My Penis Jeans 1818

My Penis Jeans 1818


My Penis Jeans 1818
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Last week’s post covered Regency Era Women’s Fashions . So this week we’ll focus on Regency Era Men’s Fashion. These lists aren’t exhaustive and represent fashions men of the upper classes rather than working class wore. However, they should help you recognize what an author means and why they’re so focused on their characters being fashion conscious.
Last week, we covered the terms “Undress” , “Half Dress” and “Full Dress” . For men, “Undress” included having his jacket and cravat removed, something that was not done in polite or mixed company if the gentleman could avoid it. Dressing gowns and robes also fit this bill for gentlemen lounging at home. “Half Dress” for men meant less elaborate knots in their neck cloths, and more casual styles of clothing. “Full Dress” and “Evening Dress” are the equivalent of today’s black tie affairs. Therefore, Almack’s was a special case, where gentlemen of the ton were expected to wear breeches instead of trousers.
If you haven’t seen the movie, Beau Brummell – This Charming Man (affiliate link) with James Purefoy and Hugh Bonneville, let me whet your appetite with this clip of the opening. It tells the story of Beau Brummel and his influence on all matters sartorial.
I’ll wait if you want to replay it in full screen mode.
Ok, back now? Good. Most importantly, did you notice the anachronism? There’s a big, glaring one. It’s much more dramatic looking when James Puerfoy’s shirt opens all the way down the front instead of only partway down from the neck. So, good cinematic choice, bad historical detail.
The clip reminds me that author Kalen Hughes has a great post over at Word Wenches where she goes through the steps of dressing your Regency hero from the skin out . If you visit that post, you’ll get better idea of how long it took to dress and the order everything goes on or off in. In the same vein, Jessamyn’s Regency Costume Companion has a fabulous page that describes and details a number of men’s Regency Era fashions.
Gentlemen, like ladies, possessed a variety of outfits considered appropriate to a specific activity. So for example, one required specific jackets more suited to riding, but overall the emphasis and time spent on dressing for the next activity was not as time-consuming for men as it was for women. Isn’t that always the case?
Save A Primer on Regency Era Men's Fashion - Kristen Koster Kristen Koster A Primer on Regency Era Men's Fashion: more upper class than working class, but this post covers typical men's garments seen in Regency Romances.

This week and next, we're going to take a look at how people dressed in the Regency Era. This week we're going to focus on Regency Era Women's Fashion and all the different pieces of apparel they were changing in and out of multiple times per day. This list isn't…
One of the fun things about writing historicals is you have to learn all this really cool trivia. You need to be able to set the stage and do it in a believable manner. This includes how to properly dress your characters. And every sharp-dressed man should wear a cravat.…
You may have seen me mention the Beau Monde before and wondered what it is... The Beau Monde is an online writing organization with members all over the world that welcomes all writers of Regency-set romances, regardless of stage of publication and publication path of the writers, and level of…
Fascinating! I must watch that movie.
I really enjoyed it. It was definitely eye-candy, but also a good overview of his story and the politics of the time. I can’t remember who it was, but one of the Romance Divas recommended it a couple years ago. Hope you like it too!
Excellent post. I bookmarked it for future reference. Loved Beau Brummel This Charming Man. Such a fun movie and who can resist dishy James Purefoy?
Thanks, Georgie! I need to see what else Purefoy’s done. I also love Hugh Bonneville. Can’t wait until Downton Abbey starts up again here.
Woukd they really have called him “Mr Beau Brummel”? Surely Mr Brummel or Mr George Brummel would have been more correct.
And what about top boots. Hessians with pantaloons, top boots with breeches is what I always understood. If you look at the shape of the top of Hessian boots the cutaway style would have been graceless with the line of the bottom of the breeches.
Thanks for stopping in and watching the clip, Doreen!
It took me a minute to figure out where I’d mistyped Brummel’s name. Phew! I forgot that they say it over and over and over in the opening scene. I think perhaps they were trying to show how close their friendship was and also how very informal this meeting between Brummel and the Prince Regent was, as he ends up being shown in to Prinny’s dressing room where the clip cuts off. And I suspect a bit of Hollywood flare, drama and poetic license was also in place.
As far as boots, I’ll admit I didn’t delve as deeply as I could have. You’re correct. Would you mind if I updated the entry for boots above to reflect your comment’s information?
