My First Gangbang Story

My First Gangbang Story


My First Gangbang Story
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Wife indulges hubby's gangbang fantasy with the real thing.
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Please enjoy this new story. It is a work of fiction, intended for adult readers. All characters are adults, eighteen or older, and unusually horny.
I sat behind the wheel of my BMW and stared at the graffiti in the parking garage. I visualized steam billowing from my ears and felt my head was ready to explode. Three months of work had gone up in smoke because my fucking boss dinged me for a grammatical error. Give me a fucking break.
I texted Cecil, my husband: Call when you can.
He was an ER doc and always on call, so trying to reach him during the day was always a crapshoot.
"Hey," I snarled, answering the phone.
Apparently, I did a poor job of hiding my anger. "Yeah... bad day at the office." I worked in mergers and acquisitions for a boutique investment firm and just had my latest project pulled out from under me because of an error made by my assistant.
"Yeah, you can take my mind off the Pennysnatcher merger."
He chuckled. "Sounds like a bad porn movie. What happened?"
"Kathy, my cunt boss, pulled my project and gave it to that little fucking weasel I was telling you about."
"Yeah, he's been undermining me every chance he gets... and now it looks like he finally succeeded. Dollars to donuts he's banging Kathy." I didn't know that, but it sounded like a good rumor to get started.
"Fucking-A," I said, glancing down at my watch. It was only noon. "In fact, I may be done forever. Speaking of bad porn, how about we do a date night... you know, to help take my mind off this fucking disaster."
"I'm in," he said, "are you up for letting me pick the movie... you know, something raunchy?"
He knew I preferred tender and romantic, but he couldn't resist pushing for more. I laughed out loud. "Trying to take advantage of a damsel in distress?"
"Hope springs eternal, should I pick something timid... like a threesome."
I giggled. "Oh, come on, you can do better than that. How about that gangbang chick you wanted me to watch a few months ago... what's her name?"
The excitement in his voice was unmistakable. "Yeah, that's her," I said, wondering what kind of raunchy I'd just signed up for.
"In my car, in the parking garage. Any chance you can get away... for a backseat quickie." Cecil's hospital was within walking distance, and the thought of a down and dirty back seat fuck lifted my spirits.
"I wish, but the dealers appear to be running a special today, so we're flooded with drug overdoses." He lowered his voice to a whisper. "I have a few minutes... if you want a little phone relief."
I put my phone on speaker and placed it in its dash mount. "That will have to do... tell me about it... the gangbang."
"It is now," I said, weaving my finger through my kinky red pubes before slipping a finger into the very wet folds of my swollen pussy lips.
"You know I am. Tell me about Riley. What's she look like?"
"She reminds me of you... a sexy green-eyed redhead."
"Mmmm," I moaned, "I already like her... how red?"
"Darker than you, but your size... you know, petite with a neatly trimmed bush."
I slipped a finger up inside my cunt. "Oh, now you like it trimmed?"
"I love your natural bush... and your hairy pits never cease to get my cock hard."
"You're sweet," I cooed, "speaking of cocks... shoot me a pic?"
"I love it when you get nasty... give me a sec, there's a private bathroom off the day lounge."
My screen filled with Cecil's gorgeous ebony dick. It hung down nearly eight inches and was adorned with a sterling silver cock ring. "God, your cock is beautiful... how many?"
"You know, how many guys; what else do I need to know about a gangbang?"
He laughed. "Eight... I think, I haven't watched the video in a while."
I moaned as my clit came to life. "Then eight's my new lucky number. Tell me what you remember."
"She wore lacy white lingerie and did a little bump and grind while the guys stroked their cocks to get them nice and hard."
I shifted in my seat to spread my legs... and my pussy lips. "Any big black cocks... like yours?"
"It's porn, are there any other kind?"
I moaned louder and tugged on my hard nipples. "Hurry, get to the good stuff... I'm ready to come."
"She does three guys right off the bat."
"Airtight?" I asked, suspecting that might get his attention.
"What the fuck, Cecilia, you never told me about that."
His unexpected reaction momentarily tamped down my budding desire. I said, impatiently, "Your rugby roommate... at Columbia." An astute high school counsellor once advised me to take up rugby if I wanted a shot at an Ivy League education. I took her advice and convinced my parents to send me to summer rugby camps in Australia during my last two years of high school. It worked like a charm and earned me a full ride scholarship to Columbia.
"That's right, you were fucking me from behind when he walked in on us."
