Murzilka 52.

Murzilka 52.

"ᝪẞᜱᜧᝪᝀ𐍃 ᜧᜬᢗᜠᠻ᠗ᜧẞ᠘ᠻ ᜬᠻᜦ𐍃"


According to Article 61 of the Magna Carta of 1215, we have the right to enter into legal dissent if we feel that we are being governed unfairly. Contrary to popular belief, our sovereign and his Government exist only to govern us, not to limit us. This must be done within the limits of our common law and the freedoms proclaimed to us by such a law. Nothing can become law in this country if it goes beyond this simple limit.

I am not obliged and will not answer your questions or give you any details.

I am a living person, and the statutes apply only with my consent.

I will conditionally take your claims on the evidence:

1 - Proof that the SARS-CoV-2 has been singled out and proven to exist. 

2 - Proof that the PCR testing procedure on SARS-CoV-2 is 100% accurate and cannot give any false positives.

3 - Data, confirmation of the Royal Consent from the queen and the signature of parliamentary approval that was passed the Law that makes my enterprise illegal.

4 - Confirmation of a contract in which I agree to participate in these guidelines.

5 - Proof that keeping my business open is a "threat to public health."

6 - Evidence that members of Parliament were given a genuine informed consent in the decision to close the business. I would also like to see what data was given to them and how they came to this conclusion.

7 - Please show me a nationwide risk assessment that was conducted when deciding to close the business.

8 - That you will personally assume full financial, medical and legal responsibility for any issues that will be caused by the closure of my business. This includes any loss of earnings on my part and my employees.

You have 7 days from the date of receiving this notice to provide evidence of the foregoing. All evidence must be sent by mail and must be backed up by an affidavit with a full legible name, signature, name, address, signature. 

If I don't get the evidence I need, I'll accept your silence for consent. I'm going to keep working.

The catast reality is that billionaires take to television to get locks that are more lethal than flu-like covid because they benefit financially from clipping competitors and monopolizing the market. 

Other billionaires then return to television to talk about how and which stocks are about to fall because of the locks they insisted on to make even more money by betting on their downfall. The circle closes...

🤡💉1984- Facebook has deleted 18 million "misleading messages" about #COVID19 since the outbreak of the pandemic and labeled more than 167 million others as misleading.

🌎💉In WHO, run by Gates' Semitic puppet, Hamit Gebreisus, recalled that they were a scientific and medical organization and announced that they would use the letters of the Greek alphabet to indicate variants of couidiosis in the future:

- Alpha: B. 1.1.7 (UK)

- Beta: B. 1.351 (South Africa)

- Gamma: P. 1 (Brazil)

- Delta: B. 1.617.2 (India)🤡

💉🤡There have seen more deaths after vaccines #COVID19 the past five months than deaths reported after vaccines in the past 20 years. 

Total totals: 16,397 Deaths and 1,448,992 unfavorable events, including injury and disability.

🤡💉BigTech, almost fused with BigPharma, are not much different from it. 

"Amazon devices will soon automatically share your Internet with neighbors: Amazon's experiment on wireless grids turns users into guinea pigs." 

If you use Alexa, Echo or any other Amazon device, you only have 10 days to opt out of an experiment that jeopardizes your privacy and security...

On June 8, the seller, web host and entertainment giant will automatically register devices in Amazon Sidewalk. The new wireless service will share a small portion of your Internet bandwidth with neighbors who don't have a connection, and help you use their bandwidth when you don't have a connection...

💉🤡 In NSW, two whites and one Redskins are needed to play "doctors and patients" to encourage vaccination #COVID19.

"We take photos and videos of imitations of couid vaccination in a safe environment of a medical center. We use a syringe with a Hollywood-class FX needle (a springed retractable blunt tip). The medical professional will be on the spot to observe and train the exact imitation of the injection.

Male and female actors in non-speaking roles should play a nurse, a doctor, and a patient. Previous medical experience or ongoing medical work will be useful, but not necessary. A completely safe and friendly environment." 😂

Bernie's 🇺🇸Awn mittens are priced at $3,800 and $6,100.

💉🌎Plan of technocratic game of obscurantists from the WEF

🔹Sed control of the media and political parties in all UN countries. 

🔹Snance the lab virus, which is slightly more deadly than the flu. 

