My Sister Made Me Her Slave

My Sister Made Me Her Slave


My Sister Made Me Her Slave
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goddesslindsay 32 yo United Kingdom


Created: 20/05/2009 at 5:51 PM
Updated: 20/05/2009 at 6:22 PM
2 articles
6 hearts

By: Goddess Lindsay I have a brother named Sean, we lived together with our 2 parents in a big house, in a nice area. We were like any other brother and sisters, we'd fight and argue like brother and sisters do. When I was about 16 I started noticing that my shoes were being move, was it just me? Had I moved them and just forgot? I decided not to say anything at the risk of looking stupid. It was my day to collect everyone's washing from their washing baskets in there room. When I came to take washing from my older brother Sean (who was 17 at the time) I found a pair of my socks in his washing basket. It seems obvious now but at the time I didn't put 2 and 2 together. I didn't think much of the socks being in the washing basket, maybe it was just a mistake? Again I didn't want to say anything at the risk of looking stupid. About 2 weeks went by and it was the school holidays, Our parents still had to work so we were home alone from 7:30 in the morning until 6:00 at night. I regularly go out and today I decided to go shopping with friends of mine, I was wearing black flats with no socks because it was a nice day. When I got home only my older brother Sean was home watching TV in the living room. I walked in, put my bags down and lay on the opposite couch from him. I then used my right foot to take my left shoe off and then the same with the right shoe. I then said to Sean in a soft voice "my feet hurt" to which I got the usual response "No one cares!". I said "I'm going for a shower, ill be a while so if someone phones tell them ill phone back later" To which Sean replied "shhh I cant hear the TV" It may seem nasty but that's the way we were. I then went upstairs, went into the bathroom, turned on the shower and realised I had forgotten the body wash I had just bought. I went down the stairs and to my shock there was Sean kneeling on the floor with my shoes on the couch. I thought I'd watch for a second to see what he does, all of a sudden he started to smell inside my shoes, kiss them and eventually lick them. I didn't know how to feel, freaked out? Disgusted? Horrified? But no my first thought was of how I'm going to make Sean suffer. I still needed my body wash so I quietly walked back upstairs, then down again making as much noise as possible so Sean would hear me coming. When I entered the living room this time my shoes were back on the floor and Sean was on the couch as if nothing had happened. I spent the rest of the night thinking of how I could use what I had seen the day before. I didn't want to just force him to do what I wanted through blackmail, I wanted to tease him a little first. The next day I went out again, wearing the same shoes I had worn the day before (black flats with no socks) I didn't do a lot of walking but I knew that my feet usually smell when I don't wear socks. When I came home, yet again my brother was watching TV but this time he was sitting on the floor with his back leaning on a couch, "perfect" I thought. I lay on the couch Sean was leaning on and like the day before I said "my feet hurt" only to get to the same response I did last time "no one cares". I then asked him to take my shoes off because I was too tired to do it myself (I wasn't really). He just said no but I could see it was making him uncomfortable. Still laying on the couch I put my right foot on his lap and said "please Sean, my feet are really sore", It worked! He slipped my shoe right off, I could see how careful he was and how gently he put my shoe on the floor. I then put my other foot on his lap and smiled, he slipped my shoe off without me having to ask. Now as you already know I just wanted to tease him for now so I took my feet off his lap and put them back on the couch. About 10mins later I decided to tease him a little more by putting feet back on his lap and asking if he liked my toe nails, he said he didn't know, I said "you must know if you like them or not?" I lifted my feet up so they were right in front of his face, I could smell the sweet salty smell of my sweaty feet from where I was sitting, I can only imagine how strong it was for him! He told me that my toe nails were "fine" so I put my feet back on the couch. They were sill next to his head and every so often I could see him look over at my feet. I had gotten a pedicure a few days before so my feet looked great. Later that day me and Sean were both on separate couches watching TV, I was still laying there with bare feet. I asked Sean if he could get me a drink, as I expected he said no so I gave him the line again "but my feet are really sore" in a soft sad voice to which he replied "Do I look like your slave?, No shh then" We both knew he dreamt of being my slave. The next day I took every chance I got to dangle my shoes, in front of him and flex my toes, every time I could see him watching my feet as if he was in love but he was obviously too shy or embarrassed to do what I said at this point. Every night I massage moisturizer into my feet, to keep them feeling soft and healthy. Instead of doing it on my own in the bathroom as usual, I decided to take it into the living room. I sat down and said to Sean "Massage my feet" in a sweet voice while holding the moisturiser out towards him, I could see it made him very uncomfortable when he replied saying "ye right" in a very sarcastic voice. I had an idea "Lets play 1 game of the cards, I win you massage my feet. deal?" to which Sean replied "what if I win?" I agreed to clean his room if he won. Sean plays cards a lot and I'd only ever beaten him once so I knew if he lost it was because he wanted to massage my feet. So we played and as I thought, I won. Sean acted disappointed and said "play again?!?" I agreed to play again with higher stakes. This time if I won, he has to massage my feet every night for a week and if I lost I'd clean his room for a week. Yet again I won. I handed Sean the moisturising cream, sat in the single chair, put my feet up on the foot stool, wiggled my toes and said "start rubbing!". Sean didn't say a word, he walked over in front of the foot stool, got on his knees and started massaging my right foot. I sat back in the chair and just relaxed, giving him orders every so often "harder", "little higher" and I let him know how good it felt by saying things like "that's the spot" and "That feels good". He spent around 40mins massaging my feet without saying a word. It was a great massage but im sure he enjoyed it more than me! When he was done he went back to the couch, I was enjoying it too much to let him stop there. Call it a power rush. I asked him to get my slippers (which were pink and fluffy) Sean said