Muslim Nopho

Muslim Nopho


Muslim Nopho
NOPHO – the Nordic Society of Paediatric Haematology and Oncology – is a Nordic association for paediatric oncology (childhood cancer). 
NOPHO has been an organisation for Nordic paediatric oncologists, both clinically and within research, since 1982. 
Common treatment protocols have been developed, and NOPHO is now the basis for advanced, modern childhood cancer care and treatment for all active doctors, in both clinical practice and research. Common training programmes are available for members, and collaborative groups meet frequently to discuss specific diagnoses and protocols. 
NOPHO’s website serves as an important information bank.
NOBOS – the Nordic Society of Pediatric Oncology Nurses – is a parallel organisation for nurses who work with children with cancer. Every two years, NOPHO and NOBOS hold joint annual meetings and training sessions.
You can find links to NOPHO and NOBOS here.
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NOBOS is a society for Pediatric Oncology Nurses in the Nordic countries that coordinates and develops knowledge in clinical nursing care.

Early bird prices until: April 6 th 2018
Monday June 4th National Museum - Palace of the grand dukes of Lithuania
Reduced fee for nurses from the Baltic countries 200 euro
Dr Margareta af Sandeberg will lead the group, and the members are those with a master and/or doctors degree which are Anders Ringnér (, Jóhanna L Hjörleifsdóttir (, Vigdís Hrönn Viggósdóttir (, Helle Borg (, and Margareta af Sandeberg (
The aim of the committee:
1) To keep NOBOS updated scientifically. This could include to keep track of and highlight new scientific publications in our field on the home page and also to take an active part in selecting speakers in the upcoming NOBOS meeting.
2) To cooperate with researchers in projects concerning paediatric cancer care science.
NOBOS 2018 will offer a mixed programme with lots of different activities!
Download it here.
Vilnius is one of the cities in The Central Europe, laying the farthest east, which experienced a strong interaction between the Eastern and Western cultures. In 1994 the historical centre of Vilnius (old town) was globally acknowledged due to its exceptionality and was included in the World Heritage List of UNESCO. Vilnius’ old town is the largest old town in The Eastern Europe, covering 359,5 ha.
From 14th to 18th centuries the city produced a huge impact on the architectural development throughout the whole region. The city boasts a well-preserved example of a street network and urban structure, characteristic to The Middle Ages. The city landscape has preserved a rich variety of the buildings with plenty of houses in Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque and Classicism styles. One marvels at the mesmerizing panorama and perspectives.
The streets and buildings reflect the signs of living, once led by Lithuanians, Jews, Poles, Russians, Germans, Belarusians, Caraites and Tatars. Here peace reigns among the representatives from different confessions such as Catholics, Greek-Catholics, Orthodox, Evangelic-Lutherans, Evangelic-Reformists, Jews and Muslims. The historic centre of Vilnius (the old town) stands for a proof of harmony between a human being and nature.
Lithuanian National Commission for UNESCO
Vilnius, as the capital of Lithuania, is the home of the President, the Seimas, the Government and the Supreme Court. Diplomatic missions, educational, cultural, financial, research, and healthcare institutions are based here.
Location/ Territory: The capital city Vilnius occupies an area of about 400 sq. km of which 20.2% approximately is developed and the remainder is green belt (43.9% approx.) and water (2.1% approx.).
Working Hours: Governmental institutions work from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday – Friday. Shops are usually open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. or 7 p.m. on weekdays and until 3 p.m. or 4 p.m. on Saturdays. Shopping malls are open all week from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Food stores are usually open between 8 a.m. and 10 p.m., some supermarkets are open till 12 at night.
Vilnius International Airport (VNO) (Rodunios road 10A) is the largest civil airport in Lithuania and is located 6 km south of the city centre. There is a number of international aiepines operating in Vilnius airport.
Runs every 40-50 minutes. First bus leaves from the airport at 05:49AM, the last one at 22:23PM;
Runs every 8-10 minutes. First bus leaves from the airport a 05:22 AM, the last one leaves at 23:11 PM;
Runs every16-17 minutes. First bus leaves from the airport a 05:16 AM, the last one leaves at 01:39 PM.
Bus times are available at bus stops or on the website
Once you have boarded public transportation, you can purchase a one way ticket from the driver that costs 1 euro. You need to mark the paper ticket at one of the several small red metal ticket validators found on the stands in the bus or by placing it in the yellow electronic ticket validator. 
