My Sisters Foot Slave

My Sisters Foot Slave


My Sisters Foot Slave
Great start! It got right to the action, which is great sometimes. Looking forward to the next part!
Watch your ages dude. The story sounds fiction so it doesn't really matter. Otherwise it's interesting. I like sister stories
**Hidden - This is this member's 3rd story involving minors.
From story:
" Hi. My name is Alex and I have 3 cousins that count as my sister because in my Country if you and someone else drink the same milk from the same mother you count as brothers and sisters and when i was a child my mom wasn't home so i drank my moms sisters milk once and then we became brothers and sisters.
Now I was 14 when this happen and I had foot experiences with all of them. the first one is 17, the second one is 16 and the third one is 7 . "

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Part 1: The bet

Well me and my sister loved doing bets. Well one day she took it to the next level she said if she wins i become her slave but if i win i become here slave. I took her offer. Well my luck didn't help me i lost so badly. "Crawl to me slave" I went on my hands and feet and crawled to her. "Kiss each toe and say how much you like me" I than hesitated I felt a force on my right cheek which made me go flying on to the ground sobbing. She laughed "Now Bitch" I whimpered and went to her feet kissing every toe and saying how much i love it. Well she said "Now you will do everything i say okay?" I nodded. 

Part 2: Working

Well i woke up 6 am the next morning with a revolting smell in my nose. I wake up and see my sister's sock on my face with a note "I want back asleep come to me when you wake up and lick my feet gently if i wake up your in trouble" I walked to my sisters room and went on my knees next to her feet. Than started licking it gently trying my best not to wake her up. She woke up and kicked my lip. I was in pain. She than told me to come on her bed. She put me under her blanket next to her feet and told me to stay still. I did as she said. She put her feet directly on my face and went asleep. I sniffed her feet for around 3 hours. She than woke up and said get on my knees. I did she than said "Time for your spanking she slapped me loads of time on my ass. I had a sore ass. My bum all bruised up i was crying on her knees. She said "Now would you be a good boy" I nodded. She than said "Your such a piece of vermin begging for my forgiveness. She grabbed my hair pulled. She whispered into my ear "Go lick my high heels clean i think theirs a bit of dogs crap on it all the better for you".

Next part coming in a week or so

awesome. are you the same one from MistressDestiny? If so, what happened to the whole boyfriend scene?
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When my sister Anne walked in i did as i was told previously to do., i knelt at her feet to remove her dark brown boots, they were equipped with an inside zipper, slender heels, [about 3 inches], and a dainty pointed toe. Slowly i brought the zipper down and removed her right boot revealing her dark brown stocking clad foot. Just the sight of her perfectly pedicured toes through the reinforced nylon was awe inspiring. As i finished up removing her left boot....."My this is so nice Mom, what a lovely way to be greeted, I did bring my slippers". Just give them to him, he'll put them on for you.

After the directive was given Anne handed me her two blue ballet type slippers, i could see they were well worn by the imprints of her feet within, i only dreamt of how they must smell. She proceeded to walk past me and sit beside our mother, a lady of about forty six, dark haired, and a disposition to match, however by anyones standards a very attractive lady. i should also mention that she possessed a pair of gorgeous legs and dainty size 7 feet which she seemed to always keep nylon clad , the same nylons i was responsible to hand wash along with her other dainties as she preferred to refer to them as, i was also assigned the task of tongue polishing all her shoes, boots, sandles, etc.,.

It is perhaps time in this lengthly story to explain how i ended up in this most unusual situation. i am 14 yrs old and adopted. For as long as i can remember i had lived in a home for orphaned or abandoned children which was run by a group of women who believed and practiced female superiority. A typical day consisted of nothing more than serving these ladies anyway they demanded, which usually consisted of foot & shoe worship and overall waiting on them.

It was the fall of '65 and i being eleven years of age the decision was made that i be put up for adoption, afterall the ladies had succeeded in making me nothing more than a foot sniffing slave and totally submissive to all their whims. Over the years i was subjected to the cruelest of tortures, usually involving the feet of mature ladies of the institution, but the most sadistic of all was the HEADMISTRESS,, LADY CONNIE.

LADY CONNIE took a special interest in me when i first entred the institution at a tender age of seven. To this day i don't know where it came from but i've always had a fascination for the odour of ladies feet and shoes. After i had been at the home for about three months one of the teachers sent me to LADY CONNIES' office for serious discipline as i had acted up during a history movie she was showing. Upon entering her outer office i was greeted by her secretary, a lady of about thirtyfive, she had short dark hair, olive skin and a figure to die for, she appeared to look Italian. When she stood i just about swooned, her long legs were adorned in sheer black stockings which peeked out from under her brown skirt which came down just below her knees and on her beautiful feet she wore a pair of black leather pumps with four inch heals.

