Muslim Video Com

Muslim Video Com


Muslim Video Com
Abu 'Abdissalam is a graduate from Dar Al-Hadith Al-Khayriyyah in Makkah. He appears regularly on Islam Channel and Huda TV and is currently a lecturer for Al-Kauthar Institute.

Follow him on Twitter here and Facebook here .

Follow his Muslim Video Blog Channel on Youtube .

You can contact him here .
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) met Ibrahim (peace be upon him) on the night of mi’raj. He gave salam to this ummah and then gave some advice. Let’s see the advice of Ibrahim to this ummah. Watch this video to find out.
This video is the fourth episode of the ‘Take Five’ series of short video blogs about Islam, Muslims and general reminders.
The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said: “Take advantage of five matters before five other matters: your youth, before you become old; your health, before you fall sick; your wealth, before you become poor; your free time before you become busy; and your life, before your death.”
Where will the one who doesn’t guard his prayers be on the Day of Judgement? How is he / she similar to Iblis?
This video is the fourth episode of the ‘Take Five’ series of short video blogs about Islam, Muslims and general reminders.
The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said: “Take advantage of five matters before five other matters: your youth, before you become old; your health, before you fall sick; your wealth, before you become poor; your free time before you become busy; and your life, before your death.”
This is the second podcast by Abu Abdissalam. You can send questions here .
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In this podcast, the following questions are answered (the text is kept as it was sent in the questions):
1. Is it better to give some spare money u have to a needy cause/charity,or use that same money to pay off a debt? (bearing in mind that the debtor intends on paying the debt off eventually anyway)
2. Can you give voluntary charity to people who are well-off.
3. I suffer from depression – is there an Islamic cure?
4. Is it permissible to recite the Quran while lying down in bed?
Welcome to the first of a series of podcasts by Abu Abdissalam. You can send questions here .
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In this podcast, the following questions are answered:
1. We bought our house with a mortgage with interest. Now we have paid off the mortgage and want to repent, can we live in the house or must we get rid of it?
2. I want to marry my cousin but it turns out that I have been breast fed by her mother. We tried to find out but no-one knows how many times – my aunty said that it was a long time ago and she doesn’t remember. Can I marry her?
3. My father died and left a lot of money in the bank and it accrued interest from the bank before he died. Do I have to throw away the interest or can I take that?
4. How do I repent from backbiting?
Excellent talk by Shaykh Muhammad bin Muhammad Al-Mukhtar Al-Shanqiti. Well worth watching.
Do you have a contract with Allah that you will live until you can repent? What are the conditions of repentance? What should we do when we sin?
This video is the third episode of the ‘Take Five’ series of short video blogs about Islam, Muslims and general reminders.
The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said: “Take advantage of five matters before five other matters: your youth, before you become old; your health, before you fall sick; your wealth, before you become poor; your free time before you become busy; and your life, before your death.”
You can subscribe to the series at the Muslim Video Blog: .
What did she do when she was facing problems and debt? How did she turn to? What should we do when faced with trials?
This video is the second episode of the ‘Take Five’ series of short video blogs about Islam, Muslims and general reminders.
The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said: “Take advantage of five matters before five other matters: your youth, before you become old; your health, before you fall sick; your wealth, before you become poor; your free time before you become busy; and your life, before your death.”
You can subscribe to the series at the Muslim Video Blog: .
What did Hajar say when she was ordered to do something by Allah? Did she say it is impractical, difficult?
This video is the first of the ‘Take Five Before Five’ series of short video blogs about Islam, Muslims and general reminders.
The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said: “Take advantage of five matters before five other matters: your youth, before you become old; your health, before you fall sick; your wealth, before you become poor; your free time before you become busy; and your life, before your death.”
You can subscribe to the series at the Muslim Video Blog: .
The Muslim Video Blog has been launched today.
Short reminder videos by Abu ‘Abdissalam will be posted regularly insha Allah on this site. You can subscribe at or add the RSS feed to your favourites.
Q/ What is the ruling on alcohol based perfumes?
The scholars are of two opinions with regards to alcohol based perfumes and the like. Is it permissible to use alcohols for other than getting intoxicated? Are they najis (impure, filthy) or not?
Here are the audio lectures (MP3 format) from the series Heavenly Pearls which was conducted in London in the Summer of 2005. The 34-part series is currently being broadcast on Islam Channel in UK and is an explanation of the Forty Hadith of Imam Al-Nawawi.
