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15 Crazy Ways Your Ex-Girlfriend Will Ruin You

Shruthi PK
May 27, 2017

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Love is the most beautiful thing that exists in the world. True love can purify the heart and build a strong bond that will provide you with millions of memorable moments. It’s an inspiration to poets and a recurring theme for artists. “I love you,” these three magical words have the superpower that can win the world easily. Some of the deadliest leaders like Hitler fell in love too, and had a dedicated partner by his side. During the crucial time of war, Hitler’s girlfriend Eva was asked to leave the war affected area, but she stayed back with Hitler. That’s the intensity of love!
In the beginning of a relationship, every couple considers themselves the most adorable pair in the world, but unexpected circumstances can separate them forever. Yes, the breakup is always painful unfortunately, and you have to move forward no matter how badly you are hurt inside. “ After a breakup, it takes a couple weeks for the fog to settle, but it’s always a period of self-priority and growth. Life presents you with so many decisions. A lot of times, they’re right in front of your face and they’re really difficult, but we must make them,” said Brittany Murphy, the late American actress. The post-breakup life is not likely to be peaceful if you dated a witch like girlfriend. She will haunt you with some clever plans and destroy your happiness! So, you must be very careful.
Here you can find 15 tricky ways your ex-girlfriend may defame you after the breakup. Consider yourself warned. 
Yes, broken hearted women try some risky ideas to defame their ex-sweethearts. There are girls who want to teach a lesson to their boyfriends with the threat of suicide. You are really lucky if your former girlfriend is not included in the list. A girl can write a heart touching suicide note that can make anyone feel that she had the worst guy in her life. She knows how to keep herself safe while performing her suicide drama. For example, some girls consume a few sleeping pills and get hospitalized. After two days, they get discharged and society starts pouring its sympathy unconditionally, unaware of the awful truth behind her behaviour. In most cases, girls reveal their guy’s name on the suicide note and narrate their love story in an interesting manner. Such suicide attempts can also send the guy behind bars, and he will forever have a stigma attached to him from that day forward. 

It’s disgusting, but many girls do this. They name their dogs after ex-boyfriends, but not with love! It’s another tricky way to defame their boyfriends. Your former girlfriend can humiliate you by giving your name to an animal. Just imagine, what if she calls her pet in front of mutual friends! You will definitely get pissed. And your friends will have free entertainment due to your ex-sweetheart’s shameful idea. She may post her pet’s picture on social media, and you will get upset if you find her dog wearing the t-shirt that you had gifted your girl on her birthday. Don’t you think it would be best to date a girl with Zoophobia (animal phobia) instead?

In order to protect women from sexual harassment, the judicial system has special provisions. But many times, evil-minded women misuse it and harm their ex-boyfriends. Every man desires to live a dignified life, but a single lawsuit can bring him down. It can make him embarrassed and destroy his career forever. The innocent guy may spend the precious period of his life inside the four walls of a prison.
Of course, no one can push him to prison without strong evidence. She can arrange that too! Creating a fake evidence will not cost her an arm and a leg. In many cases, women lodge a rape complaint against her ex-lover though it was sex with mutual consent.

People want to know what’s happening inside someone’s bedroom and the media will help them find out such “below the belt” details. Your girlfriend can simply exhibit her emotions in front of hundreds of cameras, and her crocodile tears can melt anybody’s heart. She can accuse you of something that you have never done, for example: molestation, battering, cheating, adultery etc. She may contact your other ex-girlfriends who are your enemies today. Altogether, a crowd of women can cause severe damage to your reputation. You will find your photograph on the prime time news, but for a bad reason!

Most of the girls start living a lonely life soon after the breakup and they end up in depression! But some brave hearts accept the breakup with a sportive spirit. As the result of hard work and strong determination, they will reach their goal.
After getting separated from your girl, you have no idea how she has been coping up with the breakup. She is burning the midnight oil to ensure that she will overtake you in everything. One day she will be on the dais receiving a prestigious award or a medal from the dignitaries. Of course, she will mention your name in her victory speech but with a negative tone.

You both have spent thousands of beautiful moments together and her camera has captured some of them. Unfortunately, those pics and video clips are extremely intimate!
Now, the ball is in her court. She is ready to go the extra mile to defame you. Yes! You are likely to become the victim of revenge porn. Your ex can share your hot nude pics on social media and porn sites. And that’s the end of everything! In the UK, a bitter 25-year-old lady shared the picture of her ex-partner’s junk. Later she was caught and the court ordered her to pay a heavy compensation to the victim.

Are you in love with your boss/superior? OMG! You are gonna have a miserable post-breakup life. Since you are working as her subordinate, she has ample opportunities to defame you in front of your colleagues. As Stephanie Powers, the well-known actress rightly said, ‘Bossy’ is someone who bosses people around without reason. Your boss can ask you to do some dirty work like cleaning the cabin or bringing food to her table etc..You have no other option other than to follow her orders. You will become her puppet! She may keep you away from the office parties and picnics, and everyone will come to know that you are highly ignored.

