My Mom Is A Prostitute

My Mom Is A Prostitute


My Mom Is A Prostitute
An online portal founded in Bangladesh dedicated to provide a platform towards change.
Editor(English site): Shucheesmita Simonti

Founder: Supriti Dhar

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Fahmi Ela (Translated by Tinni Rahman):
I heard that I am born there at Doulotdia brothel. Where red and blue lights are lit in the evening as if the day starts after dark. Of course it’s the start. Male clients overflow the neighborhood. I heard it’s also called the neighborhood of dirty dancers when I became older. So the gentlemen come to the neighborhood of dirty dancers after dark. They come, they pay, and they get physical pleasure and leave. May be today it’s the room of the west, tomorrow the room of the east. The difference is only in the change of bodies.
My mother sent me to my grandmother’s house after I was born. Maybe she wanted me to be educated and earn for myself, she might also have thought that if a false identity of my father can be provided, I might get married one day. Maybe she didn’t want me to take drugs to reduce pain after serving eight to ten customers every day.
Maybe my mother didn’t want my teenage body to grow up by taking hormone pills. Maybe my mother didn’t want a lot of things. I knew about having a mother who is alive when I was about seven years old. I was alone at home, my grandmother went to the Bazar. Our neighbor Selim uncle came to see my grandmother and took me to bed carrying in his lap after locking the door. When I started shouting, he stuffed cloth in my mouth and kept saying, “shut up whore”.
I only remember this much. Later my grandmother took me to the hospital when I was senseless. After waking up I kept telling my grandmother, “Selim uncle hurt me, beat him grandmother. Beat him”. Little did I know that Selim uncles didn’t come to this world to get beaten, they come to beat others. After I got better, my grandmother took me to a place like Bazar. I saw a beautiful woman like a fairy with a veil waiting there. She started crying while hugging me when she saw me. I still didn’t understand that she was my mother. She said goodbye after caressing me a lot and bought me chocolate and chips, we were there only for 15 to 20 minutes. When we reached home my grandmother told me that she was my mother, and my father had died. My mother has an important job so couldn’t keep me with her, and as she could not see me she hid her identity. I was young enough to accept what I was told.
I met her again after a month. I had a bag filled with my clothes with me on that day. I was taken to a place like a school. She told me that day, “from today you will live here and study with all your heart. I will come every month to see you. There are a lot of girls like you here. Live together with them, and listen to the teachers”. Scared, I started seeing the place with a boundary wall about 10 feet away from the window of the office room, while shivering with fear.
The night before I came here my grandmother said, “ your mother will admit you to a boarding school. You will be educated if you go there”. After a few days of going there I learned, it was safe home, and everyone living there was children of prostitutes. I didn’t know what a prostitute is back then. The elder girls started saying a few things, and I remembered Selim uncle. I only had one experience of a physical relationship. I started crying aloud keeping my face buried in my knees. I just thought, my mother, suffers the same pain that I endured that very day. The teachers of the hostel would come and calm me down. But I couldn’t say anyone why I was crying. I felt it’s not something I should share.
I was in that safe home for ten years after that. I studied there and took a vocational training course in sewing. I took the course after SSC. All of us were given this training for our future job. By then I learned what a prostitute is, who is a prostitute, who goes to them, and why. My mother used to visit me sometimes, and I met her. I used to look at her face, and she would hold my hand and say a lot of things. How to behave if I go somewhere, how to hide my identity, to study a lot, and have a good job. I kept quiet and listened.
One day my mother said, “I decided to admit you here when I heard about the incident of that day”. The incident of that day means the incident of Selim uncle. I started shivering again. I hugged my mother and started crying. My mother also started crying with me and kept saying, “I would never let you go through the same pain ever again while I am alive”.
After a six month training, we were given a job at a garment at Narayanganj in Dhaka. After working for about a month I understood that I can’t study if I work here. What an inhumanly laborious job that was! We had to do overtime after duty. All the girls that went with me to work there left in a few days, some fled away.
I call my mother, cry, and say continuously that I don’t want to work, and I want to study. My mother understands and talks to a safe home. In the meantime, the supervisor of the garments got to know that I and the other girls who were with me were children of the brothel. Later I knew that the owner of the garments knew our identity. As the safe home we used to live in gave the job, it was not hard to know after searching a little. One by one everyone in the factory knew about it. So gossips started forming. Indirectly some of them started giving me indecent proposals, which reminded me only of the incident of Selim uncle.
One day after the overtime when I was returning home, a few of the men tried to harass me physically. I got rid of them after shouting a lot. I ran to the hostel and returned to the safe home taking the first bus of the dawn next day bag and baggage. I didn’t also say what was about to happen that day. I just said, “it is a laborious job, I couldn’t do it. I want to complete my studies”.
My mother was informed. My mother also agreed to bear my expenses. I started living in a safe home again. My mother came and looked at my eyes. Then said, “you don’t have to work in those factories. You finish your studies. You will get a good job where there is respect”. I keep quiet. How could my mother know there is no respect in the job of the factory? Did my mother understand only by looking at my eyes? Is the mother used to see herself in the mirror always? So she understood just by seeing my eyes? Do mothers understand everything? I cried a lot hugging my mother. The mother said, “I will get you married to an educated person. He will give you respect and love. You will get a good job, live in the society keeping your head high. See for yourself.”
After my HSC’s, my mother became sick suddenly. She got pain in the waist, even if she could stand straight, she couldn’t walk fast. So her business declined. I understood it was high time I do something. Mother couldn’t bear my expenses for a long, and a safe home won’t keep me after I turn 18. After the result, I saw that my result was very good. The teacher of the safe home herself found me a job as a facilitator in an NGO. The salary was ok.
I only had one dream then how I would bring my mother home from there. I started saving from my earnings. I lived with my grandmother in a rented room. One day when I came back from the office I saw grandmother crying her eyes out. She hugged me and said, “Jui, your mother is no more”. I had the salary of the month that day, I was thinking if I could separate three thousand takas from that, my savings will be close to twenty thousand takas. I could bring my mother home in about a year. I didn’t cry that day. I kept hearing, “I will get you married to an educated person. He will give you respect and love. You will get a good job, live in the society keeping your head high. See for yourself.”
Read it from the beginning of what you read so far. After you finish, read again. You read an 18-year-old girl’s life history in 12-13 hundred words. This girl is studying at the Open University, and also working at the same time. After completing her studies, she dreams of getting a better job. I was just checking if the recorder is on in between the interview.
Other than this I couldn’t stop looking at her eyes for a moment. I heard very few voices in my life that are such strong and cold. In a fake name, Jui did tell her life story for two hours. I should say a few things in the end. But I will finish with Jui’s words. I hope you will find the answers in your heart.
“Listen, I watch TV sometimes. So many talk shows are telecast, so many big people give speeches; so many issues of the country are discussed. I also read the newspaper if I get time in the office. So many things happening around, and so many discussions about the country’s prosperity. You know, I also use Facebook. So many people talk about their happiness and sorrow. But where does anyone talk about us? How are we, Where are we? The educated people of the talk shows, they never talk about us! You are asking me if I am ashamed to talk about my mother’s profession if I am feeling sad? No sister, I am not feeling bad at all. This profession is approved by society. Could this profession ever sustain if there was no need for this profession? Then why my mother is only guilty? And why should I feel bad?
Do you know that we can’t get a government job? Because we don’t have any identity of our fathers. But would these brothels sustain over time if the government didn’t approve? Do you know – a poor girl can be married in this country, marrying a girl who is otherwise able is also respected, even an acid burn victim can get married. But can a daughter of a sex worker of an unidentified father be married?
It’s not possible sister. It’s not possible as their birth is illegal, they are also called bastards. So many educated people, so many wise men, so many people are there to talk about so many different rights. Tell me, sister, is there anyone you know who would say strongly with courage – “I want to marry the daughter of a prostitute. Nobody would a dear sister, nobody would.”
To read the original article in Bengali, Click Here


