My Husband Caught Me Masturbating

My Husband Caught Me Masturbating

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I have caught my husband masturbating
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This appeals to both women and men. Last night I (33 years old woman) caught up my husband (35) masturbating. We had a really good evening, cooking together, laughing, dancing in the kitchen, watching a movie....then he got asleep and we went to bed. Typical routine, bathroom visit, me first in bed waiting for him so we could chat a little before sleeping. We pray a little pray from my childhood every night too....our little habit. I was waiting for him,calling him to come and he just said that he is putting cream at small eczema spot that he has. Both doors, bedroom door and bathroom door wide open. I jumped out of the bed in order to surprise him and I have seen the most humiliating image ever - pants down,phone in his hand, curled up.... I can't shake that picture. I can't recall more humiliating moment ever. We haven't had sex for a month and half now, we have moved into a new place, we are both quite busy lately but he didn't mention anything about being neglected by me or that he has this kind of urges.
He knows two things about me,I am alright with everything as long as he is being honest and he doesn't lie to me. Second, I am sexually very open-minded,we have tried several things in past, we were swingers, we have visited sex clubs. ... This being said, I thought that a couple should care about each other sexuality, that things should be spoken,needs expressed. I can't explain how hurt I feel, how betrayed I feel. Can't see in him nothing else but selfish and disgusting person, lying again, hurting us and our relationship in such a unnecessary way. I can't shake that image from my head, I can't imagine him touching me because all about last night is utterly filthy, disgusting, selfish and just a complete contrary to love.
I had a romantic opinion about him too (we are together for 8 years now), one of the reasons why I have married him was because I thought that he was different from my typical vision of a stereotype man. More decent, more honest, less an animal (sorry guys ).

You both need to open up and discuss this.

Thinking such negative things about him isn't helping. There's a problem somewhere, and he was handling his issues as best he can. I know it's hurtful, but try not to allow your thoughts of him to descend into these unproductive and hurtful things.

Sit down and have an open discussion about what's going on. Keep yourself unemotional and listen to what he says. I realize that may be difficult, but he is much more likely to open up, share what's going on if he is confident that you will hear and respond without harsh judgement.
Thank you for your comment. The problem is that I am not ready to listen to him. I can't even picture myself to be in the same room with him. Then when the anger will be gone and compassion will take it's place he will just say that he is sorry, that it won't happen again, that he is under pressure. And it will happen again.
Unfortunately, I have no friend to who I could talk to or with whom I could spend the rest of the day.
Taking time to cool down, gather your thoughts is not a bad thing. I think you're hurt, and angry and it's understandable.

Then, discuss it without the blame and without the sort of superficial attitude, from either of you. Discuss it from the standpoint of what is really going on in the relationship. You're very angry, and there's a problem somewhere. Working together to find and solve the problem is the goal. Not blaming or finding fault in either side.
I always found I got much further in a potentially confrontational situation, if I didn't focus on the me, or the him, and rather on us, as a team. Our marriage.

If he isn't receptive to improving the relationship, then you have a good reason to pursue an outside source for counseling, whether it be a pastor or counselor, or neutral trusted third party.
Oh, and to be clear, what exactly is your problem with his behaviors? Is it that you were willing and able to be intimate, and he chose not to, after a month of no sex? Is it the masturbation itself?
I know you said the lying was bothersome.

6 wks is a long time. Is he having a health issue?
Is there another issue he's dealing with? You said he's under a lot of pressure, is he having difficulty performing?

I reread the post, and realize I skipped some steps here...

And if you're unable to discuss this rationally and calmly right now, give him a heads up that you're upset and want to collect yourself and discuss on Friday, or whatever. Don't just leave it hanging.

Communication is key. There may be a very reasonable answer for why he's not seeking you for satisfaction.
Masturbation is nothing new and even men who are happily married (such as myself) masturbate occasionally.
I didn't get from your initial post if your husband was looking at pornography or some sexual images on his phone or not?
if he was looking at porn or sexual images then you have a right to be annoyed at him.

you say you've not had sex for 6 weeks - is there a reason for this?
what I mean is if you haven't been interested in sex for that long then your husband might feel 'neglected' and that's why he felt the urge to relieve himself

when you caught him you could have asked him to come back to the bedroom and you could have helped him with his erection such as a hand job / blow job or something

but yes you need to talk to him - communication is the key in any relationship
Welcome to WH, Mayuskita! Prior to this has your husband been neglectful?

You might be overreacting. His masturbating does not indicate that he does not find you sexually appealing. There might be other factors involved, too.

