My Sister Jerked Me Off

My Sister Jerked Me Off


My Sister Jerked Me Off

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I had to jack my brother off

Oct 3, 2005

About 5 months ago - my brother was involved in a severe car incident. His entire left arm down to his hand is in a cast, his right arm is permentaly dead and his hip is fractured.
I have been speaking with him a lot more latley since his accident.
You see my brother does not have anyone to care for him, so it's hard for him to do things around his apartment. I go there atleast 4 times a week and give him a "hand"
If you think about it. He has not been able to jack off since the accident. He is extremley horney and I understand his needs for satisfying his member.
He told me "I could sure go for a good J-off right about now" I simply replied with an approved smiley on my face "I could sure give a good H-job about now"
He then looked me in the eyes and said "Go slow, then build up speed, and work you're way around that lump in the center"
I told him to "hush" and let little brother take care of things.
I started away at his huge reluctant cock. I hammered at it as if I was climbing a rope up Mount Everest with a group of 10 savage indians right behind me.
It felt like I just began when BAM! his load sprayed all in my face and I licked it up! Then he said "Spit some into my mouth little bro" I said "I'll die for you" then I spat the remaining cum into his mouth (although I savored the flavor)
I then ran to the bathroom super quick to give myself a good jack.

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I had to jack my brother off

Oct 3, 2005

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I had to jack my brother off

Oct 3, 2005

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I had to jack my brother off

Oct 3, 2005

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I was 14 she came into my bed






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Learn how to make a woman want you sexually! In today's video we're talking about sexual attraction and how you make a woman want you! We're going to be discussing some useful tips you can put to work to get a woman interested in you and building that sexual desire. Often men think they know exactly what women want, men in sports cars with big houses a big wallet and a bad boy attitude. This might be what the ladies want in movies but not in real life it's very different. To know what a lady wants you need to understand what you need to do to make her want you sexually. Imagine if you knew the secret formula to do this, the one that tells you exactly what women want sexually. The formula would let you know exactly what you need to do to get a woman to fall into your arms, sounds too good to be true right? Well it's not! It's as easy as being mindful of your own behaviour and adopting steel-proof boundaries. Want to know some more? Well don't move an inch.

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bluez , August 12, 2012 in Abuse and Violence

I think I was 14 im not really sure I only know because when I was sixteen my cousin died, and thats when she stopped doing stuff with me. And I know it went on for about two years. I was in my bed asleep when I felt someone get in the bed with me, I looked over and it was my Aunt. She was in her teens. She then picked me up and pulled me on top of her and pulled my pants down. I dont remember much but I remember masturbating on her, she was masturbating on me. I felt dirty and confused and I hated myself. Even now I get distressed thinking about it. Her hands were all over me and I didnt know what to do. I just went along with it. Was this my fault, I was a virgin Id never slept with anyone. Did I do this. This went on for two years, she would come into my bed. She said dont tell anyone about this. when she would come to stay at my parents house I would try and stay in my room but my mum would say to me , go stay outside in the visitors house with your aunt. I hated it, but I didnt know how to tell my mum. When she would have me masturbate on her I would always orgasm and thats when she would stop. I hated it yet my body ........... felt like it betrayed me. Shes my mothers sister. then she left the country and said she was never coming back. And for the odd visit she was never in my life. Then one day she came back and moved back to the city where my two sisters and parents live. Now everytime I go home to ma parents (i live in another city) I have to see her. She hugs me and I want to vomit, she talks to me as if nothing happened and I want to scream at her...........WHY WHY WHY. I use to be a happy child. But what scares me the most and stops me from sleeping, is the possibility that she might do this to my nieces and nephews. Since she returned I have been in some type of suspended hell. If I tell what happened it will destroy my mum, if I dont tell this woman might hurt the children.............

Well I have had another bout of depression due to work pressures. When Im at work I seem so confident but something usually happens and I freeze up (I usually get bullied alot no matter where I go). This time my doctor says I am suffereing from Post traumatic stress syndrome. When she told me this and described to me what it means (flash backs, lack sleep, fear panic attacks etc) I wondered if what happened to me at 14 was my trigger since my Aunt had come back into our family circle just recently

I have now booked to see a counsellor and spoken to two of my sisters and warned them, protect the children. I have also said please dont tell my mum. Mum has a heart condition, if she died because of this I could never live with this. I have one more sister to tell and then the children will be safe.

