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Raymond Ibrahim
Aug 15, 2018 11:02 AM ET

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A British woman going by the pseudonym “Kate Elysia” recently revealed the extent of her sexual victimization by Muslim men. While this included the usual — including drugs, and gang-rapes by as many as 70 men — her story had an interesting twist to it.
According to the report: “[A]t one point during her abuse, she was trafficked to the North African country of Morocco where she was prostituted and repeatedly raped.” There she was kept in an apartment in Marrakesh, where another girl no more than 15 was also kept for sexual purposes. “I can’t remember how many times I’m raped that [first] night, or by who,” Kate recounted.
That she was seen as a piece of meat is evident in other ways: “The Pakistani men I came into contact with made me believe I was nothing more than a slut, a white whore. They treated me like a leper, apart from when they wanted sex. I was less than human to them, I was rubbish.”
What explains the ongoing victimization of European women by Muslim men — which exists well beyond the UK , and has become epidemic in Germany, Sweden, and elsewhere?
While these sordid accounts are routinely dismissed as the activities of “criminals,” they are in fact reflective of nearly fourteen centuries of Muslim views on and treatment of European women. Nothing in Kate’s account — not even the otherwise extreme aspect of taking her to Morocco to be a sex slave — has not happened countless times over the centuries.
For starters, Muslim men have long had an obsessive attraction for fair women of the European variety. This, as all things Islamic, traces back to their prophet, Muhammad. In order to entice his men to war against the Byzantines — who, as the Arabs’ nearest European neighbors came to represent “white” people — Muhammad told them they would be able to sexually enslave the “yellow” women (an apparent reference to their hair color).
For over a millennium after Muhammad, jihadi leaders — Arabs, Berbers, Turks, Tatars — also coaxed their men to jihad on Europe by citing (and later sexually enslaving) its fair women, as copiously documented in Sword and Scimitar: Fourteen Centuries of War between Islam and the West . For one example, prior to invading Spain, jihadi hero Tarek bin Ziyad enticed his men by saying: “You must have heard numerous accounts of this island, you must know how the Grecian maidens, as beautiful as houris [ sexual superwomen are awaiting your arrival, reclining on soft couches in the sumptuous palaces of crowned lords and princes.”
That the sexual enslavement of fair women was an aspect that always fueled the jihad is evident in other ways. Thus, for M.A. Khan, a former Muslim author, it is “impossible to disconnect Islam from the Viking slave-trade, because the supply was absolutely meant for meeting [the] Islamic world’s unceasing demand for the prized white slaves” and for “white sex-slaves.”
And just as Muslim rapists saw Kate as “nothing more than a slut, a white whore,” so did Muslim luminaries always describe the nearest white women of Byzantium. For Abu Uthman al-Jahiz (b. 776), a prolific court scholar, the females of Constantinople were the “most shameless women in the whole world … [T]hey find sex more enjoyable” and “are prone to adultery.” Abd al-Jabbar (b. 935), another prominent scholar, claimed that “adultery is commonplace in the cities and markets of Byzantium,” so much so that even “the nuns from the convents went out to the fortresses to offer themselves to monks.”
As Nadia Maria el-Cheikh, author of Byzantium Viewed by the Arabs , explains:
Our [Arab/Muslim] sources show not Byzantine women but writers’ images of these women, who served as symbols of the eternal female — constantly a potential threat, particularly due to blatant exaggerations of their sexual promiscuity. In our texts, Byzantine women are strongly associated with sexual immorality. … While the one quality that our [Muslim] sources never deny is the beauty of Byzantine women, the image that they create in describing these women is anything but beautiful.
Their depictions are, occasionally, excessive, virtually caricatures, overwhelmingly negative … The behavior of most women in Byzantium was a far cry from the depictions that appear in Arabic sources.