I can't recall a woman I've dated who didn't masturbate. It has never bothered me. My g/f has been masturbating since she hit puberty. She began having sex in high school. She has had a very active and healthy sex life with many boyfriends and FWB's. She was born with a hormonal imbalance that has caused her to be hyper-sexual since puberty. She's always been horny. She loves mutual masturbation, but we've never done it. I do know that she has always loved to watch her boyfriends cum. In fact, she loves com. She's fascinated by it. I'm good for one maybe two a night, so I have to conserve. But she has told me that she loves to masturbate in front of men while they jack off. She masturbates with me a lot. She could have six orgasms and then masturbate. Often she'll pose for me giving me an erotic view while she masturbates because more often than not, I'll be good to again bang her brains out.. Other times she'll lay on my bed, lose herself in fantasy, and masturbate.

This is just a guess: I'd go with at least 80% of men and women masturbate.

Many years ago I read an article about women masturbating. The gist was men shouldn't become upset if a woman were to masturbate during sex. Women have been masturbating since puberty. They are comfortable masturbating. They have a lot of experiencing getting themselves off. If they are experiencing difficulty achieving orgasm during sex, they know that they can get themselves off by masturbating. I'm sure that the same is true with men.

I wouldn't become angry. I wouldn't castigate him. I'd suggest a very calm conversation with him.
"Might be overreacting?" Do ya think?
They're in their mid-30s, haven't had sex in 6 weeks, she catches him masturbating, and now she can't stand to be in same room with him??? What does she think he's been doing? Why did she feel the need to "surprise him" in the bathroom?
There's a lot more to this story, I think.
why did you not just go ****ahem**** move his phone, grab his penis and ride it??? seriously this drama is over the top and im a woman for christ sake!! he masturbated so what? learn when hes horny, if you find its always at that time, pounce him at that time, if he gets out of bed etc to go masturbate, and you know it, grab him, by the rod, and initiate! hes obviously horny at these times capitalise on it! you will not believe how good the sex tends to be when they are that horny hun xx when they are ready for porn they are ready to go hard.
Originally posted by deep-evie View Post
why did you not just go ********ahem******** move his phone, grab his penis and ride it??? seriously this drama is over the top and im a woman for christ sake!! he masturbated so what? learn when hes horny, if you find its always at that time, pounce him at that time, if he gets out of bed etc to go masturbate, and you know it, grab him, by the rod, and initiate! hes obviously horny at these times capitalise on it! you will not believe how good the sex tends to be when they are that horny hun xx when they are ready for porn they are ready to go hard.
Let me ask you this........... is it the masturbation that is getting to you or the fact that he wasn't forthcoming about it OR the fact that he was obviously watching porn or pics of some sort on his phone that were likely not of you? You first have to identify which part of this it is that is really gutting you.

I don't agree with the notion that a woman should "know when her man is horny". Where is his responsibility to COMMUNICATE? They've both been super busy, they've both been super tired. If he felt the urge for sex , why did he not initiate that sex with his wife? This isn't the 1950's after all. This is a couple who has been very sexually open and adventurous. If the OP is this upset by his behavior, we should consider their sexual past in that and know this is something very serious to her.
Hi Beautiful Dancer,

Communication has equal responsibility.

Too many men are reluctant to talk to their wives and girlfriends about sex. That's a huge mistake.

If he ain't talking, she's gonna have to initiate conversation if she wants to know why he's jacking off instead of doing her.

If I'm in a relationship, I ought to be able to talk to my g/f about sex. And she'll know that she can tell me anything about sex without judgments.
Originally posted by WaveRider View Post
Hi Beautiful Dancer,

Communication has equal responsibility.

Too many men are reluctant to talk to their wives and girlfriends about sex. That's a huge mistake.

If he ain't talking, she's gonna have to initiate conversation if she wants to know why he's jacking off instead of doing her.

If I'm in a relationship, I ought to be able to talk to my g/f about sex. And she'll know that she can tell me anything about sex without judgments.
Heavens, I can't believe I'm reading this. I'm a male and it's very difficult to discuss anything about sexuality with my wife. All the ladies here (and perhaps that says something obout this forum's members) seem to be so open minded and up-front. I wish the REAL WORLD was like this.
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Hello fam,

I got married and I only lived with my husband for a month before I got a job in another state, since we needed the money, I had to move. We've not seen for about 3 months. I just got back and I was welcomed by my nieces from both sides. We are currently hosting 8 of them, they are fun to be with. I love other people's children, I'm terrified of having my own.

