Murzilka 53.

Murzilka 53.

"ᝪẞᜱᜧᝪᝀ𐍃 ᜧᜬᢗᜠᠻ᠗ᜧẞ᠘ᠻ ᜬᠻᜦ𐍃"

 "Creative day/evening" 


"Cold Summer 1953 "


An amnesty group of criminals committing serious crimes one after another is hiding in the taiga. In search of food and means of transportation, they come to the village, where waiting for the boat are two amnestied political prisoners. These two and have to save helpless residents from a gang of repeat offenders ...

The mouse was placed on top of a can filled with grains and was happy that there were so many swag around her that now she did not have to run in her search, and that she could live her life happily.

Enjoying the grains, after a few days she reached the bottom.Now she is trapped and can not get out of it. 

Now it is completely dependent on who feeds and puts the grains in the same vessel to survive. 

If at first the mouse had a choice - to start eating and enjoying, or to leave the jar with food - now it has no choice. 

🔹Kcrto-term pleasures can lead to long-term pitfalls 

🔹If everything goes easy and you feel comfortable, rub for a hundred, you are already trapped in addiction.

🔹 When you don't use your skills, you lose more than your skills: You lose the ability to CHOOSE and FREE yourself.

🔹Freedom is not easy, but can be lost very quickly.

🔹N LEAST is not easy in life, and if something is given too easily, Friends, then perhaps it is not worth it.

🇺🇸Pamela Anderson (1,2mn followers): "This will be my last Instagram post

Twitter or Facebook. 

I have never been interested in social media and now that I have mastered my life, I am truly inspired by reading and being outdoors. I'm free. Thank you for your love. Blessings to all


Let's hope you find the strength and inspiration to follow your goal

and try not to be seduced by wasted time 🙏

This is what they want and can use to make money

Control of the mind." 

Sacred victim, we have repeatedly said: - it will take a sacred victim to make a lot of people think about their criminal actions. 

BBC presenter dies of vaccine 

Lisa Shawdit died: the bbc presenter had blood clots after the vaccine Astra'eneca.

💉🇺🇸Tim Sook January 5, 2021: "Never before have I been so excited to get an injection. Now I am fully vaccinated after receiving my 2nd dose of Pfizer."

After 2.5 hours, the 60-year-old radiologist from Santa Ana, California, was already in the intensive care unit of the hospital where he worked. Soon after, Tim fell into a medical coma. On January 9, it became known that he would never be able to provide medical assistance to anyone, as he had died. The coroner identified the cause of death as "undetermined."

This group of people demands that the police release an elderly woman who was hospitalized with a suspected urinary tract infection and refused a covid test. Her daughter has a power of attorney and demands to be let in.

This is not the future, it happens in January 2021 . 

(sorry for not giving details about location)

🇺🇸 around the same time Joe signed two health ordinances: "... and the second, uh, second um, the order that I'm going to sign also changes what the president, the president, the president, the former president, and that, um, the reversal, my pressure just came under attack on the women's house, because of health and, uh, while we continue to fight Covid-19..."

It's still not clear to us, Friends, how the media quotes him, and how everyone gets the same quotes. 

⚠️💉Y make some of them infertile?

"In short, the conclusion is this: we made a big mistake, we didn't realize it until now, we thought that the spike protein was an excellent target antigen. We never knew that spike protein itself is a toxin and is a pathogenic protein. So by vaccinating people, we inadvertently inject them with a toxin. In some people, it enters circulation, and when it occurs, it can cause damage, especially in the cardiovascular system, blood clots, heart attacks, intestinal bleeding, crossing the blood-brain barrier, observed in breast milk, which has been observed to cause intestinal bleeding in infants. My question is, especially given the buildup of protein spike in the ovaries, do we make some of them infertile?" Dr. Byram Breedle, Associate Professor of Viral Immunology, University of Guelph 28.05. 2021. 

However, now you may feel, Friends, that the Swabians are failing their plan to fight the covid(population). The vaccine should not have been so lethal in its first iteration, and plus they failed to suppress the spread of truth on the Internet. If history somehow points to this and I understand it correctly, they will back down for a while (for the summer, until August), pretend to punish villains (e.g. Fauci, Gates, but not the fact), put all their best minds to the making of a better plan, raise a toast for their significant achievements (reducing the birth rate of the population, increasing tracking through health apps , "beast tags" in the form of a vaccine already blocked passport and many other) and will try something more demonic in the future. 

