My Own Penis Went Inside Me

My Own Penis Went Inside Me


My Own Penis Went Inside Me
by Cassie Shortsleeve Published: Jul 30, 2020
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You wake up one morning and notice your penis looks a little shorter. Soon, you’re convinced your losing length by the day. After awhile, if you don’t take action, your member is practically gone.
It sounds like a nightmare, but it’s actually a real medical condition. It’s called a buried penis—also known as a hidden penis—and doctors are seeing more and more cases of it.
Simply stated, “a buried penis is one where the penis itself does not extend outside the body,” says Drogo Montague, M.D., a urologist at the Cleveland Clinic. “There is an opening where the penis would normally hang, and the head is usually plush with skin, but there’s no shaft outside of the body.”
In an extreme case, your member might look more like a clitoris than a penis, says Ming-Hsien Wang, M.D., an associate professor of pediatric urology Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.
Of course, change occurs on a continuum, notes Dr. Montague. You might notice at first, for instance, that your penis just seems to get shorter and shorter. (It's different from a small amount of shrinkage that some men see with age ; that's due to skin cells around it becoming less elastic.) And it's worth being concerned about.
There tend to be two different types of buried penis. The first is a pediatric problem. Often, it’s the result of a bad circumcision where too much of a boy’s foreskin has been removed, says Dr. Wang.
The skin that’s left can form scar tissue and become so tight that the skin pulls forward, covering the penis, she says. This can also happen in men who get circumcised as adults.
If the issue is a circumcision gone wrong, it may also hurt when you get an erection, thanks to pulling on the scar tissue, says Dr. Wang.
A buried penis caused by circumcision can be fixed through surgery, she says. A doctor would remove the scar tissue and reconstruct the area.
The adult variety, on the other hand, is mostly due to one thing: obesity. “Obesity is an epidemic,” says Dr. Montague. While the rates of buried penises haven’t been thoroughly studied , he sees more men in his office today suffering from the issue than he has in the past. Which makes sense, as obesity experts are also seeing more clients than they have in the past.
First, a little refresher about your penis’s anatomy: The penis itself has two erection chambers, says Dr. Montague.
“About one-third of these are inside the body and two-thirds are outside in the penile shaft,” he says.
But if you’re overweight or morbidly obese—and noticing a change in length—what’s changing is basically how much of your penis is inside your body and how much is outside.
“With extreme obesity, it’s like the obese body engulfs the penis. A full buried penis is when the entire penis shaft is buried below the surface of the skin,” says Dr. Montague. The fat around the penis is engulfing it. So it's still there, you just can't see it all. And even though it's still intact, a buried penis could still cause issues for you.
There are other reasons someone could wind up losing length down there beyond obesity, though. In radical prostatectomies—where the prostate is removed, like because a person has had prostate cancer—men may lose about an inch of penile length, says Dr. Montague: That’s the result of pulling the urethra up to attach to the bladder.” (Still, it seems like most penile shortening rebounds as time passes after your surgery, as we reported , so don't let that stop you from getting your prostate looked at and attended to, if needed.)
Peyronie's disease—when scar tissue forms in the penis, often due to repeated injury—can also cause an erection to become shorter and curved, he says. Not only can that prevent you from having sex or make it difficult to have an erection, it can cause a huge amount of stress and anxiety. Certain drugs can help by reducing the amount of scar tissue. Other drugs can be injected into the penis to reduce curvature and pain. And if the problem is severe, surgery may be an option, and there are a few types of surgery that can be done, depending on your individual physiology and issue. (Don't overlook these other penis problems , either.)
Beyond the psychological impact, buried penises can be seriously problematic.
For one, penetrative sex is also an obvious issue. “These men can’t have sex or sex is very difficult,” says Dr. Montague. (Although there are other ways to have a satisfying sex life besides penetrative sex; guys with a micropenis experience the same issues, and here are some strategies that help in that situation.)
Plus, it’s hard for the area to stay clean, says Dr. Wang. You have to pee sitting down—and when you urinate, you can urinate all over yourself, she says.
Because it’s easier for this area to stay wet, Dr. Montague says hygiene becomes a big issue. Men can suffer from issues like diaper rash. (Plenty of guys have strategies for dealing with being sweaty below the belt and have found these moves to help with the issues around it.)
If you’ve had a buried penis for years, you may be at risk of some serious—though rare—health complications. In an extreme case, if the entire penis disappears, 20 years or so of chronic inflammation that occurs as a result could make penile cancer a worry, says Dr. Montague.
In fact, that inflammation, along with more frequent, low-grade infection as a result of the difficulty keeping clean, could make the development of cancer there more likely, according to Case Reports in Urology .
The best fix for a buried penis that occurs as a result of obesity is straightforward, if not always exactly simple or easy: weight loss.
If patients are able to drop back down to a more normal body weight, that can fix the problem entirely, says Dr. Montague. “The more weight they lose, the more helpful it is.” (Get started with the 25 smartest weight loss tips for men, here .)
But sometimes, surgery for a buried penis is necessary—particularly in those who don’t lose weight.
Surgery often entails removing tissue around the area, says Dr. Montague. Often, this can be through sucking fat out through liposuction and removing excess skin around where the pubic bone is.
“That allows the penis to come outside of body,” he says. “In most buried penis surgeries, skin and fat are cut out.”
Doctors might also remove a large, triangle-shaped area of skin and fat, and fix the penis at its proper location to the fascia, or connective issue, to keep it in its new and proper place, he says.
Even after natural weight loss, sometimes excess skin that’s hanging down into your pubic area must be removed, says Dr. Wang. “That’s the best way to prevent a buried penis from coming back.”
Cassie Shortsleeve is a skilled freelance writer and editor with almost a decade of experience reporting on all things health, fitness, and travel. A former Shape and Men’s Health editor, her work has also been published in Women’s Health , SELF , Runner’s World , Men’s Journal ,, and other national print and digital publications. When she’s not writing, you’ll find her drinking coffee or running around her hometown of Boston.

