My Girlfriend Was A Slut

My Girlfriend Was A Slut


My Girlfriend Was A Slut
I just found out my wife is/was a slut!
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A place to get personal things off your chest. Not for opinions, not for relationship advice, and not for preaching.
The lockdown is precipitating a lot of unexpected events.
So, I've (M30) been with my wife (F30) for about 4 years total. We are, and have been (since damn near the beginning) attached at the hip, and pride ourselves on our open communication and companionship.
But, something strange went down a few days ago while we were sitting around the house enjoying our blissful CDC mandated 2nd honeymoon.
I honestly don't remember how the conversation got started, but long story short, I ended up talking about one my ex-girlfriends. This ex girlfriend and I dated for a few years after highschool then split, but kept the FWB status for a little while after. (Sidebar: After writing this, I realize already how unusual this is to talk about with one's wife, but okay).
I recounted to my wife the tales from the Ex, of a newly single girl in her early twenties who took advantage of that status to the absolute fullest. As far as I can tell (being honest with myself) I wasn't upset by her doing her thing, or judged her for her activities, rather, I was just confused (and quite frankly, impressed at how easy she could pull dudes) because she had never expressed any promiscuous desire while in relationship with me.
What's crazy about societal influence and rhetoric is that I totally believe in the logic that a woman could (and maybe should) do whatever a man could, and shouldn't be processed, treated, or received any differently than men, all else being equal. We're all just homosapiens.
...but, I acknowledge that society has colored my opinion to see promiscuity (especially by women) as an undesirable or unacceptable quality. Maybe she heard that judgement in my voice as I was talking about my ex's sexcapades when she hit me with it:
"You know... That sounds like a lot of stuff I used to do..." "Huh?" "I mean... I'm kind of slutty.."
That punched me directly in the chest. My heart stopped for a moment. I felt an intense heat build up in my head, then intense butterflies.
She then told me about all of the wild things she's done, all her sexcapades. But, I heard alot of these stories already. How the fuck did miss something like my wife being an actual slut as the moral of the story? She even gave up those cheeks on our first date. How did I not see that as slutty? Then I thought about it. If she didn't bang me on the first night, I know for a fact I would have been let down...
...Oh. I see. I get it now. This makes me a "slut", too... Doesn't it?
The "slutty" acts were normal to me. If I had a woman's body I know I would do worse. As my wife was telling me those stories of the past, I never once stopped to be like "damn that's nasty". Quite the opposite happened, actually.
I realize now and I am proud that my soul is perverted, sweaty, and dirty, just like my wife's. I am happy to be introspective and confident enough to both realize that fact about myself, and welcome it with total pride. I am who I am, and I realize now that if she was not this person all along, she wouldn't have satiated my soul's need for filth like she does. I guess I never processed it this way. There is a lid for every pot (read: trash can 😍).
We've spent every day since talking about previous sexual conquests, fantasizing about each other's fantasies, wearing each other down physically, and created an entire open air market of all our dirtiest laundry and insecurities -- things we wouldn't even say out loud to ourselves, far less to another person -- from which we could pick and prod analyze and lick and stroke and I'm getting distracted.
Anyway, my soul feels light, my heart feels so excited and our bond is that much stronger.
I love being a slut, and I love my slutty wife to death. Our souls join as one, United in Sluthood!
TL;DR My slutty soul just learned that my wife's soul is also very slutty, and I couldn't be more in love.
I went from "fuck this" to "awwwww" wtf
I was expecting this to be like mean but it was kinda a sweet story? In a weird way
Dude if you fantasise about her sexual conquests you’re a fucking cuck. But overall sounds like a good marriage
She gonna hurt you because you’re a SIMP. Be careful.
Just want to pop in here and say talking about your dating and sexual history, experience, likes and dislikes with your partner is not "unusual" at all. It's healthy! It sounds like you are both more secure and more fulfilled having experienced that together. Keep up the good work!

I just wanted to post this due to all the posts re girls with promiscuous pasts. Here is my story.

