go out looking to hook up, but when she’s tempted, the fact that you’ve done it may weaken her self-control.
The plan: If you are cheating or have cheated before, confess and apologize.
A survey conducted by Peggy Vaughan, author of The Monogamy Myth , showed that 86 percent of couples who discussed one partner’s affair were still married, compared with 59 percent of couples who barely talked about it.
If you’re not cheating, you have one paranoid woman on your hands.
She probably has low self-confidence. Your job: Compliment her, sincerely, specifically, and often.
“You can make her feel better about herself so she won’t become vulnerable to these unfounded suspicions,” Fischoff says.
She ’ s Not Getting Enough
Oxytocin, a hormone that plays a central role in our urge to bond, spikes to levels three to five times higher than usual just before orgasm.
The hormone is more intense in females than in males, so women develop a stronger sense of bonding through sex.
“If the two of you are not having as much sex as you used to, she might interpret this as a sign that you don’t find her attractive and that you don’t love her,” Fischoff says.
“She may seek someone outside the relationship to validate that she’s still sexually attractive.”
A so-so sex life could also mean you have unresolved problems between you.
Research conducted by Shirley Glass, Ph.D., author of Not Just Friends , found that 79 percent of cheating women cited dissatisfaction in the marriage as the cause.
The plan: Have more sex.
If she’s the one who doesn’t want sex, investigate why. Fix it. Get naked.
She ’ s Ready to Bolt
One more reason a woman might cheat: She wants to dump you.
Infidelity can break up couples, so she might cheat on purpose as an easy out.
David Buss, a Ph.D., a professor of psychology at the University of Texas at Austin and the author of The Evolution of Desire , asked 100 men and women which tactic they would use to get out of a bad relationship.
One of the most common answers: Start an affair.
The plan: She sucks—let her go.
You’re free!
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We all start relationships with the best intentions. We meet someone, fall in like, and then in love, and pretty soon we’re picking out impossible-to-build furniture at IKEA and planning weekend trips to New Orleans. It’s great. It’s lovely. It really is. But then some of us begin to feel an itch. Sometimes it’s because we begin to notice major relationship red flags , like maybe your once-sweet beloved now wants to control you, all the way up to knowing your Facebook password; or maybe they’re suddenly just incredibly mean to other people for absolutely no reason. Other times, relationships take a turn when we’re simply looking for something that our current significant other isn’t providing.
However it starts, cheating often begins as an emotional affair — but things can quickly escalate to a physical level if it’s not nipped in the bud. And then, of course, sometimes your partner just isn’t doing it for you sexually anymore, and you give in to carnal pleasures while you’re out on the town one night.
The point is, these things happen. You might not think you’d ever be that person, but then who ever starts a relationship wondering when they’ll end up stepping out on their partner? Some of us know what it’s like to be cheated on , but many of us tend to think that if we’re careful enough, we’ll never get caught. And sure, sometimes it does happen that way, but many folks do get caught (or hell, even confess), and it certainly isn’t pretty, no matter how it goes down. I got the inside scoop from 12 different women on what it was like the moment that they finally knew the jig was up:
"The first time I cheated, my husband begged for a reconciliation while he was in rehab, but I told him that had already moved on. Not my...favorite moment. The second affair, I confessed. Not immediately, but I did come clean and my boyfriend and I talked about it at length and decided to open our relationship."
"My partner knew for at least a week or two before confronting me. They came home from work and walked in, took my car keys out of my purse (the car was paid for by both of us, but in their name), said they knew about the other person and demanded I leave. Later found out they knew because they had me followed and then had emptied our joint savings account ahead of time. They were yelling at me and threatening me as I called my mom to come pick me up."
"I was unhappy in my relationship but hadn’t been able to end it. I left on a trip for 3 weeks out of town, where I met a guy I started an emotional relationship with. Eventually, we went out dancing and we kissed. I had to call my boyfriend right away to break it off, but he immediately accused me of cheating. I told him I had met someone, but that I hadn’t slept with them yet. He wouldn’t let me break up with him over the phone. I continued my emotional affair and we made out a few times but didn’t have sex. When I came back home, I called my boyfriend up and told him we needed to break up for real. He demanded I see him in person but I refused. He called me a whore and a bunch of other terrible things I can’t bother to repeat. I knew I’d made the right decision in breaking up with him."
"First marriage, the man I cheated on my husband with was my husband's friend and confessed to him. Later, my husband confronted me in the car, and I denied it at first, then admitted it. The whole thing was awful and miserable. The sex wasn't even worth it. I was just angry because I thought he was cheating on me."
"After I cheated, I called my boyfriend the next day and told him what had happened. I broke up with him in that phone call and went on to date the guy I had cheated on him with for a while. In the end, it was good that I got out of the old relationship, even if it took cheating with a new interest to make me finally sever ties — he was an abusive/controlling/manipulative asshole and it took getting away and meeting someone nicer to be able to see that."

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Are you worried your wife is messing around on you? You may be right. Usually, the gut knows the truth, according to relationship experts at MSN. One study found almost a fifth of women interviewed admitted to cheating on their current partners. That’s a scary statistic.
Here are some major warning signs your wife might be cheating on you.
According to the experts, the rates of cheating start to rise among girls in their early 30’s after they’ve been married for at least 7 years.
There’s no doubt that working women are much more likely to cheat on their partners than a stay at home mom. To add to this, they are more likely to get nasty with a co-worker. On the flip side, it’s the same for men.
