My Mom's Bitch

My Mom's Bitch


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Answered 1 year ago · Author has 856 answers and 572.2K answer views
Mine too! She may be jealous or have mental issues! She may have resentment towards you for some F***** up reason even tho no reason is acceptable. Try and talk to her I’m sure that won’t help if she is anything like mine tho. Maybe she is going through something even so I’m sure you wouldn’t be asking this question if it was a bad day she was having. Sometimes in life things like this happen and our parents let us down and do these types of things. The only thing we can do is learn from it and make sure we don’t do the same to our kids.
Related Questions (More Answers Below)
What should I do if my mom is a bitch?
My mom is a bitch and doesn't care about how I feel. She never appreciates me and always thinks I make excuses. What can I do?
My mom calls me a bitch and a slut for no reason at all, im 13. what should I do?
My mother is a bitch. Yes, such mothers exist too. I hate her for what mental and emotional trauma she inflicts on my papa. At the same time, I don't want to lose her. How does it feel to be raised by such a mother?
Is it abusive for a mother to call her child a bitch, fat, and tell her that she doesn't like her?
I get where you are coming from. My mom is a total bitch too. she treats me like a nobody. She often favors my younger sister, Claire. I try to just blow it off. But she is always coming at me for no reason. I wish I could say our relationship got better, but that would be lying. All I can say is try talking to her. That never helped for me but maybe your experience will be different. I hope things get better.
Answered 9 months ago · Author has 916 answers and 321.4K answer views
Well, we have an issue with your question.
If you take god as the provider out of the question, we then come down to a more manageable problem, that is the attitude of your mother.
First thing to ask yourself. Is she a bitch to others (a TOTAL bitch) or just to a select few which you have the joy of being included in that group?
If she is a bitch only to you then there is some issue that she could resent or have trouble dealing with when you are around.
Next thing to consider, are you the cause of her attitude? Some people just naturally dislike each other and this leads to conflict - especially i
Well, we have an issue with your question.
If you take god as the provider out of the question, we then come down to a more manageable problem, that is the attitude of your mother.
First thing to ask yourself. Is she a bitch to others (a TOTAL bitch) or just to a select few which you have the joy of being included in that group?
If she is a bitch only to you then there is some issue that she could resent or have trouble dealing with when you are around.
Next thing to consider, are you the cause of her attitude? Some people just naturally dislike each other and this leads to conflict - especially if the two are in the same family.
Whatever your answers are, you have two choices to consider. Whether you want to do something about it OR whether it is worth doing something about it. As the state of your life at the moment guides these decisions, only you have the answer to that.
If the answer is yes, conflict management is a service some therapists offer, might be something to explore.
Trust me I may seem like a young teen bitching for nothing or seem like a brat but trust me my mom doesn't know how to control her fucking anger and love to release it on me for asking “can I have my friends over” and my grandmother is more of a bitch that ever and there fucking toxic too like when my mom says no to something my grandma being the annoying piece of shit she is fucking laughs at me like some 4th-grade bitchy teacher's pet kid, I cant wait to move out so I can get a job and finally be stable without those dumbasses in my life
Also, they never care about my mental health never fuck
Trust me I may seem like a young teen bitching for nothing or seem like a brat but trust me my mom doesn't know how to control her fucking anger and love to release it on me for asking “can I have my friends over” and my grandmother is more of a bitch that ever and there fucking toxic too like when my mom says no to something my grandma being the annoying piece of shit she is fucking laughs at me like some 4th-grade bitchy teacher's pet kid, I cant wait to move out so I can get a job and finally be stable without those dumbasses in my life
Also, they never care about my mental health never fucking check on me never fucking cares, and when I talk back the smallest just to prove my point she insults me and says that I'm trying to be the victim, I'm done I want to get away from them for a long time and live alone then when I'm old enough start a family and never let her meet them, she can care about my older brother and that's it
My mother is a bitch. Yes, such mothers exist too. I hate her for what mental and emotional trauma she inflicts on my papa. At the same time, I don't want to lose her. How does it feel to be raised by such a mother?