Mums sister is now living in another city and doesnt have access to the children like she use to, but Ima make sure my other sister knows. Im scared so scared, if the children are hurt because I have said nothing all these years....................

And was it my fault, i mean I did orgasm. I get so aunt use to make me walk behind her when she took me with her and her friends. She said Im just stupid and it doesnt really matter.

Does anyone have a story like this..................I feel so guilty. And all my life I have suffered from depression and guilt. I was just 14 and my innocence was stolen.
I'm so sorry. This type of thing has never happened to me, so I can't say I understand how you feel. But I really am sorry, and I do know that it is NOT your fault at all. That's obvious to anyone who reads your post. Please don't blame yourself.
they say when you orgasm it means you loved it. but I didnt. I would have to do it until I did. I ws so young I didnt know what was going on.
You keep asking if somehow this was your fault, and the answer to that question is no. There is no way in which you were responsible for what happened. I am certified in substance abuse and I want to warn you that most people who abuse drugs and/or alcohol suffered from some type of sexual abuse and what they are trying to do is numb the way they feel with a substance. You did not mention if you have turned to self-medication as a means to feel better, but I just want to point this out so that you will think twice if you find yourself considering that as a means to alleviate your guilty and depressed feeling about the matter. You say that you are going to see a counselor regarding this. That is excellent. Please return to this site and let us know how you are doing. You will find many caring people here.....
An orgasm is a reflex action which happens after a certain amount of stimulation and blood pressure. It's no more your fault than any other reflex, such as a knee jerk when you're knee is tapped. It certainly doesn't mean you loved it.

And it's certainly nothing you should be feeling guilty for. Unfortunately many people who have been abused sexually feel guilty - when the guilt should really belong to the perpetrator. If you can tap into your - completely justifiable - anger, it should chase away the guilt.

This topic is now archived and is closed to further replies.


Sammygirl24 , November 16, 2021


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Experiments I conducted on my little sister: Part I

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I’m the second child in four. The good thing about this fact is that while growing up, siblings #1 and #3 were both suitable playmates for me. If one of them didn’t want to play, I would simply hang out with the other one. Sometimes I had the luxury of choosing between the two of them.
Sometimes, at night, when my little sister and brother were already in bed and my elder sister didn’t want to play with me, I got bored with ways of entertaining myself. So occasionally, I would quietly sneak into their room, while they were still awake. My sister slept in a loft bed. At her feet, there was a big chair. My creative brain had invented the ultimate sport: get to that chair without getting noticed by her. This was a incredibly slow process, because my sister would be able to catch me with every potential noise I would make. If she simply turned her head and glanced over at the floor she would see me. Sometimes I would lie down on the floor for minutes without moving. Sometimes I would only move one limb per minute.
At times my brother, who slept in the same room, would spot me during this process. His bed was at a normal height. I would make him into my accomplice by quietly gesturing him to keep quiet. He always played along.
When I finally reached the big chair after a long and dangerous journey from the door, I would silently climb onto it. Quietly holding my breath, I would slowly change my weight from one foot to the other, until I was standing on the arms of the chair in ducked position.
At this point, my sister would still be completely unsuspecting of what was about to happen. She was usually just staring at the ceiling, minding her own thoughts, probably thinking about rainbows and sheep.
Out of nowhere, I would jump from behind her bed and scream. As you can imagine, this caused quite a reaction. It scared the hell out of her, time and time again.
It ended up with me laughing hysterically, thinking I was the most successful and hilarious super ninja in the world, and her needing to calm down after having a heart attack. In my mind I had the mad skills of a spy, which one day would prove to be useful in my future detective career.
Then I would just hang out for a bit. We would talk about whatever was on our minds until she got tired or I got bored and I would leave again.
You might think she hated this, but in fact, she really loved it.
These dark little visits gave me an idea.
I’ve always had a curious mind. So sometimes, in order to make sense of the world around me and prove certain theories, I would make my little sister into my own personal test subject.
I had heard about a certain theory that had caught my interest. Supposedly, you dream of the things that you hear around you during your sleep. This was a fascinating concept. It would mean, that you could influence what others dream about. That was even more exciting than lucid dreaming. I decided to test if it worked.
So one night, after my younger siblings fell asleep, I sneaked into their room.
I decided that the best way to test my theory, was by whispering one word over and over again in my sister’s ear. The next day, I would ask her what she had dreamt about. It was a fail-safe plan.
Great thought went into what word I would use. I thought about using a boy’s name from her school, but this was too big a risk. She might not want to share that with me the next day. It should be a
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