My Girlfriends A Slut

My Girlfriends A Slut


My Girlfriends A Slut

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My girlfriend was a big slut, how to get over it?

My girlfriend was a big slut, how to get over it?

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( Original post by Anonymous )
Basically it started with us chatting on fb for a while, then getting with each other on a night out and straight to hers, something i very rarely manage. The next morning she told me all these stories about her and other guys she'd had and at the time it wasn't a big deal because i figured we wern't gonna go out due to the fact I was moving away next year, so these stories were just funny.

Anyways, in the 1 year she's been at uni she says she has slept with around 13 different guys including a 3 sum with 2 guys. Not to mention there were many other guys who just couldnt get it up so she doesnt count them.

Doing some maths i worked it out to be like 1 guy back a week! How i managed to be the one she fell in love with is beyond me, since it seems there were plenty of other opportunites to have a bf.

So im basically struggling to deal with it. Ive been with her 7 months now, and Ive brought it up with her so many times. ive told her that it disgusts me that shes had so many, that it's put me off before and many other things, but love conquers all. All my insinuations that she was a sket has nearly broken the relationship up before.

The only benefit i can ever get out of it, is that shes hot for me all the time (i can't complain, i've never been so sexually active!)

I guess i wouldn't be so fussed if i had a good history with getting with women, but i don't like most guys. What bothers me is that, i wonder if she is like a mega slut or something. Has anyone heard of many people getting with so many guys at uni? I just don't really know much about how often girls get laid. I assumed it would be like once a month maximum.

How do i get over this mental pain i suffer, that makes me almost hate her?



( Original post by SiΓ’n. )
And yet if a bloke had done the same thing it'd no doubt be congratulations and back-slapping all round.



( Original post by Confused101 )
And you're point is? It's pretty obvious why this is the typical social conduct...

I know this analogy is very common, but it really is the best and easiest way to explain it:

"A key that opens many locks is quite an impressive key, but a lock that is opened by many keys is a pretty useless lock"



what she did before you dated her has nothing to do with you

grow up



( Original post by Anonymous )
Basically it started with us chatting on fb for a while, then getting with each other on a night out and straight to hers, something i very rarely manage. The next morning she told me all these stories about her and other guys she'd had and at the time it wasn't a big deal because i figured we wern't gonna go out due to the fact I was moving away next year, so these stories were just funny.

Anyways, in the 1 year she's been at uni she says she has slept with around 13 different guys including a 3 sum with 2 guys. Not to mention there were many other guys who just couldnt get it up so she doesnt count them.

Doing some maths i worked it out to be like 1 guy back a week! How i managed to be the one she fell in love with is beyond me, since it seems there were plenty of other opportunites to have a bf.

So im basically struggling to deal with it. Ive been with her 7 months now, and Ive brought it up with her so many times. ive told her that it disgusts me that shes had so many, that it's put me off before and many other things, but love conquers all. All my insinuations that she was a sket has nearly broken the relationship up before.

The only benefit i can ever get out of it, is that shes hot for me all the time (i can't complain, i've never been so sexually active!)

I guess i wouldn't be so fussed if i had a good history with getting with women, but i don't like most guys. What bothers me is that, i wonder if she is like a mega slut or something. Has anyone heard of many people getting with so many guys at uni? I just don't really know much about how often girls get laid. I assumed it would be like once a month maximum.

How do i get over this mental pain i suffer, that makes me almost hate her?



( Original post by Confused101 )
And you're point is? It's pretty obvious why this is the typical social conduct...

I know this analogy is very common, but it really is the best and easiest way to explain it:

"A key that opens many locks is quite an impressive key, but a lock that is opened by many keys is a pretty useless lock"



Many guys couldn't get it up over her? haha, she's a keeper. 1st thing, get an STD test. Secondly, can you imagine being with and maybe settling down with her in the long term, knowing her past?



Lol get over yourself dude.
If you loved her it wouldn't matter to you, but you obviously don't. I feel sorry for her, I hope she will realise soon what a **** you are.



( Original post by Confused101 )
And you're point is? It's pretty obvious why this is the typical social conduct...

I know this analogy is very common, but it really is the best and easiest way to explain it:

"A key that opens many locks is quite an impressive key, but a lock that is opened by many keys is a pretty useless lock"



It's in the past, grow up and get over it. If you can't do that, the leave her.....