We live in a 2 bedroom apartment, I sleep with the girls while my husband with the boys. Since I got back, we've been able to do it just once with the kids sleeping in the room. It was not enjoyable or comfortable. He gets back from work late and I am exhausted when he gets back because of the kids. It's 2 weeks now and I want to get down with my husband. He wants it too. My husband walks around shirtless and it turns me on every time I see him or hear his voice. We are a very sexually active couple whenever we are around each other.

The problem is that I could not take it anymore so I went to the bathroom, he opened the door and he caught me pleasuring myself today. I couldn't lock the door because the lock was bad. He's crazy and very angry.

What do I do?
better than going outside to cheat him. What do you do? Just do no'un, the som'un is, try to lock the door next time.
More cream to your diildo
He is angry?? I don't understand! You too dull biko!!

The moment he walked in was when you should have put your fingers soaked with pussy cum into his mouth..

If na me eh... I for....
He is angry?? I don't understand! You too dull biko!!

The moment he walked in was when you should have put your fingers soaked with pussy cum into his mouth..

If na me eh... I for....
You are a responsible wife. Keep it up

You are a responsible wife. Keep it up

Thanks and Bless you Sir!
Pls sorry to say

[size=15pt]Wafeku laleyi [/size]

If you can do this kind of a thing because there's no space to do it with ur husband, definitely if another man use sweet words for you outside, you will fall.
That's what will be rolling in your Husband's mind. Just as a woman, you have to accept it is wrong, make him see the reason you did that and promise never to do it again.

Lastly, [size=15pt]Pls find a good way to make the kids to go and play and start the journey [/size]
Husband is mentally unstable
Please can you keep it classy and not insult my husband? Thank you for your cooperation.
You have 8 kids living with you? Are all these nieces/nephews from your side?

Anyway you need to rearrange things quickly too as its affecting intimacy with your husband. . . maybe an option is for you and your husband to sleep in the living room for your privacy until you work out a better solution regarding sleeping arrangements since the kids have the 2 bedrooms. You should be sleeping with your husband and not your nieces.

I don't know why your husband is angry so you need to ask him to find out what's going on in his head and take it from there.
You said he wants to make love, so maybe he is angry that there are all these people in the house that are stopping him from having intimate moments with his wife . . . . I am only speculating and as I said, you need to have a heart to heart and ask him.

. . . . .And please get a lock for your bathroom . . .it could have been any of the kids who barged into the bathroom when either of you were in there or the other way round.
better than going outside to cheat him. What do you do? Just do no'un, the som'un is, try to lock the door next time.
More cream to your diildo
Asides the fact that ur Husband caught you in a very awkward situation and u are not proud of your action, I will still give u a pat on the back for not going outside ... Pele, konji is a respecter of nobody.

Apologize to ur man and tell him it won't happen again. Not like it's a sin to pleasure yourself
Hello fam,

I got married and I only lived with my husband for a month before I got a job in another state, since we needed the money, I had to move. We've not seen for about 3 months. I just got back and I was welcomed by my nieces from both sides. We are currently hosting 8 of them, they are fun to be with. I love other people's children, I'm terrified of having my own.

We live in a 2 bedroom apartment, I sleep with the girls while my husband with the boys. Since I got back, we've been able to do it just once with the kids sleeping in the room. It was not enjoyable or comfortable. He gets back from work late and I am exhausted when he gets back because of the kids. It's 2 weeks now and I want to get down with my husband. He wants it too. My husband walks around shirtless and it turns me on every time I see him or hear his voice. We are a very sexually active couple whenever we are around each other.

The problem is that I could not take it anymore so I went to the bathroom, he opened the door and he caught me pleasuring myself today. I couldn't lock the door because the lock was bad. He's crazy and very angry.

What do I do?

you should have just done it right there in the bathroom
Husband is mentally unstable

she asked you to advice her and not to insult her husband...
8 relations living with you? You generous no be small

How does your husband cope when you're away?
Kids are great, but set a boundary when it comes to the ur matrimonial bedroom. Get another mattress and drop on d floor of the other room, the girls sleep on one, the boys sleep on the other. If there are more matured boys amongst them, then the boys should move to the living room. Lock ur room door, have a peaceful night rest with your husband in your room. With relatives, even with your ones own children,the bedroom of the couple shld always be restricted.

she asked you to advice her and not to insult her husband...

The way some ppl talk here on nl, they can't even dare talk like that in their real world. It's a pity
Maybe he's thinking 'what if it was someone els
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