Mutual Urban Dictionary

Mutual Urban Dictionary


Mutual Urban Dictionary
When two individuals masturbate with each other at the same time.
My roommate and I were watching porn and ended up doing the mutual . I heard the guy in the stall next to me rubbing one out so joined in with the mutual.
by Eaton Holgoode November 20, 2017
When you follow someone on a social media account and they follow you back.
Internet persona(s) who happens to follow you and you happen to follow them back and maintain communication with and have a mutual liking for eachother whether it be friendship wise, etc. (Mutuals if more than one mutual)
Monica : Oh yay! I made a new mutual today because we started following & talking to eachother on twitter and we like eachother (so it seems).
a term usually used on twitter or instagram , someone who you follow and they follow you as well.
ex . Me and Jen are mutuals on twitter but not on instagram.
having a reciprocal degree and feeling of affection/ attraction /interest between partners; the state derived from equality of attraction in a relationship
It was cool, this is the first relationship where I haven't had to chase a girl or campaign for her affection . She seemed as into me as I was into her. We had a total mutuality going on.
When you follow someone and they follow you as well on instagram / twitter .
by DolansDictionary October 12, 2017
Clownfish live among the poisonous tentacles of a sea anemone . The clownfish are protected from predators, and they keep the sea anemone clean.
by Diana Stephens February 15, 2005

When you follow someone on a social media account and they follow you back.
Internet persona(s) who happens to follow you and you happen to follow them back and maintain communication with and have a mutual liking for eachother whether it be friendship wise, etc. (Mutuals if more than one mutual)
Monica : Oh yay! I made a new mutual today because we started following & talking to eachother on twitter and we like eachother (so it seems).
a term usually used on twitter or instagram , someone who you follow and they follow you as well.
ex . Me and Jen are mutuals on twitter but not on instagram.
having a reciprocal degree and feeling of affection/ attraction /interest between partners; the state derived from equality of attraction in a relationship
It was cool, this is the first relationship where I haven't had to chase a girl or campaign for her affection . She seemed as into me as I was into her. We had a total mutuality going on.
When you follow someone and they follow you as well on instagram / twitter .
by DolansDictionary October 12, 2017
When two individuals masturbate with each other at the same time.
My roommate and I were watching porn and ended up doing the mutual . I heard the guy in the stall next to me rubbing one out so joined in with the mutual.
by Eaton Holgoode November 20, 2017
Clownfish live among the poisonous tentacles of a sea anemone . The clownfish are protected from predators, and they keep the sea anemone clean.
by Diana Stephens February 15, 2005

tom meet jerry through bob. bob is friends with both tom and jerry . so now tom and jerry are friends.

soooo tom meet jerry through a mutual friends/friend.
"mutual friend" is a pseudonym for the internet, or an internet dating site , when used to cover "how do you know...?" "oh, we met through a mutual friend"
"how do you know so and so ?" "Oh, we met through a mutual friend" (translation: we met through an internet dating site looking for freaky people who like this and that...)
These are friends on Facebook that you and another person have in common. That is, both of you know those people .
Robbie and I have 180 mutual friends on Facebook. How do I still not know who he is?!
A girl who has been fucked by two guys (simultaneously or in different points of time) is their mutual friend. Or a guy who has slept with two girls is also their mutual friend.
- Hey, guess what , I slept with Annie the other night! She was hella awesome in bed.
- Then I guess she’s our mutual friend now!
the phenomenon of meeting a new person that you have zero friends in common with, friend-requesting them, and within a few short weeks/months you suddenly have tons of friends in common
ummm... I barely knew you last month, and now you have leeched all my friends... MUTUAL FRIEND EXPLOSION ( MFE )
The state of being in which two people both cock block each other into the friend zone even though they are both attracted to and want to be with each other. They are then relegated to the state of perpetual friend zone with much regret yet they never know what it is that they failed to achieve. Thus these two attractive people are forced to for ever interact and want yet not connect.
Bob and Anna MAFZ’d each other on Saturday; it was painful to watch. Mutually Assured Friend Zone (MAFZ) for the win .

When you have the same feeling about someone as they have towards you.
My girlfriend hated my ex , and the feelings mutual.
When you have the same feeling about someone as they have towards you.
My ex hated my girlfriend , and the feelings mutual.
Did you hear Feelings Mutual by Lil uzi vert ? Who’s that?
If you say to someone " The feeling is mutual " you are telling that person that you agree with them - your opinions , thoughts, feelings mirror theirs.
If you say to someone " The feeling is mutual " you are telling that person that you agree with them - your opinions , thoughts, feelings mirror theirs.

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