Murzilka 49.

Murzilka 49.

"ᝪẞᜱᜧᝪᝀ𐍃 ᜧᜬᢗᜠᠻ᠗ᜧẞ᠘ᠻ ᜬᠻᜦ𐍃"


🇺🇸Reath of the Edition, which lay joe's length at the inauguration📓

Coronavirus is a conspiracy of the Rothschild clan and the Rockefeller family against humanity!

🇺🇸D. Pelosi, with a strange badge, orders her to shut up: "Don't say anything." 👇

The COVID-19 pandemic is a project of WHO and the World Bank. The Rothschilds and Rockefellers, like most of the world's elite, are in favor of reducing the world's population to 1 billion. And solving this problem requires, among other things, serious medical and virological research. 

The Rothschilds and Rockefellers often work in business partnerships and they have organized all world wars and revolutions around the world.

The Rothschilds, for whom London is one of the most important headquarters, are closely associated with the old Freemasons of Europe, Northern Italy, the Vatican, southern Germany. The Rockefellers are closely associated with globalism, which is a modern outward political expression of the old Masonic ideology. And other, other, other ...

🇺🇸 As we think the Bible he put his palm on without wearing a glove, Biden is lying under the cover down (or when he becomes vice president, he's the Bible cover down), and old Bernie looks a little lonely. We don't know what the lightning book kamala Harris put on the Bible.

🇺🇸Aorgia and parking lot behind the oval office, which was not there...

🇺🇸 The size of the Capitol dome during the inauguration is a bit strange, given its ratio to the stairs...

🇺🇸Odin Oval Office is available at Castle Rock Pictures, which built the vast white house scenery - the East Wing and the West Wing - in the Culver parking lot of Los Angeles for the 1995 film "The American President." The Castle Rock Pictures Oval office was used for Disney's "Nixon" and "Independence Day" by 20th Century Fox. 

They can afford The Mockingbird project, The Hunger Games and Gaga on the right, and the woman on the left is from The Hunger Games. 

🇺🇸 Biden signed his first executive orders on the first day of his presidency as soon as he took office as president of the states.

Interestingly, Joe for some reason put his visa on empty pieces of paper.

🇺🇸This should be enough to add two to two and understand how much it will be...

🧨Bill Gates: "I look forward to working with President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris to address some of our toughest issues, such as COVID-19 and climate change. It's been an anxious time in America, but I see promising prospects in the coming months and years."

👁American film "Operation "Operation "Inauguration"

🇺🇸 The Washington Post published an article about Biden's Oval Office to refute all the sketches that Biden was not in the Oval Office. 

It is not clear to us that none of the so-called journalists noticed the cars parked behind the windows right on the spot of the bushes of cars, wallpaper, which are not in the real Oval Office, the carpet is quite different colors than there is in the ov. or that Biden's oval office is on the second floor and a lot of other...

🇺🇸Friend paedophile Epstein Gates, CDC chief Fauci is visibly embarrassed when Trump utters the notorious deep state👇

George Soros's son in a cozy bed: it is immediately clear that Alex Soros is not a racist.

ASP Medical is a line of medical products offered by ASP Global, a private limited company in Malaysia.

A warehouse of thousands of boxes of "body bags."

Microsoft is filing a patent for the return of dead loved ones as AI - "chatbots" "collected" from the digital data of the deceased.

😳💉 "Satanic Microchips" in Vaccines

Mexican Cardinal Juan Sandoval Ieniguez was censored on Facebook after he said the Koida pandemic was part of a "conspiracy for a new world order," as WEF creator Schwab openly writes in his book "The Great Reboot." According to him, the COVID-19 vaccines contain satanic microchips, and "This pandemic will not end in a month or two months, maybe it will not end this year, maybe it will not end in three, four, five, six years. That's what these people want." 

The video shows what the pastor was talking about, nano chips and how developed this technology is.