Distance from the airport to Vilnius Railway station is about 5 km, the journey takes up to 8 minutes. Trains run approximately every 40 minutes. The schedule can be found at . Tickets can be purchased on the train or at Vilnius Railway Station. Train timetable is available on
Next to the airport there is a taxi rank. There are always plenty of taxis there. You can also call a taxi by phone or to book a taxi at Vilnius Tourist Information Centre (Airport Arrival Hall). Taxi booking and information .
Please download the application form for more information.
On behalf of the Organizing committee and local organizers, we are cordially inviting you to the 36th annual NOPHO meeting and the 12th biannual NOBOS meeting. The history of collaboration between Lithuanian and Nordic pediatric oncologists lasts for almost two decades, and we are seeing an enormous benefit of it. As a result of this effort, Lithuania had recently become an official member of the NOPHO organization, and now we have a privilege for the first time to host the NOPHO annual meeting.
With the enormous achievements in survival in childhood cancer, which currently slowed down to some plato, novel therapeutic options are needed to be added to conventional treatment. On the other hand, advances can be attributed to the multidisciplinary nature of care delivery and research. This is why, apart from distinguished experts and scientists investigating targeted or immunotherapy for children with cancer, international experts in the field of pediatric surgery and radiotherapy are coming to sheer their knowledge. Furthermore, as nowadays we get more and more data on tumor etiology and predisposition, we are going to discuss positive and contradictory sides of this knowledge.
To make the full picture of multidisciplinary team, we are very happy to have the joint meeting with the NOBOS organization. The nurses are going to sheer their experience in psychological, rehabilitation, ethical issues to discuss the ways to improve the care of the patients and their quality of life both during the treatment and later in their life.
Not least, we do promise an exciting social program in the beautiful city of Vilnius with a rich medieval history and amazing baroque architecture.
We would like to thank all the speakers who are coming to sheer their knowledge and experience. Also, we are grateful to all the sponsors for their contribution to make the meeting possible. And of course, we appreciate an enormous assistance by the NOPHO webmaster Elisabeth Broby and congress secretariat Creativa.
On behalf of the Organizing Committee
Please download the attached file for the social programme!
Largest conference venue and hotel in the heart of Vilnius
Conveniently located near the city’s historic and business districts, this Vilnius hotel overlooks Old Town and the river. The 291 comfortable rooms include Free high‐speed, wireless Internet, and the on‐site Riverside Restaurant serves international specialties while the hotel bars provide creative cocktails and light snacks. Guests can also enjoy the fitness center, sauna and beauty salon.
Vilnius International Airport (VNO) is located 9 kilometers south of the city. From the airport, you can easily reach the railway stop via the pedestrian walkway from the airport terminal. In only 8 minutes, the train takes you from the airport to the train station in downtown Vilnius. Once you arrive at the train station, grab a taxi or jump on a bus that brings you north to Radisson Blu Hotel Lietuva on Konstitucijos pr. 20. From the airport, you can also go by bus to the city center.
The trolley buses and ordinary buses offer smooth transport when you wish to explore the city. The Vilnius travel planner helps you to navigate the city’s public transport system easily by providing information on routes and timetables, tickets, zone information and the best way to reach your destination.
About 5 km south of the hotel, the Vilnius train station is the junction when traveling to and from the center. Just outside the station, you can easily find a bus that takes you to Radisson Blu Lietuva on the other side of the river Neris. Buses leave the station frequently and the ride to the hotel takes about 20 minutes.
Buses go all over the capital and there’s a bus stop only 100 meters from the hotel, making it a great starting point when exploring the city.
10:45-11:15 Poster viewing
14:30-15:00 Poster viewing
10:00-10:30 Poster viewing
14:30-15:00 Poster viewing
10:00-10:30 Poster viewing

All presenters must be registered to Congress till 11 of May.
Each presenter is provided with a 2.5 m high by 1 m wide poster board. Your posters should be no bigger than A0 format (Vertical)

NOBOS is a society for nurses working with pediatric oncology in Denmark, Iceland, Finland, Norway, Sweden and Lithuania.