🔹Bombing the world with round-the-clock kovid propaganda. 

🔹South the whole world will be wearing masks. 

🔹Dehicited algorithms that can identify masked people. 

🔹Dept the Agenda for 2030. 

🔹To join the 2030 Agenda as an opportunity to RELOAD the WORLD, systematically destroying the economy and "killing" as many jobs as possible (using a re-blocking strategy). 

🔹Snring the first placebo vaccine. 

🔹Use low-ampleification PCR to prove that the vaccine worked. 

🔹Saved people feel that normality is coming back. 

🔹Induly digital currency, vaccineed pass and social scores. 

🔹Insw the basic living wage for millions of unemployed. 

🔹 Monitoring of the population with the help of digital money, AI, 5G and other

🔹Insive legislation requiring constant social distancing and the use of masks. 

🔹Scatuat a mutated new strain of the virus or release a terrorist-related biovirus. 

🔹Sing a higher PCR amplification to justify new locks. 

🔹Deapped real vaccines, plus a sterilization vaccine. 

🔹Redecising about who's worthy of reproduction. 

🔹To reduce the population to 500 million (1 billion). 

🔹We enjoy full control of a "sustainable" orderly humanity. 

🔹A 2030 agenda is complete.

At what point, Friends, we are now, we think you all understand and see.


globalist agenda 2030 we gave earlier and paragraph 

"Using PCR with low amplification to prove that the vaccine worked" has already been implemented before our eyes: WHO at the end of January spoke specifically about the reduction of the number of amplimifications. 

Behind this paragraph was the paragraph "Let people feel that normality is coming back."

This point, Friends, began to come to fruition after Biden's arrival: 

🔹Washington, D.C., will allow "indoor lunches."

🔹Therman of Maryland decided that the state should reopen the schools no later than March 1.

🔹 Governor Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan says that "Michigan restaurants may reopen for indoor lunches on February 1."

🔹Mair Chicago requires the immediate opening of restaurants and bars. Chicago authorities are also threatening teachers' unions by telling them they must return to work.

🔹 Governor of New York Cuomo, the most ardent covididiot and couidisterist, suddenly abruptly changed his rhetorical course and demanded the opening of the city.

🔹This Governor of California Gavin Newsom rescinded all requirements for "staying at home across the state and allowing restaurants to open."

🔹Tho-term governor of Montana lifted some of Covid's restrictions.

🔹Affer Fauci now even supports the reopening of schools.

🔹Telecall CNN removed trackers with a hundred deaths from a cooida on its front page

Apparently, so far everything is going according to plan. The next point should be a new covid, apparently, which will be called covid-21. It is sad to realize that most of the people, all this do not understand and unintentionally become complicit in the crime of the globalist Kagal.

💉7804 adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccines documented by VAERS 👇

🇺🇸😷Four masks are the most it. 

A friend of eugenicist and friend of paedophile Epstein Gates, a CDC swindler, advised Americans to start wearing two masks, saying it "makes sense" to use more than one layer for greater efficiency.

However, researchers from the Virginia Institute of Technology went further and said that the two masks provide only 50-75% efficiency, and to achieve 90% efficiency should be used three masks.

But why stop at 90%, said another so-called "doctor" Scott Segal, head of the Department of Anesthesiology at Wake Forest Baptist Health in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, who believes that even this may not be enough: "If you wear three or four masks, it will be better filtered because it's more layers of tissue."

Given the fact that in China as of January 2021, more than a million people had passed smear coronavirus tests because the authorities said they were more effective, we were very restless for you when you leaned in the winter.

🤡🐏Four masks, stick in the ass for the dough and other.., as we see, the globe. Kagal continues to make people idiots with their complete consent and ignorance and turn our world into some kind of clown surrealist show 🎤 

🤡 Boris Johnson and his wife, the dirty-evil satanic scum.

 Wife goes under the moniker Nut Nuts, has close ties to the girlfriend of paedophile king Epstein McVell and the queen of Clinton's murders.

Boris's child's mother, Carrie Symonds, is friends with Marina Abramovic, Hillary Clinton's spiritual culinary friend and her campaign manager John Podesta. 

It's a good thing we're not a TV 📺 Friends, if I'm a screen- our program would be taken off the air and call me obscurantists.