Richard Gardner, a member of the Trilateral Commission, the New World Order Commission, and Richard Gardner, a former deputy assistant secretary of state for international organizations under Kennedy and Johnson, published in the April 1974 issue of the Council on Foreign Relations in an article titled "The Hard Path to the World Order":

"In short, the "house of the world order" will have to be built from the bottom up, not from top to bottom. It will look like a great "crashing, buzzing mess, using William James's famous reality description, but with the ultimate jog around national sovereignty destroying it piece by piece, it will achieve much more than an old-fashioned frontal attack ‘’👇

Young Senator Joe Biden with his mother Jean, 1978

Biden's eldest son Bo with his wife Halley at a state dinner honoring Chinese President Hu Jintao at the White House, 2011.

Biden's politics have been around for about 50 years, during which time he had the nickname "Middle-class Joe." He usually called himself "one of the poorest representatives of the American Congress." And if from 2021 minus 50 then arithmetic or Wikipedia will offer us a figure:

Joe Biden Council Member of Newcastle County from 4th Flag District

January 5, 1971 - January 3, 1973 . 

Joe, you couldn't help but know or not hear about these wonderful researches...

🇺🇸🇨🇳Friends, no one knows what kind of pin is that of Biden's Chinese bodyguard on his lapel?

She certainly doesn't look like a star of U.S. Marshals, although at first glance she can be mistaken for her.

🇺🇸🇨🇳Supuns the Chinese with Biden look like a PDA guard/curator?

🇺🇸Ladie Gaga simply had no right not to visit the Capitol and not to support the National. Guard. 

The Chinese guarded Lenin back in St. Petersburg, then in Moscow. Not only Lenin, but also Trotsky, as well as a number of other prominent members of the party were guarded. Comrade Yakir led the security. For this, along with Tukachevsky, he was enrolled in brilliant strategists, without which the Red Army in 1941-45 fought worse than it could. 

Civil War poster "So Bolshevik punitive detachments from Latvians and Chinese forcibly take away bread, ruin villages and shoot peasants."

Most recently, a group of Chinese tourists during a tour of Red Square found the body of Vladimir Lenin on the lawn and brought it to the mausoleum.

Lenin drank a lot with Stalin and took a break, but then the Chinese noticed him. They decided that the intruders had kidnapped and dumped Lenin's body, lifted it up and carried it with reverence to the mausoleum.

Employees of the Kremlin commandant's office, who guard the mausoleum, were extremely surprised when two dozen Chinese started knocking on the doors of the tomb. They were even more surprised to see that tourists were trying to bring Ilyich himself into the lobby of the mausoleum.

"I even sent a fighter to see if our Vladimir Ilyich was there, so his doppelganger looked like him. Then I tried to explain to the Chinese that this Lenin is not ours, but they did not understand Russian, and I do not speak Chinese. Half an hour I tried to explain myself to them, then he waved his hand and took Lenin under his responsibility," said the duty officer of the commandant's office.

The Chinese were not allowed to bring this alcoholic to the mourning hall of the mausoleum. They laid him on the floor of the lobby and, bowing low to the body, left. After waiting a few minutes, the officers put Lenin a little sobered out.

👁 Probably, for those who do not understand what is happening in the world now, could at least clarify the exemplary words of a member of the Trilateral Commission, the Commission on the Formation of the New World Order, Richard Gardner, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for International Organizations under Kennedy and Johnson, published in the April 1974 issue of the Council on Foreign Relations in an article titled "The Hard Road to World Order":

"In short, the "house of the world order" will have to be built from the bottom up, not from top to bottom. It will look like a great "crashing, buzzing mess, using William James's famous reality description, but with the ultimate jog around national sovereignty destroying it piece by piece, it will achieve much more than an old-fashioned frontal attack."

Hopefully this will bring you closer to understanding what's happening now. 

🇺🇸 Remember here aunt, Friends, with a narrow slit of eyes lying on Biden's bed, while he sniffed a coke with Lady Gogh, which was signed in the photo unname, that is unknown? 

Well, we've identified her. Aunt's name is Bo O'Connor and she's her best friend Lady Gaga, who was drathered by Biden Jr.