Perhaps it will happen in a few years or just a few months. Most likely, the test launch of something more sinister awaits us in the future. 

What is a "global population reduction" - a plan in which they will go to any means, up to the murder of anyone, as it has become with the presidents of Tanzania and Burundi. Whatever happens, it's all a distraction. Evil is still hidden in the shadows. Never be complacent - the war continues and the first significant result, which was told by the assistant professor of viral immunology at the University of Guelph Bayram Bridl, they have already achieved. 

😷Yers can hardly say whether it was caused by rags and morgulons, or a round-the-clock lie so it affected the wearing of rags on the respiratory organs, perhaps something else, but the fact is also an unpleasant and strange phenomenon.

This phenomenon is the "swollen language" spreading across the world.


Dr. Byram Breedle, Professor of Viral Immunology: Spike protein in vaccines is a very dangerous toxin.

This 7-minute video can save your life, the lives of your children and grandchildren. If you do not understand your native language, the main message of the doctor will again be in the void. 

🌎This great reboot-slavery and "Beast Label."

The European Union (EU) is preparing to present a digital wallet that will allow citizens in the bloc to store payment details and passwords.

The app will also allow participants in all 27 countries to keep official documents, such as driver's licenses and other, and access various private and public services using a single online ID 🐏

🐏😷When people are so stupid and disfigured by covididiotism, our hope must be minimal.

Hacking consciousness | Dr. Robert Duncan on "The Voice of God" technology

Magnetically Activated Nanoparticles allow remote control of the brain and give the ability to read thoughts, the ability to project thoughts, voices and visions directly into people's heads. This will precede or go along with the blue ray project - an alien deception, a deception about admiration.

Big format video 🖕

Everything we talked about about operation covid, plus a little more in this one short and stunning video. It's time to put another coin in the crowded piggy bank of our patience of your elitist madness.

Perhaps, Friends, you all miss the shaven naked good and fabulously beautiful Bavarian neo Marx Klaus 🤶 Schwab and sad for his pitiful and meaningful matches? Give you this weEF cosmonaut as an encouraging incentive. Meet and open the doors 🚪 the house and the windows for this happiness, a friend of paedophile

Epstein without honey: "Until everyone is vaccinated, no one will be safe."

Epatage coincidences from a very old children's movie 🍿 

Even limousines were thrown because of Hillary Bernie's intrigues👇

Obviously, the household has long dreamed of a beautiful fairy tale, it came this New Year's fairy tale in 2021 and turned everything into a shooting pavilion tragicomedy. As you meet the new year so it will end the talking people's rumor . 

🇺🇸South can't accommodate once again a drunken old Pelosi, who is experiencing right during her speech what in some countries is called dry 👇

Rare footage of Princess Elizabeth in 1946 in some strange Druid ritual before she became queen Elizabeth II.

And if you ask us who we like the most in this colorful composition above, we will answer without hesitation: - like everything. We can not give preference to anyone at the beginning of the material, it will disappoint the reader and destroy the mystery of baptism - the knighthood of the cosmic Teutonic Order of the Editorial. Let's continue our gallery. 

🌎Canada. British Columbia. 

The Ministry of Health and the Ministry responsible for the statistics of older people's livelihoods. 

Not every country has a "ministry responsible for the statistics of the elderly." 

And it is these very old men who now die in packs after vaccination. In Scandinavia alone, about 30 old people died after vaccines in 10 days alone. And that's not including the rest of the EU, where things are about the same. 

There seems to be a direct link between The Kagal's plans to dispose of the Old Men, as gates and Lagarde talked about, and other ministries, and the creation of such ministries. We have long ago said: - reducing the burden on pension funds and social payments. If you are involved in this you are criminals and we take you to the door of the prison cell . Apparently we were not heard or thought we were joking? But the quality of perception is not our problem.