I see slave jerry your here to see HEADMISTRESS CONSTANCE for instruction on how to behave in class. i couldn't believe she called me slave, what was gong on???? i was then instructed to enter the HEADMISTRESS' office and sit in the small chair in front of her desk as she wouldn't be back for about thirty minutes, she had gone shopping. i was ushered in by her assistant and plunged into a tiny chair as promised, she quickly left and closed the door behind her. Very nervous i sat there looking at my surroundings, shelves full of books, a plush oriental carpet, and large mahogany desk, it was then i glanced up to the wall to the left of her desk and saw the painting on the wall, it was a image of a woman sitting on a throne of sorts dressed in black leather holding a short whip while a young man lay under her high heels. It was shortly after that i saw the shoes,, a pair of black low heeled pumps beside her desk, i became frantic. Well knowing i was in for beating and seeing the shoes of the lady who would be dishing out my punishment i had to have a sniff. Slowly i rose, got back down on my belly and began crawling towar the objects of my desire, once i arrived and my face was only inches from the toe i brought out my tonge and gave first the left a thorough lick and kiss, it was now time to explore the insides. i slowly brought my face down so my chin was in the heel and my nose as far up into the toe section as it would go and inhaled deeply, it was nirvana, at that point i wanted to be at this lady's mercy, to be punished by her, just then the door swung open...........................

What are you doing!!!! yelled Lady Constance. i panicked and began to rise. "Stay,! keep your worthless face in my shoe, close your mouth and sniff, I want to hear you smelling my pump, and while you do keep your slavish eyes on the other, examine it both inside and out, you love it don't you?" all i could do was nod my head. She then walked by me and toward the plush brown leather couch in the corner, all i could see were her lovely legs clad in dark brown stockings and on her feet a pair of brown patent leather court shoes with four inch heels and rounded toe. It is doubtfull i had ever been this freightened but excited at the same time.

She then threw a parcel on the couch and proceeded to her desk and sat in the well padded chair, from my servile position i could see her regal right foot close to my face, her left raised. "Well slave it's time to talk, you may rise to your knees and crawl to my closet and fetch My slippers."

As ordered i picked out Her black leather ballet type slippers, while doing this i surveyed the other pairs in the closet, there were so many,, pumps, sandals, boots, and hanging above the tools of Her trade, straps, crops, tawses, whips, paddles, and an array of other devices or torture, i shuddered. Since she requested nothing else i returned with her slippers and knelt befor her, being sure to keep my head bowed.

[after a brief silence] "slave, you are leaving here today, you have been adopted by a lovely Lady." my heart sank, and She noticed my reaction. "Oh slave don't worry, we have trained you to be the perfect footslave, servant, and whipping boy, and finally all is to become reality,,, your reality." "you will be taken from this place blindfolded and gagged with your new Stepmothers' shoe and delivered to your new prison, where you will serve Her and Her daughter." "your new owner will be here in thirty minutes to collect you, now continue holding My slippers." She stood and retrieved the parcel from the couch and returned to Her desk, i could hear Her opening it. [then] ...."Look at Me slave" as i slowly raised my head upward i saw Lady Constance holding a wide back leather collar with a metal tag dangling from it. As i gazed into Her beautiful but dark eyes it was then i noticed the severe, strict, and unyielding look i had seen so many times in the past as i was being prepared for punishment. She then held it so i could read the tag, "PROPERTY OF LADY ROSA". She then ordered me to lower my head and quickly buckled it in place and then sealed it with a small gold lock. It was then explained the only keys are held by Lady Rosa and Herself.

Once the collar was in place i was instructed to change Her shoes, once Her slippers were on She ordered me pickup Her just removed left pump and put it on my face, in the traditional manner, chin in the heel, mouth and nose buried toward the toe. Once done She fastened it with a leather strap and tightened it. At this point i drifted off to a submissives heaven, i never wanted to leave, there was no way i thought i could be happy anywhere else, the odour from Her shoe was driving me insane. It is these times i fantasize about being shrunk down to about an inch in height and punished by Lady Constance. i often dream of Her putting me in one of Her shoes and ordering that i go to the toe area and lie on my back so that when She insirts Her stocking clad foot i will be trapped beneath Her toes, totally enveloped in the warm moist nylon, and sentenced to remain in there for the entire day, as She goes about Her business, and i ignored. Lady Constance is aware of this fantasy and on many occassions i have been ordered to compose long essays on the topic for Her review. i was then brought back to reality.........

"Thats it slave inhale My lovely scent, soon you will be subjected to a sea of Ladie's feet and shoes, but now I must attach your leash, manicle your hands behind your back, and await "Lady Rosa's" arrival.........

I would like to thank everyone for their positive feedback on my first story. Right now I have been kicking
some old stories around in my head an how to write them. I've decided for this story I'll write about an encounter way back when I was in like
6th or 7th grade with my friends bratty ass little sister………

Back when I was in like 6th grade I guess I'll say twisted metal 2 had just come out and it was
all my friends and I ever played. One of my best friends is my next door neighbor who has two younger skinny sisters who I have had many foot fetish encounters
with. Anyway they were both really bratty and never left me and my friend (they're brother) alone. The one I had this encounter with was in 4th
grade I'd say at the time.