Cecil groaned. "I still can't believe you invited him to join us. Besides, what does that have to do with you getting... airtight?"
"Hey, we were both drunk." I hesitated, as an image of Ralph's huge cock, even bigger than Cecil's, flashed in my mind. I definitely remembered that. Eager to get back on track, I dragged my finger over my clit. "Mmmm," I cooed, "remember, you had two other roommates."
"Damn," he said, "You fucked Jimmy and Seth too?"
Getting busted only heightened my desire. "It was Ralph's idea... besides, you were supposed to be there."
"Damn, Cecilia, he never told me--"
"Oh fuck, Cecil," I shrieked, cutting him off, "I'm gonna..." My body exploded with orgasmic pleasure. "FUCK-K-K-K YES-S-S," I screamed into the phone.
Cecil had the good sense to keep quiet and listen to my expletive laden orgasmic rant. When I was done, he said, "You are so fucking sexy, Cecilia. Let's go somewhere special tonight."
"Water under the bridge. Let's spend the night in the city... at the Carlyle."
Cecil's choice of a gangbang intrigued me, and I was warming up to indulging his fantasy. "I like the sound of that. Who knows, maybe we can bring your fantasy to life."
He laughed out loud. "Then I better request a suite."
I hesitated, fearful I'd pushed this too far. "Seriously?"
"You did do three of my roommates... what's a few more?"
I could hear the subtle challenge in his voice and decided to leave the door open. "Well, since you put it that way..."
"I could call Ralph... maybe he could help me pull it together... it would be just like old times."
I couldn't believe my ears. My husband was offering me up for a real gangbang, with his old rugby buddies no less. Unfortunately, my lust was getting the better of me. "How did it end?"
I curled my fingertip up under my swollen clit. "Riley Reid's gangbang, how did it end."
"They painted her with eight gooey loads... a real cum dumpster."
I closed my eyes and tried to imagine myself covered in cum. "Cecil," I whispered, flicking my clit.
I glanced up at the fanciful murals adorning the walls of Bemelmans Bar. The Carlyle had become a regular stop for our special date nights. It had been over twenty minutes since I texted Cecil that I'd arrived, and I'd yet to hear from him. Not a good sign.
The bartender placed a second dirty martini next to my empty glass. "On the house," he said with a wide grin.
"Thanks," I said, returning his smile. It was a far cry from the initial reaction I got when I took a seat at the bar. I'd spent most of the afternoon at the spa getting dolled up for... well, to fulfill whatever fantasy Cecil might put together for tonight. Apparently, my outfit from Victoria's Secret was too far over the top, and the bartender's frown made it abundantly clear that working women were not welcome. He lightened up after I slipped him my room card and explained my husband would be joining me.
"Finally," I muttered under my breath when my phone vibrated. I picked it up and whispered, "Tell me you're on your way."
"I wish I could," he said, "but there's a big pileup on the expressway and they've put a hold on all staff leaving until it's sorted out."
"Dunno," he said, apologetically. "How're you doing?"
I turned away from the bartender to hide my aggravation. "I'm horny as hell," I said, "ever since you chatted me up about... you know, doing a gangbang."
"Sorry about that, Babe, but I'm due in surgery in five minutes."
"Fuck, Cecil, I'm already buzzed... and more than a little ready to be fucked... if you know what I mean. At least tell me you were able to reach Ralph?"
"Yeah, I did, but he's living out west... so that's a bust."
"Fuck," I muttered into the phone. "You've got me all wound up with nobody..." I let my thought trail off, unwilling to verbalize the desire building within me.
"Hang in there, Babe... something will turn up."
I giggled. "Don't you mean somebodies... as in plural?"
"In your dreams, I'll be there for you as soon as I can."
"Hurry," I said and blew him a kiss with a loud smack and ended the call.
"Trouble with the Mr.," the bartender said, lifting my glass and wiping the bar.
I shrugged my shoulders. "He's gonna be late... just keep the martinis coming."
"You got it," he said with a wide smile.
I was well into my second martini when a young man took a seat a few barstools down from me. His rugged good looks got my attention.
"Welcome back, Noah," the bartender said to the man, setting out a bowl of nuts. "The usual?"
I watched in amazement as the bartender set out a line of eight Fosters beer cans, the big 25 ouncers. Hmmm, didn't I just tell Cecil that eight was my new lucky number?
The man reached for a can and popped the top. He glanced in my direction and did a subtle double take.
