Murzilka 52.

Murzilka 52.

"ᝪẞᜱᜧᝪᝀ𐍃 ᜧᜬᢗᜠᠻ᠗ᜧẞ᠘ᠻ ᜬᠻᜦ𐍃"

People - New Oil we have been talking about this for a long time.

Everyone is already aware that China has fully dipped into the climate agenda, and that Xi at the WEF webinar reaffirmed China's desire for "zero-emissions CO" and the proverbial "inclusivity." 

Trade Minister Gina Raimondo said the U.S. remains open about raising taxes on the middle class because "funds" for Biden's climate agenda are needed.

Greenhouse gas?

It will be only about physical values (special heat) and molecular-kinetic theory. Global warming is another topic.

Why did CO2 suddenly become a greenhouse gas?

Which "scientist" had the mind to call CO2 a greenhouse gas?

The greenhouse effect is the retention of thermal energy (infrared photons) near the Earth's surface. Do not allow thermal energy (infrared photons) to radiate into outer space.

Analyze what can hold thermal energy (infrared photons) near the Earth's surface.

First case. You have a cloudless night. Look at the thermometer in the morning.

Second case. You had the same day as in the first case, but by night the clouds ran. Look at the thermometer in the morning.

It is obvious that the clouds , which consist of droplets of water, hold heat (infrared photons).

What does CO2 have to do with it?

The water has the largest specific heat capacity, which does not compare with all gases, including CO2.

Precisely, the heat of the water in the clouds is due to the fact that the clouds first absorbed infrared thermal photons emitted by the Earth's surface. And then they radiated them, as it should be, in all directions. It turned out that half of the infrared thermal photons returned to the Earth's surface.

And what is the role in keeping the heat in gases, including CO2?


All gases are transparent for infrared and visible ranges. Only clouds are not transparent, in the form of droplets of water.

The presented mechanism of heat retention was explained from the point of view of molecular-photo-photo theory.

And how to explain the mechanism of heat retention from the point of view of molecular-kinetic theory, in which the transporters of thermal energy are not infrared photons, but the "heat movement" of gas molecules?

Could the wrong explanation for CO2 from this?

Causes of the greenhouse effect on Venus

 It turns out that in official science, the "scientists" consider the high temperature of the Venusian surface to be proof of the greenhouse effect of CO2 gas. What is not proof, the atmosphere of Venus is 95% CO2 and from this the surface temperature of Venus is 450 degrees. Isn't it logical?

 It’s not that it’s not logical — it’s not scientific.

 You need to be careful with logic, if not at odds with physics.

 What are the differences in the temperature conditions on the surface of Venus in comparison with the Earth?

 1. Venus is closer to the Sun and receives 2 times more heat than the Earth. The solar "constant" for Venus is 2610 W / m2, and for the Earth is 1360 W / m2.

 2. Venus is practically turned with only one side to the Sun. The rotation of Venus is almost synchronous. The Venusian sidereal year lasts 225 days, and Venus makes one revolution around its axis in 243 days.

 3. And, most importantly, the mass of Venus's atmosphere is 100 times that of Earth. Why is this the most important thing? About this in the next article "The reasons for the retention of heat in the substance."

 Due to these listed reasons, the heat, which Venus receives more, since it is closer to the Sun, and is always facing the Sun with one side, and because of the large mass of the atmosphere, the heat does not have time to radiate into outer space, and accumulates at the surface. The steady-state thermal regime, on the side facing the Sun, turns out to be 450 degrees.

 What does CO2 have to do with it?

 Another example is not in favor of CO2.

 850 million years ago in Cryogeny, the Earth's atmosphere also contained about 95% CO2. And, according to scientists, at this time on Earth there was the most powerful cooling, which lasted 250 million years. Scientists also believe that the entire planet was covered with ice, including at the equator.

 This is the greenhouse gas CO2.

 After all, it turns out that nothing depends on him.

 Reasons for retention of heat in a substance

 The more body weight, the slower it will cool down.

 What is the reason for this effect?

 The reason lies in the mechanism of the heat transfer process in the substance.

 1. Re-emission of infrared thermal photons occurs chaotically in all directions.

 2. The re-emission of infrared thermal photons occurs according to the second law of thermodynamics from more heated to less heated.

 Why is it chaotic and in all directions?

 So, the reason is one - the radiation of infrared thermal photons occurs chaotically in all directions.

 But let's look at one example first. Clouds consisting of water droplets are an example of the retention of heat at the Earth's surface. Clouds absorb infrared thermal radiation from the Earth's surface. Then they are re-emitted in all directions. Half of the infrared thermal photons will return back to the Earth's surface. Compared to clouds (water droplets), gas has a very low heat capacity and at pressures up to 1 atm. fairly transparent to infrared heat radiation. This proves that the sun first heats up the surface, and already from the surface heats up the air.

 If this mechanism of heat retention is clear, then we can proceed to consider the question of how the process of cooling of heated bodies, including those with a large mass, proceeds.

 Heat transfer in matter is associated with continuous neutrino bombardment of atoms and molecules of matter.