Vaccine 💉🤡 is a medicine that opens the way to concerts.🤦🏻 

A punk rock concert in Florida costs $18 for vaccinated fans and $1,000 for unvaccinated fans. 🐏

Dudes from Florida, especially Governor Ron DeSantis, you fell off the oak and the brain 🧠 knocked off?

🤡💉Friend, you just look at this neo-Marxist fuck and how he's messing around, and what he thinks of himself is a solder wearing a "a la darth Vader" suit that he's wearing like the king of the galaxy. 🐏 What a pitiful sight, these dressed old men, horror is just and snousful. The same 🐏plebs, only minted definitively.🤦🏻 ♂️

Yes, indeed, the farther into the forest, the thicker the log, and the thicker the up the career ladder, the inadequate people, which are such and call something language does not always turn. It's disgusting to look at and know that these freaks are influencing the agenda, and that presidents are doing what they tell. How else can God look at this? 

💥⚠️ Digital prediction of 2017 about the covid, China and the end of the world. 

American programmer (1969-2018), templeOS creator Terry Davis, the smartest and most talented programmer who ever lived on Earth, who considered himself able to talk to entities through various programs, which he created with the help of random number generators, somehow laid out an interesting code. On the screen of 2017, it seems, the memory addresses of each byte on the computer.

What it's like not a prediction - "China, Virus, Elections." Putin is mentioned twice in the code. Probably, in addition to the obvious prediction about China and the Virus, there are also further events. 




🔹Meath of Light

🔹Y's going to be your fourth

🔹Beyblay knock

🔹Pame of God

🔹Topea's face


It ends with the words "TSA," "FBI" and "Tax" (taxes/fee), which can tell us how our reality will end. FBI surveillance, tax- you can't sell.

Looks like we're in the second act of this strange play," "The End of the World."

The TSA- The Transportation Security Administration is an agency of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security that has the authority to ensure the safety of traveling public in the United States. It was created in response to the 9/11 attacks🧐

🤡🌎Video is all you need to know about the BBC's media headquarters in England.

If anyone thinks that the American media is somehow different from the foggy Albion, it is enough to compare their tv stories about the covid (the only purpose of which - the introduction of total digital surveillance, the introduction of "Beast Tags", slavery) to understand that the American media are no different from the British media, serving transhumanist eugenists, which says that the American media or useful idiots or not for the interests of the people. 

🤡🐏MMS recognize their own lies and propaganda in the news about the origin of sheepvirus. 

Mainstream media admitted that they did not report facts about the origin of couidiosis for political reasons, that they deliberately spread misinformation during the so-called "kovidiosis pandemic" in an election year. President Trump and his administration had credible information that the virus originated from a laboratory in Wuhan, China, but the media instead of reporting and investigating the story was "strategically" ridiculed and "tactically" rejected, portraying it as a 'conspiracy theory'. And all this was done during the worst of the terrible pandemic, this deadly pandemic (according to their round-the-clock reports). 

The Washington Post, the New York Times and ABC have admitted that they intended to misinform the gullible, ignorant, ready against the backdrop of the creepy "hack" all the plebs.

ABC's Jon Karl on the origins of Covid-19 and the leak from the Wuhan laboratory: "Some things may be true, even if Donald Trump said it"

Oh what news 😂

🌎 💉🦠Moderna warns that new waves of #COVID19 inevitable, and that people will sit on vaccines like drugs because apparently the vaccine has caused the virus to mutate.

At a virtual event for investors this week, Moderna's leaders outlined their plans to combat new coweida strains, saying new waves of the epidemic were on the way.

"As the virus spreads, it mutates quickly," said the company's chief scientist, Melissa Moore. "Some of these new viral strains appear to be even more transmitted than the original strain... We already know that some of these new strains are less susceptible to neutralizing our current vaccine."

The company said it is testing new variants in the lab against its vaccines and is "constantly" creating and testing new versions of its vaccine. But they cautioned that the process is not instantaneous, and that the company's flexibility is limited by the complexity of the job.

"The shortest time from the detection of a worrying variant to the preclinical definition of immunogenicity in relation to a group of pseudoviruses is approximately 2 to 3 months," said Guillaume Stuat-Jones, a Moderna scientist who works as deputy director of antigen development and selection in their infectious disease team. "And there are new viral variants that are constantly appearing in real time." 