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Info Halal
Palestina Terkini
Berita dari Anda
Kabar dari Suriah
Cover Story
Ekonomi Syariah
Info Haji & Umrah


Gaya Hidup Muslim
Jendela Keluarga
Tazkiyatun Nafs
Oase Iman
Lentera Hidup
Ikhtilaful Ummah
Hadits Harian


Ghazwul Fikr


Ramadhan Di Tanah Suci
Ramadhan di Mancanegara
Syiar Ramadhan
Catatan Akhir Pekan
Analisa Dunia Islam
Ilahiyah Finance
Meminang Surga
Salam dari Salim
Embun Hikmah
Hidup Sehat Islami
Akhir Zaman


Kisah & Perjalanan
Mereka Memilih Berani
Catatan Dari Mesir


Rahasia Qur'an Sunnah
Islamic Discovery


Konsultasi Syariah
Fikih Kontemporer
Keluarga Sakinah



Senin, 12 September 2022 / 16 Safar 1444 H

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Copyright © 2022 - | Baru baru ini jagad Indonesia dihebohkan dengan sebuah karya (yang katanya) ilmiah yang ditulis oleh seorang mahasiswa untuk mendapatkan gelar akademik doktoralnya.
Karya ini sampai pada kesimpulan bahwa seks bebas (zina) atau dibahasakan penulisnya seks nonmarital adalah sebuah hal yang dihalalkan dalam agama berdasarkan argumen bahwa di dalam Islam seorang tuan boleh menggauli budak perempuannya tanpa diikat dengan tali pernikahan.
Lalu benarkah bahwa dengan hasil penelitian mahasiswa ini, kini seks bebas (zina) telah dibolehkan setelah sekian ribu tahun lamanya diharamkan?
Kami menanggapi hal ini dalam beberapa hal:
Tidak ada satupun dari ulama kita sejak ribuan tahun lamanya hingga kini, bahkan tidakpula seorang awam sekalipun dari kaum muslimin yang pernah mengatakan bahwa hukum seks bebas (zina) adalah halal.
Hal ini dikarenakan haramnya perzinahan ini adalah sesuatu yang diketahui di dalam agama dengan jelas dan tidak ada sedikitpun syubhat akan keharamannya, dan adalah sebuah hal yang sangat aneh jika ketika kini ada seorang mahasiswa yang datang ribuan tahun setelah nabi ﷺ meninggal dan ribuan tahun setelah para ulama terdahulu juga meninggal seperti Imam Abu Hanifah, Imam Malik, Imam Syafii dan Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal, lalu kini datang seorang mahasiswa yang menyatakan bahwa seks bebas (zina) adalah sebuah perbuatan yang diperbolehkan dalam agama.
Landasan diharamkannya perbuatan zina adalah dalil-dalil yang sangat banyak dan jelas dari Al-Qur’an maupun sunnah, dan di antaranya adalah firman Allah Azza Wa Jalla:
(وَلَا تَقۡرَبُوا۟ ٱلزِّنَىٰۤۖ إِنَّهُۥ كَانَ فَـٰحِشَةࣰ وَسَاۤءَ سَبِیلࣰا)
“Dan janganlah kalian mendekati zina, sesungguhnya zina adalah perbuatan keji dan seburuk buruknya jalan.” [Surat Al-Isra’ 32]
Berbeda cara ekspresi bahasa para ulama kita ketika mendefinisikan zina, namun kesemuanya bermuara pada sebuah kesepakatan bahwa zina adalah:
“Memasukkan kemaluan dengan sengaja kedalam kemaluan seorang anak Adam lainnya tanpa adanya ikatan pernikahan atau milkul yamin (kepemilikan budak) serta bebas dari hal bersifat syubhat (seperti seseorang menggauli seorang wanita yang dikira adalah istrinya)”.
Imam Ibnu Rusyd dalam kitabnya Bidayatul Mujtahid (Kitab fiqih perbandingan madzhab) mendefisinikan zina sebagai berikut:
(كل وطء وقع على غير نكاح صحيح ولا شبهة نكاح ولا ملك يمين).
Meneguhkan Cara Pandang Islam dalam Pendidikan
Peran Penting Hadits sebagai Sumber Pengembangan Pendidikan Islam