 How does heat transfer take place in gases? A neutrino strikes the nucleus of an atom or gas molecule. A molecule moves in the direction of impact before colliding with another molecule. Upon contact, they, according to the second law of thermodynamics, exchange infrared thermal photons.

 Similarly, heat transfer occurs in liquids and solids. A neutrino strikes the nucleus of an atom or molecule of a liquid or solid. The molecule vibrates in the direction of the impact. Upon contact with a neighboring molecule (atom), according to the second law of thermodynamics, they exchange infrared thermal photons.

 Since neutrinos of different frequencies (masses, energies) strike atoms and molecules randomly in different directions, the exchange of photons will occur in all directions. Thus, the movement of infrared thermal photons from the center of an object (gaseous, liquid or solid) to the surface of the object will not be constant. About half will always re-radiate back to the center, that is, return.

 Now let's look at the dynamics of this process.

 Take a ball with a large mass. Let's break it down mentally into several layers: center, first layer, second layer, etc.

 Infrared thermal photons from the center will be emitted into the first layer. But half of the photons will return back to the center. The photons remaining in the first layer will be emitted to the second layer, but half of them will return back to the first layer. The photons remaining in the second layer will be emitted to the third layer, but half of them will return back. This process will take place throughout the entire volume of the sphere. The duration of the radiation of a certain portion of infrared thermal photons that have reached the surface of the sphere and are emitted outside will depend on the mass, density and composition of the substance. The greater the mass, the longer the ball (body) will cool down.

 Here's an example for a very massive body. Scientists believe that for a photon from the center of the Sun to reach its surface, it takes 1 million. years.

 You understand why CO2 has become a "greenhouse" gas, although it does not have a greenhouse effect.

 The reason is this. Molecular kinetic theory, in which the mobility of molecules is related to temperature, but not related to Bohr's postulates, is unable to explain the reasons for the retention of heat. I had to blame everything on CO2.

About everything else here👇

Sources used:

1. Nikolaev S.A. "The Evolutionary Cycle of Matter in the Universe." 5th edition, 

St. Petersburg, 2009, 304 s.

🇩🇪😷Professivedus of the Police Union of the Federal District of Bavaria on the use of FFP2 protective masks in connection with SARS-CoV: 

"275 min time wearing, then 30 min break... Because our health is important to us..."

The detention and arrest of the Dutch "Michael Jackson" is commented by Steve Inman😂

🇺🇸Cuns of fakes: Visaut comments, Comrads...

💉 A friend of paedophile and child supplier world cagal Epstein Gates hopes that stories about him and his friend conman Fauci, describing how they actually do business, and what their end goal, will disappear. The guy also said that he wants even more suppression of social networks because of the meanness on the Internet.

Is it going to kill me? 😂

Epstein “The Kraken” Escaped Federal Custody During 6 Jan Riots

By Mike Baxter - January 26, 202164497

🇺🇸🇨🇳 The last of the 37 executive orders signed in the first week of the presidency states that the term "Chinese virus" or "Chinese covid" is currently banned.

The executive order applies to federal agencies such as the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and others that must examine whether their documents and other writings contain xenophobia in the form of a "Chinese virus" and correct it. 

Abstract from the patent US 6506148 b2 "Manipulation of the nervous system by electromagnetic radiation": 

- Humans have had physiological effects in response to skin irritation by weak electromagnetic fields that pulsate at certain frequencies of about 1/2 Hz or 2.4 Hz. 

Many computer monitors and television lamps emit pulsed electromagnetic fields with enough amplitude to cause such arousal when displaying pulsed images. 

Thus, it is possible to manipulate the nervous system of the subject by displaying pulsating images on the monitor of a nearby computer or TV. 

For the latter, an impulse image can be embedded in the software material or can be superimposed by modulating the video stream, either as a RF signal or as a video signal.

The image displayed on the computer monitor can pulsate effectively with a simple computer program...

The main crisis that the Power is experiencing all over the world and the Power of the World is a crisis of heroes and ideas. As a group of aging producers torn from Reality they try to put a new generation of old scratched records ... and it doesn't work. Here's a liberal twist, here's the communist choral singing... that's the nationalist wail. We don't care about the old bagpipes. We know that there is no democracy, we know that communism is dead, and there was also no pure absence. The Russian elite is implementing a plan to abolish the post of president and develop the only governing body of the occupied territory... it will be the State Council. A rigid vertical of power with COPs at each clan. Someone has a prosecutor's office, someone has a FSB... The new State Duma is not collected... it is scraped, artificially combining batches and growing stillborn types,New People,. Old people make new people... All this is so bloodless with energy, creativity and truth... that you can not even worry - it will collapse and outlive itself. Heroes and ideas... what we have and they don't have. Schwab and Atallyli lose... we see these transparent schemes more than ever and are free from far-fetched dogma. Soon we will tell you exactly what the world should be like. The dull old man, who believed in the cult of money and eugenics will naturally rot. 

The universe is not as simple as they think, and we are not as simple and weak.

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