To say the least, yours is not an envious situation. Since your question provides limited facts, I assume there are BIG temperamental differences between your parents and either you are not old enough to persuade your mother to change her behaviour towards your father, or she refuses to listed to you. You may agree that differences of opinion among people is as basic as any other fundamental human instinct. Unfortunately, people at times are not able to manage such differences, which reflects in their behavior. Even more unfortunate is the fact that people tend to be oblivious to the unintend
To say the least, yours is not an envious situation. Since your question provides limited facts, I assume there are BIG temperamental differences between your parents and either you are not old enough to persuade your mother to change her behaviour towards your father, or she refuses to listed to you. You may agree that differences of opinion among people is as basic as any other fundamental human instinct. Unfortunately, people at times are not able to manage such differences, which reflects in their behavior. Even more unfortunate is the fact that people tend to be oblivious to the unintended impact of their behaviour towards one person, on other persons who become unintended 'beneficiaries' in the process. In your case, you are annoyed by your mother's behaviour towards your father and at the same time, you love your mother for being what she is to you (that's why you don't want to lose her, right?). As relationships do not spoil overnight, they cannot be mended overnight too. It takes time and sustained sincere effort to have a change. And know what, real change happens when the person whose behaviour you want to change, himself wants to change. If you want your mother to stop being bad to your father, you need to put in patient and sustained efforts aimed at making your mother realise that dad is not that bad after all. The key to this is that you MUST at all times show utmost love, respect and care for your mother, else she will assume that you have been tutored by your father and are being disrespectful to her. Let your mother see for herself that inspite of she being rude to her husband and her child being strongly against it, neither the child has any let it impact his/ her relationship with the mother, nor the father is feeding the child towards this end. Once she realises that her family loves and respects her, she may realise that she needs to respond accordingly. Remember, a child can work wonders in the relationship of his/ her parents.
Answered 2 years ago · Author has 269 answers and 695.5K answer views
How do you know if your mother is toxic?
How to identify a toxic[1] person (Read to know if you have one in your life or ARE one in someone’s life.):
How to identify a toxic[1] person (Read to know if you have one in your life or ARE one in someone’s life.):
If you think you have a toxic relationship with a person, please get rid of the relationship as soon as possible. Considering that all toxic relationships are extremely close relationships that we value (otherwise why would we be tolerating them for so long), it [ending] could be a difficult move. But just like stepping on the cold floor after a hot shower, it needs to be done or you might burn yourself.
How do I deal with a bad mouthed and bitchy mother?
I believe that you have been a strong one so far and it’s where the bubble is gonna burst. That’s a very normal and obvious thing to happen.
See, most of the things you might have already tried and filled with frustration came to open forum. I won’t take much of your time.
I really want you to try and walk away sometimes from the quarrel, not always possible so don’t always. I really don’t know the situation you are in and a generic answer always kills. But i’ll try my best.
But for you to think straight you should try to take out time and do that makes you happy
I believe that you have been a strong one so far and it’s where the bubble is gonna burst. That’s a very normal and obvious thing to happen.
See, most of the things you might have already tried and filled with frustration came to open forum. I won’t take much of your time.
I really want you to try and walk away sometimes from the quarrel, not always possible so don’t always. I really don’t know the situation you are in and a generic answer always kills. But i’ll try my best.
But for you to think straight you should try to take out time and do that makes you happy, relaxed, free from stress. being in stress, angry, a lot of sleeping, blaming never helps.
See, there must be something that is bothering her and is a result of all this mess. try to sort that out. It’s you who has been there for last 20 years and can analyse what is the gap, miscommunication, hurdler, stress in her mind, etc.
I cannot blame anyone at this point but try and help. You can also see the best time and situation to talk to your dad once you know of a possible problem. Also can ask as he has been with her for a longer time (do check a proper time and good state of his mind).
Sometime it’s just the stress or past things mumbling in mind that comes out like this. They are at times sorry but can never say so and are more caught into stress, guilt resulting in anger. One more reason is they mostly are not liked and loved coz of their behavior and they damn miss it.
They don’t that love or understanding coz the person in front is a human too and feels bad, stresses out and reacts even if don’t want to.
I really wish to help instead of giving generic answers that will never help till i know more about you, the situation at home and little overall background.
All I can say is don’t loose hope and try your level best to come out of stress to think straight. If you are the only sibling then it’s you who can save the family and keep them together always.
I know you will, all the very best, God Bless dear never loose hope.
Answered 3 years ago · Author has 2.9K answers and 2M answer views
I’m 15 and my mom has called me a bitch to my face twice. At first I thought she was having a bad day but then it happened again later. How should I handle this?
There are two sides to every story. I find it hard to believe that your mom just out of the blue decided to call you a bitch. I’m not taking your mom’s side, I think it is wrong of her to say, but I don’t feel that you have put the entire story out for us to answer your question.
What I will say is, even though your mom has called you out of your name, twice, as wrong as she is for doing that, you need to still respect your mom. Don’t do what she does, you are 15 and she is the adult. Adults can make terrible choices in what they do and say to their kids, so she is wrong, but you need to respec
There are two sides to every story. I find it hard to believe that your mom just out of the blue decided to call you a bitch. I’m not taking your mom’s side, I think it is wrong of her to say, but I don’t feel that you have put the entire story out for us to answer your question.
