My Wife Accidentally Cheats Ch. 02

My Wife Accidentally Cheats Ch. 02

It was a few months after Britney had sex with our neighbor Russell, and I was still mad at her. She had said she was sorry, but also said that it was really my fault, since she only wanted Russell to see her naked after I had gotten to see Russell's wife Karen naked. I would then explain that I had only seen Karen naked accidentally, and we'd get into a fight all over again.

Finally after a few months, one day Britney threw up her hands and said, "David, I can't have you storming around the house all the time. What is going to get you over this? Do you want to have sex with someone else?"

I thought about it for a few minutes. "Yes," I said. "That's only fair. If you got to cheat on me, then I get to cheat on you."

"Fine!" Britney said. "Go ahead then. Go get a hooker or something."

"Are you serious?" I asked. 

"Yes!" Britney said. "It's just sex, who cares? I'd much rather you get your rocks off with someone else, if you promise to stop being mad at me."

I should've been warned by her casual indifference to sex, but instead I took it as a green light. "Okay, yes" I said. "I'm not going to get a hooker, but we both agree that at some point I get a hall pass with someone. Then I won't be mad."

"Great," Britney said, rolling her eyes. 

That ended the conversation, although I still didn't like seeing her and Russell giving each other flirty looks for the next few weeks. But the thought that I would get to have sex with someone as revenge made it worth it.

A few weeks later, Britney and I took a long weekend into the city. I had some work there, so she joined me on Friday with the idea that we'd go out on the town for a couple of nights before going back to the suburbs.

We checked into a very nice hotel, and decided to get a drink in the hotel bar before going out to a fancy dinner. Because it was our first night out in a long time, we both got dressed up for the occasion. I wore a suit and tie and Britney wore a very flattering, tight dress with a deep plunge in the neckline. She looked like a million bucks and I was half tempted to just cancel the entire night and spend it with her in the hotel room.

We went downstairs to the hotel bar and got a table. We started chatting about work and family members, when out of the corner of my eye I spotted a woman sitting by herself at a nearby table. To call her attractive would be an understatement — she was movie star gorgeous, even under the fairly conservative work outfit she had on. 

Britney must have noticed me staring, because she turned to look. "Pretty lady," she said. "You going to keep gawking?" 

"No," I said. "I'm gonna do more. She's gonna be my hall pass."

"What? NOW?" Britney whined. "But we have a whole night planned!"

"Too bad," I said. "You said I could use it whenever and now is whenever."

Britney rolled her eyes. "Fine. Go get her."

"I need you to help me," I said. "I can't just go by myself, you need to be my wingman."

"You can't be serious," Britney said. "I'm not gonna HELP you cheat."

"You made me WATCH you cheat," I said. "This is the least you can do."

As we argued, two guys approached the movie star and sat in the booth with her. 

"Never mind," Britney said. "One of those has got to be with her."

I watched them for a few seconds. "No, they look like coworkers. Look, they're all in work outfits and they're all a bit stiff with each other."

"You think so?" she asked.

I felt a huge surge of confidence. There was no way I wasn't going to fuck this movie star. "Only one way to find out." I downed my drink and grabbed Britney's hand, and pulled her with me to the booth.

We walked right up to the movie star and her two guys. "Hey! I said. "Are you guys here for the conference, too?"

"Yeah!" one of the guys said. "The restaurant association?"

"Yep," I said. I knew there HAD to be a reason they were all there. "I think we saw you guys at one of the seminars," I added.

"Yeah, I think so?" the movie star said. My heart leapt as she looked straight into my eyes. Now up close I could see her stunning face and body. "You look familiar."

"Come have a seat," one of the guys said and scooted over. He was very obviously staring at Britney, which I used to my advantage by sitting down and scooting myself until I was across from the woman.

"Hi, I'm David," I said, grinning as handsomely as I could. 

"I'm Valerie," she said, smiling back, in a way that I could tell she was flirting with me.

"I'm Britney," my wife said to the guys, who introduced themselves as Robert and Jake.

"We're coworkers," I quickly blurted to everyone. Britney turned a bit red and I could tell I had said that a bit too bluntly, but I didn't want Valerie to think we were attached.

For the next hour, I chatted to Valerie while Britney occupied Robert and Jake. We talked about work, and then eventually our own personal lives. She had just broken up with a long-term boyfriend, I was happy to hear. I could be a rebound!

After a while, I suggested to Valerie that we go to the bar and freshen our drinks. She agreed and the two of us scooted out. Britney tried to squeeze my hand on the way out but I didn't let her, in case Valerie saw.

At the bar, I kept chatting Valerie up as we had more drinks. Unfortunately for me, my attempt to seduce her soon stalled. She stopped seeming interested in me as the night wore on, and every attempt I made to get closer to her, she rebuffed.