Your former girlfriend may start roaming with your friend or colleague. Lol, you will be made to look like a buffoon. She wants to show the world that her present boyfriend is super cool and you are absolutely nothing. One fine day, your colleague will come to you with his wedding card, all those who know your love story will be rolling on the floor with laughter looking at your one in a million expression. Of course! You cannot skip the wedding because you will have the fear of getting the title, “Mr. Jealous”. With a fresh flower bouquet and a fake smile on your face, you will greet the newly married couple. 

Will she do that? Yes, there are thousands of living examples around us. Usually, couple exchanges their social media username and password with each other, some cool guys share their bank account details too. Heights of love! However, after the breakup, things will get worse and worse. As you know, social media is the best platform to defame anyone easily. She will log into your account, post some vulgar content and tag your boss, parents, and friends. The very next moment your phone will start ringing and you need to answer all those people who are in trouble because of your Facebook post. She can also send your business secrets, files and account details to your competitors via email.

So far, no one has commented anything bad about your sexuality. It’s really a private matter and you never want to discuss it with others. But, your girlfriend may create such situations. She may call you impotent and blame it for the breakup. Obviously, it’s a fake allegation, but you may need to address the issue immediately. Due to her publicity stunt, many people will start judging your private life with misinformation that was spread by your former partner. Your devil like former girlfriend may reach your future in-laws with some cooked stories and make them cancel the wedding. In the future, no girl will accept your proposal since everyone will believe the hundreds of fake stories about your sex life. 

As you have observed, girls spend a lot of time on social media during and after the breakup. Their Facebook wall turns into a “hall of shame.” She will share heart touching FB posts that can make you a villain in the eyes of people. It’s obvious, she has thousands of beautiful things to exhibit on FB. The list includes screenshots of your night chats, beach holiday pics and selfies that captured your romantic moments. However, some girls are “silent killers.” They simply unfriend their ex-boyfriends on social media and change the relationship status, perhaps wanting to inform everyone that something is “wrong” in paradise.

“Nothing in the universe can stop you from letting go and starting over,” said Guy Finley, popular American writer. Fortunately, the breakup is not the end of your life, as many successful people have proven to us. One day, you will be walking down the aisle with a beautiful woman dressed in a gorgeous wedding gown. But wait! There is someone who can break your wedding dream, and it’s none other than your former girlfriend! She can stop the wedding with a fake marriage certificate. Don’t be surprised! Creating a marriage certificate is as easy as drinking a glass of water. Your fiancée and her family will never look upon your face again.

There are thousands of dating sites existing for the single men and women. Your girlfriend may create a fake account in your name and share your phone number on such sites. Every day, you will receive hundreds of proposals, and some women may force you for sex. Even after causing so much damage, you girlfriend will not feel satisfied. In order to add fuel to the fire, she will send your profile link to your current partner as well! To trouble you more, she will write your number in public places as well. You may have seen many telephone numbers behind the doors of a public toilet with a sex request graffiti. Be careful! One day you may find your own phone number too!

Every day you will find a “missing person” advertisement on newspapers, but one day you will see your picture in that column as well! All credit must go to your ex-girlfriend! Such fake ads will make your family upset and create unwanted confusion. On the public wall she may paste the “missing person” poster ad with some highly humiliating descriptions like this: “Mr. Joe, 32 yrs., mentally challenged, 5’8. Anyone with clues about him will be suitably rewarded”. How can you save yourself from this trap? Lol, you have no option, you must reach out to the media and the police for help. At least for a week, your colleagues will make fun of your “missing person” ad.

Your girl may get this dangerous thought to spoil your name. Jessica Lind, a theater actress troubled her boyfriend with a cinema style kidnapping story. The police even launched a major investigation and caught an innocent man. At the end of the investigation, they found out that Jessica created a web of lies just to get her boyfriend back. “I just want Johnny back in my life and thought he would be able there to look after me because he thought someone was going to hurt me. It got worse and worse and I didn’t know how to end it,” Jessica told in an interview. Her boyfriend’s name was printed on newspapers even though he was not involved in her kidnap drama, poor soul! There is one more interesting case. In 2016, a girl named Samantha Martinez faked her own abduction just to get revenge on her boyfriend. Later, Miami Police arrested her and ended her kidnap drama.
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Lachlan Brown

