My Hubby A Cuck

My Hubby A Cuck


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I want to satisfy my husband's cuckold fantasy

My husband has had this cuckhold fantasy forever, I have seen the porn, never really understood it all, but anyway he is away in Europe on business, but is returning soon and its his birthday. After 17 years of marriage and him always urging me, I have decided to give him a home coming and birthday treat. I have managed to find a guy who is a friend of my husbands, actually the guy he suggested knowing he has a large member from the golf course showers. I am both nervous and excited, I have discussed this with his friend and his keen to participate to whatever level we go, I just want some advise on this, do men with this fantasy all enjoy cleaning their wives orally after the other guy, do they enjoy being involved with oral on other guy, or do they just like to watch. His porn involves everything, especially what they call creampie, so I am looking for advise on how far to take this, as its going to be a one time only experience.



for you to satisfy your husband's cuckold fantasy, then I would recommend that you do not do this. Also, there is a huge difference between a sexual fantasy and reality (and a sexual fantasy is usually much better than reality).
You really need to think more about all the possible consequences before you decide to turn your husband's fantasy into a reality.

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I Want to Cuckold My Husband - How to Make a Cuckold Slave Husband!

MLA Style Citation:

Anderson, Davina "I Want to Cuckold My Husband - How to Make a Cuckold Slave Husband!."
I Want to Cuckold My Husband - How to Make a Cuckold Slave Husband! .
6 Nov. 2010
9 Jul. 2022 <­Want-­to-­Cuckold-­My-­Husband-­-­-­How-­to-­Make-­a-­Cuckold-­Slave-­Husband!&id=5336438 >.

APA Style Citation:

Anderson, D. (2010, November 6). I Want to Cuckold My Husband - How to Make a Cuckold Slave Husband! .
Retrieved July 9, 2022, from­Want-­to-­Cuckold-­My-­Husband-­-­-­How-­to-­Make-­a-­Cuckold-­Slave-­Husband!&id=5336438

Chicago Style Citation:

Anderson, Davina "I Want to Cuckold My Husband - How to Make a Cuckold Slave Husband!." I Want to Cuckold My Husband - How to Make a Cuckold Slave Husband! .­Want-­to-­Cuckold-­My-­Husband-­-­-­How-­to-­Make-­a-­Cuckold-­Slave-­Husband!&id=5336438

Davina Anderson  |  

Submitted On November 06, 2010

You say to yourself, "I want to cuckold my husband." How do you do it? I will give you advice that works for most other dominant wives.
What exactly IS a cuckold slave husband? This is a husband who submits himself to a dominant wife and who relinquishes sexual intimacy with his wife unless given as treats. The wife finds herself a boyfriend - or boyfriends - and these men become her primary means of sexual release.
Your husband must WANT it. There is no getting around this. Cuckolding wives call this stage the "Sit Down." You and your husband sit down and you come clean. Be entirely open. Tell him you want to cuckold him.
If your husband wants it then you can begin his transformation. You begin by giving him rules to govern his life from now on. Rules help to cement the new relationship. The most common one is that he must not masturbate. YOU control his sexual release. This gives you a lot of power. And your husband will love you owning this power.
No longer think of your husband as the man who satisfies your sexual needs. Join Facebook, MySpace, dating sites, create personal ads on Craigslist. Find yourself a boyfriend. Because only when you have a boyfriend - a superior male in your life - will you have truly created a cuckold slave husband!
Keep your husband happy with treats of a sexual nature. Allow him to watch your sexual intimacy with other men. Allow your husband to masturbate. On very rare occasions, engage him in sexual situations.
Saying, I want to cuckold my husband, is the first step in a new dominant-submissive relationship for you. It takes time for both of you to get used to it. Eventually, though, you will have a happy cuckold slave husband, and your relationship will seem more fulfilling to you both.
I have advised hundreds of dominant wives who say to me, "I want to cuckold my husband." One final tip I will give you in making a cuckold slave husband is how to find a boyfriend. Make a FREE dating profile [] here because right now they are still giving away free memberships to ladies. This site has over 10 million members so it's easy to find a bull boyfriend.
© 2022 EzineArticles All Rights Reserved Worldwide

Also: Should I dump my man after he raided our kid’s college fund to pay for his affair?

