My Girlfriend Slut

My Girlfriend Slut


My Girlfriend Slut
MIA i do 10 to 12 1 nite stands a week ...
MIA i dont rtemember i dont even my kids daddy there a ...
MIA yes have a few and proud of it ...
You are a Slut – is that something that you've heard before? Being called a slut isn't one of the best things in the world. In fact, it's hurtful and in most cases, it isn't accurate. What does it really mean to be called a slut? I know this topic is a tricky, even controversial one. I've done tons of research around the internet, to see how people can just go off and say 'You are a slut'. I've compiled the best list I could that might point to why other people believe you are a slut, so please read through it because I'd love to hear your opinions on whether these reasons are accurate and what you think about the «ground rules» when you are being called a slut!
Your magic number should be something that is personal to you, but a lot of people think that if you don't share it right away, you are a slut . Just because your number might be high, doesn't mean you are a slut at all! Your number is your number and nobody should ever make you feel bad about it!
A lot of people actually prefer to have one night stands. It doesn't mean that you are slutty, in fact, it just means that you like convenience. Sex is sex and everyone needs it, that doesn't mean that you have to be in a relationship to have it. Sometimes, a one night stand can even turn into a relationship!
From the research that I've done, a lot of people associate real dates and the lack of them with a slut. Well ladies, just because you don't go on actual dates doesn't mean you are a slut . Sometimes, you don't want to date a lot, but rather you want to hang out and see if you find a connection with someone. There is nothing wrong with that.
If you have sex on the first date or as soon as you meet someone, you are a slut . If you invent reasons and justifications about why that's okay, you're also acting slutty. It shouldn't be that way ladies! Just because you're having sex soon, doesn't mean you are a slut, it just means you like what you like. Just make sure that you're practicing safe sex.
Just because you don't remember every single hook up that you've had, a lot of people believe that makes you a slut! Well ladies, I don't agree with this label. I don't agree that just because you might have made some mistakes or don't remember a few of the people you've slept with that it makes you a slut.
In the past, it was very taboo to hook up even before marriage. Well ladies, times have changed and I think that if you hook up whenever you go out, that is your business. Nobody should tell you when you can or can't hook up!
Does this mean that if you show some cleavage or even just some leg you're a slut? No! At least, that isn't my opinion. Society has made it so that if you dress the wrong way, you could be construed as a slut. Ladies, I say that you should be able to dress however you want. What do you think?
Coming home the morning after a one night stand, wearing the same outfit from the night before doesn't mean you're a slut. Almost every girl has done it at least once in their life (even Carrie Bradshaw has done it!) and I gotta say, just because you do the walk of shame, doesn't automatically make you a slut.
I'm sure that a ton of you have had this misconception about a girl that has an STD right? Well, what happens if the woman is in a committed relationship and the guy ends up cheating on her and she ends up with an STD because of that? Does that still make her a slut? Just because a girl ends up with an STD doesn't make her a slut!
Finally, the last misconception that a lot of people have when it comes to the '**you are a slut**' label is condoms. If you seem to have an endless supply of condoms, society will usually label you a slut. Well, to me, it's all about practicing safe sex!
Just because some of these are justifications for the '**you are a slut**' label, doesn't mean that the justification is true. Remember ladies, there is typically an explanation for everything and you should never slap that 'you are a slut' label on someone unless you know them. Has anyone ever said that you are a slut because of any of these reasons? Share how that made you feel, why you think other girls are slutty, or why you think the term itself is just totally unnecessary.
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Im an Herbivor Consume only green #1 Im an Herbivor, Aug 21, 2012 So I just found out tonight that my girlfriend of about a year used to be sort of a slut . She had sex with about 15 guys before me. She used to drink like crazy and that probably had something to do with it. She knows her self that she was a slut and regrets it more than anything.
I called my Girlfriend a slut and a whore and she won't forgive me. Ok, so I get a call form this guy I used to go to school with, claiming that he had sex with her about 2 months ago. So I called her a whore, slut , just about every mean thing u can fit in a 5 minute conversation, while she just kinda took it, then I dumped her.
