Murzilka 65.

Murzilka 65.

"ᝪẞᜱᜧᝪᝀ𐍃 ᜧᜬᢗᜠᠻ᠗ᜧẞ᠘ᠻ ᜬᠻᜦ𐍃"


Dr. Pierre Gilbert reported shocking information back in 1995

Dr. Pierre Gilbert reported shocking information back in 1995:

Biological destruction will be committed through vaccines.

"We will create infections that will introduce people into their blood, and create laws that will force people to get vaccinated!"

Donald Trump at fitness club, night training 🏋️ 

🇺🇸 🇨🇳 What a lovely story. 

🇺🇸Read the pale.

John Sullivan, a BLM/Antifa activist, leader of the "Capitol Invasion," arrested by the FBI and jailed from where he was quickly 💨 released, works for CNN:

"... The licensee of Sullivan hereby grants CNN a non-exclusive license to use the materials described as: "Video of an eyewitness shooting in the Capitol! Hill 01/06/2021"..."

Democrat megadonor Ed Buck, a prominent Democratic supporter and political activist whose home is now and then the bodies of young boys, mostly black, the last of which was discovered on January 7 this year and who has a close relationship with Adam Schiff, has been indicted by federal authorities after two men died of an overdose in mysterious circumstances in his Los Angeles hangout.

"There is ample public evidence that House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff was involved in Ed Buck's deviant activities. Most recently, it was revealed that during raids on Ed Buck's drug dens in Los Angeles, law enforcement discovered indecent photographs of Adam Schiff and Ed Buck that appeared to have been taken in secret. Was Ed Tank engaged in blackmail? The American people deserve to know what Ed Buck and Adam Schiff were really doing. Sign our petition and demand that the Department of Justice uncover the evidence they have gathered in the Ed Buck case!" - says in the petition organized by caring U.S. citizens.

The NRCC has instructed several research firms to unearth dirt on Adam Schiff in the run-up to the impeachment. One research team was able to obtain compromising photos of Schiff and Buck that were leaked from some of the feds currently pursuing Buck. Indecent photos of Adam Schiff found during federal raids on Ed's drug dens appear to have been taken in secret, according to several congressional staffers who saw the photos. The only photo that appeared in connection with this information on the network was retouched. 

"While we're all waiting for Red State, which enjoys better legal protection from 1A than we do, to have them post uncensored photos (as was the case in The Katie Hill), here are some previews," said the caption for a photo from Ed Buck's hangout that was published by the research firm that discovered the photos, and which has a long history and reputation in the Republican Party.

Democratic Congressman Adam Schiff is currently the target of a federal investigation focused on the congressman's frequent trips to the "drug house" of Ed Buck, according to an insider informant.

Buck - an influential millionaire philanthropist from the Democratic Party who contributed and transferred large sums of money to Democrats, including Schiff, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Kamala Harris.. and others - the list goes on and on. Buck was arrested last month after a nearly dead man escaped from Buck's Home in Los Angeles after Buck allegedly coaxed him with methamphetamine.

Larry Nichols is an insider who provided information. Bill Clinton in his biography described Nichols as a dangerous man, apparently because Nichols led many of the Clinton clan's political operations in Arkansas and Washington for the Clinton cartel before he became a whistleblower. Nichols, in his weekly News Show on Crowd Source, revealed the truth that federal agents had tracked Congressman Schiff at Buck's drug mansion more than a dozen times. And now they want to know what Schiff was doing there.

" (Attorney General William) Barr is investigating why Adam Schiff has been to Buck's 16 times," insider Larry Nichols said. "The reason Barr is required to look at Adam Schiff, and the fact that he's been there 16 times, is because, as a member of Congress, if he saw any illegal buck activity at the time, he is legally obligated to report it. And if he didn't report it, he's guilty of a crime."

It is worth recalling that Buck and his actions were made public after two men died in Buck's mansion from a drug overdose. The LAPD has never charged Baku in the case. Finally, in September, Baku was charged with running a drug business and then allegedly playing out his perverted sexual fantasies against incapacitated victims. Prosecutors said Buck is targeting the homeless.

The whistleblower, who defected from the Kilnton clan and is still on the list of survivors, said that "Schiff, like Buck, is under investigation."

Meanwhile, this story is developing, and very dynamically. One of the photos, which had previously been retouched, shows Adam Schiff's friend Ed Buck in white leggings and a red T-shirt and lying on his bed in his Los Angeles home in a young nigger's drug-laden gara. 

