My Clit Hurts

My Clit Hurts


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Why does my Clitoris hurt?

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Question posted by femal3 on 24 Aug 2012
My clitoris started hurting right when i started my period which was yesterday (aug 23). its a sort of sharp pain whenever I wipe and move in a certain way. It feels hard too. I tried looking at it in the shower today and the tip looks sorta white? I have a feelings its swollen too. I am sorta desperate for answers, if anyone can help, it would be greatly appreciated!!! If anything needs to be clarified let me know. Plus, I am sexually active but no STDs bc my partner and i were both virgins when we met. Also, it has been a week or so since i had sex so no way this swollen clitoris was from the sex. This has never happened to me before during my periods. It's super annoying!!! Help??
Here's an update for everybody! Well, the pain in my clitoris has luckily gone down. No more pain when wiping or touching so good thing!! The same day i noticed my clitoris hurting is the same day that i had a major itch attack around my vagina/anus (how embarrassing) after the itch attack happened, i went to take a shower and check that area and now there are little tiny bumps and yesterday those bumps actually hurt but now they dont. Should i worry about those bumps or just leave them alone? They seem to be doing fine healing, but i guess you can never be too careful! These past couple of days i've just been using vagisil (around/on my clitoris and on the bumps) until i can get to a doctors on Monday.
Also, i want to thank everyone for their answers!!! i appreciate it!! :)
You need to go see an gynecologist doctor. Women get things like this all the time for different reasons. Too much friction tight pants. And I'm not your mother but get on Birth control. Do not loose you young years raising. Children. Focus on your future.And you were a virgin and he says he was too? .
I came across this for the obvious, I’m suffering as well. I’m 33, married, vegan, chemical free. I think I’m pretty healthy. My clit has been swollen and hurting for days, I can’t find hardly anything on the internet about it... only a page that said it was either a yeast infection, a hormonal imbalance or an std. I eliminated what was an obvious ‘no’ for My situation. I had My tubes tied over the summer so a hormonal imbalance was a suspect and I’m currently on My cycle so a yeast infection was a possibility too. I asked hubs to examine it for a hair or a piece of toilet paper... I really felt like something was stuck in there. He didn’t find anything...
after scrolling through this feed, I saw a comment that suggested (per doctors orders) to masturbate, so I did and the swelling immediately went down about 40%!! In the afternoon (of the same day) I was in discomfort still, but not as much, so I again relieved Myself in the bathroom. And now I’m almost back to normal! It’s the oddest thing but I hope this helps someone. I’m pretty sure this, for Me, is a hormonal imbalance.
Some women do not have a hood on their clitoris, and instead a simple mound. If the clitoral protrusion is firm, as though a little ball is inside, there may be some infection, or there may be a build up of a natural secretion called smegma. Some women can express either out of a small pore located at the tip. Do not be too rough, because it can cause further painful damage, but done gently, it can help relieve the annoying painful pressure.
I agree with a few people. It's most likely a yeast infection or some type of infection, but I would definitely get it checked out.
ISuggest you see doctor and i think's it's swollen because you get sex .and the sex cause Vascular congestion led to swollen clitoris because the clitoris as we know have a lot of a lot of capillary vessels.and also i Suggest you prevent do sex to avoid congestion .and I wish you healing Dr.ali awadi
In regards to the bumps don't try treating them yourself go and see a doctor because you never know what they are and if it's worse then what you think you could cause more problems for yourself. I understand your partner told you he's a Virgin, but the truth is having unprotected sex is a serious problem because you can catch anything these days. Unless your married and know every place your partner goes too don't have unprotected sex take care of yourself before others. You might think the bumps are healing, but the truth is bumps could be herpies, genital warts, std infection, bumps from shaving which can cause bacteria infections, and more.
A little knowledge since I had to go through it myself which wasn't any fun. I had bumps on my vagina and they were itchy, painful, and just wouldn't go away. Well, when my stress level went down the bumps would go away, but as soon as I was stressed again the bumps would come back and I hated it. I ended up pregnant when having these bumps and so during an exam my doctor let me know they were genital warts and when a female is stressed they can come back worse every time and very painful. I had surgery and even know three layers of skin was taken so the warts would be removed til this day when I'm stressed it's tough, but I no longer have bumps. I didn't get my genital warts from my partner, but I did get many stds from him because I found out he was sleeping with many girls and not using condoms. You have to trust yourself before trusting a partner if not married use protection it'll save you from stds and pregnancy.
Vagisil is made to be used inside the vagina, not on the outside. Don't know if it is a good idea to use on the white bumps you speak of, but, if its not irritating the situation, its a little late for that advice.