What I will say is, even though your mom has called you out of your name, twice, as wrong as she is for doing that, you need to still respect your mom. Don’t do what she does, you are 15 and she is the adult. Adults can make terrible choices in what they do and say to their kids, so she is wrong, but you need to respect her and if you can talk to her, I believe the best thing to do is to go to her, when the situation is not heated, and ask her why she refers to you this way. Let her know how it makes you feel . Respecting your mom doesn’t mean just take it. All I’m saying is, it would be disrespectful for you to give it back to her. So try talking and see if that helps to calm the situation.
Updated 1 year ago · Author has 2K answers and 278.6K answer views
How should I deal with my mom who yells and screams at me and calls me a bitch all of the time? Is she being abusive? She doesn’t like my attention but sometimes, she does and she wants to talk to me. What should I do?
• Can you talk to your father about this –– or live with him instead?
• Can you live with a relative, friend of the family, best friend –– or visit them in the summer, weekends, holidays, vacations, etc.?
• If you’re willing to consider foster care, call Child Protective Services.
• How should I deal with my mom [yelling, screaming, and calling me names]? You know your mom, so choose the response you think is best:
“I’d love to talk with you, but I have to [do my homework, take a shower, finish my laundry, go to the restroom, etc.]”
• Can you talk to your father about this –– or live with him instead?
• Can you live with a relative, friend of the family, best friend –– or visit them in the summer, weekends, holidays, vacations, etc.?
• If you’re willing to consider foster care, call Child Protective Services.
• How should I deal with my mom [yelling, screaming, and calling me names]? You know your mom, so choose the response you think is best:
“I’d love to talk with you, but I have to [do my homework, take a shower, finish my laundry, go to the restroom, etc.]”
• What should I do? Spend as much time away from the house as possible. Can you visit a neighbor? Are you still in school? Study at the library. Are you in high school? Can you attend summer school and graduate early? If you would like to get a job, or get a better job, the Work Experience Counselor can offer referrals to job openings for high school students. Don’t initiate any conversations, if you can help it. Occupy yourself. Think of your mom as a roommate that you have very little interaction with. You smile in passing, without any expectation.
Answered 6 months ago · Author has 59 answers and 14.9K answer views
My mom calls me a bitch and a slut for no reason at all, im 13. what should I do?
In my opinion first off I wanna say I’m so sorry for you having to go through that. No child or teen at that age should have to hear that all the time and I don’t know your situation but from my experience is your mothers mad at herself Or maybe with your father and takes it out on you. Or on the other hand it could be the way she was brought up or the way she grew up and that’s just her terminology that she utilizes when she gets mad. Most important thing is to know yourself and be grounded don’t let the words of anybody hinder what you already know about yourself.
You cant change your mom unless you are FLASH (The DC Comic Character) or close friend of FLASH who can go back in time and change the circumstances and create multiple timelines destroying the world because of singularity!
The more you feel it, the more it will hurt. They say,
However you can also inform your mom is a very nice way that you very very bad about what she says and you guys are not that bad.
You should have a list of good stuff about you ready, well I can give you 1000 of good things about
You cant change your mom unless you are FLASH (The DC Comic Character) or close friend of FLASH who can go back in time and change the circumstances and create multiple timelines destroying the world because of singularity!
The more you feel it, the more it will hurt. They say,
However you can also inform your mom is a very nice way that you very very bad about what she says and you guys are not that bad.
You should have a list of good stuff about you ready, well I can give you 1000 of good things about me lol in seconds….
Afterwards the most important stuff you have to do is to listen to what she says, she will give you a list of bad stuff about you and THEN you will have to rectify all the issues so that she dont have any more.
Answered 1 year ago · Author has 3.9K answers and 2.2M answer views
My mom is a bitch and doesn't care about how I feel. She never appreciates me and always thinks I make excuses. What can I do?
You cannot complain what you tolerate… Have a heart-to-heart talk with your mom and sort it out. Be honest but respectful and discuss without yelling and before you set up this meeting - have the firm intention that you are going in to resolve the matter with her and not get into a shouting match…
Be respectful at all times and have the genuine desire to resolve the conflict. She is your mom - the mom who carried you inside her womb and loved you from the moment you were born…
What should I do if my mom is a bitch?
Just make sure to feed her and take her out for a walk once in a while. Also you should, right away, teach her not to poop on the carpet. The sooner you do that, the better is gonna be for you.
What should I do if my mom is a bitch?
My mom is a bitch and doesn't care about how I feel. She never appreciates me and always thinks I make excuses. What can I do?
My mom calls me a bitch and a slut for no reason at all, im 13. what should I do?
My mother is a bitch. Yes, such mothers exist too. I hate her for what mental and emotional trauma she inflicts on my papa. At the same time, I don't want to lose her. How does it feel to be raised by such a mother?
Is it abusive for a mother to call her child a bitch, fat, and tell her that she doesn't like her?
Why does my mom call me a disrespectful little bitch?
My mom always calls me a bitch and I'm really sad about it. I'm 14. Is that normal?
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