Murzilka 54.

Murzilka 54.

"ᝪẞᜱᜧᝪᝀ𐍃 ᜧᜬᢗᜠᠻ᠗ᜧẞ᠘ᠻ ᜬᠻᜦ𐍃"


This artifact was adapted by African slaves, the land - the owners in America, so that they did not get fruit from the plantations, did not speak the human language, did not communicate with each other and did not pray to their gods.

The daughter of Mossad agent, financial conman Robert Maxwell, the infamous girlfriend of Gates' friend paedophile Epstein Yizlen and one of her lovers. 

We're sure you all recognized this blond guy, so without a name.

In 2009, Mexican 🖕model Gabriela Rico Jimenez screamed from the hotel, in a state of hysteria and shock, that the English queen was eating human flesh .


🇺🇸 "Pandemic - FAKE " U.S. 

The nurses who say this also add that the hospital is PUST, and laugh, not that from the misunderstanding that many of them have actually become free and unwitting accomplices to this global crime, perhaps it is nervous, from the realization of the sad fact that they are criminals 👇

🇺🇸Parney and Reddit got to the billboard in Times Square. Digital advertising on the corner of 54th and Broadway in Manhattan. The ad hung for an hour at the end of January 2021 👇

🇺🇸Atoped Satanist, a close friend of the infamous Hillary Clinton, former chief of staff of her failed presidential campaign, John Podesta, and the torture of a boy at the Pizzeria/Concert Venue, located on Connecticut Avenue in Washington, D.C., in the Chevy Chase neighborhood, Comet Ping Pong, owned by James Alefan. This is a war between GOOD and NESS.

By the way, Boris Johnson's girlfriend, the mother of his child, Carrie Symonds, who is friends with Marina Abramovic, this spiritual culinary friend of Hillary Clinton and this very John Podesta, also looks not ahh from all points of view ...

Satanism, Vaccination, Bill Gates, Microsoft video featuring Marina Abramovic 2016 . In the network of emails of John Podesta (he headed Hillary Clinton's campaign, among a large volume of emails a letter from Abramovich with an invitation to the so-called "Spirit Cooking with Marina Abramovi" .

It is in the letter Satanism and the occult. Satanic practice with menstrual blood, breast milk, urine, sperm used to create a picture. 

Abramovich, as an honest Satanist, then rejected all the accusations and claimed that the name was taken out of context, and her art never had anything to do with Satanism. But Marina won't understand us with this tuff 👇

🔹Arest of Bill Gates for crimes against humanity

🔹Manth of Locks

🔹Presidents are just puppets used by elites

🔹 Any mandatory vaccines

🔹Three reboot - New World Order...👇

Globalists have long turned the opening ceremonies of the Olympic Games into secret messages and rituals. 

The opening ceremony of the 1992 Olympic Games in Barcelona is a rather eerie spectacle with a coded message, perhaps about the imminent history with the covid. 

Symbolism in everything, whoever and whatever of you thinks about it. Yes, symbols are not always man-made. Sometimes reality independently adds symbolism to the actions of people, that We could perform the written Great "Having a mind, let it reason", and tried to minimize the number of those about whom They were written "hear - and do not understand, and look with your eyes - and will not see."👇

An introduction to reality which the ignorant are still called conspiracy theories. 

The Fed is a private bank owned by eight families, four of whom live in the United States: Goldman Sachs, Rockefeller, Lehman, Kun Loe (New York). Families who own the Fed from abroad are the Rothschilds (Paris and London), Varburgi (Hamburg), Lazarus (Paris) and the family of Israel Moses Seif (Rome). 80% of the Fed belong to these families.

The people with the most Fed shares are William Rockefeller, Jacob Schiff and James Stillman.

But the Fed is just a branch of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), which is located in Basel (Switzerland). In line with this, the Fed is simply a central bank managed by the BIS, which is a kind of real World Capitol, and, if you like, a real world government. All the other governments and their politicians are just some kind of actors who read and tell people what the BIS told them to say. 

The executive officials of the BIS are: European Bank Director Mario Draghi (Italian), President of the German Bundesbank Jens Weidman (German), Fed President Jerome Powell (American) and Chinese Governor of the Bank of China Yi Gan (Chinese), but they are not the essence of the important, because all the national central banks of the countries that belong to the BIS, and this is virtually every national central bank in the world (apparently excluding Cuba and Russia) also belong to eight families. This means that all the banks belong to them. This means that every company that has taken a loan from a bank (i.e. a member of the national central bank owned by BIS) also belongs to them, which means that they own not only all the media, but also every major company in the world (Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Twitter, Google... all this shit belongs to them)

Next, you have to keep in mind the "Roman Club" (this is the Rockefeller Foundation-connection with Bill Gates, who, of course, got his money, as well as zuckerberg, from whom?