I'm not sure if he was reacting to my sultry green dress or my dropped jaw. Who drinks eight giant cans of beer?
"Cheers," he said with a thick Australian accent.
I smiled and raised my glass. "Aussie, Aussie, Aussie."
"Oi, oi, oi," he replied, grinning from ear to ear. "You've been down under?"
I nodded and said, "Rugby clinics... back in my college days."
He smacked the bar top with his palm. "Fair dinkum?"
I chuckled. "Haven't heard that one in a long time."
"Rugby's my game. I'm here with my mates putting on a clinic for the Columbia women's team."
I arched my eyebrows. "That's my alma mater," I said with a broad grin, "I played rugby all four years."
He looked me over cautiously, then asked, "How long ago was that?"
I shrugged, knowing that he was fishing for my age. "About ten years ago. Where are your mates?"
"They'll be along," he said with a wry smile, "it's our last night here... and they're taking one last stab at the ladies, but it's not looking good."
I gave him a curious look. "That's not the way I remembered the last night of rugby clinics."
He shrugged. "Yeah, I've heard stories about the old days... can't get the time of day from this lot. Go figure."
I smiled. "My husband's tied up at work... looks like we're in the same predicament."
A broad grin widened across his face. "The cad, did you have plans?"
"Uh huh," I said, "we have a suite reserved... upstairs."
"I already envy him," he said, taking a long drink from his can of Fosters. "Join me, I'd love to hear more."
I slipped off my barstool and moved down next to him. Extending my hand, I said, "I'm Cecilia."
He took my hand and gave it a firm squeeze. "Noah, and I'm please to meet you. Tell me about your plans."
Knowing where this conversation could lead, I threw caution to the wind and lowered my voice. "Date night, a little something we call porn night... I was really looking forward to it."
His hand shot to his mouth to keep from spitting out a mouthful of beer.
He leaned in and whispered in my ear. "Not at all... in fact, I'd love to hear more. What exactly is porn night?"
"Nothing too dramatic," I whispered, "we pick a porn video to watch... you know, something inspiring."
"Oh," he said, "and what video did you pick for tonight."
"Well," I said, letting the suspense build, "It was Cecil's turn to pick... that's my husband... he had his heart set on a gangbang video staring Reilly Reid."
"Damn," he said, shaking his head. "It's a shame you'll have to miss that one... in fact, I'm pretty sure me and the boys have seen it. As I recall, you two look a lot alike. Are you Irish?"
I smiled and took a stab at an Irish brogue. "Ay now, did me red hair and green eyes give it away?" I casually placed my left hand on his thigh and gave it a gentle squeeze.
He laughed at my feeble attempt at humor before glancing down at his watch. "Our flight home is tonight... just after midnight. We don't have much time."
I smiled. "Let me check with Cecil... if he gives me the thumbs up I think I can give you and your mates a proper send off."
His eyes grew wide with anticipation. "Let me do it."
I dialed Cecil's number, silently praying that he would answer. The moment I heard him pick up, I handed the phone to Noah. "Put it on speaker."
He shook his head. "No way, this is between Cecil and me."
I moved my hand up his thigh and squeezed his bulging cock. "Okay, but you better make it happen... I'm not turning back now."
"Hey, Cecil," he said, "this is Noah. I'm here at Bemelmans... sitting next to your gorgeous wife."
I tried to eavesdrop, but Noah held the phone out of earshot. I tugged on the tail of his belt and pulled it free of the buckle.
"Good ear," Noah said, replying to my husband. "I am Australian. I'm here with my mates, putting on a clinic at Columbia... for the women's team."
I unbuttoned the waistband of his trousers, frustrated that I couldn't hear what my husband's reply.
"I know... she told me all about her time in Australia. In fact, we've been trading stories about her time with the team... especially what went on after the clinics... back in the old days."
I unzipped his fly just as three of his mates approached us.
Noah turned and shushed them with a finger to his lips, then motioned to the beers lined up at the bar.
They each took a beer, sized up the situation, then swiped their fingers across their lips, zipping them shut.
Noah nodded, apparently liking Cecil's reply. "Yeah, too bad this crop of ladies aren't as enthusiastic as Cecilia... she must have been a real fireball back in the day."
I opened his trousers and slipped my fingers over the top of his boxers, discreetly fishing for his cock.
Noah winked and gave me a knowing look as he replied to Cecil. "No kidding, would you believe there are eight of us?"
I wrapped my fingers around his stiffening cock.