October 18, 2020, 2:56 am

Your friends may be saying, “you’re better off without her mate”. But deep down you know you were a fool to let her go.
Because when you have loved and lost a woman, it brings a special kind of pain.
The whole genre of Country and Western music has been built on that simple fact. It feels like a part of you is missing. Life seems somehow duller and meaningless.
Now, there’s a couple of ways you can go.
Believe me — hatching a plan is the way to go.
However, it’s not as simple as dropping her a text and asking her around for dinner. Simply laying out the facts as to why you’re better off together won’t cut it.
If you’re wondering how to get your ex girlfriend back, these 17 tips will get her back into your life. For good.
Before you dab on the aftershave and head around to her flat with a bunch of flowers, press the pause button.
You first need to have a long hard think about whether she is actually worth it. Do you really want her back in your life?
Often the desire to get back to the way you were is a knee jerk reaction — a response to the shock of a break-up .
Maybe you’re thinking, “I have nothing to do on a Saturday night now”. Maybe she drove you mad, but you are missing the sex. Whatever it is, do not mistake short term need as the love of a lifetime.
It’s a stone-cold fact that relationships look great from a distance. It is only when you get up close that you see the cracks.
I bet all you can remember right now are the good times – the laughing, that holiday, rolling around in bed. What you probably aren’t remembering are the rows, the sulky silences…
If you’re really in love with her, then go and get your ex back . If you’re bored, or horny, and want someone to pass the time with then do not waste your time chasing her.
Find someone else who is going to light up your life in a way that she probably never did.
Taking the time to really think about what you want and why you want it is really important here. There is no point chasing a girl, only to win her back and then remember why you let her go in the first place .
Especially if you’ve only recently broken up, you don’t need to get back with your ex-girlfriend right away.
Take your time and give your ex some space. This can be really important.
First of all, you need to take some time to reflect on yourself and the things that went wrong in the relationship. To do this, it’s important to move from worrying about things to just simply reflecting on the good and the bad of the relationship.
Secondly, by giving your ex space, you’re also giving him or her time to also reflect.
It may seem like your ex is just going to move on once they have some space. This is a risk you have to be comfortable taking.
I know giving your ex space seems hard and counterintuitive, but leaving them alone is one of the best ways of actually getting them back into your life.
However, you have to do it in a very specific way. You don’t want to simply cut off all communication. You have to talk to your ex’s subconscious and make it seem like you really and truly don’t want to talk to them right now.
Try sending them this “No Communication” text
— “You’re right. It’s best that we don’t talk right now, but I would like to be friends eventually.” —
Why I like it is that you’re communicating with them that you don’t really need to talk anymore. In essence, you’re saying that you don’t really need them to play any role in your life going forward.
You induce a “fear of loss” in your ex which will trigger their attraction to you again.
I learned about this text from Brad Browning, who has helped thousands of men get their exes back. He goes by the moniker of “the relationship geek”, for good reason.
In this free video , he’ll show you exactly what you can do to make your ex want you again .
No matter what your situation is — or how badly you’ve messed up since the two of you broke up — he’ll give you a number of useful tips that you can apply immediately.
Here’s a link to his free video again . If you really want your ex back, this video will help you do this.
I’m not asking you to dredge up painful memories. This is not a therapy group. All I am asking is that you spend a few moments remembering the path that led you here.
Some things that drive couples apart are easily fixable.
I once fell out badly with a girlfriend over whether Love Actually was rubbish or not (I was right – it is). This is the sort of row that you can get over pretty easily.
I went away, reflected on what she had said, and then lied through my teeth and told her she was right.
Some disagreements are not so easy to resolve.
If you fell out because your ex girlfriend made a pass at your brother, then that might be slightly harder to get over. If she has told you that she wants to have kids within a year and you do not, then again that can be a deal breaker in a relationship.
You need to take a long, hard look at the relationship you had. You then need to decide whether the things which forced you apart are things that you will both be able to deal with to stop them driving you apart again.
There’s no point getting back with her just for the sake of it. You need to be confident that she really is the one for you .
It’s 2am. The room seems to be spinning slightly and you’re wearing most of a kebab down your shirt. Then a brilliant idea strikes you…
The best thing that you could possibly do right now is find your phone and text her telling her how much you miss her. That is sure to work. Never mind the fact that she is almost certainly asleep, or that she will know instantly you’ve been drinking.
Drunk texting in the early hours is a bad idea. Always.
I get that you think that if only you could talk to her, you would soon win her round. This is unlikely to be true when you are sober at lunchtime. It’s even less likely to be true when you are drunk at 2am.
What you are actually doing is handing her all of the power . She will be in a position to reject you again.
It’s also needy. Women really don’t want a needy man. They want a man who is strong, and looks like he could confidently take charge of an emergency at 30,000 ft.
Your ex girlfriend don’t want a bloke who sends them texts in the middle of the night begging for attention.
When you have been in a relationship for a while, it’s easy to lose sight of the things that drew the two of you together in the first place.
Spend a little time thinking about this and making a list. What was it she saw in you?
It might be that you made her laugh, or that you could always cheer her up when she was down. It might be that you were a great listener, and that you made her feel heard in a way that she had never felt heard before. It could even be that she loved your arms and admired how you took care of yourself.
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