My Moms A Story Reading Baby Feeding

My Moms A Story Reading Baby Feeding


Breastfeeding Stories from Real Moms
As a new mom who is just beginning to breastfeed feeling supported in your decision and knowing that you are not alone in this endeavor is vital to the success of the breastfeeding relationship between you and your child. While it is important to have the support of your family and friends, reading stories and hearing accounts from veteran breastfeeders can also help to provide you with the encouragement and inspiration that you need for the journey that lies ahead.
The stories listed on this page were submitted by real breastfeeding moms who wanted to share their nursing and pumping experiences with other mothers like you. If you would like have your story published here to be shared with other breastfeeding mothers, please submit your entry on our Contact Us page.
» Heartfelt Memories Read all 6 stories.
» Lessons Learned Read all 11 stories.
» Humorous Moments Read all 6 stories.
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Submitted by Stephanie
(Illinois, USA)
I breastfed all three of my now grown children. Breast feeding was the single most enriching experience I’ve ever had.
It wasn’t always easy. At first I struggled with sore, cracked nipples that were so painful, I nearly gave up. Just when I thought I couldn’t take it another minute, I woke up the next day and suddenly I wasn’t sore anymore. I nursed my son in spite of the embarrassment and dismay of some friends and family members who couldn’t understand why I would choose to do such a thing when I could easily use formula. I knew I was doing the best thing for my baby, and continued undaunted.
When my son was 11 months old, I got pregnant with my second child. I was still breast feeding my son with great success; so I continued to do so all through my second pregnancy.
After my daughter was born, I breastfed both her, and my son. Sometimes at the same time. A couple months after she was born, my son turned two and I weaned him. It broke both our hearts, but the new infant needed it so much more than he did. I got pregnant with my third child when my second was 9 months old and still nursing. Again, I nursed a child through another pregnancy. She weaned herself when the baby was born.
I never regretted my decision to breast feed. My kids were healthier and happier than the babies of my friends who did not choose to breast feed. Breast feeding was an inexpensive, perfectly nutritious way for me to feed my babies and the bonding experience was priceless. To this day, my children and I are very, very close.
A few times I even had the privilege of nursing infants who belonged to my breast feeding friends; with their permission of course. To this day, over 21 years since I first put my infant son to my nipple, I encourage young mothers to breast feed. It is the single most important thing you can do for yourself and your baby next to giving her love.
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