My Boyfriends Dick Is Too Big

My Boyfriends Dick Is Too Big


My Boyfriends Dick Is Too Big
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Since you say that sex always hurts at least a little, it's likely that you're not producing enough below-the-belt lubrication. To play it safe, you might want to visit your gyno to rule out any medical problems, such as cysts or infections. But, there's a good chance that you just don't engage in foreplay long enough to become adequately aroused. Next time you and your guy are getting busy, take it slow. Have him lavish attention on all your hot spots, with plenty of genital touching and tongue teasing. And, make sure you apply some water-based lube to your vagina or his shaft right before he enters you.
That said, the reason you experienced such severe pain with your new man was probably plain old fear. It sounds like the eye-opening encounter of seeing his "huge" member for the first time freaked you out a bit. Anticipating discomfort causes your muscles — even your vaginal ones — to tense up, making penetration more difficult. So, in addition to extended foreplay and extra lube, it might also help if he gives you a long, sensual all-over massage before intercourse, which will turn you on and mellow you out.
When it comes to doing the deed, you'll have an easier time accommodating your man's large penis if you stick with positions that keep his thrusts shallow while sending you both into maximum overdrive. The woman-on-top pose is a good one to try because it lets you control the depth of penetration. Have him lie flat on his back and hover over him on your hands and knees while sliding him inside you. Move your hips in circular motions as you glide up and down, only going as deep as you can handle. Or, have him sit on a chair with no arms. Then simply straddle his lap, either facing toward him or away from him, and use your feet and thigh muscles to pump away.
You can also try the missionary, but remember that the more your pelvis is tilted, the deeper the penetration, so none of that feet-over-his-shoulders, pillows under your butt stuff. Also, the further apart your legs are, the further he can thrust, so keep your thighs together. Not only will it prevent him from plunging in too far, it can also make for some out-of-this-world clitoral/penile friction. And don't forget, lubrication can come and go. So, be sure to keep adding the slick stuff as needed.

Yes, believe it or not boys, your penis can be too big! If your guy is well endowed and sex is painful or oral sex is difficult, here are some ways to get around it.
Guys are often envious of other guys who have a bigger penis, but the truth is that we girls are happy with an average-sized penis that won’t break us from the inside.
When a guy pulls his pants down and we are faced with his giant member, that look of disbelief on our faces isn’t necessarily admiration, it is actually disbelief – disbelief that it will fit, without a lot of ripping, stretching and general agony.
Luckily we underestimate the capacity of our vaginas and the potential stretch it has. Remember ladies, it was designed to let a baby out, and a baby is a lot bigger than any guy’s penis. Of course, nobody wants to associate sex with the pain of giving birth, do they?
Sex with a well-endowed man doesn’t have to be a painful or even an uncomfortable experience, though.
So let’s look at some facts first… 
Did you know that during sexual arousal a process occurs whereby muscle tension in your vagina pulls your uterus up when you are really turned on, allowing your vagina to expand like a wonderfully roomy tent?
I magine it being like an umbrella and opening up ! When this happens, even more room is created, which is why it is so important for your man to pay attention to foreplay, especially if he has an unusually large penis.
Remember that foreplay is essentially about getting into the right frame of mind, and turning you both on so that intercourse feels natural, and your focus is entirely on the sensations you are both experiencing. A really good orgasm is based on equal proportions of physical and mental stimulation.
When you are dealing with an abnormally large penis it is even more important for your whole body and mind to be in a state of relaxation. The thought of his larger-than-life penis has probably already caused some tension in your body that will go against you both during sex.
Your aim should be to get your vagina into a relaxed state of openness so that it invites him in rather than resists him.
Warning: Some women make the mistake of thinking that alcohol will help them relax, and while this may be true, it also numbs the senses making it more difficult for you to become physically aroused.
You may feel turned on in your head, but your body won’t agree. Alcohol dehydrates you, and your natural lubrication levels will be lowered – a major problem when you have to accommodate a large penis !
Don’t just rely on your natural lubrication if you know your partner is well-endowed. Use everything at your disposal to give yourselves the opportunity to enjoy sex together. There are plenty of lubes to choose from and have some fun with, before and during sex.
Go for a water-based lubricant as it will be least likely to interfere and cause infections. You can play around with flavored lubricants and enjoy oral sex from your man beforehand. If he can bring you to have an orgasm or two before penetration your vagina is more likely to be receptive to his large penis and your muscles will be suitably relaxed too.
You are more likely to achieve an orgasm through penetration too if you have already had one or two prior to intercourse, because everything will be tingling nicely down there, ready to tip you over the edge again!
Make sure that his penis is lavishly lubed up before you start, and don’t forget to keep topping it up because lubricants dry out quickly, and go slow. Any man who knows his penis is a big one should know to take it easy. No sudden thrusts to catch you unawares.
He should aim to build up the intensity of each thrust naturally so that you are prepared for each one and can enjoy yourself without being startled by any sudden pain, which will totally work against everything you have done to relax your vagina.
If he is particularly long, then you may want to avoid certain sex positions that allow deep penetration. If you feel a sharp sudden pain, or if you are feeling uncomfortable, it is probably because he is penetrating too deep and hitting the top of your vagina where your cervix is, which will be painful.
If he keeps going, and you grin and bear it, you will experience a bruised feeling for a few days in your lower abdomen, and in severe cases, you may even experience bleeding. 
Play around with different angles until you discover what is enjoyable.
Oral sex doesn’t just have to be about fitting his entire penis down your throat. There are plenty of ways to give a satisfying blow job that works well with a big penis. Here are some tips to keep in mind…
I am inspired by the ways people interact. Human behaviour and emotions are wonderfully complex, and I want to dig deeper and understand more. This is why I explore intimate relationships in my writing. (I’m also ever so slightly kinky.)
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My long term boyfriend of 14 years is very well endowed I was new to dating again so we took things slow so slow it was five weeks until we slept together his member was so big at first I thought he was playing a joke on me until I turned on the lights and pulled back the covers and discovered his extra big member I was shocked to say the least I’ve never seen one that big in person now I was nervous about the sex we we’re about to have all I could think is I made him wait 5 long weeks and he never once complained it would just seem rude not to try it plus I really took to him but all I can say is no matter how wet I was or slow and gentle or position we tried it still hurt I guess that’s to be expected with a length of 36cm and girth of 21cm but all and all I’m still with him and very happy despite some pain here and there I wouldn’t trade him in for anyone else
I have met a man that big and am frustrated that he’s unable to penetrate me deeply. I’m also dry since menopause which is making this worse. Is there a suppository that could help lube inside?
Lube helps a lot, and so does a penis health creme. These cremes are designed specifically for the penis, and will help moisturize and smooth out the penis skin. This will reduce friction and make things more pleasurable all around.

