My Wife - A Black Gang Toy Ch. 13

My Wife - A Black Gang Toy Ch. 13

Mrs February

It was around 2:30 PM a few days later and Pat and I were in the back seat of Officer Smith's private vehicle. Pat inquired, "You still haven't told us where we are going and what you have in mind."

"We are on the way to a construction site. A friend of mine has a crew on site and we are going to take some photos of you two and some of the crew for the February page of our calendar."

Just about then we left the paved road and entered a construction site where a large number of new apartments were being built. We drove up to the construction trailer. All around were partially completed buildings. The crew was building the exterior 2x4 walls.

Officer Smith knocked on the door of the beat up trailer. After a few moments the door was opened by a man who must have been the friend that Officer Smith was telling us about. "Hey Jim", he said leaning forward to shake hands. Jim was dark skinned and rugged looking from his time spent outdoors. "Jim this is the couple that I was telling you about. This is Steve and his beautiful wife Patricia or Pat."

"Hi Pat. Steve. It's nice to meet you. Officer Smith has told me some of what he has in mind. I actually find it somewhat hard to believe. He says that you two have willingly participated in a number of erotic, or to be more correct, pornographic escapades. He even gave me these pictures as examples" he said holding out several photos for Pat to look at.

The first photo showed Pat from our most recent photo shoot. She was wearing the green satin robe as she sat on an armchair. Both the robe and her legs were spread wide open and her Queen of Spades tattoo was clearly visible. The second photo showed my wife sitting on a black cock and leaning back as a second black cock was being buried deeply into her cunt. The rest of the photos were all of a similar nature.

Pat surprised him as she slowly looked through the complete stack looking at each one. Finally she looked up at Jim and handed the photos back to him saying "Yes these are clearly of me and a few of the men that I have had sex with. The photos look pretty good don't you think?"

Somewhat taken back Jim looked over at me asking "You're her husband! How in the world can you allow her to do this? I understand that you even participate. What does Officer Smith have on you two?"

"Jim you may not understand this. You may even not approve of this. Just the same I love my wife and I am proud of the fact that she loves me. She enjoys the attention of men in general. I enjoy watching her being used by all sorts of different men. Most men would not feel that way I guess but the situation works for us."

Apparently satisfied Jim looked at Officer Smith asking "What do you have in mind?"

"In general I was thinking of getting some of your crew together and seeing where things go from there. I am trying to get a certain look for the February portion of our calendar. That would entail some interaction between Pat and several or even all of your crew. You are welcome to participate also if you like. We need a somewhat secluded area so that we won't be interrupted but open where we can get some good light."

"Well I admit that I'm intrigued even if I am somewhat skeptical. I know of a place just down this way that I think you will find suitable. I'll take you down there now and then round up the crew. It won't take too long."

Jim showed us where he had in mind. Officer Smith agreed that it would work out just fine and while Jim went to round up his crew Officer Smith explained what he had in mind for Mrs February.

"Pat what I am going to do is pose you over by that pile of boards and power tools. I'll tell you what. Let's go on over there now and we can begin to set things up. I had you wear that tank top with the low scooped neckline for a reason. I want you to pull the front down and put it under your breasts so that we have a clear view of your tits and your piercing and tattoo. Go ahead and pull the front down please and let's have a look at the result."

Without hesitation Pat pulled down the neckline of the blouse hanging her tits over the front. As often as I have seen her tits I had to admit that the effect was very erotic. At that same moment I heard a sharp intake of breath and turned to see the first two men of Jim's crew staring open mouthed.

"Pat you really look good but I want to take the scenario just a little bit farther. I have a look that I am shooting for. Years ago I saw a movie with Sophia Loren where she was standing on a wharf wearing a skirt and blouse. Her skirt was bunched up at the waist and tucked in several times. Of course she was wearing something under it but you won't be."

By this time three or four more of Jim's crew had joined us and they too were avidly ogling my wife's exposed tits. Officer Smith continued "Steve please give your wife a hand getting that skirt tucked in. I want to get a clear view of her pussy and make sure that we can all see that Queen of Spades tattoo."

