My Sisters Boyfriend Likes Me

My Sisters Boyfriend Likes Me


My Sisters Boyfriend Likes Me
My sister's (he’s 17 my age and she's 14) boyfriend likes to flirt with me a lot. He told me a few times he doesn’t want my sister and rather have me instead. I do think he’s cute but I don’t want my sister to stop trusting me. My sister doesn’t know about this and he’s almost her first boyfriend. Any ideas?
My sister's boyfriend likes to flirt with me a lot.
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hell no! tell him off no guy should try and come between sister love and I say that cause I got an older sister(only 10 months older den me)but still aand I respect her relationship wit her man me and her got a clkose bond and no man I sworth fighting for. remember dat. you canrecome3nd her that he isn't a good guy.
i would tell my sister to get rid of that idiot he is trying to play you both...dont you ever do that too sister tried to sleep with my hubby and I swear it was the worst hurts don't hurt your sister like that ...
Yeah. Don't flirt back and how would you feel if your boyfriend was flirting with her and she didn't tell you! Terrible. So maybe you should let her know that she has a untrusty boyfriend.
Do not steal him from your sister. That is a terrible idea. Your best bet would be to just tell your sister what he's been saying so she can break him with him, and you can both have him out of your lives.
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Why does my older sister's boyfriend like me so much and act weird?
entrepreneur · Author has 5.4K answers and 6.5M answer views · 11 mo ·
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Studied Tutoring Writing & English (college major) at South Florida State College · 11 mo ·
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Something went wrong. Wait a moment and try again.
He probably just likes girls, in general; that's why he's a boyfriend. Always keep your distance, since you don't enjoy his company. Go visit your own friends, anytime he's on his way over. No need to read anything into it. However, he never should have touched you in any way. Did he? Personal space is around three feet. Demand that your personal space not be violated, in any way.
As someone who's sister thought I wanted her ginger husband with a beak.. maybe he just likes your sister so much that he actually plans to marry her one day and is trying to adapt to the brother sister relationship. (That's what I was trying to do and it was taken the wrong way because my sister was insecure even though she is the thin pretty one lol) anyway try to see if that's what it is and if it isn't be good to your sister and tell her something is off because she'll be in your life forever if you're lucky and most men are temporary.

By The unhappy, 12 years ago on Family
Slept with my sisters boyfriend. Bad conscience is killing me.

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It all started 3-4 years ago.
I met this guy on a bar, and we spend several hours of kissing before we parted. It was just a drunk night out with a friend.
Later on, i found out that he was the son of one of my dads friends. My younger sister (13 at the time, now 14) and him met and fell in love, and became boyfriend/girlfriend. Right after they started being together, I drove with him into town to meet a friend, and I got pretty drunk. On the way back, he pulled in and started kissing me. Nothing else happened, we drove home, and agreed to never tell anyone, since we were drunk and it didn’t mean anything. After a month, we were sitting together and talking, and got drunk again. We ended up i bed together, and did it again a week or so later. Later on he tried to kiss me, and I pushed him away.
The problem is now, that the thought of it is killing me. I love her more than anything else in this world. If she would ever stop existing, I would too. I would die for her. And if I could, I would give my whole life to go back in time and undo it. Their relationship lasted only a few months. I told her last year that we’d kissed, and she didn’t get angry at me at all. I couldn’t tell the whole story. I am scared deep within my soul that she will never forgive me, or that she will never trust me again. I know that is the least I deserve, but I just can’t.. I will never be able to see myself as a good person again, but I need to do SOMETHING so I can function again.. What should I do?
I'm going through the same thing, but I was friends with her boyfriend before we took it serious. I wanted to confess to my sister because it was eating me up inside, but another part of me didn't want to say anything knowing he wouldn't talk to me anymore. Well I did finally tell her and she didn't get mad she was glad I told the truth, but her boyfriend will not speak to me anymore. I wish I could take it all of it back I valued the trust of my sister and the friendship I made with her boyfriend.
You guys think YOU have it bad...I made the mistake of having a full blown affair with my brother-in-law! I screwed over my husband and sister-in-law (who was also my bff).
The best advise I can give from what I've learned is to STOP NOW. Stop any contact you can with these men. I know what it feels like to be around someone you're attracted to, but BELIEVE me, please believe me, HE IS NOT WORTH IT!!! You have to cut ALL contact in order for your personal chemistry to go back to normal. It's true, might sound like b.s but its true. It worked for me.
