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Thus, it provides a nice cross compiling environment for various target platforms, which. These numbers were last updated on December 16, See the current status for individual packages. OpenMP libgomp and pthreads winpthreads are always available. When building shared libraries, there are several approaches to recursively finding DLL dependencies alphabetical list :. Experimental support for GCC with posix threads was added in November Since January it is used by default. You will almost certainly have to install some stuff. MXE builds and installs everything under the same top-level directory and is not relocatable after the first packages are built. Now you should save any previous installation of the MXE. Then you need to transfer the entire directory to its definitive location. Now it depends on what you actually want — or need. You can also supply a host of packages on the command line , e. Targets can also be specified on the command line. By default, only iwmingw If you have trouble here, please feel free to contact the mxe team through the issue tracker or mailing list. Instead of building MXE packages from source, you can download precompiled packages. There are two options: tar archives and Debian packages. See pkg. Edit the appropriate config script. You never want to do this, the executables and scripts in there will cause conflicts with your native toolchain. Remember to use iwmingw The Autotools do that automatically for you. If you use the Autotools , all you have to do is:. If you have a CMake project, you can use the provided cmake wrapper:. If you have a Qt application, all you have to do is:. Note that Qt 4 is in the 'qt' subdirectory. Qt 5 is in the 'qt5' subdirectory and its qmake can be invoked similarly. If you are using Qt plugins such as the svg or ico image handlers, you should also have a look at the Qt documentation about static plugins. If you have a handwritten Makefile, you probably will have to make a few adjustments to it:. Using static OpenSceneGraph libraries requires a few changes to your source. The graphics subsystem and all plugins required by your application must be referenced explicitly. Use a code block like the following:. This example can be compiled with the following command:. The iwmingw In addition, feel free to join the mailing list and to propose new packages. MXE requires a recent Unix system where all components as stated in the table below are installed. Only the latest Debian stable series is supported. You can install a precompiled MXE via Debian packages. On some systems, it may be as simple as:. On bit Fedora, there are issues without a bit compiler. Install file 1 from ports, because file 1 from base works very-very-very slow with long text files. On bit FreeBSD, there are issues without a bit compiler. On bit Frugalware, there are issues without a bit compiler. Rudix has shut down since August Genral Notes You may be prompted to install a java runtime - this is not required. It can be made to work using symlinks and specifying :. Certain packages contain native tools that are currently bit only. In order to build these on a bit system, multi-lib support must be enabled in the compiler toolchain. However, not all operating systems support this. The package should be a free software library that is really used by one of your applications. Please also review our legal notes. We maintain a list of projects which use MXE. Really, grep is your friend here. For instance, when adding a GNU library, you should take a package like gettext. When using a SourceForge project, you could start with a copy of xmlwrapp. And so on. GitHub hosted projects can automatically configure updates, urls, file names etc. It fills most of the fields of. It also adds a package to the list of packages see below. The easiest way to get the dependencies right is to start with a minimal setup. That is, initialize MXE with make cc only, then check whether your package builds successfully. Specify official name and website of a package. If your library has a. Both directories are temporary. Prefer out-of-tree builds. Autotools and CMake support them. Typical usage:. Useful to add flags applicable only to shared targets. You might also have to provide a patch for it. In that case, have a look at other patches such as sdllibtool. In particular, each patch file should be named as:. If you created the patch yourself, please offer it to the upstream project first, and point to that URL, using the same wording: 'This patch has been taken from:'. Depending on the feedback you get from the upstream project, you might want to improve your patch. If you find some time, please provide a minimal test program for it. It should be simple, stand alone and should work unmodified for many all? Test programs are named as:. To get a clue, please have a look at existing test programs such as sdl-test. The last few lines of sdl. However, that requires some experience and 'feeling' for it. So it is perfectly okay if you leave a placeholder:. However, patch files should always appear in the same coding style as the files they are patching. When patching sources with crlf line endings, the patch file itself should also have the same eol style. Check whether everything runs fine. If you have trouble with pull requests, send your file to the mailing list instead. The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. They have their own language with quirky parsers, compilers, and interpreters though these tend to be human. Their issue trackers are a backlog of court cases. They have bugs. They have traps for the uninitiated that may potentially do more than waste your time. They have been very helpful in the past, and