I hurried forward to do as Officer Smith wanted. It took Pat and me a little time to get the exact effect that Officer Smith wanted but when I finally stepped away Officer Smith and all of the crew had a clear view of all of my wife's womanly charms.

"Okay Pat I want you to stand over here in front of this pile of lumber with your legs spread and your hands knuckled on your hips. You remember how your mother would get when she was totally exasperated and really about to let loose on someone. Of course I want a seductive come hither look not an angry one. That's it! That's just the pose that I was looking for."

As Officer Smith turned to look at the crew I realized that we now had about fourteen men watching us avidly. Well I guess that I should really say that they were watching my wife avidly.

"Ok how many of you would like to participate?" All fourteen raised a hand. "If you decide to take part you will need to sign a model release so that we do not have any problems later." With that remark the hands of two of the Latin crew members went back down.

By my count we had four Latinos, one Asian, four blacks and three white guys. Most were young, in their twenties. One of the whites looked nineteen and one of the Latino men was a short gnarled older man who looked sixty or so. There was quite a variety of male flesh for Mrs February to sample.

"Alright, you two that are unable to participate can stay and watch but make sure to keep out of the way and do not get in any of the photos or video. The rest of you need to spread out behind Pat in among the tools. You don't need you to pose or anything I just want your attention on Pat."

With the men scattered to his liking Officer Smith turned on a few lights to illuminate Pat and the men behind her. This was necessary because the lighting coming through the 2x4 studs was brighter than the light inside and would make the image very dark without the extra lighting.

He stood there for a few moments shaking his head. "Something is missing" he mumbled. "I know what we need!" Steve I want you to come over here please. I want you to stand next to your wife with your arm possessively around her shoulder. Pull her towards you affectionately." Stepping back Officer Smith smiled clearly satisfied with the new arrangement.

Going back to his equipment Officer Smith picked up a camera and began to snap shots. Most were wide angle to get the image of my wife with all of the men behind her but several were close up clearly showing Pat's tits and pussy.

Once he had enough pictures Officer Smith gathered us all around. "I want to take a few minutes to tell what I have in mind. The final product that I am looking is a picture we just took of Pat and her husband in the center with a number of smaller images spaced around the outside edge. In each of the smaller images Pat will be bent at the waist sucking her husband's cock and one of you will be standing behind her fucking her."

"Each of you will be allowed to cum in her pussy so that means that she will take twelve loads of cum before we are done. The reason that the pose will be the same is to show that Steve is assisting his wife as she takes twelve different male cocks one after the other."

"Clearly things are going to be getting more than a little sloppy between her legs after the first few men so I am going to place twelve pieces of paper in my hat. Each one will be numbered from one to twelve. The number that you pull out of the hat will denote your place in line. After all of the numbers are drawn I want you to line up in order and we will begin."

"Okay Pat I want you to bend over in front of the lumber pile and make sure that your skirt is pulled up exposing your lovely ass. Steve it's time to pull that cock of yours out of your pants and put her mouth to good use. Don't let her make you cum. I need you to last until all of our guests have had the pleasure of dumping a load in your wife's pussy."

Steve sighed with pleasure as his cock was surrounded by Pat's warm moist mouth. At first he thought that she was going to deep throat him as she usually did. Fortunately she was also remembering the admonishment not to make him cum.

Pat was enjoying the sensation as Steve's warm rigid shaft slid in and out of her mouth between her lips. She was somewhat startled when she felt a strange dick probing her pussy lips. She knew that she was moist and ready to receive this strange cock and was not at all surprised when it slid right in to the hilt.

As her body was rocked by the thrusting cock she reached up and rested her hands on her husband's hips so she could hold herself steady. It was a strange sensation having an anonymous cock probing deeply into her body and she tried to see who was fucking her. Try as she might she was unable to see who it was because Steve's dick kept her from being able to turn her head.