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I love my husband of 20 years, but our sexual differences are putting a strain on our marriage. Ten years ago, he asked me to talk dirty to him about having sex with other men. It has progressed to him wanting to be a cuckold. I only want to be with him, but he presses the issue by verbalizing cuckold situations during sex. This makes me close my eyes and shut down. By the time he is done, I have no desire to orgasm because I no longer feel attractive. Worse, I feel like I am not enough for him. The only way he can get off is to talk about, think about, or hear me talk about having sex with other men. It makes me feel worthless as a sex partner—which is crazy, because I am attractive and open to a great deal of things (toys, games, dressing up, striptease, etc.). I long for him to touch me, kiss me, and look at me the way he used to. He is a good father and a good provider, and I love him. But this matter is crushing my self-esteem. I won’t stay much longer if this continues. —Extremely Frustrated Female Experiencing Despair

Your husband was probably reading cuckolding blogs for years before he worked up the nerve to raise the subject, EFFED, and here’s what he’s gleaned: Husband brings it up, wife shoots it down, husband whines, wife agrees to explore it as fantasy only, and then one day—after months or years of dirty talk—wife announces she wants to give it a try. She winds up loving it, she says she regrets waiting so long, and husband lives happily ever after in cuckolded bliss. Reading so many cuckolding success stories—many likely fictitious—has left your husband convinced that if he just keeps at it, one day his wife will want to try it. (Some wives do try it and like it. I got a letter from a woman who’s angry that her husband—after years of dirty talk and a half-dozen cuckolding experiences—has decided that it isn’t for him after all. He doesn’t want her sleeping with other men; she doesn’t want to go back to sleeping with just him. Dr. Cuckenstein created a monster.)

Tell your husband in no uncertain terms that you don’t want to hear about cuckolding anymore. Period. He is free to think about whatever he wants to during sex—we all are—but he has to keep his cuckolding fantasies to himself. Wrap up the convo by informing him that from now on, your sex sessions end the moment the subject of you sleeping with other men is raised. No more closing your eyes and waiting for him to finish. (And what kind of asshole can finish under those circumstances?) If he brings up other men, EFFED, get off the bed, get out of the bedroom, and go to the kitchen and have some ice cream. Your husband needs to find a new erotic script that works for you both. The incentive for him: Since you are open to many things—toys, games, dressing up, striptease—a fantasy scenario that turns you on is likely to become a reality scenario pretty quickly.

Finally, EFFED, cuckolds don’t see their wives as unattractive. Cuckolds see their wives as so desirable—and so insatiable—that they’re incapable of giving their wives all of the sexual attention they deserve. But I can see why you’re upset. You want sex to be about the two of you, about the intimacy you share (or used to share), and your inconsiderate husband is always running his mouth about people who aren’t in the room. It’s understandable that you would feel like you’re not enough for him after 10 years of this bullshit. But your husband’s cuckolding fantasies don’t mean he finds you unattractive—they mean the exact opposite. —Dan

I am a 28-year-old married straight male. I have a lot of confusion regarding my sexual orientation and gender identity, and I am in therapy. My question for you is about my current self-pleasuring routine. I get high and watch “sissy self-hypnosis” videos. These videos consist of text, pictures, and subliminal suggestions aimed at hypnotizing straight males into some kind of “mind control” sex slavery. Some are about cuckolding and femdom; some are about being brainwashed into sucking cock. It is all done in a really amateurish and (hopefully) ineffective way. Am I destroying my brain here? —Man Wondering About Hypnosis

I haven’t encountered any glassy-eyed straight guys wandering around my gay neighborhood offering to suck cock, so I’m thinking these videos are ineffective. They sound like a harmless way for an otherwise healthy, stable straight guy to fantasize about ceding his power and privilege to people the culture taught him to regard as weak and inferior, i.e., women and fags. That said, MWAH, it doesn’t sound like you’re an otherwise healthy, stable straight guy. You’re confused about your sexual orientation and gender identity, and you’re working on those issues with a shrink. That being the case, MWAH, I think you might wanna avoid these videos for the time being. —Dan

I always told myself that I would forgive my husband if he cheated on me. Well, he had an affair for eight months. He also blew through our savings and racked up considerable credit-card debt. The college fund we started for our two children is gone. He spent all of the money on fancy dinners, expensive gifts, and incredible vacations for his girlfriend. I am so angry, I can’t imagine staying. My husband ended the affair and wants desperately to save our marriage. As much as it pains me to subject my kids to divorce, I don’t know if I can commit to him again. Is the best option to DTMFA? —Heartbroken

Sexual infidelity is one thing—and it’s a relatively common thing (so people should go into marriage prepared to work through it)—but we’re not talking about one thing here. We’re talking about a whole series of betrayals. Your husband betrayed you sexually and financially. He stole from you. He stole from his own children.

Now, I can understand thinking with your dick (because I have a dick), and we can all imagine a circumstance in which we might succumb to temptation (because we all experience temptation). But I cannot even begin to wrap my head around how someone could spend his own children’s college fund—in addition to his family’s savings (and taking on debt!)—on gifts, trips, and meals for his piece-of-shit on the side. (Not all “other women” are pieces of shit, but anyone who would allow her married lover to spend that kind of money on her in eight months is a flaming piece of shit.)

It’s advice, H, not binding arbitration. You are free to make up your own mind. And while I couldn’t see staying if I were in your shoes, I could see myself meeting with a marriage counselor a few times before pulling the plug—for the sake of the kids. —Dan

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