maintain an extensive network of legal contacts, both within and outside Europe. Your local jurisdiction may be a signatory to various international agreements, so be sure to mention where you are in any correspondence much like any detailed bug report really. Additionally, you should also do some background reading from the FSF Free Software Foundation and Wikipedia to familiarise yourself with some of the potential issues and experience some context-switching overhead. Ownership of all contributions bug fixes, new packages, doc updates, etc. All we require is a real name no l33t handles, please , and that you release your work under our licence. Each package is individually licensed under terms specified by the authors of that package. Packages that are non-free or ambiguous will be removed or rejected. In addition to the usual considerations copyrights, patents, trademarks, export regulations etc. The configuration options of certain packages e. For these packages, we will provide sensible defaults aimed at achieving the following goals:. Note that this does not prevent downstream violations, or affect any further obligations a licence may impose on you. Since August , there is an ongoing effort to re-license to Apache v2. The stable branch was retired as it did more harm than good. Everybody is using the master branch, because it is always recent and well enough tested. For historical reference, the last commit to the stable branch was 0c6cc9c , which was fully merged into master as usual. Unfortunately, a number of factors have forced us to drop support for MinGW 3 i. Other considerations have also been taken, like the lack of maintainership in MinGW and potential legal challenges that comes with using supplemental DirectX headers in MinGW in order to support Qt4. Worse yet, having to support the unsupported MinGW toolchain impedes adding or updating packages, as shown in the pull request of updating GLib. MinGW-w64 also supports bit target through iwmingw To ease migration to the supported MinGW-w64 target, we have finished porting all packages that were MinGW-only to at least iwmingw32 bit target of MinGW-w The stable branch was updated to the current development version after a thorough testing phase. Current users are strongly encouraged to start with a clean tree as the toolchain has been updated and requires a full rebuild:. With the addition of Qt5, there is no longer a prefixed version of qmake, see the Qt section of the tutorial for the new way to invoke qmake. FreeBSD is no longer fully supported. The release tarballs have been replaced with a stable branch that conforms to the new branch concept:. Download Changelog. This release fixes a download error caused by the pixman project a sudden change of their URL scheme without proper redirects. That sort of thing should never happen! A CMake toolchain file is provided to simplify cross-compiling projects which use CMake. New packages are supported: dbus, graphicsmagick, libical, liboauth, physfs, and vigra. Note for boost::filesystem users: Version 3 is a major revision and now the default in 1. This release fixes a checksum error caused by the atkmm project a sudden change of their current source tarball. This release provides some improvements of the build system such as an automatic check for most of the requirements. New packages are supported: bfd, blas, cblas, dcmtk, ftgl, lapack, lcms1, mingw-utils, mxml, suitesparse and tinyxml. This release provides lots of improvements to the build system as well as the documentation. This release fixes download errors caused by the Qt project a sudden change of their current source tarball. This release fixes download errors caused by the MinGW project a sudden change of their URL scheme without proper redirects. A static build of GDB is provided, i. Many new packages are supported: fribidi, gc, gdb, gmp, gsl, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gstreamer, gtkglext, guile, libcroco, libffi, liboil, libpaper, libshout, libunistring and xine-lib. This release fixes some minor build issues, and contains a first small set of test programs to check the package builds. The build rules are simplified by calling generators like Autotools and Flex, instead of patching the generated files. In addition to the libraries some command line tools such as psql. The whole mingw-cross-env project has moved to Savannah. Everyone is invited to join the freshly created project mailing list. This release provides an improved version recognition for SourceForge packages. SourceForge changed their page layout in a way that makes it much harder to identify the current version of a package. This release contains some portability fixes which allow it to run on a wider range of systems such as Frugalware. This release fixes a download error caused by the MinGW project. They suddenly changed the names of their source tarballs. This release also contains some bugfixes which allow it to run on a wider range of systems. The Makefile has a new target 'clean-pkg' and allows to be called from a separate build directory via 'make -f Some new versions of the packages are supported, especially GCC It also supports some new packages and some newer versions of the already supported packages. This release fixes a download error caused by the GDAL project. They suddenly changed their download URLs. The shell script has been rewritten as Makefile and supports partial builds and parallel builds. As usual, this release also supports some new packages and some newer versions of the already supported packages. As usual, it supports some newer versions of the libraries. At the request of its author , libowfat is no longer supported from this release on. The script now uses a specific SourceForge mirror