In the meantime Steve and all of the rest of the crew were enjoying the show as they watched the oldest one of the Latino men driving into Pat's pussy like he had not had any sex in a long time. While everyone was enjoying the scene Officer Smith was busy taking photos for the calendar.

After a few minutes of steady pounding Pat felt the first gush of hot cum as it was pumped into her pussy. The cock was shoved into her as far as it would go and then held in place as more cum entered her pussy. After a few more thrusts Pat felt the softening cock slowly slide out between the lips of her pussy.

A moment later a second cock was busily working itself in and out of her sex as she continued to work on Steve's cock. This cock seemed bigger than the first. It was certainly longer as she felt it probe deeply into her vagina.

Unbeknownst to Pat she was now servicing the younger white guy. He fucked like there was no tomorrow or like he had never fucked a woman before. Steve watched this second cock being driven into his wife almost violently knowing that the young white guy would not be able to keep up this pace for long. Sure enough, after less than two minutes he was done. His load deposited along with the first in Pat's pussy.

Once again Pat felt the gush of hot cum and then the removal of a spent cock from her pussy. Almost immediately the third cock was shoved into her well lubed pussy. Now this one was definitely bigger than either of the others in all dimensions. This cock was thicker and longer for sure. Still wanting to know who was fucking her, Pat realized that she could see down between her legs. If she could see the feet of the man fucking she would have some idea who it might be. She managed to squirm around enough to get a look and was rewarded with a magnificent view of a pair of boots.

While she had been occupied with her attempt to determine who was actually fucking her she had received her third load of hot sperm. Now she could feel the sticky goo as it began to ooze from between her pussy lips and start its trip down her inner thigh. Then she lost her train of thought as a fourth cock nestled into her love nest.

She was vaguely aware of Officer Smith as he supervised his video cameras and took a multitude of pictures as all twelve men used her pussy as a depository for their cum. Black, white, Latino or Asian they all felt the same when they were buried between the lips of her pussy or when they pumped sperm into her body.

For that matter Steve was engaged in a struggle of his own. It became harder and harder for him to keep from shooting his load in Pat's mouth as he watched man after man using her pussy. She had a virtual smorgasbord of ethnic groups taking advantage of the free pussy Officer Smith had offered.

After all of the men had finished he told Pat to get on her knees. Then he joined her husband. They both stood beside Pat as she sucked their cocks until they both had unloaded on her face.

Officer Smith wanted more cum on Pat's face so he motioned for the two Latinos that had declined participating because they did not want their faces in the pictures or video. When they came over he told them "None of the video is running and I am not going to take any pictures but I need more cum on her face so I was wondering if you two would be interested in making a deposit? You get a free blow job in return and I can guarantee you the best deep throat that you have ever had. Are you interested?"

Both men nodded their heads vigorously and quickly lowered the zipper of their pants and offered their cocks to Pat who immediately went to work. In less than five minutes two more loads of cum were deposited on my wife's face joining the earlier deposits left by Officer Smith and myself.

That was when Officer Smith's friend Jim strode up and asked "You weren't planning on leaving me out of the fun were you?"

"No. I wondered where you had wandered off to."

Saying "Well I'm here now" Jim stepped forward and shoved his cock into my wife's mouth. At first he simply slid his hot met between her lips but soon he became more insistent. My wife was more than willing to accommodate him and you could hear him sigh as his whole rod slid down the warm sheath of my wife's throat. It was soon clear that he could not stand Pat's ministrations much longer and he jerked his dick from her throat with a groan and shot a huge gob of cum onto her face. Three more streams streaked onto Pat's face before he was done.

Finally satisfied Officer Smith said "Okay Pat I want you and your husband to resume the pose that you had together before the fun began. It will be a before and after picture."

The final pictures that Officer Smith took that afternoon were of me with my arm around my wife's shoulder holding her close. Her face was covered in cum and the insides of her thighs were sticky where cum had leaked from her flooded pussy and ran down her legs. She wore the same top and skirt along with a great big satisfied smile.

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