It comes down to opportunity. Naturally, we tend to fall in love with the people we are around most often. So, if your girl is working long hours with her co-workers, you might want to consider that she might be cheating on you, particularly if she talks about a guy regularly and especially if he isn’t hard on the eyes.
Highly paid women are more likely to cheat; that’s a fact. The same goes for men. There is something about financial security and power that play into the mindset.
When you take a second to think about it, it really does make sense. With money comes independence, and with independence comes the mindset you can get away with things you normally wouldn’t. If your girl makes lots of money and you suspect she is cheating, she is.
The facts state second marriages are much higher in divorce than a first marriage. So, if your wife was married once or even twice before you, then you need to be wary of the fact she might stray. Be aware.
Truth be told, often women that have grown up with a parent that has cheated wind up being cheaters themselves. Now, it’s really not fair to judge, but you do need to consider the proven scientific stats behind this point.
History often repeats itself because you only know what you have learned in the environment in which you have grown up.
When a girl says she isn’t happy in her marriage, she’s more than five times more likely to cheat on her man than women that say their marriage is happy.
Funny thing is, women think an affair is perfectly fine when they aren’t happy in their marriage. She’s likely trying to keep it together for the kids, which is super sad.
Studies show that women who have a one-year-old child say they are less satisfied with their marital relations. Weird but true. So, if you and your wife have a young child, it’s important to consider that your wife might be messing around on you.
Gals who don’t attend church or synagogue are more than 3 times more likely to cheat on their man than a woman who attends her religious practice at least once a week. That’s a tough statement for me to accept, but I don’t have the scientific data to challenge it.
If your wife has no religion, you are best to beware.
When couples attend therapy, they tend to report they spend very little time together.
Too bad guys believe that, once they are married, there is no more work to do, that their wife will accept them as they are and be faithful forever. Talk about a stupid assumption.
This is where the wife will wander off in search of a man who gives her value and meaning, pays attention to her, and makes her feel special.
One major reason a wife will go in search of validation outside her marriage is to find a man who gives her validation, a purpose, and makes her feel like she is beautiful and valuable.
The ego boost means everything when it comes to figuring out whether your wife is cheating on you.
Studies show it’s the gals who are a bit narcissistic and crave sexual excitement. Think of these women as the loose cannons that don’t really think about the consequences of their immediate actions.
Did you know women who are extroverted are the most likely to be hit on by gents?
A little something you need to pay attention to.
If you have a wife that’s hot, there is no doubt she is going to get hit on again and again. It doesn’t matter whether she is wearing a ring because guys are seriously relentless when they are looking for that hot and special girl to parade around.
This is a tough one because you know your gal is always wondering if there is another guy out there that’s better for her.
This is a red flag signal your wife is cheating. If she decides suddenly to hit the gym daily to lose weight and get back her rock-hard body, you can be certain it’s not for you.
Is she getting her hair done and looking like a zillion bucks whenever she leaves the house?
If she is doing all this, you can be sure it’s not for you.
If your wife suddenly starts introducing sex toys or a favorite new position you knew nothing about, you can bet your bottom dollar she is cheating. A newfound interest in being sexy, in general, in a marriage is cause for question.
Be wary of this one because, if you didn’t teach this to her, you’ve got to ask yourself who did.
Research shows a woman that is ovulating nearly doubles her fantasies about other men. This just means you need to understand you are not the only man in the picture. Look at the facts here. If you aren’t the only man on her mind, that means she’s with or wants to be with someone else.
It’s never easy to accept the fact your wife is probably cheating on you. In fact, that totally sucks. Consider these facts because it’s better for you to figure this out sooner than later.
Is there an acceptable reason for your wife to cheat? Probably not, but keep in mind there are two sides to every story. According to The Telegraph , many men and woman cheat and have been cheated on at some point. That’s pretty sad news!
Studies show men and women tend to cheat for very different reasons. Guys stray because they are searching for the “get the job done” sex, and women just want some sizzle with a dash of connection. Men seem to do just fine skipping that connection part.
Makes perfect sense if you look at it from an evolutionary standpoint, where the men were providers and procreators, and the women were the nurturing type caregivers.
When a woman isn’t happy with her relationship in the big picture, not just the sex, she will step outside the marriage to find that missing piece or pieces with another man.
It’s much easier to figure out if a woman is cheating because all you need to do is analyze her behavior and connect the dots.
Pay attention to the following “types” of women for hard set clues your wife might be cheating on you.
There are women who expect men to meet their every need, no matter how frivolous or ridiculous it is. She might set you up to fail miserably or perhaps she puts pressure on you to fulfill all her dreams and expectations.
This type of woman is much less likely to be content or find satisfaction in a relationship. Her solution is to justify her wants, needs. and expectations and cheat, hoping to find a man that will give her everything her heart desires and more.
This type of women likely doesn’t know what she wants in bed or doesn’t have the guts to ask you for it. Too bad you can’t read her mind. Maybe she’s having a tough time picturing you as the father to her future kids.
Because communication is everything, this woman will have no issues stepping outside the sanctity of marriage to try to find the man who will please her in bed. Too bad she didn’t give you a real shot!
There are women who fall into the arms of marriage expecting the honeymoon to last forever. When your wife craves the emotional excitement of desire and making love to a new partner, she might be stuck in the adventurous honeymoon phase, and this might push her to cheat on you.
Be wary if this is the type of women you’re hitched to.
If a woman is self-conscious and doesn’t believe in herself, she often goes outside of herself to look for validation by other men. Essentially, she’s got a dainty ego that gets smashed easily.
Think of her as a player who lacks self-confidence and has the constant need and desire to be told how amazing
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