As for confessing to what has only made things worse for me. My sis-in-law has cut ME off, won't let me see my niece and nephews. My extended family constantly fills my husband's head with doubt and NONE trust me for ****.
The only good thing that came out of this was my relationship with my husband. It has brought us closer together. The only reason I cheated was because I was truely lonely. My husband worked ALL the time, I worked over night, we never spent time together etc. I was desperate for attention and affection.
I've been a good person my whole life, but this affair defines who I am. Well at least to the people I loved. Don't end up like me.
I have been in the exact same situation. My sister had a boyfriend a they were together for more than 8 monhts. She was crazy about him. At the beggining, i never really liked him but later on, I started liking him, then I realised I was actually in love with him.
we made out once, we were at the beach, but promised ourselves it would be the first and last time. As you can imagine, we couldn't resist, and it happened again and again. It lasted 2months. Two days ago, my sister found out about it. She spent the whole night bursting into tears. Now all my family and friends know about this, and they see me diferentely, like i'm a **** or something like that. Even my mom thinks that I arouse disgust. HOW TERRIBLE! I've always thought about what would happen if my sister found out that her boyfriend was cheating on her with me, but I never thought it was gonna get this worse. Believe me, it's a terrible situation you sure as hell don't wanna be in.
so the advice I can give you is to stop it right away, and tell the "boyfriend" to stay away from your sister because she doesn't deserve him. Don't make the mistake i did. If I had someone to tell me what to do, I would have stopped it.
Why is it everytime a woman is lonely or starving for attention a husband or bf has to pay the price for it? Just dosn't seem fair to me
Believe me I have been on the receiving side of what you are going through. My sister should have taken it to her grave.
What I can tell you is you can work through it through counseling which will allow you to go through a healing process for your self.
My sister shared with me that her involvement with my ex boyfriend happened 30 years ago and at first I was in shock.
Though I have forgiven her for the act I am still working through the pain. I feel as though she was selfish to free her self of her own guilt but what she did is put me in *****. I have only known for one year about her incident but I am struggling with distrust and am triggered quite often.
We have decided to go to counseling together because among this I am finding that other things are unfolding that needs to be addressed in order for us to move on as sisters.
My advise is do not open that can of worms to her.
Unhappy, keep it to yourself. And stop feeling bad. It's in the past and you should leave it there. Right now you're feeling really bad but the pain will fade over time. In the meantime you may want to avoid getting drunk with guys you know you shouldn't sleep with. There are lots of other men around. Telling your sister the whole story may ease your conscience, but it will guarantee that your sister suffers pain she doesn't deserve. You did it, now you have to live with it.
I think in situation like this, i would be first one to drop my BF!!
My experience with this type of situation is a little bit more complicated and ****, do I need help.
One of my sisters has had a boyfriend for over 6 years or so now and they've been through so much together (he went to jail for quite awhile because he was the middlemen for some drug dealers and **** but thankfully it made their relationship even stronger). They have a baby together and he's 2 years old now. Cutest child alive, I swear!
When they had the kid, my sister started asking me to come over and babysit for her when they wanted to go out. I started becoming closer to her boyfriend through that and sometimes when they got back to the house for the after-party I would indulge in their drink and drugs.
One of the nights after they had come back, the boyfriend gave me A LOT of coke and I wasn't thinking straight at this point. I mean, I do remember what happened but basically he told me that he had thought I was really hot for a long time and that he had to make this confession to me.
After he made the confession, we went into the bathroom and he sucked me off. Yes. I'm a boy. And his confession was that he was bisexual. And did stuff quite frequently it seemed with other men. (obvs in prison, as you do)
When my sister went to sleep, he **** me bareback and then I went to sleep. It really ate away at me and I got very emotional and paranoid because of it. Most of my family know now but not my sister. And they are engaged now. What to do?!!?
No she doesn't. She is so sure that he's completely straight.
I did also forget to mention that she has cheated on him when he was in prison with some massive hunk (he's a bit on the burly side in his 40's and she's in her late 20's and I'm 19). he has no idea she was involved with someone else so i feel that maybe this is a situation that has worked itself out sort of because now they have both cheated and don't know about it.