Our citizen in shock: A sign with a Soros fist on a flower that reads "black owns, black is controlled"👇

🇺🇸🇨🇳 Elected Head of Asian Policy of the United States was one of the leaders of a non-profit foundation that had direct ties to the CPC. This was reported by The Washington Free Beacon fist.

President Joe Biden's choice of Asia's chief of policy, Kurt Campbell, served on the board of the U.S.-China Strong Foundation as vice chairman until August 2020. The group is funded by Chinese-American philanthropist Florence Fang, leader of the National Association of China Peace Association (NACPU), which is controlled by the Chinese international propaganda agency United Front Work Department (UFWD).

🇺🇸 Before the election, Joe Biden said only dictators bypassed bipartisan consensus using executive orders. However, in just one, during his first week as President of the United States, he signed 37 decrees. At the same time, Clinton, Bush, Obama and Trump combined signed just 10 executive orders in their first week. It's obvious, Friends, that Joe is unconsciously behaving like a dictator, he's just required and required to behave like that👇

It is time for everyone to realize that the phrase "conspiracy theory" and the image of a man in a foil cap was deliberately introduced into popular culture as a weapon against those who do not succumb to the tricks of the globalists and are constantly searching for answers, trying to get out of the matrix. 

Here is an excerpt from the 2011 article (!) of the year:

The world is ruled by a kind of supercorporation. Scientists from the Federal Institute of Technology in Switzerland came to such a shocking conclusion. They analyzed who owns 43,000 multinational corporations in the world, and suddenly realized that behind all of them is one "puppeteer".

"The reality is so complex that we had to move away from dogma, whether it's conspiracy theories or free-market theories," said James Glattfelder, the group's head of research. "Our analysis is based on real data.

The Shaeizars used a supercomputer. Of the 37 million companies, a core of 1,318 companies gradually formed, and then it turned out that all of them were subordinated to 147 corporations. And although according to the papers behind this superyad - only 20% of the world's income, in fact, if you take into account all the partners and "daughters", it turns out that about a hundred people physically hold 60% of the world GDP.

The Swiss even led the list of the top ten. All of these are financial corporations: Barclays, Capital Group Companies, FMR Corporation, AXA, State Street Corporation, JP Morgan Chase, Legal and General Group, Vanguard Group, UBS AG, Merrill Lynch and Co Inc.

"Indicators suggest that the U.S.-China Foundation may be an undercover group or under such strong PDA influence that it is tantamount to working undercover," said Anders Corr, an intelligence analyst.

🇨🇳 Beijing. The recommendation is to "pay attention" to this poster and "properly hold your posture" when taking a biomaterial for a covid test. 

This way of "working," Friends, is gaining momentum not only in China, but also in Italy🤦🏻 😂

🇺🇸Three Gates conman Fauci is the highest paid employee in the entire U.S. federal government.

🔹THE CDC Fauci: $417,608

🔹 President: $400,000

🔹 Chief Justice: $270,700

🔹 Pelosi: $223,500

🔹 Member of Congress: $174,000

According to Forbes, since 2014, the salary of the conman Fauci has grown from $335,000 to the current 417,608.

🇺🇸 the Chairman of the Proud Boys, a far-right, neo-fascist and exclusively male political organization that promotes and engages in political violence in the United States and Canada, Enrique Tarrio was an FBI informant. (REUTERS)

🌎💉No and how, Friends, how is the no 666 in the phone number of Pfizer's customer service.

The coup d'etat in Poland, Friends, looks really enchanting:

People immediately look healthy, as if there was never a pandemic, and everyone looks like people without these rags on their faces, not silent cattle.

🇺🇸 What age does the straight hair of little blonde Chelsea Clinton turn into red curls? 

Sacrificing your own child is an initiation into Satanic bondage. 

🇮🇱🇺🇸Pop Trump Fred made generous donations to the Jewish Medical Center of Long Island, supported Israel bonds and served as treasurer of an Israeli charity concert. He was so active in Jewish affairs that some believed he belonged to the Jews. In 1956, Fred Trump also donated land to the Talmud Tore Jewish Center at Beach Haven in Flatbush, New York. The centre is still open and offers programs for young people and the elderly, as well as a functioning synagogue. A plaque at The Beach Haven reads: "Fred Trump, a humanitarian, a shrewd man who deserves all the praise and appreciation of our community."

