My First Time Topless

My First Time Topless


My First Time Topless
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It was on my bucket list… and it was no small thing because I had always been very self-conscious about my body. I could barely imagine actually being naked in front of a bunch of total strangers. But I was going to do it.
The first experience is always special. It’s personal. It’s close to your heart. It’s where you make mistakes. It’s where you learn. It’s where you grow. It’s something that you remember always. And, it becomes a great story for others. So, come and share your first experience.
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Norma Mexico

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My first time topless in public

Back in 1993 me and 2 friends stayed for 5 days at a hotel in Playa del Carmen. As soon as we arrive we notice many girls are topless at the beach and some at the hotel pool. A few are even topless on 5th.avenue, thew street that runs adjacent to the beach.
The first day we decide to go topless but only at the beach.We soon became comfortable and challenged ourselves to go other places too. From the third day we went topless at hotels pool, streets and outdoor restaurants wearing nothing but thongs and didn't have any problem at all.
It was a big deal to go farther every time. I didn't want to pass unnoticed anymore, what I like is to be seen and admired because of my courage in going topless in every place where men go.

Despite the best efforts of me, friends and co-workers to promote topfreedom in Mexico less women are topless on Yucatan Peninsula now than 20 years ago but you still have no problems if you choose to go topless, so I encourage girls that visit places like Playa del Carmen to be brave and not wear any top at all.
Despite what you read elsewhere locals are very relaxed about topless and you will not have any problem even if you are the only one.

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Auntie Jane

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Re: My first time topless in public

Thanks for posting Norma,I have visted Playa del Carmen several times over the years and have always found it to be topless friendly,not that you would think so if you read some of the trip advisor reports.

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Re: My first time topless in public

My first time topless ended up with me being completely naked. We went on a vacation to a place that had a clothing optional beach. My guy said I didn't have to take anything off if I didn't want too. When we got there, I saw several other women that were topless and quite a few that were completely naked too. That helped me relax a bit so I surprised my guy by taking off my top - he got naked then. After another five minutes and seeing several naked women and men, I decided I would go for it and I took off my bottom. I still remember the thrill of taking it off and being completely naked as their was a group of about four guys right next to us who were naked and watched me get naked. It was so exciting I stood there, facing them and enjoying that they were looking at me naked.