It's hurts soooo bad going in that I have to stop him every time. I lost my virginity to a guy that wasn't big at all but it still hurt BAD. Trying to do it with him (my bf) is like losing my virginity all over again. It's so frustrating to the point where I'm thinking about breaking up . I know breaking up is a bit dramatic but I have a low pain tolerance
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I want to lose my virginity to my boyfriend but I'm afraid his penis is too big?
My boyfriend's penis is too big for me?
My boyfriend's penis is too big and sex hurts, what to do?
Girls, is a 5.5 to 6.0 inches penis too big in GIRTH (circumference)?
Boyfriend and I tried sex, but his penis seemed too large?
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It's ok to think this way your inexperienced and not used to sex yet. I myself was rejected for size in my teenage years and for a guy at this age it can be very upsetting as your peers all say girls want a big one and actually not all do. So I understand fully. If you have to break up then it's ok too. As having sex now will shape your sexuality for the rest of your life so it needs to be pain free and enjoyable. Try talking to him. Be nice say your so big and I love it but it does hurt me. Can we have a few weeks of Hand jobs ans oral give my body time to recover. Also get him to finger you help your vaginal entrance stretch a little. You may have a small tare. It's quite common and just needs some time. Some good lubrication can also help a lot and finally if your expecting intercourse to be painful. Then you will tense up making your vagina even tighter. The extreme of this is called vaginimus. See if this might help with what you could be suffering from.
Wow. That's very interesting. Thank you for the awesome advice
Your very welcome if you need more or to just chat a bout it please feel free to ask.
You're welcome! And thanks, will do
Ah, so, this is the genesis of yr username, then.
In order to reduce the pain you need to be horny af and also veery wet, cause the more horny you get the more your vagina will expand. Although it just might be that you're not compatible sex partners :S He's just too big and your vagina is too small for him.. For ex he might not be that big (as he is to you) to some women with larger vaginas (both the opening and the insides). I've seen a lot of "positions if he is too big", so you might wanna try and read them, you got nothing to lose! If anything else fails and you really love him, just chop him off a bit while he's sleeping (ofc first tie him up good before doing it) And then you wait a couple months for him to recover then try again! Good luck
I know was joking at the end (now you're like you don't say -.- ) But other than that it's true and i can confirm this too.. When my girlfriend is horny as hell (-as fuck- is before -as hell-) I even manage to fist her (the whole hand, up to the wrist), which i knew for sure it wasn't possible (before it happened), so if your boyfriend penis is the same width as a fucking bat then you're on your own lol noone can help you, just leave Foreplay is your best friend in your case, try doing everything but penetration for about 30 minutes or more if you like, well until you have the urge to yell at him "put it in already (HIS NAME), now!" You get the point.
Wow. Fisting is scary but ok I'll totally take your advice
1) Lots of foreplay 2) Lots of lube 3) Try different positions 4) TALK to your boyfriend.. 5) If you lost your virginity with one guy, and it was a one time thing now you're with this guy.. It's bound to hurt. Sex usually hurts the first couple of times before the pleasure comes in, anyway.
What if he goes in slow and stops for a min and then starts thrusting? My boyfriend is big and when we haven't had sex for a while it hurts when entering but then after a few minutes it feels good he just has do go slow at first.
IF yu brk up wit him, i can see if it hurts, but i am tryong to be a sex stvudyer after i get in2 collage. so it would not be sexual it would be for a survey educational. please dont be offends
Try cumming a couple of times first with manual stimulation or oral sex. That should make it easier.
It may just be that you have a smallish vagina and you two aren't a good fit physically. Some positions may work better than others. With you on top, you can control the angle and action and find what works best. Also, doggy may be a better fit than missionary. Make sure you're really wet and even use some lube even if you don't think it's completely necessary. I'd advise you to talk to him about it. If he really cares about you, I'm sure he'll be gentle and work with you to alleviate your pain. Have fun trying!
Foreplay so that your body gets excited. When that happens you'll start secreting natural lubricants and your vagina will enlarge. Oh and lots of synthetic lube as well. Just squirt it all over his dick. Also maybe take charge of the humping and ride him that way you can control how forceful it is.
Lol now you're being extreme. Tell him it hurts and he'll probably understand.
Well from reading up on your story I think you guy should still do sexual things but not to the point where it hurts you. If he is so big do little things that aren't so rough on you and get used to how it feels
He isn't warming you up enough with foreplay but you should also try a few different positions.
Just tell him not to go all the way in and RELAX. The more stressed or so u are the harder it will be to have sex.
Get on top. Take control over how much goes inside you.
More lube, and slow down, and trust you can ingurgitate it , in fact, you can !
Just cause you put a question mark on it doesn't make it a question
I wanted to state it but I HATE to put a question mark on it. You should know that since you are member here -_-
The bigger the better? It's just a myth, the smaller, the bigger I believe is a turn off for most women's.
Are you relaxed when you so have sex with him?
Just get drunk first, and use lots of lube.
It's a simple solution, it's either that or weed?
But for sure some astroglide, all kidding aside.
Yeah lots of lube, thinkin like a litre

