Muscular Asian Guy

Muscular Asian Guy


Muscular Asian Guy
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Mae Yen Yap

 September 14, 2020

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There's an unspoken rule on the Internet that goes like this: If you've thought of it, it probably exists.
Or maybe that applies specifically to NSFW things.
But regardless, have you ever imagined a website filled with buff, muscular Asian dudes doing whatever it is that buff, muscular Asian dudes do on a daily basis?
If you have, you're in luck because this Japanese free stock image database is here to deliver your fantasies to you with just a click of a button.
If you're an artist looking for references, a health nut who likes comparing bodies, or even just a muscle enthusiast who likes beefy men, your cries for help have been answered.
With the caveat that they remain shirtless the whole time, of course.
Apparently, Akihito came up with the idea after facing difficulties in finding a free-to-use photo collection of macho men, according to SoraNews 24 .
Originally, Akihito was the sole model for Muscle Power.
Thankfully, he has soon brought in various other models to show off the male physique. Unsurprisingly, many of them are also into fitness and bodybuilding.
Most of the pictures are pretty tame, and honestly are really great references.
Of course, some titles are a little more... Questionable.
At the end of the day though, Muscle Power's website emphasizes that the photos are free for anyone and everyone to use.
Apparently, aside from writers and advertisers, Muscle Power has many artist visitors looking for reference photos.
As the site is happy to welcome in its mission, "add muscles to your daily life."
Honestly, I just might visit this site in the future.
Cover image sourced from Muscle Plus .

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Lol made this because ÿęś
A random person,me and Victoria Jackson are walking and find a big nice cucumber we complemented it but it puts on a salami hat and we don’t like the hat but soon to discover…the cucumber was, CAKE 🍰🥒?
OG vid link(sorry if it doesn’t work):
Discord friending: Archerjxx1563 # 2320
Lol enjoy 👍

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