🚜🇩🇪Srestian Farm Protest in Berlin, January 30, 2021 in front of Axel Springer👇

🌎May Teresa was a child trader who sold babies and earned between $50 million and $100 million a year for the Vatican. Among Teresa's acquaintances were Baby Doc Duvalier, a Haitian dictator, Charles Keating, a criminal involved in savings and credit transactions, and Robert Maxwell, the father of Gates' friend paedophile Jeffrey Epstein, who trafficked children, Gisele Maxwell. And what's more, Mother Teresa opened an orphanage in Washington with no one other than the infamous Hillary Clinton. This orphanage was quietly closed in 2012.

In the video, the boy victim of violence talks about child traffic, what was done to him, and other satanic things.

🌎Sine Soros and his family's dolls and don't tell us it's otherwise called. 

George Soros owned a significant stake in WuXi AppTec pharmaceutical/biotechnology company in Wuhan, where coronavirus erupted.

It seems to us that one address is enough to understand the ownership of Soros, but let's give a more specific geolocation, so that it becomes even more clear about the location in Wuhan. As can be seen from the order, Soros owned a stake in WuXi AppTec at 666 Goaxin Road for about $250,000.

Soros's ownership of the company dates back to 2011, which still does not cancel our surprise at the sight of such coincidences, when the near-Sorov headlight, the bio-company finds itself in the center of the COVID19 outbreak. All Soros holdings were included in the list of market supervision and investor protection services of the SEC in 2011.

However, it seems that if Soros has not got rid of his stake in this company at the moment, we can say with a certain degree of certainty that the efforts of Soros and Bill Gates in the care of the health of the citizens of the Earth have merged and summarized.

According to a report published on Friday January 2021, the American company Schr'dinger Inc., with offices in Portland and New York, whose software is used in pharmaceutical companies and biotechnology laboratories, and provides molecular modeling and software solutions for enterprises to improve the efficiency of drug search and materials development in for science, has attracted funding of $85 million, which was implemented by the Bill and Melinda Foundation. 

Of course, the Chinese biopharmaceutical company in question, as you probably guessed, is the company mentioned above and is called WuXi AppTec.

Funds/companies such as Deerfield Management, Baron, ziming Venture Partners and GV, formerly known as Google Ventures, also participated in the donations.

What is no less interesting, the co-founder of Microsoft and the famous billionaire "philanthropist", since 2010 donated as much as three times to Schredinger - 10 million dollars. U.S. in 2010 and $20 million. U.S. in 2012.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which has $50.7 billion in assets in 2017, is a tax-free private foundation that holds the donated investment assets of Bill and Melinda Gates, as well as Warren Buffett. The trust was founded in 2000 and is headquartered in Seattle, Washington.

As we can see, the paths of Gates and Soros, so far from the bio- farm and other industries of people, joined in the coronavirus agenda, and Gates' connection with COVID19 is no less obvious than the connection with him of the same Soros. 

👆WuXi AppTec also makes test kits for viruses. Gates earns on coronavirus tests and revenue from the U.S. budget 🇺🇸.

Pfizer's 💉Vaccine, which has already been taken over by millions of people, "has never been approved or licensed by the FDA, but has been allowed for emergency use." 

Essentially a grandfather, all the people who received it are guinea pigs without the possibility of receiving any compensation for the harm that can be caused by the vaccine.

And that responsibility lies with the U.S. Legislature 🇺🇸. The business company is taken out of responsibility by a corrupt and irresponsible legislator. And try to prove that it is not.

Are you going to talk 🗣 or will you keep the bitch quiet? 

🤡💉The Forbes: Some of the countries with the highest vaccination rates have experienced a sharp increase in deaths from #COVID19 kovida: Experts say this is partly to blame for complacency:

We have long ago, high and loudly said something similar but a stronger expression, we can and will repeat again, great-secular American swagger and rudeness. 

Surprisingly, no one thinks to answer questions and increase the number of deaths in science. Meanwhile, virus-specific antibodies neutralize viral infection and are an important component of the host's antiviral immune response. However, in conditions of sub-neutralization or non-neutralization, antibodies can amplify viral infection, providing an alternative way of entering the virus into the host cells.