This morning, I did find a thorough “History of Boots” post that focuses on Regency boot styles and their influences that has wonderful sources listed, but is also an ugly wall-o-text:
Great post. I don’t write regency, but I enjoy reading it. BTW, what are quizzing glasses?
Thanks, Maggie! I really enjoy reading them too.
Candice Hern has some great info over here.
As she says, it’s basically a single magnifying lens with a handle. Or a monocle.
I’ve most often seen it used to illustrate a haughty manner by a high ranking peer looking down on someone else. But they were popular items of jewelry for both men and women by the end of the late 18th century when the term “quizzing glass” came into use.
Another mistake in the footage of Beau Brummel getting dressed was his fob. It would have been attatched to his watch and slipped into his pocket for that purpose on his breeches waistband. Not clipped onto the waistband as shown. What was the point of that? Nice to watch though!!!
I believe gloves for gentlemen in the 18th century were sometimes soft yellow leather. What do you know about this, please? Thank you from Kathmandu. M. Davis
Sorry, I don’t know details like that for 18th Century gloves. =( You might want to check out The Worshipful Company of Glovers at
Thank you for your quick reply w/ the link. I typed 18th for 19th century! So if anyone knows about Regency gloves for men… Martine Davis, KTM
Very interesting post. Thanks for it. I have bookmarked it
You’re welcome. Glad you found it interesting!
Would men have worn a floor length velvet cape with a black satin collar or would a women wear this?
Hi Norma, thanks for stopping by and posing an interesting question!
I spent a chunk of yesterday looking into this and from what I could find, men’s fashions in the Regency were much more form fitting than a floor-length cape like that would be. Now, great coats tend to break that, but they still have more “shape” to them and often had several capelets for flair. So I’d guess that a floor length velvet cape would be late 18th Century or later than the Regency in the 19th Century for men. So for Regency, I’d expect a cape like that to be worn by a woman or if worn by a man, perhaps as part of a masquerade costume. Also, I’d expect a woman’s cape to be more colorful than a stark black.
If anyone else has any insights or information, I’d love to hear it!
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acrylic on canvas, 2014, 70 x 100 cm
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is a brutal custom practised in several developing countries under the guise of religion and tradition
Even those who see it in EUROPE close their eyes...why??
* Up to 500,000 girls and women living in the European Union are affected or threatened by FGM.
* 75,000 of them live in Great Britain, 65,000 in France, 30,000 in Germany.
* The victims are migrants, whose families took along this practice when they immigrated.
* In spite of the fact that FGM is in most European countries either directly or indirectly prohibited, the laws are either incomplete or they are not enforced. The only country in which legal proceedings in connection with Female Genital Mutilation have ever been instituted, is France.
* Most European countries hardly invest in awareness training and in investigations.
* There are no effective cross-border measures against Female Genital Mutilation. Any efforts – which vary tremendously in their degree – take place within the country borders. FGM is still not considered to be a European problem.
* The victims are usually approached in the health sector and by authorities in an inadequate way, ignorance prevails.
* FGM is in hardly any European country a regular part of the vocational training of doctors, midwives and social workers.
* No European country explicitly accepts the threat of genital mutilation as a reason for asylum
United Kingdom: Over 600 new victims of FGM identified in the West Midlands in seven months (22 June 2015)
March 2014: more than 60 cases of Female Genital Mutilation among minor girls have been detected in SWEDISH school - but not a single prosecution and no protection of potential victims
FGM is banned but very much alive in the UK (2016)
---------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------
December 10th is International Human Rights Day.
There are a lot of causes I could go off about but I think it's more effective to focus on one.
In some African countries, 90% of women have undergone this experience. But it happens even in countries like the US and UK with incoming cultures.
Female Genital Mutilation or (FGM) is the removal of some (usually the clitoris) or all of a girl's external genitalia. I'm not going to state an opinion on circumcision, but it is not at all similar. To do this on a male would be like removing the head or all of the penis. In the least major form of FGM, JUST the most sensitive part of the genitals are removed. In the most severe form the clit is removed, AND the labia minora (little inner lips) are cut away, AND THEN all of it is sewn up so that there's just a tiny hole to pee out of, nothing else. In order for such a terrible wound to heal, woman's (or usually, girl's) legs have to be bound together for weeks.