But even taking Kate to Morocco and turning her into a sex slave is a mirror reflection of history. Thanks to Ottoman support for the slave-raiding pirates of North Africa, the so-called “Barbary States,” by 1541 “Algiers teemed with Christian captives [from Europe], and it became a common saying that a Christian slave was scarce a fair barter for an onion.”
According to the conservative estimate of American professor Robert Davis: “[B]etween 1530 and 1780 [alone] there were almost certainly a million and quite possibly as many as a million and a quarter white, European Christians enslaved by the Muslims of the Barbary Coast,” of which Morocco was one. Women slaves — and not a few men and boys — were almost always sexually abused. With countless European women selling for the price of an onion, little wonder by the late 1700s, European observers noted how “the inhabitants of Algiers have a rather white complexion.”
It was the same elsewhere. The slave markets of the Ottoman sultanate were for centuries so inundated with European flesh that children sold for pennies, “a very beautiful slave woman was exchanged for a pair of boots, and four Serbian slaves were traded for a horse.” In Crimea — where some three million Slavs were enslaved by the Ottomans’ Muslim allies, the Tatars — an eyewitness described how Christian men were castrated and savagely tortured (including by gouging their eyes out), whereas “[t]he youngest women are kept for wanton pleasures.”
Such a long and unwavering history of sexually enslaving European women on the claim that, like Kate Elysia, they are all “nothing more than a slut, a white whore,” should place the ongoing sexual abuse of Western women in context — and suggest that there’s little chance of change along the horizon.
( Editor’s note : All quotes and historical facts appearing in the above article are documented in the author’s new book, Sword and Scimitar: Fourteen Centuries of War between Islam and the West . )
Raymond Ibrahim, an expert in Islamic history and doctrine, is author of Sword and Scimitar: Fourteen Centuries of War between Islam and the West (2018); Crucified Again: Exposing Islam’s New War on Christians (2013); and The Al Qaeda Reader (2007). He has appeared on C-SPAN, Al-Jazeera, CNN, NPR, and PBS, and been published by the New York Times Syndicate , Los Angeles Times , Washington Post , Financial Times , Weekly Standard , Chronicle of Higher Education , and Jane’s Islamic Affairs Analyst . Formerly an Arabic linguist at the Library of Congress, Ibrahim has guest lectured at many universities, including the U.S. Army War College, briefed governmental agencies such as U.S. Strategic Command, and testified before Congress. He has been a visiting fellow/scholar at a variety of Institutes—from the Hoover Institution to the National Intelligence University—and is currently a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, a Judith Friedman Rosen Fellow at the Middle East Forum, and a Senior Fellow at the Gatestone Institute. His full biography is available here . Follow Raymond at Twitter and Facebook .
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Raymond Ibrahim, American Thinker, September 21, 2020
Warning : Orientalist paintings depicting female nudity follow.
Last year, a political party in Germany provoked controversy when it used the following painting in its election campaign to illustrate one of the reasons it was against immigration.
Painted in France in 1866 and titled “Slave Market,” the painting was described as “show[ing] a black, apparently Muslim slave trader displaying a naked young woman with much lighter skin to a group of men for examination,” probably in North Africa.
The Alternative for Germany party (AfD) put up several posters of this painting with the slogan, “So that Europe won’t become Eurabia.”  Many on both sides of the Atlantic were triggered by this usage; even the American museum where the original painting is housed sent AfD a letter “insisting that they cease and desist in using this painting” (even though it is in the public domain).
Objectively speaking, the “Slave Market” painting in question portrays a reality that has played out countless times over the centuries: African, Asiatic, and Middle Eastern Muslims have long targeted European women — so much so as to have enslaved millions of them over the centuries (see Sword and Scimitar for copious documentation).
