My Wife Teen Anal

My Wife Teen Anal


After 13 years of marriage, this woman is tired of letting her husband get his way in the bedroom. What should she do?
Passionate Living Coach Abiola Abrams gives love, dating and self-esteem advice on the CW’s Bill Cunningham Show and all over the web through her hit web series AbiolaTV. Now she wants to help you keep things spicy and fresh between the sheets. Are you in need of an intimacy intervention? Just ask Abiola!

Dear Abiola,

Is booty sex a reason to leave a marriage?

My husband has had an addiction to anal sex my entire 13-year marriage, along with regular sex as well. I only have a problem with the anal part.

It hurts and makes me feel bad afterwards. He knows I don’t like it or desire it.

After counseling and a separation of 3 months, he decided that now he wants to sit his penis in my crack of my anal area without going inside. To me that’s still too much.

He doesn’t understand that I DO NOT want to be touched BACK THERE at ALL!

I’m at the point of just wanting to end my marriage because I have endured so much pain from this addiction of his.

Please help me! I’m desperate.


Tired of the hurt to my body

Dear Sacred Bombshell,

You sign your letter “tired of the hurt to my body” but glaring between your every word is the hurt to your heart.

Let me start off by saying that anything that consenting adults agree to do within the sanctity of their own relationship is up to them. Healthy sex is safe, sane, and consensual. I define safe sex as sexual interaction that is mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually safe. Your sexual relationship with your husband is not safe by any of those parameters.

The issue seems to be “booty sex” on the surface but that’s only the symptom. The base issue is the blatant disregard for your feelings in your relationship. You deserve a basic level of compassion, empathy and understanding from your life partner. Again, you and only you have the final say in what works best for your body.

Your husband, in your words, has a sexual addiction. Although sexual addiction is often brushed off or laughed at in our society as possibly “not a real thing,” sex addiction is addiction. An addiction is a mental health challenge. Given that, you cannot have sex that is safe and sane with an addict who is in the throes of his addiction.

Of course you want to please your man, but you have a right to choose what you are into and what you’re not into. There is no sexual act that is mandatory to your relationship. It is deeply troubling that your husband would persist down this pathway despite your insistence and after therapy and separation.

Again, when you are dealing with an addict in the active throes of his or her addiction, you are not dealing with a rational mind.

Please find support at the Partners of Sex Addicts Resource Center at Other support groups include the 12-step Co-Dependents of Sex Addicts and S-Anon is a “program of recovery for those who have been affected by someone else’s sexual behavior.”

You deserve to feel emotionally safe in your marriage. You have a right to feel loved, honored, and cherished. If your husband is unwilling or unable to be who you need him to be, then you have to ask yourself the difficult question of whether the relationship you are trying to save even still exists.

Blogger, author and life coach Abiola Abrams
Abiola Abrams is the founder of The Bombshell Academy blog, online school and web series over at AbiolaTV. Follow her on Twitter to continue the discussion about this week’s hot topic, and then email her your burning questions now. Anything you send will be posted anonymously, promise.

‘How Do I Escape The Booty Call Zone?’ is part of ESSENCE Communications, Inc.
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Ok. So I know this sounds really bad. But about a 2 weeks ago my bf and I started having unprotected anal sex. I am a 23 yr old female. As few things has happened the past week that has me worried.
There has been a few times while having unprotected anal sex we switch from anal sex to vaginal sex with out cleaning his penis. Am I at risk here since it would be my own feces?
This only happened once, but during the heat of the moment of having anal sex i pulled off and gave my bf a blowjob. I saw there was some of my feces on his penis but I still did it anyway. I did swallow the feces and his cum. Imiditly after doing so I washed my mouth out with mouthwash and brushed my teeth. I NEVER plan on doing this again, but I am concerned something can happen.
Should I be worried about any of these situations?
1 - You do not want to put his penis inside of your vagina after anal sex without him washing his penis first, or putting on a condom. Bacteria in the rectum can cause vaginal and urinary tract infections. If anything, start with vaginal sex and finish with anal sex. It's the same as when you go to the bathroom. Women are encouraged to wipe from front to back because you want to keep that bacteria out of your vagina.
2 - Again, along the same lines, feces is filled with bacteria such as shigella, campylobacter, salmonella and E.coli. These bacteria, along with parasites like amebas and giardia, can cause severe diarrhea, abdominal pain and cramping, bloody stools, fever, nausea and vomiting.that can make you sick. In the future, if there are feces on his penis, I would avoid putting it into your mouth.
You should know: The answer above provides general health information that is not intended to replace medical advice or treatment recommendations from a qualified health care professional.
© 2021 Remedy Health Media, LLC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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