💉Bill Gates told Kennedy about Merodka, money and the world: worst case scenario? 

Scenarios of an overcrowded planet that suffocates from a virus that affects the lungs. 🤦🏻 😂

🇺🇸THE head of the CDC, each other paedophile Epstein Gates conman Fauci at press briefings for Trump and Biden. This time he looks pretty happy.

"One dose of vaccine Astra'eneca (0.5 mi) contains: Vaccine COVID-19 (ChAdOx1-S" recombinant) 5 × 1010 viral particles

Recombinant, replicative-deficient chimpanzee adenovirus vector encoding SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein. Produced in a genetically modified human embryonic kidney (NAK) of 293 cells. This product contains genetically modified organisms (GMOs)."

Mark zuckerberg is located on the island of Little St. James (the private island of Gates's friend paedophile Epstein, where he kept his human zoo for the joys of the world's "elite" and simply said the dead and imagined bride that people.):

"While many people find engaging in sexual coitus and observing it both pleasant and satisfying, I sometimes find it difficult to observe the subsequent extraction of adrenochrome in small participants, as shown in the photo below. However, the absorption of adrenochrome is as pleasant a human activity as anything I have done so far."

Who is this powerful old man signing blank papers? 

🇺🇸 When he took office, Joe did sign empty papers, not executive orders, decrees, and more.

"Joe Biden issued 0 executive orders between 2021 and 2021." 

🎚 ... I ask you a question: if you will vilify Christ, if you have a blasphemy of God, who is your Father, what will you say?

"Don't you dare say such words about my Heavenly Father!"

Do you have the courage to refuse to obey Satan's orders?

He doesn't want us to take communion; he doesn't want us to be consecrated; He doesn't want us to go to church! He managed to keep the temples closed; that we do not begin the Sacrament and receive divine grace.

And we consider ourselves worthy of praise, modest and humble people who know how to give "obedience."

Whatever they do to us, we will remain silent... even if someone insults our mother or our father, we will rejoice that we live with everyone in the world. Do you agree with this form of obedience, with submission to evil?

We are faced with a choice. Either give up what is being imposed on us, or allow them to insult our God, vilify our faith, and tolerate it all for the sake of a misunderstood "world."

Meanwhile, Satan is the same fallen Lucifer who rebelled against God... And his servants step on us, hiding behind the fact that they are doing it "for our good."

And now he managed to pull on us a mask, as put muzzles on dogs and wild animals ... So that we do not talk, and keep quiet in a rag ...

Previously, doctors always said: open the windows, get some fresh air, it's good for your health. Now what are we doing? Clean air is considered a source of contagion... We swallow the waste of our breath, breathe sewage.

If you saw a person who eats his bowels (excuse me for this comparison), would you think it's reasonable? Tell me the truth. Isn't the same thing happening now? Satan managed to pull a muzzle on us, and now we breathe what is released by our respiratory organs, carbon dioxide...

Our God wisely arranged for man to inhale oxygen, and exhale carbon dioxide, which in turn processed plants. Man needs oxygen for life, and plants - carbon dioxide. he wants to make people look like plants: "Swallow carbon dioxide, you'll get used to it over time."

Do you understand the trap of Satan we have fallen into? Do our politicians understand how much they have betrayed our Motherland? Do our church leaders understand that they are not up to par, that they are far from faith and incapable of professing Christ? What kind of "well done" we are after all this...

Satan is afraid of the shrine. When you come into contact with the shrine, the devil is expelled. I ask you a question: did you think that this is the first time this has happened in Greece? They did not allow priests to even consecrate water, sprinkle baptismal water fields and houses, bless people. And banish evil in this way. Have you realized what awaits us? I'm not going to tell you anything in detail. Because if I start talking about it, I'll start crying again... I won't tell you what lies ahead. You'll see for yourself.

It would be better that the persecution be open, explicit, then everything would be clear.