"Hey, Cecil," he said, steeling his composure. "We're kind of pressed for time... and... well, Cecilia already has her fingers wrapped around my cock. She mentioned something about giving us a proper send off."
His three mates figured out where this was going and gathered around me to shield us from any prying eyes.
"I like the sound of that," Noah said, "Should I tell her."
"Tell me what?" I said, glancing up at him.
"Cecil suggested you suck my cock... you know, to make sure you're serious about taking us on."
There was no hiding the astonishment in my eyes. Discreetly toying with Noah's cock in the bar was a far cry from sucking him off in public. On the plus side, there was no doubt in my mind that Cecil was on board for me doing the entire lot of them. "Here?"
Noah nodded, giving me a little hip bump, reminding me that his cock needed attention.
Throwing caution to the wind, I discretely bent down and devoured his turgid cock, slathering it with saliva.
"Oh yeah, Cecil, you were right. She's one accomplished cocksucker. And there's no doubt in my mind that she's ready to take us on... are you sure you're okay with it?"
I pulled off his cock and grabbed the phone. "It's me, Baby."
"Hey, Honey," Cecil said, "are you really sucking his cock at the bar."
I giggled. "That was your idea... but I can't say it hadn't already crossed my mind. I only wish you were here to... watch."
He replied, cautiously. "What are you planning to do?"
I gazed into Noah's eyes as I replied to Cecil, imitating an Australian accent. "I figured I'd go full Reilly Reid on all eight of these blokes." Rather than wait for his reply, I handed Noah the phone and dove back down on his hard cock.
Noah listened to Cecil, who thought he was still talking to me. Excited by what he'd just heard, he interrupted Cecil, "I think we're on the same wavelength Cecil... and I love the idea of a cum dumpster finish."
I pulled off his cock and grabbed the phone. "Really, Cecil, a cum dumpster?"
Cecil laughed. "Hey, in for a dime, in for a dollar. I'd love to watch... any chance you can video it for me?"
"Of course," he said, his voice tinged with envy. "It's the next best thing to being there."
Noah's four remaining mates sidled up to the bar, oblivious to what was in store for them.
After saying goodby to Cecil, I punched up the video and handed the phone back to Noah. "Cecil wants the whole thing on video... are you okay with that?"
"I like the way he thinks," Noah said, aiming the phone towards my face.
The new arrivals peered in to see what was going on.
I adjusted the phone to make sure it had my face framed nice and close, then went back down on Noah's cock, taking it as deep as I could.
Noah's mates move in close to me and I instantly felt hands cup my ass and breasts. Within moments, the hands had discretely wiggled in under my clothes and were touching my most sensitive spots.
Noah turned to his mates. "Nice and quiet, we don't want to make a scene here at the bar."
I lifted my head off Noah's cock just as a finger entered my wet cunt. "Ahhh," I cooed and went back down on Noah. More hands roamed my body, tweaking my hard nipples. I moved my feet apart to make room for a second finger up inside my slippery cunt.
"Oh fuck yeah, Cecilia, suck my cock," Noah whispered, "I'm getting close."
I redoubled my efforts, furiously bobbing my head on his stiff rod. I felt yet another hand on my backside, this time probing my tight little pucker. The sensation nearly sent me over the edge.
"Fuck," Noah said, nearly drawing the attention of nearby patrons.
He exploded in my mouth just as my body erupted in a monster orgasm. Luckily, his pulsing cock muffled my cries of pleasure and together I drained his cock without drawing any unwanted attention. However, that wasn't true of the bartender, who had an unobstructed view of my performance. I stood and wiped a droplet of cum from my lips, and gave the bartender a knowing wink. I gazed back into the camera and sucked the cum off the tip of my finger.
"That's a wrap," Noah said, turning off the camera. "Let's take this movie upstairs."
Cedric took my hand as I entered the elevator. "Evening, Mrs. Cecilia," he said in a smooth baritone.
The Carlisle was one of the few establishments that kept the tradition of elevator operators alive. Cedric was a relic of the past, older, distinguished and discreet... very discreet. The first time Cecil and I came here for our date night, we were none too careful about our lust for each other. Cedric correctly read our mood and offered to make an unscheduled stop on the way to our floor. I eagerly agreed, despite Cecil's objections. Getting fucked in the mirrored elevator while Cedric watched turned out to be one of the most erotic experiences of my life. Cedric never failed to greet us by name and never failed to include an unscheduled stop on the way up to our room.
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