You Hook up Whenever You Go out You Dress Provocatively You do the Walk of Shame at Least Once a Week You Have an STD You've Got a Never-Ending Supply of Condoms 1 You Won't Share Your Number Your magic number should be something that is personal to you, but a lot of people think that if you don't share it right away, you are a slut .
Hey guys. My name is rachael, and I am a slut . I am 16 years old, and kind of think I shouldn't do stuff that I do, but I don't care, I LOVE IT!! Always I am seeking new ways to show and share my body with strangers. Sometimes, I will wear a loose tank top with thin strap and no bra. Then go to the store and proceed to the checkout.
But there are (at least) four levels of slut . Let's look at them, shall we? Level 1: The Sexually Liberated Woman "Sadly, the Cheating Slut is really what most men mean when they say 'slut' or 'whore.' The first two levels are just people being people." This woman is not technically, by definition, a slut .
My gorgeous wife Rhonda and I spent five fantastic days at the Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino in Las Vegas in May 2010. Here I am looking giddy as a school girl! Memories from Our Honeymoon. I put my identities in to four characters. Miranda Red the spy, Miss Molly fifties house wife, Sugar Lips the slut and nameless my inner madness.
Hello everyone. I'm 20 years old and my wife is 33 as of August 2, 2009. I just found out Saturday night August 8, 2009, that, well what I believe is a slut . She told over her 32 years of living she has had, 14 sexual partners. Some were one night stands, some where just flings, and two of them where with women.
The next morning, his friend called me a slut and said "don't worry, I won't tell his girlfriend ." His girlfriend found out, and soon everyone had heard what a slut I was. Somehow I was more comfortable with being a slut than with being raped, so I accepted it. And I never told anyone, until now. I'm afraid to tell my parents.
She walked to my other friend pushing him on his back she rode his cock hard. She spent about 30 minutes riding him then got off got on all four wiggled her ass and told him to fuck her hard. He want a let down for sure the guy nearly went an hour fucking her. It was around 2:30am one of the wives called our home number asking where we was at.
photo size: medium 640 new. slut -wives recent | interesting | random. Rita by RitaB&Don. More randos by casualinfidelity666. Just some random snapshots by casualinfidelity666. 4thofJulyBlacked by TerryFanchier. loaded 4 / 1972 - 0%.
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The Four Levels of Slut Sleeping around carries an unfair double standard, but sluttiness does have levels.
by Nathan DeGraaf | June 21, 2006
Points in Case is a daily literary humor publication featuring enlightening and irreverent comedy from seasoned writers and fresh voices, since 1999.
Main: Man, she’s a whore?
Nathan: How can you say that? She never got paid.
Main: I stand corrected. She’s a slut.
I think it’s unfair that women are often considered sluts for sleeping around. Women say that this perception of them propagates a double standard because men are never considered sluts for rampant sexual activity. (Although, if that were truly the case, then why do so many women I know call me a slut?) And recently, because I just dumped a girl who cheated on me, I have been pondering exactly what it is that makes a girl a slut .
Now, when I get to pondering, well, sometimes I just have to get out a pen and write down my thoughts. This was one of those times. You see, there are many different kinds of sluts, and there is not one hard and fast rule that simply defines a woman as a slut. But there are (at least) four levels of slut.
“Sadly, the Cheating Slut is really what most men mean when they say ‘slut' or ‘whore.' The first two levels are just people being people.”
This woman is not technically, by definition, a slut. She is the woman who gets stereotyped as a slut simply because she likes to fuck around. This woman typically has no boyfriend (or a boyfriend who doesn’t care that she fucks other men) and simply goes out looking to get laid. She doesn’t feel that she should have to settle down, and she thinks it’s unfair that other women degrade her for this. She is right. She is also one of the reasons I get up in the morning.