As it happens, there is something else — another medium besides writing — that documents this reality: countless more paintings than the one in question concerning the abduction, trafficking, and sexual enslavement of European women, all of which further underscores the ubiquity and notoriety of this phenomenon.  Indeed, this was such a well known theme that many nineteenth- and early twentieth-century artists and painters specialized in it, often based on their own eyewitness accounts.  (As one art gallery puts it, “Many … of the most important painters did travel [to the Muslim world] themselves, and what they painted was based on the sketches they had made while they were there[.])
Below are just 20 such paintings (there are many more).  Aside from noting the artist’s name; year of painting; and, where possible, title—information which is often difficult to ascertain — I’ve limited my remarks to important asides and clarifications, mostly in the first few paintings, leaving the rest to speak for themselves.  They follow.
“The Bulgarian Martyresses,” by Konstantin Makovsky, 1877.  It depicts events from a year earlier, when Ottoman irregular soldiers (the so-called bashi-bazouks or “crazy heads”) raped and massacred the Christian women of Bulgaria and their children.  American journalist MacGahan, who reported from Bulgaria, wrote the following of this incident: “When a Mohammedan has killed a certain number of infidels he is sure of Paradise, no matter what his sins may be. … [T]he ordinary Mussulman takes the precept in broader acceptation, and counts women and children as well. … [T]he Bashi-Bazouks, in order to swell the count, ripped open pregnant women, and killed the unborn infants.”
“The Abduction of a Herzegovinian Woman,” by Jaroslav Čermák, 1861.  From the museum’s official description : “Disturbing and extremely evocative, it depicts a white, nude [and pregnant?] Christian woman being abducted from her village by the Ottoman mercenaries who have killed her husband and baby.”
The Abduction, by Eduard Ansen-Hofmann (1820–1904).
The Slave Market, by Otto Pilny, 1910.
Abducted, by Eduard Ansen-Hofmann (1820–1904).
The Bitter Draught of Slavery, by Ernest Norman, 1885.
A New Arrival, by Giulio Rosati (1858–1917).
The New Slave Girl, by Eduard Ansen-Hofmann (1820–1904).
Examining Slaves, by Ettore Cercone, 1890.
Slave Market, by Eduard Ansen-Hofmann, 1900.
Slave Trade Negotiations, by Fabio Fabbi (1861–1946).
“White Slavery in the East—Going to the Slave Market,” by Harper’s Weekly, April 1875.
New Arrival, by Eduard Ansen-Hofmann (1820–1904).
The Serbian Concubine, by Jean-Joseph Benjamin-Constant, 1876.
Slave Market, by Émile Jean-Horace Vernet, 1836.
Slave Market, by Jean-Leon Gerome, 1871.
Harem Captive, by Eisenhut Ferencz, 1903.
Scene from the Harem, by Fernand Cormon, 1877.

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Ayatollah Hossein Kazamani Boroujerdi faces execution in Iran for speaking out against political Islam and advocating the separation of religion and state.

by Raymond Ibrahim
September 26, 2016 at 4:00 am
Recently in Iraq, 19 Yazidi girls were placed in iron cages and burned alive in front of a crowd of hundreds, for refusing to copulate with jihadis.
"Religious minority women under IS [Islamic State] control are often repeatedly sold from jihadi to jihadi. Once militants get tired of raping and abusing one particular girl, they usually sell them off to one of their militant buddies so they can rape and abuse them at their own pleasure." — Samuel Smith, The Christian Post.
After their children were abducted by the Islamic State, a couple answered their door to find the body parts of their daughters and a video of them being tortured and raped.
"Christian girls are considered goods to be damaged at leisure. Abusing them is a right. According to the community's mentality it is not even a crime. Muslims regard them as spoils of war." — Local residents, Pakistan.
Islamic law, always harsh, is still harsher for women. According to the Koran, men have "authority" over women and may beat them if they are "disobedient" (4:34). According to Mohammad, the prophet of Islam, women are less intelligent than men — two women are needed to equal one man's testimony — and the majority of hell's population is made up of women, who are likened to donkeys and dogs in their ability to distract a man
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