Anyway my friend and I were playing twisted metal in his room when he had to leave for some reason can't
remember and I stayed. His little bratty sister Rachel in 4th grade walks in and just starts annoying me. She's in a jumper (she went to a
catholic school) and little white socks. She purposely starts asking me all these questions while I'm trying to blow up the Eiffel tower in TwM 2. I mess
with her back and say if she doesn't leave me alone I'm going to take one of her socks. Of course she sees this as I challenge and keeps being a brat.
So I turn around and grabbed one of her legs revealing her very slender foot with long toes. Rachel was like, "Give me back my sock!" I said no you
won't leave me alone. I'm sitting on the bed right now and she is 2. All of the sudden she like tackles me trying to get her sock, but to no avail of
course. I get the bright idea that as a developing kid with a foot fetish this could be a good time to get some feet in my face.

So right now Rachel the little brat has one sock on and one sock off her foot and I kind of let her tackle me
on the bed so I'm laying flat and she's like sitting on my stomach trying to reach her sock. I being the clever boy that I was said to her just
don't stick your feet in my face! (Reverse Psychology). Without missing a beat her small little feet were flush against my face! They were about the length
of my entire face and smelled so good. Rachel was laughing and at the same time, "yelling give me back my sock!" She was smothering me under her
little feet and I was just loving it at this age. At this time I come up with another idea, I want the other sock off, and I beg her, "please don't
take off your other sock I don't know how much more of this I can take." She's smiling the whole way through as she reaches down and peels the
other tiny little sock off so my nose is pressed right up against the balls of her feet. I'm moaning like I'm in pain and I tell her to have mercy on
me! "Just give me back my sock and I'll move my feet." Never I said and with that she just kept grinding her feet into my face more saying
"how do you like that!" Like a 4th grader would she took her soles and pushed my cheeks together like I was talking. "I love to kiss
Rachel's feet hehehe, Rachel is the coolest," she says as her soles press my cheeks together making me look like a fish. The she started playing peek
a boo putting both her feet over my eyes and yelling, "peek a boo I see you!" and when I tried to talk she just covered my mouth with a foot and
said, "shhhhhhh." Another idea comes to mind I want these feet in my mouth now and for the finale I say just
whatever you do don't put your feet in my mouth, of course my plea was muffled by her little soles being affixed to my face.

With that a huge, huge smile comes over her face and both big toes go right into my mouth and I just suck
away. I moan like I hate it of course. "Just give me back my socks and this punishment will end!" I kind of just start to suck on her toes on my own
now and she just forced her tiny feet in my mouth and then she took them out and rubbed them all over my face. "Trick or treat smell my feet! Hehehe she
laughs. Ok as a 6th grader this is one hell of a moment in my life. "Eat my feet! How do they taste?" she mocks me the whole time like a
4th grader would do. While she rubs her soles and toes all over my face I just stick out my tongue and she runs her entire foot up and down my
tongue. "Ewwww!" she said. "Please stop, please I'm begging when really I'm about to finish, I finally go (which was like one of my
1st times ever) with her entire right foot in my mouth, with all five toes while the ball of the left foot is pushed over my nose. The brat needless
to say finally got her sock back

So tell me what you think, I have more stories with Rachel and some of her friends if you would like to hear

Can you fast-forward a few years, like when you and the girls were of legal age: ?
Excellent story I like it when younger (and in this case young) girls are already aware of their power over a men, it's facinating... I want more
I'd love to hear more. Excellent post dude.
Great tale, Dark. Amazing how the good memories just linger on and on. I, unfortunately, am getting a bit too old to remember incidents such as that very
clearly. In 5th or 6th grade, I knew a girl named Joanie (I think) in my classes who would, for some reason, let me slip under our student desks and fondle her
feet. As far as I know, no one else was the wiser- if they were, I'm sure someone would have teased me about it. But I can't recall how it started, how
the first encounter went, or much of anything else. But it went on for probably a whole school year. If this happened today, I'd probably be an unwitting
YouTube star!
Amazing man!I for one would like 2 hear more.
I'd ;ike to hear more too, but this post is two years old!.
My man! That story was one of the best I've read on here in a while! Tell me moar Please!!!
Look at the date doofus! stop bumping dead posts.
Wow guys I cannot believe this!!! I have been lurking on/off the pad since this story. I just never signed in. In fact I recently made a new account on here but today I find this old post still circulating!! I have so many more stories I can still recall with Rachel, her sister, her friends, etc from a variety of ages. Its very encouraging to see interest in my stories and I vow to get one out ASAP.

Thanks for your support!
I need a girlfriend so i can quit jerking off to all of yours lmao
I love the story.I just think that younger girls(like in your story)have the softest,sweetest most beautiful baresoles at that age.Write somemore stories about the same topic
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