After a couple of hours, I asked if I could buy her another round, but she said she was tired and going to bed. I quickly offered to walk her to her room but she flat-out rejected that idea, saying she didn't want to give me any ideas.

And that was that. Hours of flirting and conversation led to nothing. I had no idea what went wrong. Maybe I came on too strong? Maybe she was just using me for drinks? 

I walked back over to the booth and saw that Britney and the guys were gone. I assumed Britney had gone back to the hotel room and decided to go back too. I would have to apologize for the wasted night, I guessed, and she was going to be mad at me for the rest of the weekend no matter what.

Unfortunately, it turned out that Britney had had another idea entirely. I realized that after I took the elevator up to our floor. As I approached the door to our room, I could hear light moaning from inside the room. At first, I thought it was from the room next door, but the closer I got, the source became unmistakable. It was coming from our room

I stood outside the door, listening for a second, not sure if I had the wrong room. A woman was definitely getting fucked inside, and the more I listened, the more it sounded like my wife. Then I heard a guy say, "Oh, yeah, Britney..."

What the hell?! I pushed in the keycard and stormed inside. There in front of me was Britney, on our bed, completely naked and on all fours. Behind her on the bed was Jake, also naked, pounding away in her from behind. Robert was sitting on the chair nearby, his pants undone and his dick out, stroking himself while he watched my wife's bare breasts swinging wildly as she took Jake's cock.

"Hey!" I firmly said. Everyone stopped and looked up, surprised to see me. Britney looked at me innocently with those big puppy dog eyes, her dirty blonde hair tussled around her face, as if she wasn't completely naked with a stranger's dick inside her. As mad as I was, apart of me had to admit she looked very hot.

"What are you doing here?" Britney said. "I thought you were with Valerie." 

"It—it didn't happen!" I sputtered. "She wasn't interested."

From the chair, Robert nodded sympathetically. "Aw dude, I could have told you that," he said. "She's still not over her ex-boyfriend."

Jake nodded too. "Sorry you wasted your time, man," and started pumping back into my wife again. 

"Yeah — unh! yeah, that's too bad — ohhhh," Britney said, between moans.

"Well, what are YOU doing?!" I shouted at her.

Britney looked down. At first I thought she was ashamed, but then she started thrusting against Jake harder and faster. "I'm...I'm — hold on, David....oh fuck, hold on, oh fuuuuuuuuck!" and she buried her face in the bed and screamed as she came. 

"Number two!" Robert said. Number two?

Jake laughed. "Hell yeah, Britney!" He didn't slow down and rode her through her orgasm, until her noises softened to a whimper. Then she tapped Jake's thigh and he pulled out of her. I thought that was the sign that this was all over, but instead she flipped over and lay down on her back, her perky tits flattening and jiggling on her chest. She opened her legs again and Jake positioned his thick cock back up against her pussy.

Finally Britney turned her attention back to me. "Sorry, what did you say? OOOOooooh!" she said, as Jake entered her again.

"I said, what are YOU doing?!" I shouted. Jake paused again.

Britney looked at me again, this time her face smirking. "I thought we both got to have fun tonight!" she said. "What, so you can hook up with someone and I'm supposed to just go to bed?" 

Robert stood up, buttoning his pants almost threateningly. "Yeah, man, leave her alone! She can do what she wants!"

Jake added, "You sure are pushy for a coworker." Then he started thrusting into my wife again, causing her to squeal and moan.

I realized that they didn't know I was her husband, and I couldn't announce that now, after all this, or else they would think I was a loser who just let anyone fuck his wife. Or maybe they might get mad at Britney. Either way, I didn't want to go against two guys just on my own. As furious as I was, I was going to have to keep up the pretense.

"I...I just want to make sure you're okay," I stammered. 

Britney groaned as Jake filled her up. "I'm okay, yeah — oh YEAH, Jake, oh! OH! ...I'll see you later, okay, David? OH!" she moaned.

What? She was kicking me out of our hotel room! I stayed for another minute, hoping she would correct herself, but she said nothing more to me, just moaned and cooed as Jake thrust himself into her, her tits jiggling obscenely as her taut legs wrapped around his ass. Robert continued jerking off. No one even cared that I was there.

Eventually I decided I didn't want anything to do with this and stormed out of the room. As I left I heard Jake started panting, "Britney, can I come inside you?" 

Britney responded, "yeah, it should be a safe time..."

Robert said, "Hey, no fair! I didn't get to!"

"You didn't ask," I heard Britney giggle as the door slammed behind me.

I spent the next hour back at the hotel bar, stewing and drinking. Eventually I saw Robert and Jake come back into the bar, I guess to celebrate having had turns with my wife.

I turned my head to avoid eye contact with them, then paid for my beers and went back upstairs. As I walked into the hotel room, I saw my wife, still naked, laying splayed out on the bed.

"Sorry you struck out, honey!" she said, sleepily. "Next time..."

"Next time," indeed!

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