Here's the kind of letter that came to the Republican National Committee of Congress and its representative Tom Emmer:

"Dear Mr. Emmer and the NRCC research team,

The letter serves as a reminder that there has been a major breakthrough in the ongoing research mission against Representative Adam Schiff.

Looking at social media looking for potential pain points for Mr. Schiff, we have consistently faced unsubstantiated criticism of Mr. Schiff by people who have discussed ties between him and now-accused Democratic donor Ed Buck. Federal authorities recently charged Mr. Baku with playing a role in the deaths of two men he is said to have taken at his West Hollywood apartment.

Accordingly, we have begun to eavesdrop on newly established federal law enforcement agencies in the Central District of California to determine whether they found at any stage of the investigation of Mr. Buck any connection between his dirty activities and Congressman Schiff. The main area of our investigation was explicit photographs found during a search of Mr. Buck's residence. Because of the explicit nature of many of these photographs, they are unlikely to ever fall into the public domain during the prosecution of Mr. Buck's government. During the intelligence gathering, our los Angeles investigator was given unhindered access to photographs taken by prosecutors.

In one of the photos, which was copied by our investigator and attached to this letter, Congressman Schiff sits on the couch with Mr. Buck. To Mr. Schiff's right, there appears to be an African-American man who is barely dressed and appears to be under the influence of drugs. On the coffee table in front of three men, it seems, are some drugs and drugs. It is not clear to prosecutors why the photo was taken, although it fits into the scheme - Mr. Buck has taken and saved thousands of candid photos.

We believe that this photograph is a major success in our efforts to gather compromising information about Congressman Schiff. Accordingly, we now expect that the bonus for success will be paid to our firm through Wiley Rein, as usual. Of course, if you have any additional questions, feel free to contact us. Sincerely, Joel zamel."

one of the photos of Ed Buck, who used to see the light only in the retouched form

Ed Buck, Hillary Clinton, dead from Ed Buck's los Angeles home

from left to right: Barry Soetro and the rubber doll, Adam Schiff.


The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funds an activist education group that considers math racist and believes that achieving an objective answer is an example of "white supremacy."

A conglomerate of 25 educational organisations called The Way to Fair Learning Mathematics argues that asking students to find the right answer is "inherently racist practice." The organization's website lists the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation as the sole donor.

"In fact, over the past decade, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has donated more than $140 million to various groups associated with Pathway. Their "anti-racist resources" are at the epicentre of a new teacher training course offered by the Oregon Department of Education across the state, according to National File, "Three of the most prominent organizations receiving grants from Gates are Education Trust, Teach Plus and WestEd, the nonprofit 501c." 🤦🏻 ♂️

The moves of History...

Der ausgesprochene Wahnsinnige seines nächsten Meisterwerks "How to Avoid Climate Catastrophe" Microsoft-Gründer legt technologische Durchbrüche und radikale Strategien dar, die wir im Hinblick auf die globale Erwärmung verfolgen müssen.

"Alle reichen Länder sollten zu 100 % auf synthetisches Rindfleisch umstellen. Sie können sich an den Unterschied im Geschmack gewöhnen und behaupten, dass sie im Laufe der Zeit es noch besser schmecken lassen werden."

🤦🏻 😂

Here 🖕 we do not comment, think for yourself and decide for yourself. 

🤡 Someone has reached an epic level of stupidity: The CDC recommends wearing tights with masks.

The CDC's latest recommendation, following the recommendation to wear two masks, is to "put a transparent nylon hosiement sleeve over your neck and pull it either on the fabric or on a medical procedural mask... so that the mask fits tightly to the face." pdf👇

It will be interesting to look at the maskers in stockings, diligently following the recommendations of WHO and CDC, and how they will implement this recommendation🤦🏻 😂

Italy. The forecast for population growth by 2025 is the number with a negative sign: from 62 million to 44 million people.

💉Gerade aus dem falschen Mund gerutscht. 

Freunde, ihr alle wisst, dass all diese so genannten Globus. die Eliten sind Perversen, Flipper und andere, die ihre auf den Kopf gestellte Welt aufbauen, und dass mRNA-Impfstoffe nur für den Notfall zugelassen werden dürfen, wobei Tierversuche verpasst werden.

Also sprach einer dieser Upside-downs wieder. Experiment mit Impfung 

MRNA-Impfstoffe, die beim Menschen stattfinden, können für plebs unbekannt es fallen. Facebook-Chef Zuckerberg sagte: "... wir kennen einfach nicht die langfristigen Nebenwirkungen der Veränderung der DNA von Menschen mit RNA."

