Muslim First

Muslim First


According to the Qur'an, who was the first Muslim?
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Rahmat Hidayah SB, Another human being living in a complex world
please do correct me if I am wrong,
before we start, let's see the definiton of both Islam and Muslim.
please do correct me if I am wrong,
before we start, let's see the definiton of both Islam and Muslim.

So, if we see Muslim as the ones who gives himself to God, then yes Adam is the first Muslim. But if we see Muslim as the ones who gives himself to God through Islam, then Prophet Muhammad S.A.W is the first Muslim.
Though Allah sent Adam (Alayhis-salam) as the first human on earth, but that time Islam not yet to be "exist" means that though Adam (Alayhis-salam) and his family worshiped to Allah, but it was not yet in the name of Islam because again, Islam not yet to be "exist" until Prophet Muhammad S.A.W (Peace be upon him) era.
According to what I have known and re-research, the first to be a Muslim is Prophet Muhammad S.A.W (Peace be upon him) himself then As-Sabiqun al-Awwalun (Arab
: السَّابِقُونَ الأَوَّلُونَ) (The first ones to get into Islam) from Muhajirin and Anshar.
Let's see Qur'an surah Al Maidah (5) ayat 3 :
QS 5:3. ...This day I have perfected for you your religion and completed My favor upon you and have approved for you Islam as religion. But whoever is forced by severe hunger with no inclination to sin - then indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.

when this ayat was given, that was when Islam first to be "exist".
after that, let's see Qur'an surah Al An'am (6) ayat 14 :
QS 6:14. Say (O Muhammad SAW): “Shall I take as a Walî (helper, protector, etc.) any other than Allâh, the Creator of the heavens and the earth? And it is He Who feeds but is not fed.” Say: “Verily, I am commanded to be the first of those who submit themselves to Allâh (as Muslims).” And be not you (O Muhammad SAW) of the Mushrikûn [polytheists, pagans, idolaters and disbelievers in the Oneness of Allâh]. [4]

this ayat shows that Prophet Muhammad S.A.W was the first one to be Muslim. (after that then followed by As-Sabiqun al-Awwalun)
Related Questions (More Answers Below)
According to the Quran, who was the first Muslim?
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Who was the first Muslim according to the Muslim perspective?
Mohamed B. Kharrubi, Hafiz (memorize) The Holy Quran, and was a 10 yr Quran teacher in Colorado, USA.
Updated 1 year ago · Author has 407 answers and 1.1M answer views
Who gave us this name: Prophet Ibrahim or Abraham, Peace Be Upon Him.
Surah Al-Haj [22:78]
: [It is] the religion of your father, Abraham. He has named you "Muslims" before [in former scriptures] and in this [revelation] that the Messenger may be a witness over you and you may be witnesses over the people.
Surah An-Nahl [16:123]
: Then We revealed to you, [O Muhammad], to follow the religion of Abraham, inclining toward truth; and he was not of those who associate with Allah.
For the Muslims, The First Muslim is Adam, as He was the First to s
Who gave us this name: Prophet Ibrahim or Abraham, Peace Be Upon Him.
Surah Al-Haj [22:78]
: [It is] the religion of your father, Abraham. He has named you "Muslims" before [in former scriptures] and in this [revelation] that the Messenger may be a witness over you and you may be witnesses over the people.
Surah An-Nahl [16:123]
: Then We revealed to you, [O Muhammad], to follow the religion of Abraham, inclining toward truth; and he was not of those who associate with Allah.
For the Muslims, The First Muslim is Adam, as He was the First to submit to the One and only True God. His Great Grand Son Abraham was the first to use the title “Islam” or “Submission”.
Then humanity has generally strayed away from the right path. That’s why more Prophets were sent. These Prophets (Peace Be Upon Them All) were all Muslims, and every one of them has revived the concept of Islam or Submission to The One and Only True God / Allah. Prophet Muhammad, Peace Be Upon Him, have done the same, by reviving the faith of Islam and the practices of Abraham. Some of the details in the practices may be different, but the Paradigm and the frame and concept is the same. It’s based on submission and total obedience to the One and Only True God.
I highly suggest you read this book: JESUS: Prophet of Islam. It can be downloaded here:
Also, watch these clips. They can be helpful.
This is as brief as possible to avoid too many details. Those who need more info, they can easily search in these days of the information age.
According to the Quran, who was the first Muslim?
Was Abraham the first Jew or the first Muslim?
Is Muhammad (pbuh) the first Muslim?
Who was the first Muslim according to the Muslim perspective?
According to Islam, when was the first Quran written?
Who was the first Muslim after Muhammad?
How many times was the word “Muslim” mentioned in the Quran?
According to the Qur'an, where did Isa (Jesus) live?
The introductory Quran was composed 200 years later after Muhammad’s death. How do Muslims claim that there can’t be a change of dot in the Quran?
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My questions to believers of Islam What does Islam say about Kafirs? Does Allah say either convert or kill them? Is there room in Islam for other religions? Does Islam allow believers of other religion to exist? What are the options available for believers of other faiths?