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I never grew up in a comfortable house. No dead beat dad, my mom's roommate was an all around dealer, and my mom use to sell her body for the extra cash. Everything about it was so trashy. Thankfully I was never exposed to any hardcore drugs but I wasn't blind to all the s** . It didn't take too long before I started having s** , before I started selling myself too. I hated that place I was in. I hated everything about it. That's why when i had my chance I left it all behind

I live in Las Vegas, it used to shock me on how often daughters of Escorts become Escorts themselves.

I'm a 46 year old guy. My mother was also a call girl. When I was 14, one of Mom's clients came to f*** her, but she was passed out from heroin. He offered my $50, to f*** my ass. I said no, I'm not gay and a virgin. He offered $200 then I saw mom leaning against with wall only in a sheet. She say "Baby let him we need the money." I started crying, Please Mom no. But she lead me to her bed and undressed me. He was naked too and super hard. Mom lubed my ass well, inserting her fingers in me. Then he entered me, it was agony he was so big, 9 or 10 inches. Final he came in me and said my ass is better than your p**** to mom and left. My ass bled for two days. But that weekend he was back and he used me again. Soon Mom has other men who f***** me. By 15, I was sucking c*** and swallowing and being ass f***** by 30 or 40 men a week. With some men I came while receiving a*** . I dropped out of school and Mom continued to p*** me out. That summer on Saturday's we began putting on a s** show, with mom and I having s** for small groups of men. I still sell my body to multiple men each week. I know no other life. I want a real relationship with a woman. Mom is 65 now i can only become aroused with her. So I have been have s** with her almost every day since 16, to remind myself, I'm not gay. I wish I was could be normal. Not have gay s** and not commit incest with my mother.

It hurts to read your story. You are locked in and I feel that you really care about your Mom. Yet, inside you know it’s not alright and you wish for something better. Long ago, I came home one day and found everyone gone with most of our stuff. When I coughed, the house echoed. I was alone. I thought, “Well, God, it’s just you and me,” and somehow, I felt comforted. Sometimes, I wonder who God is and why he lets things go wrong. I think the universe is a thought in God’s mind. He decided to connect with us, not through a big civilization but through a cranky tribe of Hebrews. I don’t know why he lets the world go wrong. But he did come as Jesus of Nazareth and went through h*** to fix it. To put up with that, he must have some terribly important reason I can’t understand. Yet, when I am alone, he comforts me. That much I do know. For you, it’s too soon to have a wife. But you can start moving that way. When you meet people who appeal to you, do something nice for them. Love starts as a one-way thing. Many people will not love us back. So, I make sure what I give of myself, I am happy to give away. That way, I can enjoy loving on lots of people. Through it all, you still have a beautiful heart. In your heart, you can say too, “God, if you are there, please show me a way through. Show me what you want me to do.” Even in bed with a client or your mother, say in your heart, “God, please help them be content and at peace.” I know that sounds weird, but life itself is weird. So, please go with me on this. You have to get in there and break the spell on your life. Me too. From time to time, I will ask, “God, please be with him. Give him peace and confidence in you. Please show him a way out of this and give him people with a genuine heart to walk with him through it.” When you go off-track, don’t worry. Just say “Sorry, God,” and ask for a fresh start. Jesus has promised to get us back on track as often as we ask him. We can trust him. Then it won’t hurt so much.

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