FGM is often done without anesthetic and some times with crude cutting instruments such as glass or even sharp rocks. FGM can causes a frightening variety of infections (which can lead to death).
You can say all you want (if you want) about respecting other cultures. But this horrible thing is usually done to girls between 4 and 8. This is no age where they can consent (and doubtlessly they DON'T consent) to such a permanent trauma. No one has the right to deny a person that much of their own body.
This picture made it in Explore! My first. Thank you everyone for viewing my picture and reading what I have to say.
A b&w modified version of this photo appears on the Common Ties website as part of their 20 Questions project.
Elephantiasis (neurofibrome) is a disease that is characterized by the thickening of the skin and underlying tissues, especially in the legs and genitals. In some cases, the disease can cause certain body parts to swell to the size of a softball or basketball. It is often caused by parasitic worms such as Wuchereria bancrofti, Brugia malayi, and B. timori , all of which are transmitted by mosquitoes. Consequently, it is common in tropical regions and Africa. Obstruction of the lymphatic vessels leads to swelling in the lower torso, typically in the legs and genitals. It is not definitively known if this swelling is caused by the parasite itself, or by the immune system's response to the parasite.
And she seems to have taken that skeeter bite in the butt.
Or it could be steatopygia , as Pablo pointed out.... unsure since this goes a third of the way down the thigh so isn't reserved only for the gluteal area.
But it could be worse , you know. (Don't ask how that happens.)
Identifier : anatomydescripti1887gray
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ette, which is commonly ruptured inthe first parturition, and the space betweenit and the commissure is called the fossanavicularis. The labia are analogous tothe scrotum in the male. The Labia minora [*] or Nymphse aretwo small folds of mucous membrane sit-uated within the labia majora, extendingfrom the clitoris obliquely downward andoutward for about an inch and a half oneach side of the orifice of the vagina, onthe sides of which they are lost. Theyare continuous externally with the labiamajora, internally with the inner surfaceof the vagina. As they converge towardthe clitoris in front each labium dividesinto two folds, which surround the glans clitoridis, the superior folds uniting to formthe praeputium clitoridis, the inferior folds being attached to the glans and formingthe fraenum. The nymphse are composed of mucous membrane, covered by a thinepithelial layer. They contain a plexus of vessels in their interior, and are pro- [ In the singular number labium majus and minus.]976
jFbsb. C-OT71.—■ ■mis sw-e- Mossa. nct-uicu.-laris The Vulva, external Female Organs of Generation. FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. 977 vided with numerous large mucous crypts which secrete abundance of sebaceousmatter. The Clitoris is an erectile structure analogous to the corpora cavernosa of thepenis. [It differs from the penis in having no corpus spongiosum and no urethra.]It is situated beneath the anterior commissure, partially hidden between the ante-rior extremities of the labia minora. It is an elongated organ, connected to therami of the pubes and ischia on each side by a crus; the body is short and con-cealed beneath the labia; the free extremity, or glans clitoridis, is a small roundedtubercle consisting of spongy erectile tissue and highly sensitive. The clitoris con-sists of two corpora cavernosa, composed of erectile tissue enclosed in a dense layerof fibrous membrane, united together along their inner surfaces by an incompletefibrous pectiniform septum. It is provid
Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
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Fig. 268. Enormous Hypertrophy of the Labia Minora—the so-caUed Hottentot Apron. The first cut showsthe patient standing, with the hypertrophied labia hanging between the thiglis. The second cut shows the patienton her back, with the labia separated. (Garrigues, after Zweifel—/5/se«s(?s of Women.) 204 GYNECOLOGIC DIAGNOSIS
Fig. 269. H.ypertrophy of the Clitoris. (Hirst—Diseases of Women.)
Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
Identifier : anatomydescripti1887gray
Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book.
ris The Vulva, external Female Organs of Generation. FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. 977 vided with numerous large mucous crypts which secrete abundance of sebaceousmatter. The Clitoris is an erectile structure analogous to the corpora cavernosa of thepenis. [It differs from the penis in having no corpus spongiosum and no urethra.]It is situated beneath the anterior commissure, partially hidden between the ante-rior extremities of the labia minora. It is an elongated organ, connected to therami of the pubes and ischia on each side by a crus; the body is short and con-cealed beneath the labia; the free extremity, or glans
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