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My Experiences Going Topless At The Beach And Tips For Those Considering It
In Spain, especially in the south (I'm from Murcia, in the southeast of Spain), is very common women go topless on the beach. Although there are several nudist beaches here, topless is very extended on any type of beach, nudist and textil.
I would. I live in Australia though, and I have never seen anyone go topless at the beach before. What state did you visit? @eurochick
Nope, never have... Not that common where I live - Croatia. Where in Europe are you from?
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I understand that going topless at a beach is pretty common in Europe . I'm from America though, and while I'm sure there are topless beaches here, I wouldn't take my top off just because of how sexualized everything is here. I feel like everyone would be staring at my breasts and wanting to rape me basically.
If I was to answer this question 2 months ago, I would say NO due to my massive boobs. I would never. But today, I would say why not. Its only boobs. I would do it. If I saw people doing it, I would probably do it too. Nice all round tan. (funny how little things in life change you to see a bigger and better picture)
Topless looks fine, I am here from India, we can't go topless in here, but whenever I visit France/Spain I have went topless. Infact wearing a jeans and going topless would look more sexy if you want to catch some attention!
Always have been topless when and where appropriate. I am European and so find the whole US thing weird. It's just natural, comfortable.
I think it is not that common in Europe . I never did it and probably never will. I wouldn't feel comfortable at all and I also don't see the point.
I think safety in numbers is true, the more people are doing it, the more comfortable everyone else will be to try it. While you have places where it is legal but few people actually try it, it may still seem weird (like in New York city where women can go topless anywhere a man can but most don't). I do wonder if we will get to where Europe is now in our comfort with nudity.
I have gone to public bath with my friends but never went to any nude beach. So I will try
Where did you ever get the idea that "Big boobs are more sexual than smaller ones"? In the context of sexuality, guys are just as interested in an A-cup as they are in a C-cup. Size has nothing to do with it. Sure, some guys have preferences, but it's just a preference; my very flat-chested college friend said that she never once had a guy ask her to put her top back on (if it came off). In controlled studies of size preference, "medium" was the #1 preference. That's right, a full B/small C is preferred by more men that a D is; and is likewise preferred by more men that aa A is. But seriously, when a flat chested girl takes her top off, the guys enjoy it. A lot.
I'm thinking of going on a trip with a group of friends and we have joked about going to a nude beach. I'm still on the fence. Going with some girl friends and I just don't know if it will be weird.
So I'm guessing you aren't affected by perverted stares from guys? Good for you!
I did it once, because the strong waves kept pushing my triangle bikini away. I don't think I'd do it anytime soon again, unless there are strong waves again (and topless women too). It's definitely easier when other women around you are topless too.
I go topless a lot. I live in America though and far away from any beaches. The first time was when I was 15 too... except I went full on nude and didn't care.
Yes!! My first time was in Italy I was 23 years old After that pretty much at any beach that allows you too or pool. I grew up in Los Angeles and our beaches you have to have your top on! I have very large breast so I'm always uncomfortable on the beach or pool but if I see other Women then I feel more comfortable!! I love getting a little light on the girls and my husband loves it also!!
I wouldn't do that. My boobs are just too large for that sorry. I understand that you're European, but I am American, and it's not too common over here.
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Being from Europe , taking your top off at the beach is a moderately common past time. On this site though, not many members are open to the idea of it. I thought I would share my experiences of being topless on beaches in Europe and Australia.
As a teenager, around 15 years of age, I attempted going topless once on a beach but while I bared my breasts for a few minutes in their entireity, which was a not so impressive 34B cup, I felt rather naked so soon put my top back on.
When I completed high school, I went on an adventure to Australia, which consisted of a lot of hanging out at the beach. Not wanting to have too many tan lines and wearing triangle bikini tops, I initially I would just go topless laying on my front and put the top back on if I rolled over, but over time I got lazier and would just drape the top over my boobs. One day surounded by other topless girls, who were my age and in their 20s, I rolled over exposing my boobs and it felt fine. I think what helped was safety in numbers and that a lot of the other topless girls had much nicer boobs than mine. For the remainder of that trip, if other people were topless at a beach, then I would be too. I never noticed any unnecessary attention and while guys might have looked, it never seemed creepy.
Fast forward a few years and I am now a big fan of being topless at the beach. If we go on holidays to France, Croatia, Spain I will always go topless. At most beaches in continental Europe a number of people are always topless so I don't stick out at all.
While the US might be some years away from having topless tanning on all beaches, according to go being topless is not actually illegal in most states (see ).
Some things to consider if you do decide to take the plunge and take off your top on the beach:
- When laying down, boobs flatten out so it doesn't feel as sexual as when sitting up or walking around. To start with, take off your top when laying on your back and put it back on when laying on your back.
- Big boobs are more sexual than smaller ones. They may get more notice than an A/B/C cup.
- I still prefer safety in numbers. If going for the plunge for the first time, do it near some other topless girls.
Have you tried going topless before? If so, I would like to hear about other people's experiences.
@rAiNbOwTeRdZ Yeah lol! i was just messing around haha!
Hi this was at Bondi Beach, Sydney.
Ah, okay that explains it. I heard they tend to go topless there (funnily enough I heard it from the show Modern Family) Yeah, I was hoping it was somewhere in Victoria but of course we're all too conservative here XD (plus it's probably not exactly legal in my specific state. Because you know, stuff having the same laws as the rest of the country)
I did actually go topless on some beaches on the Great Ocean Road too. We were the only ones I think but nobody cared.
Im from Sweden. I have been to Croatia, its a great place.
Cool! Sweden. Never been there but hear great things.
Interestingly, the first and only place where I showed my private parts was near Split, Croatia!
I thought Croatia had a lot of nude beach areas? I was planning a trip there for next summer because of that.
I thought nudity was common in Croatia? I heard they had some of the best nude beaches in the world.
Yeah. Lot of the men here in Ameirca (especially on the West Coast) are perverted.
Its not THAT common in Europe either. Its rare to find topless women on beaches and for girls younger than 30 its even more rare.
What made you change your mind about going topless?
My girlfriend and her mom normally topless at home, also get topless on beach too
As a guy I don't see the point either. One of my exes told me that she did that in Barcelona but im pretty sure she did to get attention. And i like tanlines i think they are very sexy.
Too big? I didn't think that was possible.

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