My Wife's A Whore

My Wife's A Whore


My Wife's A Whore

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My Wife Wants to Be a Whore … And She Wants Me to Be Her Pimp!

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The intimate, the harrowing, the sweet, the surprising — the human.
Because if you don’t, 20 other willing participants will.
EUGENE, SIR: My wife has just let me know that she has a whore obsession. We have three kids and have been married since she was 23 and I was 25. She is 45 now and says it had been building for a while but everything about it turns her on. She wanted to tell me because the fantasy was getting overpowering. Not so that I could stop her but because she needed to explain why she had been so bored in bed the last few years. To this end she wants me to be her “pimp.” Find men for her to have sex with. Charge them. She has suggested doing this through Craigslist or Eros Guide. If I say no, I’m afraid she’ll do it anyway. If I say yes I am concerned about the repercussions. Legal and otherwise. What should I do? – Name withheld
Standing between someone and a long-held fantasy is a tough place to be. While on the one hand it’s terrible to think of a fantasy going unrealized, on the other hand your concerns are well placed. Prostitution last year was a $186 billion industry on the backs of about 13,265,900 prostitutes. Women associated with the trade are arrested much more frequently than men, assorted studies show . Which means whether you’re getting busted for pimping or she’s getting busted for whoring, the justice system is, in all likelihood, going to be part of your future. 
But these are legal concerns and don’t get to the root of the emotional/relational aspect of what your wife has told you, something that, to my ears, doesn’t sound like it upsets you much and it probably shouldn’t. I mean the last few years of lackluster sex would be enough to open your mind to much that your mind wouldn’t have been open to before. How to handle it is what you’re asking and my suggestion is this: Go to your local swingers’ group and advertise your kink. Under the purview of play and the money not being the primary motive you might be able to avoid legal backlashes. I mean if you’re not collecting cash you’re not a pimp even if the whoring seems the same. 
Try this along with whatever seems more comfortable: You being present or you not being present. This will either improve your marriage or kill it but if it doesn’t improve it, it was going to die anyway. It’s a bold giant step into doing something different and adventurous — and it’s dangerous from any number of different viewpoints. But it seems like you’ve reached a crisis point anyway and something needs to be done, so why not this? Conceal it from the kids like you do the rest of your sex life, be super circumspect about it and hope for the best.
EUGENE, SIR: I had deep suspicions that my boyfriend (we live together) was cheating. Mostly on account of finding underwear around that wasn’t mine. I’m not proud of this but I set up a camera so I could see what was happening at our place when I’m not there. He teaches and gets home from work first. I discovered that this is his underwear. I mean it’s women’s underwear but that’s what he is wearing. Other things too. Whole outfits. He’s alone when doing this. Not so fun to watch but not something to end the relationship over. I want to know how to get this out in the open so we don’t have to have secrets. – Colleen
I think you mean you want to know how to get this out in the open without revealing the creepy presence of home surveillance, yes? Since if you reveal you’ve been secretly home taping, it opens up a whole can of worms that causes what you found out to be overshadowed by HOW you found out. And how you found out — by hiding teeny tiny cameras all over the house you shared with one other person — no matter what the motivation, is all harm and foul. 
Relationships can be a dirty business and sloppiness regarding the women’s underwear he might be wearing could also be a harbinger of other sloppiness to come. So call what you did dirty due diligence — had he not started it by leaving his flimsy underthings hither and yon, you’d have never gone down the Inspector Gadget road to begin with. 
But how to get this out in the open? Well, there are two paths you can go by: Admit to the hidden camera as how you found out or don’t admit to the camera but do admit to the finding of the panties.
The former could also be divided into telling the truth about the camera or telling a lie connected to needing it for “security” reasons or something else similarly threadbare. I’ll never advise you to lie so if you tell the truth you’ll have a lot of heavy lifting to do since it might be argued that he left the underwear around to spark a discussion, not to incur the creep factor of home surveillance, and you may lose this one.
However, if you go with the technically accurate though parsed truth — you found his underwear — this lets you broach the topic without admitting to malfeasance and the discussions can begin. And I’d guess you know that most studies show that this particular kink is not an automatic indicator of homosexuality, if you were even tempted to think that. Moreover there are great resources out there, like Transformation , where he can go as deep as you and he are interested in going.
In any case, asking about the underwear would be a necessary first step and the least loaded and possibly most successful way to go. 