Their humanism is Hitler's humanism, which was also supported by the fed's owners. Last but not least, the assassination of John F. Kennedy. It was Allen Dulles, Rockefeller's cousin and founder of the CIA, who made any serious investigation into Kennedy's assassination impossible.

Rockefeller also founded the non-governmental organization "Tripartite Commission" with paedophile Eppstein and Edmund Rothschild as future official members of the inner circle, the secret fraternity.

It is absurd and surprising at the same time that the Rockefeller Foundation, which together with the Gates Foundation and the owners of the Fed sponsored Hitler and his concentration camps, as well as the rest of the liberalistic allows itself to open his mouth now 👄 and call us far right. 😂

An Indian government unit set up to develop soaps and medicines from cow shit has branched out and become more using a "chip" that it claims can protect people from mobile phone radiation.😂


"More than 95% of coe-shaped tests are false-positive. Untested cooid vaccines have significant side effects. 

NSE doesn't care about your health. A covid-psiop that should collapse the world economy. 

RTE (Raidio Teilifis Eireann- Irish semi-public broadcaster) -virus. 

RTE is a cover for criminals who offend children. 

Experimental vaccines violate the Nuremberg Code. Top scientists refuse to vaccinate their children. Vaccines cause autism. Tony Huloha, like the past, is lying to the Irish people.

Explore the Great Reboot: A Plan to Create a Single World Government of a Totalitarian State. RTE is state-funded fake news. 

RTE - journashluhi. 

RTE virus. 

RTE is lying about the covid. 

RTE has BigPharma in your pocket. 

Vaccines can be paralyzed. Masks spread bacteria/microbes."

By the way, Ireland 🇮🇪 one of those places where we are well understood 😂

It's hard to say how all the other feminists are, but I think if a normal woman's vagina spoke, she'd definitely go to the gynecologist...

It's your troupe from India the media have started talking.

Peasant protest January - February 2021 went through the police millstones: the people beat them and just threw them into a ditch.

Musical 🎶 pause 🖕 to the hit of all time: New York - New York 👇

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We quickly make and deliver ritual wreaths To order wreaths for the funeral with delivery to Washington Funeral wreaths of living flowers. Delivery to Washington? yes, that's right, no, change. Prices and assortment depend on the chosen city. 

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If you wish, we will attach a free postcard to the order, where you can write a message to the recipient of the bouquet.

For example: 

Oh, this funeral is just a paradox.

Funeral - more expensive than life !

Close - grief and ruin.

Far - contribution-obligation.

Funeral is the last chance

son-in-law, pretend to feel sorry for my mother-in-law.

To the daughter-in-law - to cry over her mother-in-law.

In the other world, everything will be counted!

Funerals on a grand scale.

The music team will bury anyone

sadly. The quality of tears and entertainment

guests - guaranteed. Drinking and snacking -

cheap, according to the agreement with the deceased.

In the career world, there are two types of employees - those who are constantly fired, as well as valuable staff, which constantly want to keep . How to become the most amazing employee, who want to hire all the bosses, we will tell a little later

Our best employees are reliable, decent, proactive, conscientious people who can be great leaders and followers. They have a fairly wide range of qualities that, nowadays, are quite difficult to detect...

🇺🇸Video questioning Epstein: The question of defect of his egg-shaped penis

-Could you have your right hand, please, yes. Do you swear that what you are going to give will be true, all right and nothing but true? 

Yes, I swear. 

Could you give us your name?

Jeffrey Epstein.

-Is it true, sir, that you have what has been described as an egg-shaped penis? (indecipherable voice-over - "issues are not only controversial..." he is warned that he may refuse to answer questions and then they will be postponed). The testimony of one witness described your oval-shaped penis and stated that when standing he was fat on the base, but was thin and small in the direction of the head, that is proportion.., which is called egg-shaped.., these are not my words. I'm sorry, but as a security guard as Mr. Creighton said that..?

After a question, Gates' friend Eugenic and paedophile Epstein, with whom they collected sperm, gets up and leaves, burying all hope of finding the answer to this question.