Vagisil is to be used externally only. You apply the cream to the labia etc. Again, externally only and not internally.
If you're having a painful clitoris, try this first: have someone check it out up close with a flashlight while you pull back the hood (or try to look yourself with a mirror). When I had a very painful, sensitive clitoris, it hurt anytime I moved, shifted, wiped, etc. I had my husband take a close look w/flashlight while I pulled back the hood. He saw a HAIR, lodged in between my clitoris & the hood. He pulled it out with tweezers, and it was INSTANT relief! I wanted to share to hopefully help someone else out.
This saved my life! Thank you for your comment. I was worried with the above comments then I asked my boyfriend to check me out and sure enough I had a few small hairs stuck inside under the hood and as you said, instant relief once they were gone. My boyfriend felt so accomplished afterwards too haha. Thank you!
This saved me too wow!! I was getting over a yeast infection so already irritated/sensitive, couldn’t figure out why my Clitoris was sooo sensitive but only when I walked around, I even went back to the doctor she saw nothing, so I came looking for answers, read your comment, ran and shaved and Wallaaahh!! Immediate relief!! Who knew hair could feel so terrible.
I just wanted to thank you ladies so much for your comments! I stumbled upon this thread while doing some research trying to figure out why I was having pain down there and I never in a million years would've thought there was something stuck in my clitoris until I read your comments! So I had my fiance take a look with the flashlight and sure enough there was a short pubic hair lodged in my clit! My guess is it somehow migrated and got stuck in there when I shaved or something. So last night my fiance carefully removed it with the tweezers and right away it started to feel better! I wanted to give it a little more time to be sure and when I woke up today... Ah sweet relief!! That was definitely the problem and I'm soo glad it was an easy fix! So thank you again I really appreciate your helpful tips!
Thank you sooo much for your response! I had a look myself with a small mirror and saw a small hair trapped between the hood!! Who would’ve thought that such a tiny thing could cause immense pain. I’m so thankful I came across your reply because I finally feel much better and RELIEVED. God bless you!!! X
Thank you so much for your advice!! I too had the exact same symptoms for months! Went to the gynaecologist twice in the last couple of weeks and given prescriptions that apparently I didn't need! After reading your comment... I had my husband take a look with a flashlight... and sure enough... a HAIR! Ughh. I wish I had read this sooner!
Hi, I'm responding to the added info. If you have 'little bumps' ANYWHERE in your vaginal area you should see a Gynocologist about it. It could be something or it could be nothing. It may be some type of an infection that you may or may not have gotten from your bf. I hate to say that, but it's true. Get checked out and soon.
Hi Msfino, one never knows what their significant other is up to. Although she sounds like he is a trustworthy guy, I would get it checked. Thanks for the back up E, Mac
This is directed towards Mac but applies to everyone... During the 90's I did some work for the CDC mainly holding seminars at the university I was attending at the time. I also went into gay bars handing out condoms and informative brochures. One of the main and most important points we were taught to emphasize was the fact that unless you have been tested for STD's (including HIV/AIDS and then never, ever leave your partners/significant other's side you can never be sure that cheating has not occurred. Especially if alcohol and/or drugs are part of yours/their life. I'm not trying to say everyone cheats and you should never have trust in your s/o but for your own piece of mind/safety and possibly your life it's better to be safe than sorry. I've counseled quite a few people that swore up and down that they had only had sex with one person their entire life but had tested positive for HIV/AIDS or some other STD. Protect yourself and your partner.
I worked as an ob/gyn nurse for many years. It is best to see your doctor to be sure there is no infection or growth. Doing a sitz bath for comfort until you can be seen would not do any harm. it might be soothing and decrease some of your discomfort. Do not be afraid to call your doctor who is on call to desribe your symptoms. They might be able to put your mind at ease a little and give you advise that would carry you till the appt. Just be sure to call first thing Monday morning to get an appt. Plus if you speak to the doctor they might make sure you get an appt. right away. If you use any type of antibiotic cream like Monistat it will make it more difficult for them to test you for yeast or bacterial vaganosis. Though your symptoms do sound more like a small lesion/cyst. Hope you feel better soon. Sheila
I thought Monistat was an anti-fungal, and kills off some Candida, not an antibiotic. I learn something new every day on this site.
Monistat is a medicine that fights off yeast that is correct but for testing for infection the monistat does alter the test. That is why they always say 2-3 days with nothing in the vagina before an exam. Though sometimes things are just so bad one has to do what one has to do!