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Here are all the lectures from the series Heavenly Pearls which was conducted in London in the Summer of 2005. The 34-part series is currently being broadcast on Islam Channel in UK and is an explanation of the Forty Hadith of Imam Al-Nawawi.
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Here are a few brief points regarding the issue of halal meat. These are just random thoughts and issues in response to a few questions related to this topic and are not in any particular order.
1) Islam is built on ease. This is something that Allah likes – he does not like hardship. Allah says:
“Allah likes (yureed) for you ease and does not like (laa yureed) hardship for you”
It is also the sunnah of the Prophet sallAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam who, as stated in the hadith, “was not given the choice between two matters except that he took the easiest of the two as long as it was not a sin.”
2) This is a very emotional issue – the issue of halal meat as well as the issue of the meat from the British people (ahl al kitab?). Continue reading →
Today we are continuously being barraged by so called ‘progressive Muslims’ and their attempts at reforming Islam from within, many of whom are being encouraged and indeed influenced from without. Calling for reform has certainly become a quick and easy way of obtaining a platform in major media outlets in the West. It was about a year ago when Whitehall papers that revealed secret plans to win the hearts and minds of British Muslims were leaked to the Sunday Times . Proposals included screening foreign imams prior to allowing entry to Britain while giving a government seal of approval and support to selected moderate clerics in the UK and abroad. The papers included suggestions that the government might fund moderate Islamic newspapers, television and radio stations, and promote young Muslim “ambassadors” to push an Islam-friendly image. It seems apparent that these proposals have taken effect and this attempted state-sponsored morphology of Islam has been put into action.
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How much longer do we have to sit in front of our screens to see nothing but the humiliation of Muslims across the world? Recent happenings in Iraq – from the torture and murder of Iraqi prisoners to the killing of hundreds of civilians in Falluja show us one thing: the US-led war and subsequent occupation of Iraq is a failure.
This lecture is from the Islamic Network Seminar – Trials and Tribulations .
This short talk provides glimpses of the Life of the Last Messenger, Muhammad sall Allahu alayhi wa salam ; a talk ideal for Non-Muslims and Muslims
Doesn’t Allah hear the cry of the Orphans in Afghanistan? Doesn’t Allah see the blood of our brothers in Chechnya? Why are the Muslims so ‘humiliated’? When is the Help and Victory of Allah coming?
This lecture is from the Islamic Network Seminar – Operation: Restoring the Balance .
This moving story of Ka’ab ibnu Malik, and the incident of the Tabuk Expedition, has been a story from which the scholars have deliberated countless teachings to generations of muslims.
…Nobody stayed behind except those who were either hindered by a serious excuse or the hypocrites who told lies to Allâh and His Messenger. Some of those hypocrites’ lingering was due to an excuse based on forgery and delusion. Some others tarried, but didn’t ask for instant permission. But there were three believers who unjustifiably lingered. They were the ones whose faith Allâh tried, but later He returned to them in Mercy and accepted their repentance. One of the believers’ stories is recorded in an authentic hadith, from which generations of Muslim’s have taken lessons, morals and derived great benefit from…
In the Name of Allaah, the Most Merciful, the Bestower of Mercy
All Praises are due to Allaah, and may the Peace and Blessings of Allaah be showered upon the Noble Messenger.
Indeed all of mankind is in a state of loss,
And call each other to having patience.”
A lecture highlighting the grave consequences of leaving the prayer, and how we should establish the prayer and become steadfast upon it. The speaker discusses (according to the Qur’an and Sunnah) whether the one who leaves the prayer is a Muslim, or has left the fold of Islam?
This lecture highlights how the media has falsely portrayed the Woman. The lecture, simply and clearly, dispels the feminist approach which has been enprinted in the minds of the Muslims and Non-Muslims across the world, clarifying the false notion of the ABSOLUTE equality of man and woman. It provides the ‘little known’ history of the West and Islâm with regards to their treatment of women.
Indeed, is it not the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, and all that is within it, who knows what is best for his subjects? The lecture characterises the true nature of man and woman as told to us by Allâh and His Messenger.
This is an audio series of lectures conducted over two days in an Islamic Network seminar.

It is an Explanation of a book by Shaykh Muhammad Ibn ‘Abdil-Wahhâb: The Three Fundamental Principles (Thalâthatu ‘l-Usûl). The book deals with the three questions asked in the grave: Who is your Lord? What is your dîn? Who is your Prophet?
A series of detailed lectures on the beautiful Names and Attributes of Allâh (Al -‘Asmâ was-Sifât). The lectures highlight the importance of understanding the Names and Attributes of Allah and discuss some of the different ways how people have misunderstood this topic. Allâh, subhânû wa ta’âla. needs to review the security of your connection before proceeding.

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