Of the last four women I’ve slept with, three fall into this category because (as far as I know), they were not cheating on anyone, were not lying about who they fucked, and were not asking for anything more than sex. Women love sex, too; they should not be blamed for seeking it. Stereotypes hurt everyone. Ironically enough, usually other women hate this girl because she can fuck who she wants, while men bare her no ill will. She is, after all, simply doing what she likes. And men, for the most part, respect that.
Unlike the whores that make up the second level of slut.
Much like the Sexually Liberated Woman, this slut has no boyfriend. She does however, and for whatever reason, feel she needs to lead men on. She fucks several different men at one time while tricking the men she fucks into thinking that they are pursuing a relationship. Which is to say that every one of the suckers she fucks happens to think that they’re the slut’s soon-to-be boyfriend. She also loves seeing men fight over her, which may be (at least in part) the motivation for her leading these poor bastards on.
The main thing that separates her from the Level 1 Slut is that she is not honest with the men in her life because she derives pleasure from wrapping suckers around her little finger. The women representing this level of slut usually leave me alone. I’m not sure why, but I’m pretty sure the Garden Variety Slut has a radar for suckers, and because I am not one, I hardly have to deal with these bitches.
I can’t say the same for the sluts in levels 3 and 4.
Cheating Sluts come in three different categories. There are those who simply cheat on a boyfriend they’ve had for a few months and then tell him (no big deal); those who cheat on a guy they’ve dated for a few months, never tell him, and force him to find out from his friends (a slightly bigger deal because these sluts lack honesty); and then there are the worst kind—the sluts who fuck around on a man they’ve been with for years and never tell him about it.
The first girl I fucked after the breakup belonged in last category. The bitch was engaged. She fucked me late in the afternoon and left early in the evening because her man would soon be arriving from work. To her fiancée, I say, “I hope your parents are proud of you for preparing to marry a 21-year-old waitress with no education. Oh, and by the way, I’ve never met a girl who had a tell for her female ejaculation before. I mean, her leg quivers like an epileptic in mid seizure and then she squirts. That’s kind of weird. And yes, I like her body, too.”
Sadly, the Cheating Slut is really what most men mean when they say “slut” or “whore.” The first two levels are just people being people, not people being disloyal bitches. What separates this level of slut from the fourth and final level of slut, is, quite simply, the motivation for cheating.
Fortunately for me, I live in a college community where finding a man with his own car, no roommates and a steady income is like hitting the jackpot for most girls. Unfortunately for me, this means I often get hit on by the Money Grubbing Slut.
The saddest thing about the Money Grubbing Slut is that she really does like (or even love) her boyfriend. She simply expects more from her man in terms of monetary consideration. She doesn’t make her own money and can’t live off her boyfriend’s petty McDonald’s wages, so she seeks out men who will take her to nice places and buy her shiny objects. This is the worst kind of whore because she’s pissing on love and respect all in the name of a few dollars.
I love promising this girl I will take her some place nice, then fucking her and ordering a pizza, explaining to her that I’m broke. After this, I can usually count the seconds until she leaves, feeling used. Then I double check my wallet; you can’t trust a Money Grubbing Slut (at least, not until she starts making her own money, in which case, the nickname gets changed to “Materialistic Shark,” which is unfair—I mean, why blame a girl for wanting money and making it?).
So guys, the next time you take a woman home from a bar, or fuck her in the bathroom at a party, or on the rooftop of a shopping mall, or in the grass median on the side of a highway (you know, whatever works for you), you may want to consider exactly what level of slut you are fucking. Remember, it’s not wrong if it’s just sex for sex’s sake (hell, female sexual liberation was the best thing to come out of the women’s rights movement). But if she’s in a relationship with some other guy (or guys) when you first fuck her, odds are she’s not the kind of girl you want to spend six bucks on.
Then again, few women are worth six bucks.
Nathan DeGraaf graduated fucking years ago with a BA in Creative Writing from the University of South Florida, which he still lives near because college chicks are the best. On... See full profile »
What was that word again? Oh yea, “unforgettable.”