instead of randomly chosen ones, because the download phase often stumbled on some very slow mirrors. Such changes should never happen! But it happened, and this quick release is an attempt to limit the damage. This release also supports some newer versions of the libraries including support for fontconfig This release is a switch from gcc-3 to gcc It also supports a new library and some newer versions of the already supported libraries. This release is the result of the public attention the release 1. It contains many improvements suggested by its first users, and adds support for many new libraries. Thus, it provides a nice cross compiling environment for various target platforms, which is designed to run on any Unix system is easy to adapt and to extend builds many free libraries in addition to the cross compiler can also build just a subset of the packages, and automatically builds their dependencies downloads all needed packages and verifies them by their checksums is able to update the version numbers of all packages automatically directly uses source packages, thus ensuring the whole build mechanism is transparent allows inter-package and intra-package parallel builds whenever possible bundles ccache to speed up repeated builds integrates well with autotools , cmake , qmake , and hand-written makefiles has been in continuous development since and is used by several projects has pre-compiled binaries that can be used in Continuous Integration systems Supported Toolchains Compiler and runtime: MinGW-w Executables built for 32 bit Windows can be executed on 64 bit Windows as well. When building shared libraries, there are several approaches to recursively finding DLL dependencies alphabetical list : go script pe-util packaged with mxe python script shell script Experimental support for GCC with posix threads was added in November Screenshots Cross compiling 4tH : and running it:. If you only need the most basic tools you can also use: make cc and add any additional packages you need later on. Step 4: Environment Variables Edit the appropriate config script. If a cross compiler is detected then cross compile mode will be used. Everything will be just fine. This will automatically use the MXE version of cmake and locate the toolchain file. This example can be compiled with the following command: iwmingw Requirements MXE requires a recent Unix system where all components as stated in the table below are installed. Do not build as root. See Issues without a bit compiler Certain packages contain native tools that are currently bit only. Usage All build commands also download the packages if necessary. List of Packages See something missing? Feel free to create a new package. Loading package list Guidelines for Creating Packages The package should be a free software library that is really used by one of your applications. Also, feel free to link to us. Things not to do: do not run target executables with Wine , as Wine is not guaranteed to be installed. Instead create a package which installs the needed file. Run: make cleanup-style to remove these. The same holds for your test program. Contributions Contributions are always welcome! If you prefer not to be credited with a contribution, please notify the committer. Package Licences Each package is individually licensed under terms specified by the authors of that package. Other Considerations In addition to the usual considerations copyrights, patents, trademarks, export regulations etc. For these packages, we will provide sensible defaults aimed at achieving the following goals: avoid causing inherent licensing issues with conflicting options make the package as feature complete as possible Note that this does not prevent downstream violations, or affect any further obligations a licence may impose on you. History — Retired the stable branch The stable branch was retired as it did more harm than good. Any package upgrade goes into 'master'. Any documentation upgrade that refers to a feature not present in stable goes into 'master'. Any non-critical improvement to the main Makefile goes into 'stable'. Any improvement in the package download URLs or package version recognition goes into 'stable'. When in doubt, 'master' is used rather than 'stable'. Every change to the 'stable' branch will be merged into 'master'. After a successful testing phase, the 'stable' branch will be fast-forwarded to 'master'. Most packages were updated to their latest version. Almost all packages are updated to their latest version. Packages gtkmm and gtksourceviewmm have been renamed to gtkmm2 and gtksourceviewmm2. Package gtk is renamed to gtk2. All packages are updated to their latest version. Support for OpenSolaris is dropped. New packages are supported: libarchive, libgee and xvidcore. The set of DirectX headers is improved and more complete. The deadlock issues with Pthreads-w32 are fixed. More packages are backed by test programs. Many 'sed hacks' are replaced by proper portability patches. Please use release 2. The placements of logfiles, as well as many other build details, have been improved. The target triplet is updated to ipc-mingw Additionally, almost all packages are updated to their latest version. The documentation and website are completely revised. A new command 'make download' is implemented. All downloaded files are now verified by their SHA-1 checksums. New versions of various packages are supported. In addition, new versions of various packages are supported. Parallelization is now disabled by default. In addition, some newer versions of various packages are supported. There is also a small compatibility fix for OS X. Thanks to Rocco Rutte who contributed many code snippets.

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