Maybe ignorance is bliss now cause he seems way more committed and happy with her since he proposed and he doesn't talk to me anymore he gives me evil eyes all the time when i see him (I stopped talking to both of them now as I can't handle it anymore).
Your sister and her fiance are grownups. I would keep the incident to myself. If their pasts are any predictor of the future,it sounds as if they will have enough drama in their lives without your adding to it. And don't make yourself available for babysitting anymore. You should keep out of theirvlives as much as possible for your own peace of mind.
Girl no drinking LOL.but any how does your sis know was he drunk is tht why he kissed you?
Stop taking drugs when. Babysitting for a 2 year old child jesus
I am in a full grown relationship with my sister's boyfriend afcourse she doesn't know about it. But we love each other more than anything. He doesn't have any interest to her and is very upsetting to sister too. They have a bad relationship goin on knowing the fact that before our relationship, my sister had cheated on him more than twice. That was the reason which brought us so close to each other that we fell in love. Now its time when my family want's them to get married. We do not know what to do. In past my sister when suspected anything about us together she would cry and force him be with her. Yet she doesn't love him. Its call because my family know the fact that they are in relationship for many years and she would loose her respect in family. What do i do??
I am in a full grown relationship with my sister's boyfriend afcourse she doesn't know about it. But we love each other more than anything. He doesn't have any interest to her and is very upsetting to sister too. They have a bad relationship goin on knowing the fact that before our relationship, my sister had cheated on him more than twice. That was the reason which brought us so close to each other that we fell in love. Now its time when my family want's them to get married. We do not know what to do. In past my sister when suspected anything about us together she would cry and force him be with her. Yet she doesn't love him. Its call because my family know the fact that they are in relationship for many years and she would loose her respect in family. What do i do??
Hopefully mine will be better as well. I'm in the same situation as you. I just told him and am waiting to see what happens. My husband is in jail though so I was completely alone and talked to him for 15 minutes throughout the day. My sister in law's bf came begging to me to help me while he was in there. I said no a thousand times. Should have called and snitched him out looking back but she seemed so happy I tried to talk to him and ask him why. The talks got longer and I made the mistake of letting him in when I was drinking. Now 6 months later I can't deal with acting happy when the guilt is eating me alive. I told him no going back. Supposed to visit with him tomorrow. I just can't fathom how his family will take it and his sister... It's 3 am and I can't sleep. She has kids and I have kids and I feel like a piece of ****. I don't even feel like he deserves this. I feel like I shouldn't even try to make things work. He deserves better.
I am in the same situation now…how do i deal with my husband. i am afraid when he is around.
I'm on the other side my sister slept with a few of my boyfriends.. you should tell her but if she gets angry or doesn't speak to you that's only fair. The only reason you aren't telling her is quite a selfish one that you don't want to fall out with her but honestly being drunk isn't an excuse you should own up to it and take the consequences. For her sake. Personally I've not spoken to my sister in 4 years and I've quite honestly disowned her. Probably not what you want to hear but what you've done will affect her relationships in the future do you honestly think she can bring a future boyfriend or her husband near you and trust you with him?
Sophia, that's what's happened to me now. My sister found out (long story, but the shortened version is that she confronted me about it face to face and it was so intense, i started crying hysterically and she was just speechless and kept saying oh my god what the **** oh my god. she ended up kicking me out of her house before her fiance returned home from work, it was horrible. We havent talked in a 6 months, and I feel so awful cause I was always close to her and her two children love having me babysit them. We don't do drugs anymore btw). What if she never speaks to me again.
What is wrong with you sick people?
That is a rule everybody knows!.
You made that choice so do the right thing and tell them they are your family!!!! suffer the consequences for your sick action
I don't think it does any good to unburden yourself at the expense of an innocent person's peace of mind. You already have the guilt for sleeping with someone you shouldn't have. Now you want the guilt for inflicting unnecessary unhappiness on someone else on top of that? Why? Do you want her to know that they were betrayed by two people, you AND her fiance/bf/spouse? What possible good can come of that?
People should really think things through.
Last year I posted my story, this year what I can say you is it's best to get strong and move out. I sacrificed my love and my sister's bf married my sis. Of course we did not have any choice. Both of our families knew about my sis and brother in-law. I stayed strong, we are in touch. He is not strong though. I console him to move on and he is trying very hard too. When I was depressed I met my high school crush who is now my bestie. I shared all wha
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