This phenomenon of antibody-dependent amplification facilitates viral infection of more primary target cells, as well as allows the virus to penetrate other immune secondary target cells, thereby expanding the tropism of the virus. In addition, ADE also modulates the host's intracellular signaling pathways, thereby suppressing the antiviral immune response. Together, these mechanisms serve to enhance the replication of the virus and pathogenesis, and the balance between neutralization and strengthening of antibodies affects the outcome of viral infection and disease."

ADE has been demonstrated in vitro and animal models for a number of viruses including DENV, HIV, influenza, RSV, Ebola, SARS-CoV and CHIKV. While the occurrence of DENV-ADE in humans and its association with severe disease have been clearly demonstrated, the clinical significance of ADE for other viruses has not been fully studied. However, ADE remains a concern in the development and use of vaccines and immunotherapy products against these viruses.

Finally, when considering the approval of future vaccines, it is advisable to examine the long-term effects of vaccines. Even we, far from medicine, understand that the consequences of today's vaccination will be clear in decades. This global impact will only be clear in 10 years after years of application and analysis of the results of your experiments. The first losses in total causes of death are in the hundreds of thousands or even millions, not still collected and calculated, it is quite complex and time-consuming process, unlike your chatter on TV and your own social media accounts. 

We're not just concerned about the main purpose of your Marxist Great Reboot- the introduction of a "beast tag" for every plebs representative, without which neither buy, nor sell, nor go to work, nor visit a sports club, nor many other similar, "vaccine passports", we are not just concerned about not medical actions related to the health of citizens, we are not just concerned about all the criminal antics of BigPharma and BigTech, who absolutely do not care at all, we say you do not and have gone out of our sight 👁 out of our sight, you can go to Sasha 👇 In the ass. 




Light is my mirror.

Tell me the whole truth.

Yal in the world is nicer,

All blush and whiter?

Oh, my God, as much as you can,

Every day, this face,

And the question is one and that

You can see the drinks every night.

That's fate not to give, not to take,

Every day I have to lie,

You're beautiful, there's no argument.

I'm sick of all this nonsense.

What did I do wrong?

I've been a kid.

I can't see her.

and you can't hurt her.

She doesn't have nerves in the arc, 

Leaning on the floor, and all the ku-ku.

I'm tired of this face,

What does she look like?

The bitch drinks,

And with the question comes,

How long can I have?

You have to use vodka carefully.

It's not normal to be a brother.

Wait for the mirror to answer.

I'm going to try her today,

I say, this is an asshole.

She doesn't care.

Stands firmly on his own.

Yal in the world -- your mother,

I don't know what to say.

I'm ready to crash,

She's going to dream about me at night.

What if she's alone,

And the soul is full of anguish.

We don't want to talk to her,

There's no one to pour out your soul.

How am I supposed to leave it?

I'm going to keep praising her.



2014 🖕

The movie is better, because filmed professionals. 

The Fable of Krylova quartet

What do you call it? Everyone will call it their own way. As always, we play poetically:

Donkey, goat, monkey and goat bear staged a quartet in krylov's fable. The inventor of the monkey in every way arranged their musical game, but that's how the rest did not think that musical instruments and notes - it's not all that is needed for music. It turns out that you need to be able to play!

Prankster-Marty, Donkey, Goat da Goat Bear

They started to play the quartet.

Got the notes, bass, viola, two violins

And sat down on a puddle under the sticky -

To capture the light with your art.

They hit me in the bows, they fight, but they don't.

"Stop, brothers, stop! Monkey shouts. "Wait a minute!

How does music go? That's not how you sit.

You're with the bass, the target, sit down against the viola,

I, prima, will sit against the trah;

Then the music is the wrong one:

We're going to have forests and mountains!"

Russell, the quartet started;

He's getting along well.

"Wait a long time, I've found a secret, -

Donkey shouts, "We'll get along, right,

We'll sit next to me."

The Donkey obeyed: they sat in a row,

And yet the quartet is getting better.

Here's the forest of the former went to them parsing

And disputes about who and how to sit.

There was Nightingale to the noise of their come.

Here with a request all to him to solve their question:

"Perhaps -- they say - take a little patience for an hour,

To order our instill:

And we have notes, and we have the tools;

Tell us how to sit down!" -

"To be a musician, so necessary skill

And your ears are gentle, -

Nightingale answers them. -

And you, friends, no matter how you sit down,

Everyone's not good at it."