no, but after I told him that the moisturizer was still wet and that if I walked in my bare feet it would all come off he went to get my slippers. When he came back I decided to humiliate him some more so I smiled and said "Good boy, now put them on my feet" then I wiggled toes again and without saying a word he put them on my feet. I could see he was gradually becoming my slave but I still had a lot more teasing to do before he was completely mine. The next day I went into Sean's room, he was sitting in his chair with his feet up. Now usually no one can go into his room without being thrown out so I decided to test him. I went in and lay on his bed like I owned the place. Sean told me to get out so I quickly said "looking forward to my foot massage?" while putting my right leg in the air and pointing my toes to the ceiling, to which he replied "ye right" in a sarcastic voice. I just lay there on his bed knowing he couldn't throw me out like usual. If we argued he might not get to massage my feet so he left me lying there. I even had the nerve to tell him to move his chair over so could get a better view of the TV and again without saying a word he did what he was told. This went on for 3 more days, me teasing Sean and him massaging my feet each night but I wanted more. I went into Sean's room again and like last time I lay on the bed like I owned the place only this time he didn't tell me to leave. I said "my backs sore, give me a massage?" Sean said no so I said "give me a massage now and ill let you off massaging my feet tonight" he always acted like he hated massaging my feet so he agreed and gave my back and shoulders a massage for around 30mins. Later that night when it came to our usual foot massage time I sat in the chair and put my feet up like I did every other night and like every other night Sean knelt at my feet and started massaging them. He pretended to forget that I had said he didn't have to massage my feet that night but I knew he remembered, I enjoyed all the massaging so I didn't bother saying anything, I just smiled and let him get on with it. It was Saturday now which meant that our bet was over and Sean no longer had to massage my feet. When it came to massage time I acted as though I didn't realise the bet was over. I sat in the seat and put my feet up then in walks Sean. At first I could see he wasn't sure what to do massage my feet and look weird or finish the bet and risk losing my feet. Sean sat on the couch and I could see him sneakily looking at my feet. I sat back in the chair, crossed my legs and flexed my toes a little. With Sean still looking at my feet I closed my eyes and said "my feet aren't going to massage themselves." as if someone had fired a gun at the start of a race Sean got down on his knees and started rubbing. Now I decided to start making him serve me while he was massaging my feet. Cooking for me, getting me drinks and fetching me things. After 2 days of serving me I didn't have to ask anymore, when it came to foot massage time Sean would have food, a drink, TV remote and a fan ready for me. No longer was it 40min foot massages, now they lasted 2hours spending 30mins on the right foot then the left, then he would repeat. Slowly he was becoming my slave after a few days I had him doing just about everything for me just by saying things like "im tired, clean my room" , "my back hurts, Give me a massage" and "my shoes are dirty, would you clean them" He always took a cloth and wipes into my room when it was time to clean my shoes but one day I decided to watch through the door to find that he was licking clean all of my shoes. I thought this is my chance to make him my complete slave! I walked in, Sean's face turned bright red. I sat on the edge of my bed so Sean was at my feet and I said "don't forget these" putting my foot in front of his face, at the time I was wearing black ankle boots they weren't dirty but I wanted them cleaned anyway. Still with a bright red face Sean froze so I said "well ? My boots are still dirty" immediately he started cleaning my boot with the wipes, I ordered him to stop and clean them like he cleaned all my other shoes. This was perfect, my older brother on his knees licking my boots clean. I think at that moment we both knew he now belonged to me. I had him clean the sides and the bottoms then remove my boots to reveal my pink ankle socks. He rubbed my feet a little then took off the socks. I ordered him to put my slippers on which he did with no argument. I knew he wanted more but I love to tease so I left it there, I walked out of the room and as I left I told him to continue cleaning my shoes. The next day I decided to take it a step further, after I got back from the gym Sean was waiting for me, I sat down and he knelt at my feet. Slowly he took my shoes off then my socks. He pulled over the foot stool and put my feet up, all of this without me having to ask! I told Sean my feet were sweaty and sore and asked him to clean then for me. He agreed, he went to run a bowl of hot soapy water for me. When he got back I said I didn't want them cleaned like that, Sean paused for a second and asked how I would like my feet cleaned. I said "The same way you cleaned my shoes". Ill never forget the look of excitement on his face. I sat back put my right foot up to his face, he immediately started to lick my foot. I ordered him to move closer so I could rest my other foot on his back. He supported my right foot with his hands so I wouldn't get tired. The feeling of his tongue on the bottoms of my feet and in-between my toes was amazing, I loved every minute of it. When he was finished I made him get on his hands and knees so I could use him as a foot stool. I then said "Ok Sean there's going to be a few changes around here, first of all you call me Goddess Lindsay and when I give you an order I want you to say 'Yes Goddess Lindsay'" to which Sean replied "Yes Goddess Lindsay". He then asked if he could only serve me when no one else was around, I agreed. He was for my entertainment no one else's. The feeling of complete control was amazing, I now had a slave to worship me any time any day! I am 19 now and Sean still serves me when ever possible. In public we are the typical brother and sister, but in private his sole purpose in life is to worship me and fulfil my every desire no matter how big or small. At the risk of sounding greedy I now have 4 slaves, 3 male and 1 female. Personally I feel that having a female slave is a lot better than male. She could have men worship her, as could any beautiful women but instead she worships me like you wish you could. I can always use more people to serve and worship me so don't be shy and send me an email. I will only reply to well written emails, compliments don't hurt either. Goddess Lindsay Or look me up on under the name Princess Lindsay. I have 45-50 pictures of myself and my perfect feet there.