Salah Paham tentang Wali dan Karamah
“(Zina adalah) setiap jimak yang terjadi tidak diatas akad nikah yang sah atau nikah yang ada syubhatnya atau milkul yamin (kepemilikam budak)”.
Dalam pernyataannya, sang mahasiswa mendefinisikan bahwa zina adalah sebuah perbuatan seks bebas yang dilakukan secara terang benderang yang dilakukan di depan umum, dan tidaklah dikatakan zina menurut penulis tersebut, bilamana perbuatan seks bebas yang dilakukan tersebut dilakukan secara suka sama suka dan di tempat yang tertutup.
Tentu hal ini adalah sebuah kekacauan berfikir dan definisi bid’ah yang tidak pernah ada satupun ulama yang mendefiniskan zina sebagai hal tersebut sebelumnya, dan definisi ini terbantahkan bilamana kita melihat fakta, bahwa Nabi ﷺ dahulu ketika merajam Maiz dan wanita Ghamidiyah, bukanlah karena mereka melakukan perbuatan zina tersebut di depan umum namun dikarenakan persaksian mereka sendiri yang mengatakan bahwa mereka telah melakukan perbuatan zina (difahami bahwa perbuatan ini dilakukan tidak di depan umum karena bilamana dilakukan di tempat umum, maka tidak perlu lagi Nabi ﷺ bertanya kepada mereka apakah benar mereka telah melakukan perbuatan keji tersebut).
Argumen utama dari penulis atas pembolehan seks bebas ini adalah meng- qiyaskan perbuatan seks bebas dengan bolehnya menggauli budak budak wanita dengan dalih adanya persamaan illat di antara keduanya yaitu menggauli tanpa ikatan pernikahan (nonmarital),
Argumen ini adalah argumen yang batil dalam dua hal:
Qiyas yang digunakan adalah qiyas yang bathil , hal ini dikarenakan menggauli suka sama suka tanpa hubungan nikah (nonmarital) bukanlah illat dari dibolehkannya menggauli budak budak wanita, dan dalam ilmu usul fiqih disebutkan bahwa salah satu pembatal qiyas adalah salahnya dalam menentukan illat.
Qiyas yang digunakan adalah qiyas maal fariq (qiyas yang tidak ada persamaan antara usul dan cabangnya), dan salah satu syarat dalam sahnya qiyas adalah adanya persamaan dalam usul dan cabang yang ingin diqiyaskan, dan dalam hal ini usulnya adalah budak dan cabangnya adalah orang merdeka, sedangkan didalam Islam orang yang merdeka hukumnya tidak sama dengan budak.
Di antara perbedaan utama antara orang merdeka dengan hamba sahaya (budak) adalah:
Dalam pernyataannya, sang penulis mengatakan bahwa tujuan dari pembolehannya seks bebas ini selama tidak dilakukan secara terang terangan adalah untuk menghilangkan tindak kriminalisasi terhadap orang orang yang berbuat seks bebas, dan bagi sang penulis hal ini dianggap sebagai sebuah solusi.
Kami katakan bahwa hal ini adalah sebuah kerusakan dalam berfikir, bagaimana bisa seorang manusia yang sangat dangkal akalnya bisa menentang hukum yang dibuat oleh Allah Azza Wa jalla Yang Maha Sempurna dan yang juga semua kita mengetahui bahwa tidak ada yang lebih baik hukumnya melebihi Allah Azza Wajallah.
(وَٱتَّبِعۡ مَا یُوحَىٰۤ إِلَیۡكَ وَٱصۡبِرۡ حَتَّىٰ یَحۡكُمَ ٱللَّهُۚ وَهُوَ خَیۡرُ ٱلۡحَـٰكِمِینَ)
“Dan ikutilah apa yang diwahyukan kepadamu dan bersabarlah sampai Allah menentukan putusan (hukumnya), sesungguhnya Allah sebaik baik Hakim (yang menetapkan hukum ).” [Surat Yunus 109]
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