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Communities > Urology > Uncomfortable penile retraction when sitting or bending over

I'm 28 year old man.  I have been experiencing uncomfortable penile retraction for a couple of months.  I don't have problems with erections or urination.  My groin area is not in any pain.  When I sit down or bend over my penis literally retracts inside me and the foreskin covers the entire shaft. I was wondering if I should go see a urologist or primary care physician? I have been reading the forums and people are talking about botox or surgery. I just want the uncomfortable retractions to stop.

When I go swimming I either get an infection or something goes wrong, why? I have been swimming since I was three. Therefore I miss not...

Hi! I'm 16 years old and I was wondering about the foreskin of my penis. I find discomfort when trying to pull back the foreskin past the...

I had a urethroplasty 4 weeks ago. Had the retrograde urethrogram 4 days ago. The stented penile cath was removed after ensuring watert...

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I am experiencing the same as most of you without the pain. Been getting worse over the years. I really does effect much self esteem. It’s now even happening when I stand and totally disappears when I sit. I don’t think there is much we can do besides loose some weight in the Pubic area? Hanging weights? Have no clue I’m just grasping for anything that might help.

I have a similar situation with the feeling of retraction when squatting or bending down, but in addition I have pain in the whole sitting area.  It's on the surface and makes my skin feel very irritated, like a rug burn.  Does anyone have any news on treatments or at least a definitive cause?

I also have this problem I've had it for almost a year and it's become very troublesome and like you said distracting. I just can't think about anything else when I sit forward and my penis goes inside of itself so I'm constantly readjusting all day everyday wherever I am it is so embarrassing and uncomfortable to have to do that and it's  affected my social life, my confidence, everything. I've gotten more used to it and i can tolerate it sort of but still i find it impossible to ignore at times and i'm constantly worried about it happening again cause it throws me off. I have seen two urologists who checked me out and said i'm "fine." One prescribed me an L Arginine supplement which basically just helps you get hard. Honestly i'm scared idk what to do and i dont know if anyone can help me. I've considered seeing a penile reconstruction doctor just to talk i'm not doing anything to my penis just yet. It really just feels like there's extra skin down there. It's tight when i'm hard but when i'm flaccid my foreskin is loose and it all bunches up it's even hard to get hard sometimes cause it just feels like im pulling on skin and not my ****. I know thats gross but it's what has plagued me for a while and caused me some serious pain. Recently i've just been trying to ignore it maybe that's the best solution i dont know if its possible for me to do that tho. Oh i almost forgot i'm also getting tested for low T and getting the results tomorrow that could be the problem idk.