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# Posted on Wednesday, 20 May 2009 at 6:22 PM

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Posted Mar 15, 2015 10:23 by Doelerz



This happened about 2 months ago now. My sister has always been the flirty type and she has always wore revealing outfits around the house. This all started when i was in the shower. When i got out of the shower to dry myself, i noticed that there wasn't a towel in the bathroom, so i walked across our hallway to get one. But as i was walking across the hallway my sister (21) came out of her bedroom and saw me naked. Her eyes light up when she saw me and she looked so shocked. Anyway, after a few seconds, she walked off downstairs. We didn't speak for the rest of the day. The next day we only really spoke a few times, but i could feel the awkwardness. I had college that day, but i finished early, at 1:30 pm. My sister had the day off, but when i got back from college i could hear my bed squeaking (my bed is really noisy), and i could hear what it sounded like, to be my sister moaning and groaning. So i went up to my room where i saw her on my bed, fingering herself. When i walked in she instantly saw me, but she just started staring at me and she carried on masturbating for about another 10 seconds, after that she walked out. All day i couldn't stop thinking about what i witnessed my sister doing, and i was curious as to why it was on MY bed. So later on that night i went into my sisters room to confront her about all of this. I asked her why she was playing with herself on my bed, and she told me that she couldn't stop thinking about her seeing me naked and about how much i have 'grown'. I am the younger sibling by the way, two years younger, im 19. Anyway, she told me that she liked the look of my penis and she asked me if i could show her again. I wasn't sure what to think, but after hesitation, i decided ''what have i got to lose'', so i went and undone my trousers. I pulled my penis out of my trousers and showed her, she was staring at it and started licking her lips. She also undone a couple of her buttons on her shirt to reveal some cleavage (i think that might of been subconsciously though haha!) But seeing quite a bit of my sisters breast got me a little excited, so i started getting hard uncontrollably. Obviously she noticed as she was staring at it. As i was excited, my mind was all over the place, i was looking at her boobs, so i asked her if i could see them seeing as though i showed her my penis. She said yes, she got them out, they was amazing, perfectly shaped and pretty big. This made me even more excited, she then asked me if she could touch it, and by doing that she would also let me touch her boobs at the same time. she stood in front of me and put her hand on it, and i also put my hands on her boobs and started rubbing them. we was looking at each other, but she'd occasionally look down at my penis. after about 5 minutes, she got down on her knees and carried on stroking it. Then, what she did next surprised me, she spat on it. I was so shocked, i said 'oh my god why did you do that'. And then she replied ''i'll show you'', and then she started licking it and she put it in her mouth and started slowly sucking on it. It felt so wrong, but insanely good!! While she was sucking it, she kept on spitting on it and she made it incredibly wet with all of her saliva, she was even drooling from her mouth.. It made it even more exciting that my own sister was moaning while she was sucking it. after about 10 minutes of her sucking it i told her that i was about to cum, and she said '' please can you cum on my face'', so i did. It went everywhere, and after i came she licked and sucked the rest off of my penis... This experience was absolutely incredible, and other things have happened since this.
β€œI've got a sister with benefits like that, all we have to do is give a call when we are horny and the opportunity strikes . We've been doing it for forty years. ”

Excellent. Now 74 I have never fucked my sisters but have wanted to all my life.

My sister is five years older than I am and one day during summer break, she was 20 at the time and I was 15, she walked into my room with her hair up in a towel and her robe on. She looked right at me with this smile on her face then pulled open her robe and asked me if I wanted to
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