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The Four Levels of Slut Sleeping around carries an unfair double standard, but sluttiness does have levels.
by Nathan DeGraaf | June 21, 2006
Points in Case is a daily literary humor publication featuring enlightening and irreverent comedy from seasoned writers and fresh voices, since 1999.
Main: Man, she’s a whore?
Nathan: How can you say that? She never got paid.
Main: I stand corrected. She’s a slut.
I think it’s unfair that women are often considered sluts for sleeping around. Women say that this perception of them propagates a double standard because men are never considered sluts for rampant sexual activity. (Although, if that were truly the case, then why do so many women I know call me a slut?) And recently, because I just dumped a girl who cheated on me, I have been pondering exactly what it is that makes a girl a slut .
Now, when I get to pondering, well, sometimes I just have to get out a pen and write down my thoughts. This was one of those times. You see, there are many different kinds of sluts, and there is not one hard and fast rule that simply defines a woman as a slut. But there are (at least) four levels of slut.
“Sadly, the Cheating Slut is really what most men mean when they say ‘slut' or ‘whore.' The first two levels are just people being people.”
This woman is not technically, by definition, a slut. She is the woman who gets stereotyped as a slut simply because she likes to fuck around. This woman typically has no boyfriend (or a boyfriend who doesn’t care that she fucks other men) and simply goes out looking to get laid. She doesn’t feel that she should have to settle down, and she thinks it’s unfair that other women degrade her for this. She is right. She is also one of the reasons I get up in the morning.
Of the last four women I’ve slept with, three fall into this category because (as far as I know), they were not cheating on anyone, were not lying about who they fucked, and were not asking for anything more than sex. Women love sex, too; they should not be blamed for seeking it. Stereotypes hurt everyone. Ironically enough, usually other women hate this girl because she can fuck who she wants, while men bare her no ill will. She is, after all, simply doing what she likes. And men, for the most part, respect that.
Unlike the whores that make up the second level of slut.
Much like the Sexually Liberated Woman, this slut has no boyfriend. She does however, and for whatever reason, feel she needs to lead men on. She fucks several different men at one time while tricking the men she fucks into thinking that they are pursuing a relationship. Which is to say that every one of the suckers she fucks happens to think that they’re the slut’s soon-to-be boyfriend. She also loves seeing men fight over her, which may be (at least in part) the motivation for her leading these poor bastards on.
The main thing that separates her from the Level 1 Slut is that she is not honest with the men in her life because she derives pleasure from wrapping suckers around her little finger. The women representing this level of slut usually leave me alone. I’m not sure why, but I’m pretty sure the Garden Variety Slut has a radar for suckers, and because I am not one, I hardly have to deal with these bitches.
I can’t say the same for the sluts in levels 3 and 4.
Cheating Sluts come in three different categories. There are those who simply cheat on a boyfriend they’ve had for a few months and then tell him (no big deal); those who cheat on a guy they’ve dated for a few months, never tell him, and force him to find out from his friends (a slightly bigger deal because these sluts lack honesty); and then there are the worst kind—the sluts who fuck around on a man they’ve been with for years and never tell him about it.
The first girl I fucked after the breakup belonged in last category. The bitch was engaged. She fucked me late in the afternoon and left early in the evening because her man would soon be arriving from work. To her fiancée, I say, “I hope your parents are proud of you for preparing to marry a 21-year-old waitress with no education. Oh, and by the way, I’ve never met a girl who had a tell for her female ejaculation before. I mean, her leg quivers like an epileptic in mid seizure and then she squirts. That’s kind of weird. And yes, I like her body, too.”
Sadly, the Cheating Slut is really what most men mean when they say “slut” or “whore.” The first two levels are just people being people, not people being disloyal bitches. What separates this level of slut from the fourth and final level of slut, is, quite simply, the motivation for cheating.
Fortunately for me, I live in a college community where finding a man with his own car, no roommates and a steady income is like hitting the jackpot for most girls. Unfortunately for me, this means I often get hit on by the Money Grubbing Slut.
The saddest thing about the Money Grubbing Slut is that she really does like (or even love) her boyfriend. She simply expects more from her man in terms of monetary consideration. She doesn’t make her own money and can’t live off her boyfriend’s petty McDonald’s wages, so she seeks out men who will take her to nice places and buy her shiny objects. This is the worst kind of whore because she’s pissing on love and respect all in the name of a few dollars.
I love promising this girl I will take her some place nice, then fucking her and ordering a pizza, explaining to her that I’m broke. After this, I can usually count the seconds until she leaves, feeling used. Then I double check my wallet; you can’t trust a Money Grubbing Slut (at least, not until she starts making her own money, in which case, the nickname gets changed to “Materialistic Shark,” which is unfair—I mean, why blame a girl for wanting money and making it?).
So guys, the next time you take a woman home from a bar, or fuck her in the bathroom at a party, or on the rooftop of a shopping mall, or in the grass median on the side of a highway (you know, whatever works for you), you may want to consider exactly what level of slut you are fucking. Remember, it’s not wrong if it’s just sex for sex’s sake (hell, female sexual liberation was the best thing to come out of the women’s rights movement). But if she’s in a relationship with some other guy (or guys) when you first fuck her, odds are she’s not the kind of girl you want to spend six bucks on.
Then again, few women are worth six bucks.
Nathan DeGraaf graduated fucking years ago with a BA in Creative Writing from the University of South Florida, which he still lives near because college chicks are the best. On... See full profile »
I like eating at a diner. I like when the place is named after me.

Hello everyone. I'm 20 years old and my wife is 33 as of August 2, 2009. I just found out Saturday night August 8, 2009, that, well what I believe is a slut. She told over her 32 years of living she has had, 14 sexual partners. Some were one night stands, some where just flings, and two of them where with women. She has a tattoo of of someone from her past on her left chest. Just something have too look at for the rest of my life. Also from all of the people she had been with her vagina wide. So sex is not the best at all times. She has also been on a T.V dating show. Which I think is for loser and people with no self respect. I'm at the point where I don't know what to do? any advise?

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her past , one night stand , tattoo , vagina

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