Dudes, i have a question. Do you have lordosis, pelvic forward tilt or something like that who have this penis rectile issue?

did anybody find a solution for this penis retract

I'm too 28 and having this problem since one year and it is continuing. This is effecting my job as i have to sit for 8 hours. I'm thinking to quit as this is very painful and i always be irritated or embarrassed. I can't focus on anything due to this problem. I think girls would feel the similar kind of pain or embarrassment while in their periods. I'm suffering every second. When i excersice or climb stairs like more than 2 floors then it hide in my body like a tortoise hides its head and the circumcised foreskin appears with the head burrowed. Sooo painful and so embarrassing. I have to pull it out and only 1 inch it comes out. I can see the veins on flaccid penis. I also feel it gets numb while i sit and work in my office. I masturbate twice or thrice a week and since my teenage i have masturbated with out using hands that is rubbing penis to bed and wooden cot (hard surface). I think that is the root cause. I've reduced masturbate 1 time a week and since 2 months I've not rubbed my penis to bed. Also i get sleep if i sleep on my belly (body weight on penis) . This also i think contribute to my problem. When erect, I'm 4.5 inches with slight pain in penis. I'm taking some multivitamin tablet doe penis cure which includes Recharj 5G by Dr. Morepen, Zeegold, Neurogard and Pantab 40 (I'm also suffering from Chronic constipations with hard stools 2 or 3 times a week). Still no change in my health. What drug should i take to cure this penis problem? Please advise.

I have also experinced this problem. what is it?

From the symptoms it looks like it can be a trapped penis or buried penis. Due to obesity fat pad at the base of the penis conceals the penis and penis is hidden or buried within the suprapubic fat pad. For this losing weight or reducing the suprapubic fat by getting a tummy tuck operation during adulthood can help. The other option is surgical release of penis. My sincere advice would be to consult a urologist and discuss this with him.

I sincerely hope that helps. Take care.

I'm not obese.  I don't have any ED or injury.  It's just when I sit, it literally goes in and it looks like a nub (like i have no penis). It just feels very uncomfortable like u know something isn't right.


One reason for retraction is obesity. Over the last few years I have gained some body fat due to no longer being mobile. As a result the penis does retract into the pubic fat area causing the penis to disapear into the foreskin. It is a problem for me since I used condom catheters for incontinence. It is a subject that I will have to discuss on my next consultation with my doctor.
I'm not sure about Botox, if I'm not mistaken it paralizes muscles and I'm not sure that it would be apropriate in that region. Surgery is being used to free a burried penis.
If I press against the pubic fat, I can gain about an inch of penile length. If I stand the penile shaft is more exposed. The reall problem is in the sitting position.
If I can obtain an erection, the penile length is just under 6". The problem is that I also suffer from ED. As a result putting on a condom catheter has become difficult and often fails as a result of it.

I'm cuurious to know what the doctor, urologist will suggest. Circumcision is not an option for me. I have had a foreskin for 47 years and plan to keep it for the rest of my life. With a foreskin, I can never be mistaken as a Muslim.

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When I go swimming I either get an infection or something goes wrong, why? I have been swimming since I was three. Therefore I miss not...

Hi! I'm 16 years old and I was wondering about the foreskin of my penis. I find discomfort when trying to pull back the foreskin past the...

I had a urethroplasty 4 weeks ago. Had the retrograde urethrogram 4 days ago. The stented penile cath was removed after ensuring watert...

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