"Emmanuelle" is a French erotic film, directed in 1974 by The Director Just Jaquen, an adaptation of Emmanuel Arsan's Emmanuel.

The first film about the priestess of love Emmanuel. The plot serves as a canvas to describe the sexual similarities of the heroine in Southeast Asia ...


💉🇧🇷In Brazil, Old People Are Vaccinated Like this...

NUREMBERG - 1947: "... Voluntary consent of a person is absolutely necessary. This means that the people who will be represented in the experiment must be legally able to give consent; these people must exercise the free right of choice without any interference and elements of force, deception, lies, manipulation, coercion, cunning or otherwise; they must have sufficient knowledge of the subject matter to make a decision...".

To avoid arrest, a 17-year-old female offender can write a three-page handwritten essay on "the impact of covid-related contact restrictions on daily life and the meaning and purpose of infection protection rules."

🇨🇳 So, Friends, due to the advent of a more modern, new, method of covid testing and, since we mean that among our readers there are doctors and doctors who would like to have more knowledge about this way of taking bio-materials and testing before it has to bend / bend over, we offer your attention a lesson on taking this kind of tests on a covid.

Video: Man takes care of homeless people. It brings you hot homemade soup. Thus, according to the talking British police car, he violates the rules of the "crown". They're arresting him. And that's why they should be handcuffed.

Image with two British police officers

Video and photo by Mark Collett

💉 The Council of Europe's Social, Health and Sustainable Development Committee has issued a binding resolution that governments are not allowed to force people to vaccinate.

They are also not allowed to deny access to services or to use political or social pressure on anyone to obtain a vaccine.

It was also stated that contracts with vaccine manufacturers should be published for public inspection.

And so-called "vaccine/health passports" also cannot be implemented, as vaccine certificates should only be used to monitor the effectiveness of vaccines and side effects or adverse events.

7.3.1 Ensure that citizens are informed that vaccination is NOT compulsory and that no one is subjected to political, social or other pressure to vaccinate themselves if they do not wish to do so themselves;

7.3.2 Ensure that no one is discriminated against for not being vaccinated because of possible health risks or reluctance to be vaccinated;

7.3.4 Disseminate transparent information about the safety and possible side effects of vaccines by working with social media platforms and regulating their activities to prevent the spread of misinformation;

7.3.5 Transparently report on the content of contracts with vaccine manufacturers and make them public for parliamentary and public scrutiny;

7.4 for vaccinating children against Covid-19:

7.4.1 To strike a balance between the rapid development of vaccination for children and the appropriate solution to the safety and efficacy of all vaccines available to children, with a particular focus on the best interests of the child, in accordance with the Convention of the Rights of the Child; 

7.4.2 Provide high quality tests, with due attention to appropriate safeguards, in accordance with international legal standards and recommendations...

The armor is strong, and our tanks are fast, 

And our people have the courage 

Soviet tankers are in the line-up - 

His great homeland is sons.


Rattling with fire, sparkling glitter of steel 

Cars will go on a furious campaign, 

When Comrade Stalin sends us into battle 

And the first marshal will lead us into battle!

Plants labor and labor collective farm shares 

We will protect our country, 

Strike force of gun towers 

And the speed and the onslaught of fire.


Let him remember the enemy who took refuge in an ambush 

We're on the lookout, we're watching the enemy. 

We don't want an inch of alien land, 

But we won't give up our top.


And if the enemy comes to us, 

It will be a bit everywhere and everywhere! 

Then the starter drivers will click. 

And in the woods, on the hills, on the water....

Wartime Option 2

The armor is strong, and our tanks are fast, 

And our people are full of courage. 

Soviet tankers smash enemies, 

His great army is sons.


Rattling with fire, sparkling with glitter of steel, 

Cars go on a furious hike. 

Comrade Stalin sent us into a formidable battle, 

Favorite marshal bravely leads into battle.

Plants labor and labor collective farm shares 

We will protect our country. 

Strike force of gun towers 

And the speed and onslaught of fire.

Dutch guys hunt and chase plainclothes police officers in 💪 

𝓔𝓭𝓶𝓸𝓷𝓭 𝓓𝓪𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓼

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