The intimate, the harrowing, the sweet, the surprising — the human.
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Most of the time, certain women indulge in prostitution out of a need for financial resources. However, in today’s world, love of authority and fame, or even the simple need to be maintained by men in return for sex, often propels women into this path voluntarily. If you see these signs in the woman you are currently dating you need no soothsayer to tell you that she’s definitely a whore.
She’s obsessed about money and is excessively materialistic. When her thinking is always about money, she can easily be seduced with offer of money and sometimes asks you for money after sex. She might even be running current bank accounts with an undisclosed source of income. If a young woman suddenly starts buying Louis Vuitton fashions, hanging out at expensive big city discos and taking out of state vacations, you should worry. All these things require a great deal of ready cash. Whores think about buying latest wigs, latest expensive wears, and even rides posh cars. They are so desperate in having money and opening their legs for anything so far it brings out money. They despise poverty and men who have low income.
A whore can never display affection to her partner in public. She will always give excuses for why she can’t. Modern decent women have no problem with light petting or affectionate display in public. If she dislikes your hand on her thigh or complains about a casual brush on her ass when in public, it is a sign of emotional disconnection from you or a sign that you are below her standard and you are just a customer she’d like to be intimate with in private. If she’s already been intimate with you before, she ironically dresses sexily or she comes from a sexualized cultural background, this post-sex public self consciousness becomes an even greater red flag.
The gym is ripe with opportunity for women to sex. It is an atmosphere where everyone has tight, revealing clothing and everyone is there to work up a sweat. You add the testosterone that people are bound to produce through exercise and the taut, muscular bodies that inhabit the gym and you have the perfect recipe for an affair. And the trainers have an intense, personal relationship with the people that they train. Their job is to push your woman to do more than she thought she could. They are charismatic motivators and muscle bound who touch your woman regularly in all places that you dream about touching her. Trainers know how to talk to women because their job dictates that they build solid relationships with them. So, if your girl is always at the gym but not losing weight, then her trainer is pushing her hard, but from behind with no clothes on her body.
Never discusses her past sexual experiences
First of all, women normally ask these types of questions first, so the fact that you had to ask her is your first indicator that she might be slutty. But anyway, whenever you ask her about her past, she changes the subject. When she is cornered on the subject, she blows you instead of answering you (in case you missed that, she just solved her problem with sex). Even though you asked her how many people that she slept with first, she asks you what your number is and then gives you a number that is lower than that. This means that either your girlfriend has been in the backseat of so many cars that she has lost count or she knows that 167 sex partners is a lot for anybody.
When she’s fond of speaking out in favor of prostitutes and admires famous women who engage in prostitution that means she is definitely one. Her role models and sympathies often lie with the ideology and lifestyle she’s affiliated with. She doesn’t look down on women who indulge in prostitution and she sees nothing bad in it.
Smoking is a great and wonderful outlet for women to be in a very intimate one on one situation with a man with a perfect deniability of intent. People who are always drunk are usually attempting to escape their everyday lives through self-soothing. When men drink excessively, they usually go home alone. When women drink excessively, they almost never go home alone. Alcohol allows ladies to be more promiscuous and supplies an excuse for the sleaziness. Most escalations with women that happen at parties follow a similar pattern. She’s found of drinking with a guy, Smokes with a guy that will turn to intimate conversation and then to an inappropriate behavior. If you don’t smoke and she does, that’s a bad sign.
A whore tends to have jobs working late at nights, such jobs are often refer to as “Whore creating” Such as working in a stripper’s club, bar, modeling industry or she hails from the sex industry hotspots of the world. More so if these jobs are in an environment where big men are willing to spend money to get sex, such a woman finds it easy to make side money aside from the normal income or when you show up at her job, someone always tell you that she just left. When you call her, she always calls you back after initially not answering the phone. Now, think hard. When is the last time you had sex. Believe me, if she is not doing the no-pants dance at night with you, then she is doing somebody else.
A whores always have trust issues, even when you have proven yourself over and over again to her. She has emotional problems while forming attachments. It usually happens if she’s beginning to have feelings for you or it could be her mother has indoctrinated her against men. Her trust issues are a projection of her revulsion for men cheating on their women who’ve paid to shag her. She fears that you would do the same to her with another woman. She might want to be attached to you but memories of her customers prevent her.
She goes away for the weekend with her ‘friends’ a lot, Don’t think that females won’t cover for each other like men do. They surely will. The closer the friendship the more likely they will cover for one another. It might just be for the sole purpose of meeting men to hook up with. She travels a lot with her guy friends even she couldn’t afford it. Tells you its official or they are her distant cousins or uncles she’s traveling with.
Shaved or bleached Vaginal Region
Since the private part is her main source of income, your babe will always invest a great deal of time and money making it appear like an exclusive, extravagant luxury. Also be on the lookout for vaginal bleaching a new fad that is being promoted by the pornography industry.
On the other hand, your babe might not be a prostitute by deed, but by mind. If you are yet to be married and she has all these traits, you really need to think twice before tying the knot with her.
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Posted Nov 2, 2020 22:07 by anonymous