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There is some disagreement among Muslims, and among historians of Islam, as to the identity of the first male convert to Islam.

The second period of Ali's life began in 610 when he declared Islam at age 10 and ended with the Hijra of Muhammad to Medina in 622. When Muhammad reported that he had received a divine revelation, Ali, then only about ten years old, believed him and professed to I…
There is some disagreement among Muslims, and among historians of Islam, as to the identity of the first male convert to Islam.

The second period of Ali's life began in 610 when he declared Islam at age 10 and ended with the Hijra of Muhammad to Medina in 622. When Muhammad reported that he had received a divine revelation, Ali, then only about ten years old, believed him and professed to Islam. According to Ibn Ishaq and some other authorities, Ali was the first male to embrace Islam. Tabari adds other traditions making the similar claim of being the first Muslim in relation to Zayd ibn Harithah or Abu Bakr. Some historians and scholars believe Ali's conversion is not worthy enough to consider him the first male Muslim because he was a child at the time.
Перевести · please do correct me if I am wrong, before we start, let's see the definiton of both Islam and Muslim. > Definition of Islam and Muslim * Islam : the meaning …
The name of the faith is Islam. The followers are Muslims. Who gave us this name: Prophet Ibrahim or Abraham, Peace Be Upon Him. Surah Al-Haj [2...
please do correct me if I am wrong, before we start, let's see the definiton of both Islam and Muslim. %3E Definition of Islam and Muslim *...
In Islam, every prophet is the first Muslim of the generation of people he was sent to. Muhammad the first in this generation. Moses the first of...
i think, loading different meanings to the question carries the subject to different conduits. simply if any one asks to the Qur'an, who was the...
According to the Quran the first creation of Allah is the first Muslim. But as far as your quran verse is concern the Allah says Muhammed to be the...
Islam is the religion brought by our prophet Muhammad pbuh. Though there were many prophets before him, they bring the same religion, the same conc...
According to Quran, the first Muslims were angels. First disbeliever was Iblis. If you mean humans, the first Muslim was Adam, the father of the hu...
The Qur’an does not explicitly say, but since 1. A Muslim is someone who submits to God, and 2. Adam and his wife made amends for their error We c...
It truly depends on what Chapter you are reading in the Quran. In some places it’s Adam, in others Muhammad…others it’s Jesus! Who Was the First M...
Our father, Adam, alayhe salaam. He believed and he submitted to Allaah. That is what Muslim means: to believe in Allaah without associate, to wors...
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Перевести · A CNN survey found that 59% of Christians are more likely to describe themselves as Christian first and American second. It is 12% higher than a Pew Poll of American Muslim attitudes which found only 47% Muslims consider themselves Muslim first and American second.
Перевести · Share your videos with friends, family, and the world
Перевести · 07.05.2021 · About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers …
Перевести · 21.03.2016 · 1869 - Lord Stanley becomes the first Muslim convert in the House of Lords. 1935 - Words from the Koran are broadcast on British radio for the first …
Who was the first Muslim according to Islam?
Who was the first Muslim according to Islam?
According to Ibn Ishaq and some other authorities, Ali was the first male to embrace Islam. Tabari adds other traditions making the similar claim of being the first Muslim in relation to Zayd ibn Harithah or Abu Bakr.…
What ' s The first rule of being a Muslim?
What ' s The first rule of being a Muslim?
Make sure you know what it means to be a Muslim and how to act like one. The first and foremost rule of being a Muslim is believing in the one and only Allah (accent on the second syllable). Allah is the only God, the only Creator and the Almighty. He is the only one you should be doing your good deeds for and the only one who shall be worshipped.
Who was the first Muslim to worship in public?
Who was the first Muslim to worship in public?
They say that Muhammad, Khadija bint Khuwaylid (Muhammad's wife), and Ali all gathered for prayer before the Kaaba, thus becoming the first Muslims to worship in public. Shia cite that when the Muhammad asked who is a believer, Ali, at 13, was the first to declare his affirmation. Muhammad went on to ask two more times, no one else step forward.…
Where does the word Muslim come from in Islam?
Where does the word Muslim come from in Islam?
The derivation of "Muslim" is from an Arabic word meaning "submitter (to God)". Muslims consider the Quran, their holy book, to be the verbatim word of God as revealed to the Islamic prophet and messenger Muhammad.
Перевести · 29.11.2019 · Did you know that the first degree-granting university is a Muslim invention?. Did you know that this university was founded by a Muslim woman? Early on in Islamic history, mosques doubled as schools.The same people who led prayers would teach groups of students about Islamic …
Bangladesh: 151,900,000
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Muslims (Arabic: مسلم‎, romanized: Muslim) are people who follow or practice Islam, a monotheistic Abrahamic religion. The derivation of "Muslim" is from an Arabic word meaning "submitter (to God)". Muslims consider the Quran, their holy book, to be the verbatim word of God as revealed to the Islamic prophet and messenger Muhammad. The majority of Muslims also follow their own versions of compilations claimed to be the teachings an…
Muslims (Arabic: مسلم‎, romanized: Muslim) are people who follow or practice Islam, a monotheistic Abrahamic religion. The derivation of "Muslim" is from an Arabic word meaning "submitter (to God)". Muslims consider the Quran, their holy book, to be the verbatim word of God as revealed to the Islamic prophet and messenger Muhammad. The majority of Muslims also follow their own versions of compilations claimed to be the teachings and practices of Muhammad (sunnah) as recorded in traditional accounts (hadith).