Seien Sie versichert, Freunde, keiner von Leuten wie Zuckerberg wird jemals einen mRNA-Impfstoff akzeptieren, so dass niemand Ihnen davon erzählt hat. Covid ist eine der behandelbarsten Krankheiten, sowie andere ARVI.🤦🏻 😂

For the vast majority, the pandemic has been a misery. But for the few rich it was an opportunity to make money on their schemes and connections.

The British Labour Party politician, 27-year-old MP for Coventry South, said that donors to the British Conservative Party had received contracts for SIS (masks, aprons, face flaps) worth more than 500 million pounds.

David Meller donated $60,000 to the Conservative Party and received a SIS contract worth more than 163 million pounds.

The longer these locks continue, the more money they will all earn, and once all the businesses go bankrupt, they will buy up all the land and the cheap, using the British taxpayers' own money they received from SIS contracts.

BigTechtopia: Die BBC erhält Millionen von der Gates Foundation.

So arbeiten die Medien heute und versuchen uns zu sagen, dass Gates ein guter Kerl ist und dass der Plan, die Weltbevölkerung durch Impfungen zu reduzieren, nicht seins ist und dass er nie gesagt hat, dass er seine Kinder nicht impfen würde.

Und interessanterweise werden dieselben Leute, die freiwillig ihre eigenen Kinder in diese dystopische Höllenlandschaft stecken, weiterhin für das System arbeiten, Steuern zahlen und darüber jammern, wie schrecklich es ist, während sie nichts tun, um all diesen Unsinn rückgängig zu machen und abzuschaffen. Jetzt ist es für jeden offensichtlich, Freunde, ein sehr großer Teil der menschlichen Gemeinschaft leidet an Ambivalenz / Schizophrenie, die es ihnen ermöglicht, ihre Kinder zu geben, wo sie sie nicht geben wollen und Dinge tun, die sie nicht tun wollen. Ihre Zahl in unserem Land, wenn niemand diese Hölle aufhört, die auf uns zukommt, wird sich nur vervielfachen👇

Ein Freund des Pädophilen, wie Gates den Gründer von nannte, einem Unternehmen, das Online-Schulungen für Unternehmer Clay Clark anbietet, erhält der Conman Fauci aus Israel ein legales Bestechungsgeld: 

"Dr. Anthony Fauci erhielt den Dan David Israel Prize in Höhe von einer Million US-Dollar für "mutige Verteidigung der Wissenschaft angesichts der uninformierten Opposition während der komplexen Covid-Krise." 🤦🏻 😂

Eine Nachricht eines Deutschen, der angeblich mit einer "Krone" krank ist, 🤴

Nikola Rubenberg, 15. Februar 2021

Ich muss etwas sagen: Ich beliege seit vier Wochen bei der Krone. Mäßige Leckage: Atemprobleme, trockener Husten, Austrocknung der Schleimhäute, Kopfschmerzen, etc. Ich würde offiziell in die Statistik aufgenommen werden, wenn ich überprüft würde und wenn ich sterben würde, würde ich natürlich zu den Toten von der Krone gezählt werden.

Aber ich bin nicht getestet worden.

Ich war bei drei verschiedenen Ärzten. Bluttest: Zunahme der Lymphozyten. Die Diagnose ist viral, da eine Entzündung nicht sichtbar ist.

Beratung von Ärzten - Gehen Sie nach Hause und haben Sie mehr Tee und Vitamin C!

 Brustschmerzen bleiben nach 4 Wochen stark. Trotz der Antidepressiva (die ein wenig halfen), konnte ich es im Alltag nicht bewältigen.

Dann ging ich in die Klinik in zürich und sie diagnostizierten es,

 Jetzt fest halten:

Pilzinfektion, innere Organschäden!

Beschädigung der oberen Atemwege durch den Pilz Aspergillus und Candida. Ursache der Übertragung: MASCA! 😷

Seit Montag, Ich habe Antimykotika verschrieben, und schließlich ist es besser!

Aber was ich bekomme, ist dies:

1) Ich hätte sterben können, wenn der Pilz in den Blutkreislauf gegangen wäre, hätte ich Sepsis.

2) Ärzte, trotz ihrer Ausbildung und Bewusstsein für Pilzinfektionen, nicht einmal wegen der Coronapaik berücksichtigt!