🇺🇸You no doubt, Friends, that after his absent appearance at what was called the inauguration, Bernie has won great sympathy from American voters and we think he is already worthy of June - July 2021 to become the Person of the Year according to some magazine.

💉Vaccine from the kovide Astra'eneca has proved ineffective for people over 65 years of age.

Speaking to reporters just hours before the European Medicines Agency (EMA) recommended the vaccine to adults of all ages, French President Macron said there was "very little information" about the vaccine developed by the British-Swedish company and the University of Oxford.

"Today we think it's almost ineffective for people over 65," he told AFP reporters at his office, 

"Today, I can officially tell you that the first results we have are not encouraging for people between the ages of 60 and 65 with regard to Astra'eneca." 

Macron also said he was waiting for the EMA's verdict, which was handed down later on Friday, as well as France's own health authority, "because they have the numbers."

"I don't have any data, and I don't have my own scientific team looking at the numbers," Macron conceded, "... The goal is not to get as many first doses as possible. When you have all the health agencies and manufacturers that tell you that in order for this to work, you need to do two injections with a maximum of 28 days between the two, as is the case with Pfizer/BioNTech, and you have a country where the vaccination strategy is: to do just one injection, I'm not sure it's serious. Scientists tell you that we accelerate mutations when you only make one injection because people are less well protected, and so the virus adapts. We lie to people when we say "you're vaccinated." You have the first dose of the vaccine, consisting of two. ».

"The reason is also that there is currently insufficient data on the effectiveness of vaccines for people over 65 years of age," the commission, known as STIKO, also said.

The sad reasoning of the certified political scientists causes sadness, and their predictions do not come true.

Holders of diplomas and titles often do not see beyond their noses, forming an agenda far from reality.

The formation of a "new society" and "new normality" was marked by protests in Paris, Lyon and Lille.

They are protesting against the Global Security Bill, which, among other things, will prohibit police from being filmed.

Jennifer Rene Psaki (/ˈsɑːki/; born December 1, 1978) is an American political advisor and the 34th and current White House press secretary.

Jenn Psaki's brother Jeff Psaki works as a portfolio manager at Citadel. At a press conference when asked about the stock market and Robinhood/GameStop, Jenn said they would take care of it. With Melissa Hodgman as the new SEC director (Peter Strzok's wife) and brother Jenn working at Citadel LLC, the picture is much clearer about how the swamp really works.

From the personal archives of the 📹. Sharikov leads Psaki to the house 🏡.

The beginning of a marriage in the first marriage . Life did not work out, the first was a big walker on women and all offered to marry him. 

Glenn Greenwald: Literally the dumbest fucking people in the world - absolutely dumb, who can't get even dumber - are those who don't just claim, but really believe that Wall Street firms are paying powerful politicians huge sums for banal 45-minute speeches because they want their wisdom, not slavery: 

🔹Jesica Grace: Janet Yellen accepted $810,000 in performance fees from Citadel, the owner of Robinhood.

🔹Reporter: Are there any plans to recedish from advising the president on the situation with GameStop and Robinhood?

🔹Psаki: And she's an expert and deserves the money. 😂

Another canary.

Prime Minister of Japan: 

I attended a special dialogue in Davos #DavosAgenda and explained my political priorities, such as the response to COVID-19; Creating a greener society; Digital transformation and Japan's commitment to free trade. At the meeting, I reaffirmed Japan's determination to host the 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games in Tokyo. I had a fruitful conversation with Professor Klaus Schwab, Executive Chairman of the WEF, and its CEOs. ".

Ritual dances 👯 🖕 for the famous and perennially concerned with initiation. The real onanists are the squawch. 

Freudian reservation and/or a message of intent to make people's participation voluntary and conscious:

"Look how things are going very well. Things like the production of child death..." 

💉Children in Spain are programmed and forced to say "we are vaccinated for the sake of peace": 

"Old people die from vaccinations, and children plan to be vaccinated for peace at school. Rascals," writes Ladecom journalist Christina Martin Jimenez. 

It's really dark in Spain, Friends, but that's just the beginning. We think very soon many will think that the school is not a good idea, which, in principle, will suit the organizers of this vaccine hell.

Children's traffic and a fraternity of paedophiles in the world behind the scenes with adrenochrome, Friends of what the criminal media call "conspiracy theories", there is a reality, the echoes of which still break through the wall of silence. Often the traffic of children of migrants in the EU ends for children in captivity, and for their parents, sent separately from their children to the "promised places" in the EU, the news of the death/disappearance of their children.