Comment deleted by user · 3 yr. ago
Discussion, memes, stories, and advice about Big Dick Problems.
Not a frequent poster, also completely new in this subreddit, so I'm sorry if I do something wrong .
Anyway, like the title says, my boyfriend is way too big for me. I'm not sure of the exact size but it's definitely is above average in both length and girth. It doesn't help that my body is tiny, and neither of us have been with someone else that is this big/small.
It's really taking a toll on our relationship, it's to a point that he's scared to have sex because of the pain. We have tried using lube and longer foreplay, it has helped with my pain, but not his. He says that it just feels too tight, like it's ripping his foreskin.
Do anyone have any advice we could try? Or experienced something similar?
I actually had the same problem, sex would hurt too much because my bf is too big for me I’m a petite petite woman and I could not take him that is until I got used to him. Find positions that don’t hurt you to much go as slow/fast as you need to. It’s all about exploring! Hope it gets better !!
Do you have any positions you would recommend?:)
Ripping his foreskin? Doesn't he have a phimosis?
From what I understand, he shouldn't have any medical circumstances that could cause it. He never had this problem with previous partners. Also it's not like it's actually ripping, it's just how he explains the pain
Practice makes champion. Like you have become or is getting used to him. He will have to get used to you. His skin will toughen up. You could practice getting more relaxed if you feel like it. I would not mention that to him tho. To avoid him feeling that he force you to. Or the slight possibility that he actually does.
We have been together for a year, so I thought by now we would get used to it :( do you have any tips to try and relax more ?
The issue here is the more you feel pain the less you'll relax the more pain you'll feel next time.
That's the doom of bigger ones, and the reason why you hardly see above 7' in porn (and that's huge for porn).
When not fully in control (savage encounter, a bit drunk...) I can cause two types of pain:
a kind of burning feeling located at the 1st 1/3rd of my partner's vag... That's her perineum saying "girl that was way too large too quick!". This one either come from a lack of foreplays (lubrication is good but relaxation isn't complete) and a bit of enthusiasm when getting in (too fast). The pain in itself is just some micro tears and elongations happening in the wall. No big deal but able to kill the mood.
the gut kicking saying "ok that is your spleen darling, does he plans on hammering it much?".
The really boring part of this is that you have to be with someone that is able to communicate really well with you in order to make those two issues avoidance a fun game. Add to this the fact that directing a massive amount of blood to keep it hard deprives your brain of a few functions and doesn't helps with cold thinking and evaluation of every little element that might lead to your partner's crawling through the room in pain...
Lube will worsen both of those by making things slippery and killing any kind of control, yet more friction with a big one can dry you quick so it's mandatory! The key is to apply it scarcely after first penetration, less but more often is always better, and find the best stuff for you guys (yup sex with monsters is expensive)
Your build isn't really a matter i'd say. I've had really tiny little things making me dissapear without a gasp and giant girls fainting at the
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