 3) Ich glaube, dass die Symptome von inneren Pilzinfektionen EXKLUSIV für Corona sind, mit Ausnahme von Fieber.

 4) Wenn ich ins Krankenhaus ginge, würde ich eingesperrt und ins Koma versetzt.

Ich appelliere an alle, wenn jemand eine ähnliche Erfahrung machen wird: Bitte vergessen Sie nicht Pilze.

Die Maske fördert die Entwicklung von Pilzsporen... 😷🤢🦠

🇺🇸Thisant Inspector von Los Angeles wurde vor der Kamera erwischt, als sie ihre Hände vorinfizierte und begann zu tanzen und zu tanzen wie ein Affe, nachdem sie am Sonntag beim Super Bowl die Bravery Brewing Bar geschlossen hatte, weil sie Empfehlungen für einen Covid hatte.

Diese nützlichen idiotischen Schafe beim Fasten schreien und feiern buchstäblich, wenn sie Geschäfte schließen und das Leben der Menschen zerstören. Sie sind dann überrascht, wenn Goodwill ihre Adressen online veröffentlicht. Sie sind Kriminelle.

🇺🇸 As we warned, Friends, the idiocy of a large part of the population due to the so-called media-fuelled catalysion will worsen. Sheep will be fiercely and frenzied to defend their right to be sheep and the right to idiocy and ignorance, limiting the rights of those who understand what citizens are what👇

Panic in a supermarket in the U.S.: Flashmob protest against boiler restrictions, arranged by free-thinking citizens who broke into the supermarket without a dirty rag on his face. 😂

💉 Conspiracy Theory about how Bill Gates, under whose mania to destroy people summed up the philosophy of neo-Marx, invigorating elderly cosmonaut Schwab, was not going to recycle the population of the Earth with his vaccines.

"THE SUNDAY TIMES. Billionaires Club in an attempt to curb overpopulation: America's richest people meet to discuss ways to address the "catastrophic" environmental, social and industrial threat. 

"Some of the leading American billionaires have secretly met to discuss how their wealth can be used to slow the world's population growth and accelerate improvements in health and education. The philanthropists who attended the summit, convened at the initiative of Bill Gates, microsoft's co-founder, discussed joining forces to overcome political and religious obstacles to change..."

By their command, the lords of the world and the earthly firmament, the world's oceans and basins, the sky, cancel the rights of citizens and common sense. And there is no one above them. 

Today - masks from the virus, tomorrow caps of foil from radiation, the day after tomorrow corks to reduce carbon dioxide.

Yardley Yidong: "I understand that it is very difficult for non-scientists to know who to believe in this disinformation crisis. For those who do not have a scientific background, it is extremely difficult to know where to find reliable data or how to analyze it confidently. I think it's easier (for now) to adopt a government narrative, but it won't get any easier. We had 10 months of locks and tiered systems, and most recently "Christmas canceled" with a notification in less than 12 hours. Please trust me and many other experts in this field who tell you with confidence that blockages do much more collateral damage than saved lives. How can alarming reports of "increasing morbidity" not be combined with overcrowding in hospitals and soaring mortality rates? Apparently the NHS is constantly on the brink of so-called "collapse," but is Nightingale Hospital empty? Yes, the NHS can struggle, but we must remember that we are in our normal flu season with only fewer staff, all thanks to the extremely unreliable and widely discredited PCR test, which means that at any time at work, staff fit to stay at home will be ordered to stay at home. We seem to have completely forgotten about the unspecies health and non-sighted deaths. Does the public really believe that covid (a virus with a survival rate of 99.9%) is the only disease? While we remain locked at home, many sit in horror and solitude, another disease

remains non-profile. Sometimes they talk about "long covid." There is no evidence that this happens more often or harder than after the flu. Speaking of "flu," there is strong evidence that the risk from this virus is LESS than from the flu. The cure can't be worse than the disease. The government's "Treatment" includes the biggest rejection of health care (non-covid causes) and the economic destruction of our time. This mess won't end until enough of us get up and say, "I'm at odds with this. I'm not in the world looking the other way, while the people around me are losing their jobs, dying, can't get medical and dental care. I'm not okay with kids losing their education and having tough times at school and at home. I'm not okay with the mental health crisis. I'm not okay with my elderly relative spending what might be their last Christmas alone." And all you don't like, but it still happens." No one in my position can fix it. If it were possible, if the Government or THE SAGE were ever interested in solving any problems I have ever raised, it would have happened long ago.

So you're being lied to, and it's not for your own good. Stand together and say, "Enough is enough!".

