Muslim Universities

Muslim Universities


The following is a list of institutions that have an Islamic or Muslim identity or charter.
Institutions founded before the colonial era and which are still in operation:
Institutions of religious educations (most are classified as "madrasas", a term that means "school" or, literally, "place where lessons are given") founded during colonial era:
Religious institutions (or madrasas) founded since the end of colonial rule in the respective countries:
These are institutions founded during colonial era that are not religious seminaries. Most are universities with a broad charter for comprehensive education in the Muslim communities they serve.
Educational institutions founded since end of colonial rule that are not religious seminaries, but have an Islamic or Muslim identity or charter, or devoted to sciences and arts usually associated with Islamic or Muslim culture and history:
This is a list of members of the Federation of the Universities of the Islamic World (FUIW), an organisation working whose stated aim is to support universities and higher education institutions in the Islamic world.[11]
^ Oldest University
^ "Medina of Fez". UNESCO World Heritage Centre. UNESCO. Retrieved 7 April 2016.
^ "Al Jamia Tul Hashmia – Bijapur, Karnataka | Ahlus Sunnah Organisation". Archived from the original on 2016-04-30. Retrieved 2016-05-15.
^ "Wel Come Jamia Nizamia Hyd, India".
^ "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2011-08-08. Retrieved 2006-01-22.CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
^ "Aligarh Muslim University".
^ "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2005-02-27. Retrieved 2005-02-28.CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
^ "جامعة الأمير عبد القادر للعلوم الإسلامية قسنطينة". Retrieved 22 April 2018.
^ "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2010-04-01. Retrieved 2010-04-01.CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
^ "Objectives – FUIW". Retrieved 10 June 2020.
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Дни открытых дверей для абитуриентов
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Международная научная конференция «Актуальный Достоевский». Секционное заседание. 27-28 апреля 2021г
Международная научная конференция «Актуальный Достоевский». Пленарное заседание. 27-28 апреля 2021г.
Презентация направлений подготовки ИЗО
Международные публичные чтения романа Апулея «Метаморфозы»
Презентация Международной научно-образовательной интернет-платформы «Беҙ үҙебеҙ – башҡорттар»
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