Many of you may have heard information that has miraculously broken through some media outlets about mass detentions this fall and arrests in the EU, Belgium, Germany and others, when a significant number of children were released from paedophile captivity.

We think, we started talking about it a year ago, we hardly believed and our reputation, which, by the way, we do not really appreciate, preferring not to impersonate something or Someone, and to remain who We really are, would be subjected to obstructionism. 

The next section we call : Fauci and other bestialisler: 

The case was revisited in January 2021 and President Biden's new chief medical adviser, Dr. Fauci gleefully announced that President Biden had agreed to withdraw Trump's previous decision to withdraw support for WHO, calling Ethiopian President Tedros a "dear friend." Fox News " Revolution" host Steve Hilton shared a zoophilic fantasy about one of the main ideologues of the "pandemic" conman, the head of the CDC, a friend of Gates, Anthony Fauci. He said that after sharing his fantasies about the origins of COVID-19 with the public, Dr. Fauci "will need high-ranking friends."

Hilton shared his deep knowledge of the flu virus and the way it is transmitted from one ferret to another. According to a study by the Hilton zoophile, the respiratory system of ferrets is very similar to that of a human one. About 10 years ago, scientists at Erasmus Medical Center in the Netherlands manipulated the virus in ferrets until the virus mutated so much that it could be transmitted through the air. This is how another way of stealing budget funds through another new viral study,"enhanced function was born. The idea was to raise more money 💵 and create the most contagious and deadly viruses in the lab to help us better prepare to fight them.

According to Hilton, the Gain of Function virus study was funded by none other than Dr. Anthony Fauci of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. The Wuhan Institute of Virology is one of the leading laboratories studying covid.

"Imagine that a deadly virus created in a laboratory as incredibly contagious somehow escaped from the lab; he could wreak havoc - precisely because he was created for it - not by nature, but by us! ," Hilton said. Gain of Functions research has always been highly controversial. Despite the controversy surrounding the study of this type of research, they have always had one steadfast champion, the leading figure in the world of infectious diseases - Anthony Fauci. His institution de facto redirected money to the first study of ferrets. At the time, he co-authored an article in the Washington Post in which he described the study as "a flu risk worth paying attention to ... important information and ideas can be obtained from a potentially dangerous virus created in the laboratory.

Despite the Obama administration's ban on "enhanced functions", Dr. Anthony Fauci has donated more than $3 million over six years to another zoophile, zoologist Peter Dashak (known as the "bat man") of the Eco Health Alliance. Dashak first discovered the origin of the SARS pandemic from bats more than a decade ago. Peter Dashak himself donated part of Fauci's "Improving Function" project to the Wuhan Institute of Virology." 

Hilton continued:

Let's see what they did with Fauci's money," Hilton says. On the results page of the project there are 13 articles, co-written with the head of the Department of Infectious Diseases Wuhani. One of the works, published in 2017, and zoologist Peter Dashak is listed as a co-author. In the funding section of this document is the ID of the project ordered by Fauci. It's a money trail 👣! So far, the only account of Fauci's role in all of this has been on the financing of the Wuhan Laboratory as a whole. Today we can go further - thanks to this article we can see the specific activities of Fauci. Finance - and it's terrible!"

According to Hilton, they collected samples of bat faeces in a bat cave in China, discovered new coronaviruses in bat faeces, and then infected human cells. Here's the most important part, Hilton explained: "The genetic changes they made in the lab opened a very specific doorway into the human body - the virus that causes COVID-19 uses the same doorway!"

In general, the dog's and false trail 👣. Money is banally stolen, no shit ferrets can not infect the world 🗺. That's what we're telling you. Stop engaging in onnism, first learn arithmetic, geography and history with physics, and then open your mouth 👄. Really got off with their investigations of theft. 

Official mortality statistics of one of the particularly kovid-affected regions of the Planet (in England and Wales) and couididiotes who do not believe in official figures, but are believers in the media. 

Who do you think you are, Friends? 😂

In Paris, everything is more interesting, Friends) 

In Paris, everything is real, there people came out, having a real occasion, so the passions boil real ...

Although, and there and there, people are sorry. For hardly anyone understands that they are all led ... and to where they want to go out without being there - in real captivity and totalitarianism.

Holger Tschepitz, and author of "Debt Without Redemption ?" about the addiction of states to debt. 

𝓔𝓭𝓶𝓸𝓷𝓭 𝓓𝓪𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓼

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