My Universe.

My Universe.

Bagaskara A.


  The beautiful woman was taking shelter from the pouring rain, right across the street from my house. At first I only saw one month, but when I saw the woman I saw two months. One of the two months is something I can't reach, and the other? Is it possible for me to reach?

   A very beautiful woman, in the white dress she wore that night. She, is the only woman who is able to control my heart, until I have a sense of wanting to have her completely.

   Even though I looked at her from a distance, but her beauty was clearly displayed like the beauty of the moon in the shadow of the night. I continued to stare at her beauty and until, my eyes and eyes were now looking at each other, even from a distance. The woman smiled at me, and at that very moment my heart beat faster, usually not as usual, was this really falling in love, at first sight?

   My universe, the universe I've been waiting for, is now in front of my eyes, even though it's not yet mine, but I'm sure you are my universe.


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