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The hottest, most beautiful wife in the world on our honeymoon July 2009.
She drives me crazy! My beautiful hot wife has the most amazing, athletic, gorgeous legs you're ever going to find.
She was just chillin' on the balcony, but she had me speechless just because of these unbelievable legs. My wife is gorgeous, and these legs, my God these legs.
My beautiful hot wife has the most amazing, athletic, gorgeous legs you're ever going to find.
My beautiful wife Rhonda, headed back to our stateroom after a night out in an evening gown on a recent cruise vacation Fall 2010.
My husband said I was the sweetest, hottest, sexiest, most beautiful wife in the world when we were on our honeymoon last July.
(Description written by my adoring Hubby)
My beautiful wife drew quite a bit of attention while I photographed her wearing an exotic bikini while she strolled around the pool at the Loews Hotel on South Beach after a quick evening swim. She wanted to go for an evening swim. I just wanted - needed - to watch her in that unbelievable sexy bikini. We both got our way that night.
My wife is gorgeous and one of a kind, and I couldn't possibly be more proud of my beautiful wife. Of course that didn't stop me from taking compromising pictures while she wasn't looking.
If some of the photos of my hot wife Rhonda in this bikini are blurry, it's because my hands were shaking! With her body, a diamond belly ring and a very sexy anklet, who could blame me?
My gorgeous wife Rhonda and I spent five fantastic days at the Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino in Las Vegas in May 2010.
Here I am looking giddy as a school girl!
I put my identities in to four characters. Miranda Red the spy, Miss Molly fifties house wife, Sugar Lips the slut and nameless my inner madness. As you can see These photos are of Miranda Red. I took all the images myself with the use of a timer and a tripod.
Picture the scene and the thought process that subsequently races through your mind you see the long legs first across the cafe, oh yes she is wearing black fully fashioned stockings, can i see her stocking tops? Oh the anklet delicately and teasingly poised over her nylons, what does that suggest and then you notice the cigarette and the long red nails holding it and smoker or not your fetish floods your senses. You check your wife or partner opposite you isn't looking and set your gaze again on that vision indulging your fantasies hoping to catch her eye.....admit it you do don't you as you watch her cross her legs, what thoughts are you thinking? do tell us all....x
Just a quick snapshot of our first visit to a new club.
Here I am looking giddy as a school girl!
Moments after we renewed our Wedding Vows to celebrate our One Year Wedding a perfect setting.
My beautiful wife drew quite a bit of attention while I photographed her wearing an exotic bikini while she strolled around the pool at the Loews Hotel on South Beach after a quick evening swim. She wanted to go for an evening swim. I just wanted - needed - to watch her in that unbelievable sexy bikini. We both got our way that night. She garnered a great deal of attention at the pool at the Loews Hotel & Resort on South Beach. My wife is gorgeous and one of a kind, and I couldn't possibly be more proud of my beautiful wife.
If some of the photos of my hot wife Rhonda in this bikini are blurry, it's because my hands were shaking! With her body, a diamond belly ring and a very sexy anklet, who could blame me?
My beautiful wife drew quite a bit of attention while I photographed her wearing an exotic bikini while she strolled around the pool at the Loews Hotel on South Beach after a quick evening swim. She wanted to go for an evening swim. I just wanted - needed - to watch her in that unbelievable sexy bikini. We both got our way that night. She garnered a great deal of attention at the pool at the Loews Hotel & Resort on South Beach. My wife is gorgeous and one of a kind, and I couldn't possibly be more proud of my beautiful wife.
If some of the photos of my hot wife Rhonda in this bikini are blurry, it's because my hands were shaking! With her body, a diamond belly ring and a very sexy anklet, who could blame me?
I love taking these 'self portraits' but I hate the iphone camera!!
Another night my husband was mezmerized, and I (yes, I admit it), I was teasing and encouraging him to keep me in!
The hottest, most beautiful wife in the world, Rhonda being very sensual on our honeymoon July 2009.
My beautiful h
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