💉 Without Nuremberg 2.0, where the defendants will be those who by their actions, decrees despised the first "Nuremberg", the world can not do.

People are waiting for a lot of answers without offering anything in return. If the "foil hats" are so crazy, how about a reasonable follower of the rules at least once given a few answers?

- Explain how the flu disappeared, but was replaced by something that has EXACTLY symptoms?

"Explain that the only proof of Covid's existence is a computer-simulated genome with no physical evidence.

Explain how you prove that something exists without going through the process of isolation or purification? The so-called Covid-19 virus has not yet been isolated in all Koch postulates.

Explain why no government agency has quantifiable evidence that "it" exists at all?

Explain why they downgraded the Covid-19 rating to "inconsistent infectious disease" a few days before the pandemic was declared?

- Explain how they provided the law on coronavirus 2020 in a matter of days, despite the fact that this law takes several hundred pages?

Explain why they should use such deceitful criteria as "death for ANY reason within 28 days of a positive test result"?

Explain why the autopsy was banned?

- Explain why they changed the law to allow any practitioner to diagnose COVID-19 only through observation, even if it is done through video consultation?

- Explain how millions of protesters around the world do not fall ill with "Kovid"?

- Explain that this is the only crisis that requires an advertising campaign coupled with a constant barrage of repetitive propaganda of "brainwashing" on television and on the streets.

- Explain how tens of thousands of people stood on the streets of London last Saturday, but it was never shown on ANY TV channel?

"Explain how thousands of people shouted "shame on you" in front of media headquarters in London, Manchester and Cardiff, but it wasn't shown on TV?

Explain why people who wear masks and follow the rules are the only ones who have contracted COVID?

- Explain why the creator of the PCR-amplification tool officially declares that PCR was not developed as a test for infectious diseases?

Explain why they use PCR to diagnose an infectious disease?

Explain why "Death from Covid" was replaced by "cases" of COVID infection?

- Explain how "anti-ryvists" are blamed for the rise of "cases" when the only people who can contribute to statistics are people who pass the "test" in the first place?

Explain why hospitals were empty at the height of the pandemic?

"Explain why thousands of nurses are being fired for saying their hospitals are empty?

- Explain why hospitals are now overflowing with adverse reactions to vaccines, but the media do not report it?

"Explain why children should be vaccinated if, by your own definition, covid is not dangerous to children?

Explain: if all vulnerable people have already been vaccinated, why should all healthy people be vaccinated if you are already protected, and the recovery rate has already been 99.96% without the vaccine?

- Explain why the average age of death with "Kovid" is higher than the average age of death without it?

- Explain how you can be banned from Instagram, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter without explaining the reasons and for sharing official government links and research by scientists and infectious agents?

- Explain why there are several class-action lawsuits that result in governments around the world being prosecuted for crimes against humanity, but without media coverage?

- Explain why most government leaders read the same scenario?

- Explain how everything you laughed at us last year is now becoming a reality this year?

This is the logical end of 🖕 which we know everything, unlike many of our readers.

Vladimir Vysotsky

I don't like

I don't like fatalities.

I never get tired of life.

I don't like any time of year,

When I don't sing funny songs.

I don't like overt cynicism,

I don't believe in ecstasy, and yet,

When someone else reads letters,

Looking over my shoulder.

I don't like being half

Or when the conversation was interrupted.

I don't like being shot in the back,

I'm also against shots at point-blank range.

I hate gossip in the form of versions,

The worms of the igloo, the honors of the needle,

Or, when all the time against wool,

Or when iron on the glass.

I don't like the confidence of a well-fed,

I'd rather have the brakes off!

It's a shame that the word "honor" has been forgotten,

And what's in honor of the eyes.

When I see broken wings,

There is no pity in me and for a reason

I don't like being violent and powerless,

That's just sorry crucified Christ.

I don't like myself when I'm rubbing,

It's a shame for me when innocent people get beaten,

I don't like it when I get into my soul,

Especially when it is spit.

I don't like arenas and arenas,

They're being changed by the ruble,

Let big changes come,

I'll never love it.

𝓔𝓭𝓶𝓸𝓷𝓭 𝓓𝓪𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓼

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