The problem in the relationship is you, not her...



( Original post by Goddness )
That'd be a few too many guys penetrating her for me personally, do what feels right I suppose but statistically this won't last.



( Original post by Anonymous )
Basically it started with us chatting on fb for a while, then getting with each other on a night out and straight to hers, something i very rarely manage. The next morning she told me all these stories about her and other guys she'd had and at the time it wasn't a big deal because i figured we wern't gonna go out due to the fact I was moving away next year, so these stories were just funny.

Anyways, in the 1 year she's been at uni she says she has slept with around 13 different guys including a 3 sum with 2 guys. Not to mention there were many other guys who just couldnt get it up so she doesnt count them.

Doing some maths i worked it out to be like 1 guy back a week! How i managed to be the one she fell in love with is beyond me, since it seems there were plenty of other opportunites to have a bf.

So im basically struggling to deal with it. Ive been with her 7 months now, and Ive brought it up with her so many times. ive told her that it disgusts me that shes had so many, that it's put me off before and many other things, but love conquers all. All my insinuations that she was a sket has nearly broken the relationship up before.

The only benefit i can ever get out of it, is that shes hot for me all the time (i can't complain, i've never been so sexually active!)

I guess i wouldn't be so fussed if i had a good history with getting with women , but i don't like most guys. What bothers me is that, i wonder if she is like a mega slut or something. Has anyone heard of many people getting with so many guys at uni? I just don't really know much about how often girls get laid. I assumed it would be like once a month maximum.

How do i get over this mental pain i suffer, that makes me almost hate her?



( Original post by Anonymous )
There is nothing wrong with what she did. She enjoyed having casual sex with people she didn't necessarily know, because it felt good. As long as everybody consented - and it seems they did - then she did nothing wrong. Now she is in a relationship with you and is no longer, presumably, doing this. Unless she's actually cheated on you then you have no reason to be upset - in fact, as you say, if it means that she's pretty good in the sack for having such experience, then that is just better for you. The attitude some people have towards 'sluts' utterly baffles me.

( Original post by Wilfred Little )
You slept with her the first time you met her and then pursued a relationship with this woman, I have absolutely no sympathy for you.

( Original post by RichyFrench )
You're a disgrace. Either accept her for who she is or finish with her. Regardless of her sexual history she deserves a partner who loves her for being her and not trying to change her.

( Original post by kunoichi )
Grow up you ****
women have casual sex too
deal with it

( Original post by LipstickKisses )
Why does it matter? As long as they practise safe sex, this shouldn't really be an issue.



bin her now ffs, dont put yourself through it, she's a **** and will easily move on, don't get laughed at by people on account of her, yeah you did know she was dirty when you first met but you probably never thought feelings would grow like they have, leave her to her group sex and casual stuff and concentrate on meeting a decent girl with a little bit more self respect, she will only bring you misery



Don't date her then. By continuing to date her to get hot, regular sex you are just using her really. 13 guys in a year and you slept with her the first night? I hope you both had STD screenings.



( Original post by jaykay201515 )
bin her now ffs, dont put yourself through it, she's a **** and will easily move on, don't get laughed at by people on account of her, yeah you did know she was dirty when you first met but you probably never thought feelings would grow like they have, leave her to her group sex and casual stuff and concentrate on meeting a decent girl with a little bit more self respect, she will only bring you misery



Firstly, you called her a slut. The end (of your relationship I mean )



( Original post by jaykay201515 )
bin her now ffs, dont put yourself through it, she's a **** and will easily move on, don't get laughed at by people on account of her, yeah you did know she was dirty when you first met but you probably never thought feelings would grow like they have, leave her to her group sex and casual stuff and concentrate on meeting a decent girl with a little bit more self respect, she will only bring you misery

( Original post by jazjaz )
Don't date her then. By continuing to date her to get hot, regular sex you are just using her really. 13 guys in a year and you slept with her the first night? I hope you both had STD screenings.

( Original post by thecatwithnohat )
Firstly, you called her a slut. The end (of your relationship I mean )



( Original post by desdemonata )
This thread is well over 3 years old.



( Original post by thecatwithnohat )
ffs, who revived it?



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