I been married to my wife for about 7 months I had three friends over to watch a football game. The game was done and we was all buzzed pretty good smoking pot. My wife’s a little hottie she also very flirty and can enjoy being around my friends. We cuddled and talk about sex my wife is always in the center of the room having fun. Most my friends girlfriends and wives are prudes when I come to our conversation or language. It’s like having your mom half the time with one of my friends wives who never comes over. Also they don’t like getting high my wife loves getting high with us. I don’t remember who started to conversation about orgy’s and gang bangs. Everyone was saying how that would be awesome my wife said I would love to see how much I could handle taking multiple guys. It built from there she was openly saying she would do it and everyone and myself would love to experience one. I knew they and even my wife was hinting to we could all have one we hand all we needed right here. I thought about it and said shit I know and trust all these guy she was already flirty about the idea. I said well we could do it know we got all we need if everyone wanted. My wife smiled and giggled hugging me asking if I was getting horny grabbing my bulge. We started kissing and I started stripping her naked telling my buddies if they wanted to fuck my wife getting naked. Everyone was stripping naked I got between her legs eating her pussy. She had a cock in each had and a huge cock in her mouth my friend in her mouth was hands down the big man in the room. She was very forward and vocal telling him to get that fat fucking cock in my mouth. I licked sucking and suffered her cunt while watching and hearing her gagging as he was throat fucking her. She always told me she liked rough sex he was being ruthless down her throat it was hot she had tears in her eyes. I shoved my cock inside of and fucked her for about 20 minutes blew my load. One of my friends getting jacked off moved quickly as I pulled out to take my place. I figure he spent a good 45 minutes on her pussy giving a hard pounding. When he got done she wanted my buddy who she was sucking to fuck her said his cock hurt her jaw. I think my friend who she was stroking wanted to go before him since he was allot smaller. She had him moved around to her mouth once my friend shoved his big cock it was twice as thick as the rest of ours. She let go of our cock and stopped sucking she was really getting into it. We stepped back letting them do their thing my wife faces was priceless. I never told him she liked it rough but that how he is I figured out so as he spun her around pulling her hair makin her head turn back it was hot. I think he went about 20 minutes and she shot off of him squirted and shaking. She was giggling and said wow we are going to fuck later for sure. She walked to my other friend pushing him on his back she rode his cock hard. She spent about 30 minutes riding him then got off got on all four wiggled her ass and told him to fuck her hard. He want a let down for sure the guy nearly went an hour fucking her. It was around 2:30am one of the wives called our home number asking where we was at. We had all taken this to our room all the cell phones in the living room their girlfriend and wives had been calling two had drove by. Our bedroom is at the other side of the house from the front door and our door bell doesn’t work. They gave stories we was out back and couldn’t hear them was luckily bought. When they left my wife and I agreed we both had a great time not one regret about it other than being interrupted. My wife was all proud of herself because she took cock constantly for over 6 hours straight. She asked are we going to do it again soon I said I don’t think that going to be a problem to set up. I asked how she liked that bigger cock she giggled blushing saying she wish she had more time with him. But was pretty blunt about needing to be taken to being completely being worn out by us all. I talked to my friends the next day all very satisfied happy and thankful. I said she was excited for the next time we could do it all was more than willing for another go. We was able to on 4 different occasions out of about 60+ different times ware her out. Most of the times she took us all till we couldn’t get it up anymore. She loved the bragging right and was sassy and cute about it. When we was able to put do her each time her pussy would be so swollen and bruised it hurt to much. She still enjoyed and like the feeling my friends have always been happy about that part. She wasn’t shy about wanting to get time with my hung friend coming over without them I couldn’t count how many times we’ve had him over.

I don't know if this fits but when I was I high school the rodeo club didn't pay for trips to out of state Jack pot rodeos. Eight of us loaded up in my pickup with a canopy and stayed in a motel dad reserved for four guys. the second night we were gong to stay there the girl cleaning rooms came by to check how many of us were staying there. The sleeping bags all over the floor was a dead give away. She was Mexican with a really big butt and kind of skinny legs and barely spoke enough English to tell us she wanted a bride not to kick us out. My buddy is always clowning around said "You want to sell pussy for how much." she tried to make us understand but he kept telling her how beautiful she was and how bad he wanted to kiss a seniorita cuz he never kissed one before. It surprised him when she let him kiss her and feel her boob when he was doing it. He talked her into sex in the bathroom. When he finished he said My buddy is a virgin can she do him to. He called me in telling me she would take my virginity. I knew what he was pulling so I went along with it. I got sloppy seconds and there was cum running out of her like a river. I carried her out of the bathroom telling her I wanted to show the guys I wasn't a vi
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