This guy's Twitter account has already been cut 🪚 

🇺🇸Doctor Scott Jensen says who has reduced the number of PCR test cycles and that it coincided with the release of the vaccine: You're being played out.

You don't understand?

 🇩🇪 German's charity Children's Center "Children for World Peace" passed to the laboratory for analysis tests/smears from masks, which are usually sold in stores, after it was used by a child at school for 8 hours (the most common time to wear a single mask).

Result: 82 colonies of bacteria and 4 colonies of fungi (fung'ides).

🇺🇸😷🤦🏻 ♂️ Vendy Ullman and the Governor of Pennsylvania were caught on a micro when they called the masks "political theater" which they want to do "on camera."

Governor Tom Wolfe: So, Wendy, I'm going to take off... I'm going to take off my mask when I talk, so

Wendy Ullman: I'm going to shoot, too, I'm just waiting for us to do a little political theater. 😂

BBC 💉:

England. Anyone who tested positive for "coronavirus" within 60 days of death is included in the number of deaths. 🤦🏻 😂

🎚💉As for vatican staff to refuse to accept so-called "anti-participation," a vaccine with a "human" from Pfizer, staff will be fired.

😷Sing maskwork. Looks sterile doesn't it, Friends? 👇

🇺🇸Bayden says that blacks and Latinos from Latin America do not know how to use the Internet and cannot figure out where to get the anti-vaccine vaccine.👇

 Back in 2015, Bill Gates invested in human shit and drank water from poop. 

Gates: "I drank water made from human faeces. I watched as piles of faeces rose on the conveyor belt and fell into a large container. They made their way through the car, cooked and cleaned. After a few minutes I relished the end result: a glass of delicious drinking water.

The reason was a tour of the object, which burns human shit and produces water and electricity (plus a little ash). I've visited many such sites, such as power plants and paper mills, so when I heard about it - it's part of the Gates Foundation's efforts to improve sanitation in poor countries - I couldn't wait to check it myself.

The water was as delicious as anything I drank from a bottle. And after studying engineering, I enjoyed drinking it every day. It's so safe.

Here's a short video from my visit in November, which explains how it all works." 🤦🏻 😂


When the doctors put a tampon in the woman's ass, it turned out that he had gone too far and getting it became a problem.

After a little thought, one of the doctors set to work. When one of them started picking at her aunt's ass to pull out the tampon, she screamed at their feet, but they wouldn't listen to her. They didn't care, and they didn't listen to the disenfranchised patient. Apparently, they thought she was screaming in pain, while she just gave them a signal in her care for them. She was screaming for their own good. Unfortunately, she was unable to "save" either the doctors or their clothes.

Epstein's paedophile friend Bill Gates owns four private jets and a Porsche collection that are kept in his 66,000-square-foot mansion.

He says beef cultivation is killing the planet, while buying up a record amount of farmland.

The study showed that it is a super-emitter of CO2. But he says you have to make sacrifices for zero carbon. As the saying goes, it's all right when it's a paedophile bill.

The ritual of the initiation of freemasons in the 33rd degree includes a little boy-bride . The color of the ribbon encircling the dedicated tricolor of the Russian Federation 🇷🇺 


We're all going to die.

- 1960 - no oil in 10 years

- 1970 - another ice age in 10 years

- 1980-acid rains will destroy all crops in 10 years

- 1990 -Ozone layer will be destroyed in 10 years

- 2000 - Ice will disappear in 10 years.

- 2000 - Y2k (millennium) will destroy everything!

- 2001 - Anthrax will kill us all!

- 2002 - West Nile virus will kill us all!

- 2003 - ATICIC pneumonia will kill us all!

- 2005 - Bird flu will kill us all!

- 2006 - Ecoli (Intestinal Stick) will kill us all!

- 2008 - Financial crash will kill us all!

- 2009 - Swine flu will kill us all!

- 2012 - The Mayan calendar will end. We're all going to die!

- 2013 - North Korea will launch World War III. We're all going to die!

- 2014 - Ebola will kill us all!

- 2015 - ISIS will kill us all!

- 2016 - zika will kill us all!

- 2018 - Global warming will kill us all!

- 2019 - CO2 will kill us all!

- 2020 - Covid will kill us all!

The truth is that fear will kill us all. Turn off the TV and wash your hands, as Pilate did, left behind by all this sura.

𝓔𝓭𝓶𝓸𝓷𝓭 𝓓𝓪𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓼

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