Monistat is an antifungal, NOT an antibiotic
I do aree it is an antifungal but for whatever reason my doctors also calls it a vaginal anitbiotic htat fights of an infection.
They are more than likely saying that so that it's easier for most patients to understand... lol... I wasn't trying to be nasty or anything with you , so I hope that you didn't take it that way... :)
Sheila I recently used monistat and actually it says antibiotic on the box now since it is treated as a medication for infections. When I had used it a few days before my exam my doctor actually told me what you just wrote and I had to tell her I couldn't sit in pain for four days and then an extra three while they figure out what is wrong.
BettyOwen 2.. Did they find out what the problem was? The reason I put the info out there about waiting for using anything vaginally until you saw the doctor was so they could perform any test needed. Most women know when it is yeast and usually the doctor would call in Diflucan or you can get over the counter Monistat. When anyone has bumps or pains they can not explain it is very important to see the doctor.
The what's and whys. What has changed in your life? What if anything are you suffering from already that could be influencing the pain ? It's 2 days now and are you still suffering the same problem ?. What have you done about the pain and have you felt it has eased or gotten worse ? Have you seen a doctor yet or have you planned a visit as that's one of the first things I would do. Answer these questions and maybe someone else could help you to understand the problem. I hope this helps so that we can help you. LizardMan
Awww trust me girl I know the feeling Its not easy hey try to wash with clean warm water followed by cold water frequently,and increase your yorghurt intake,I had symptoms of a yeast infection a couple of weeks back and I think frequent washing blow drying and yorghurt saved me..
shylett, glad to hear someone else knows about uses a blow drye or fan for drying themselves . I learned this from a top GYN at a very famous University when I had a problem with an exposed nerve that was very painful for me. He reccomended also that soap is not necessary to clean down there, that plain water is most useful several times a day. Just spreading with clean fingers, & pouring luke warm water over the area, patting dry the drips, & blow drying or using a fan is best to dry, not wiping or rubbing with a towel. It works too. No spreading of germs or infection at all... Mary
Instead of using hands or fingers since I'm having the same symptoms with the clit being in pain because a bath didn't work and I felt it was just spreading germs I stood in the shower and took the shower head and had it spraying on my vagina for a while with warm and hot water until it felt as if the clit was feeling better. I did make a mistake by drying with a towel I wasn't thinking so later I'll take another shower and remember to air dry since I do not have a blow dryer. I have no discharge and it only started hurting recently. It's like someone is pricking me and when I do touch it it hurts a lot.
I read an article and a doctor wrote that masturbating can help with this problem, but with the pain I'm having I don't think I'm in the masturbating mood. I guess the doctor is stating the women can get pain in their clit like men get pain by having blue balls because they aren't having sexual interaction all the time or when in need.
How did you relieve your pain. Im experiencing the same
Here are the symptoms of a yeast infection from a gynecologist:
Not all women exhibit noticeable symptoms when they have a yeast infection, especially if the infection is mild. However, typical yeast infection symptoms include:
Itching in the vaginal area and around the vulva (the opening of the vagina) Burning in the vaginal area Swelling of the vulva White/gray vaginal discharge that may be thick (sometimes described as looking like cottage cheese) Burning during urination Pain with sexual intercourse Most vaginal yeast infections do not produce a strong vaginal odor; a fishy odor is more common with bacterial infections.
Gynecologists recommend that if you have never had a yeast infection before, not to self-diagnose, but to have a doctor diagnose, as other bacterial infections can mimic yeast infections. After you have had your first yeast infection, (of which they have studied, women will get at least ONE yeast infection in their life), then you can self-diagnose a yeast infection and treat accordingly.
You have not listed a single symptom of a yeast infection, as I had mentioned above.
Hello msfino. Sunday afternoon, and Issac's on the move. Stay dry and safe. bye bye now. pledge.
Thanks Mar, and @ P, we need the rain, and are stocked up on canned goods and water!! Also have gas for the generator,though I think Isaac has decided to terrorize New Orleans again. UGH!
Yes, I am very concered about many of our members, & I have a cousin also in it's path. I hope for everyones sake that this is NOT another bad one... Mary
I've had similar symptoms from yeast so the Monistat may help. DzooBaby's answer sounds like good advice too - and I've had yeast in that little area - and nowhere else. Her explanation of the anatomy explains it perfectly! Soaking in warm water cleans it out and brings oxygen to those tissues, which will help with yeast also. Give it a few days and if it's not better it will be time to see your doctor. Kudos to you for being aware of your body and having the courage to ask for help. Regards - ElizaJane
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