The beliefs of Muslims include: that God (Arabic: الله‎ Allah) is eternal, transcendent and absolutely one (tawhid); that God is incomparable, self-sustaining and neither begets nor was begotten; that Islam is the complete and universal version of a primordial faith that has been revealed before through many prophets including Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Moses, and Jesus; that these previous messages and revelations have been partially changed or corrupted over time (tahrif) and that the Quran is the final unaltered revelation from God.

As of 2015, 1.8 billion or about 24.1% of the world population are Muslims. By the percentage of the total population in a region considering themselves Muslim, 91% in the Middle East–North Africa (MENA), 81% in Central Asia, 65% in the Caucasus, 40% in Southeast Asia, 31% in South Asia, 30% in Sub-Saharan Africa, 25% in Asia–Oceania, around 6% in Europe, and 1% in the Americas.

Most Muslims are of one of two denominations; Sunni (75–90%) and Shia (12-17%). About 12% of Muslims live in Indonesia, the largest Muslim-majority country; 31% of Muslims live in South Asia, the largest population of Muslims in the world; 20% in the Middle East–North Africa, where it is the dominant religion; and 15% in Sub-Saharan Africa. Muslims are the overwhelming majority in Central Asia, the majority in the Caucasus and widespread in Southeast Asia. India is the country with the largest Muslim population outside Muslim-majority countries. Sizeable Muslim communities are also found in the Americas, China, and Europe. Islam is the fastest-growing major religion in the world.
Перевести · 09.10.2005 · The first and foremost rule of being a Muslim is believing in the one and only Allah …
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Identity of the first male Muslim - Wikipedia
Muslim First - YouTube
The first Muslims in England - BBC News
World’s First University Was Founded by A Muslim Woman ...
Muslims - Wikipedia
How to Become a Muslim: 14 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow
Muslim First

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