When I was in Italy, I went down to the catacombs. Five million Christians lived there. They served liturgy in the catacombs, underground. And now we have churches, but who can serve in them? No one, because they're closed. We are told not to go to the temple so as not to become infected. You will see how they will be "infected" soon...

I'm not blaming you, members of the government. And you, too, the bishops. And you politicians. And you naive doctors. And you, the TV hosts. You are fulfilling your duties. You got your money and did what you were required to do. But you need to think about saving your immortal soul.

It was even easier for me to serve in Africa, in the Orthodox mission. I'm sorry they shut it down, too. People came to the temple from afar, walked 2-3 hours to get to the service. And our services took place in an adobe hut. I have a picture from a service in such a hut - with ordinary people, with small children. Everyone was on their knees, praying and crying. And then they prayed again. I was there as if I were among the angels of heaven. But these people live in a godless state, where idolatry flourishes.

Now I am in a Christian state, but when I come to serve the liturgy, I am surrounded by people who feel fear. Instead of being afraid of losing their souls, they fear not to die a year earlier: not at seventy-nine, but at seventy-eight years old.

Aren't we ashamed? After all, even the saints were sick and dying. Didn't Saint Porfiry die of illness? Wasn't Saint Paisius St. was ill? And St. Jacob of Eubei? I am talking about the saints of our time, our contemporaries. And the saint Nickifor the Leper, whose memory was committed yesterday? All people suffered from some diseases.

And what is a disease? Some piece of our lives... it is given to us from God for educational purposes. Diseases should not terrify us and make us tremble from morning to evening at the thought that we might die.

We've become real cowards. We believed the devil and created his will. Today we have reached the point where on the great day of Epiphany, the feast of the Father's God, our temples are closed. No more than 25 people (or 50 people at the ward) are eligible to attend the service. Will only fifty people visit the temple from the whole large parish of thousands? Fifty people will be consecrated, and the rest will remain uninvolved of grace? Are we not ashamed at least a little bit? Do we not have the strength to at least express our discontent out loud?

There may be some benefit from persecution: at least the chaff will be separated from wheat, so that we know who believes and who does not.

Christ's militancy must be strong and strong. If it is not, the devil will disperse it in an instant.

When I say things like that, I feel heartache and sadness. Who doesn't want to, you don't have to listen to it. You can even call Athens and call the police to get this crazy priest out of here who tells you crazy things. The police will immediately come to the call and free sane people from communicating with a madman like me.

There will come a time (you will remember my words) when you cannot find a priest who can serve the liturgy and teach you holy ordinances, and perform a funeral and burial.

There will come a moment (I see it with the eyes of my soul), when people will die like flies and there will be no one to read even a prayer at burial. You'll bury them yourself.

And all this is because you do not have the strength to stand up as one to defend our faith and say to the minions of demons, "We are Christians."

Small children have been consecrated and we adults have lost their grace. I was named after a little girl who was 11 years old, the martyr of Hope. She was only eleven years old when she was martyred. Her younger sister Lubovi was only nine years old and her older sister Vera was twelve. And they suffered torment for the love of God. Catherine, Varvara, Christina, Agafya, Agnia and myriad other martyrs - all of them were very young, practically children. But they had a strong faith.

I used to think adults were more conscious and wise. in vain! We have more stupidity, but not wisdom, alas... These children-martyrs possessed real wisdom. They knew what they believed. And to whom they serve.

Welcome to the new world of the catacomb Church. That's what it's all about. Soon the chaff will be separated from the wheat. And the great false shepherds will take most of it... here I pause and pause so as not to upset you even more. Those of us who truly believe in Christ, the god of the true, must prepare for the greatest persecutions for true faith and for the new catacombs.

Remember only one thing, I say this with confidence: now there will be the greatest saints for the entire existence of mankind.

Those who believe in Christ will not be so few. Maybe a million people. Those who will love christ the true and will not accept the Antichrist who is coming. I hope that you will be among these favorites as well.

When the Antichrist appears (his hour has not yet come), Satan will be perplexed as to how so many who love Christ have survived on earth. He'll be amazed by it. The spirit of the Saints and Angels will hide from his wicked eyes these righteous souls who worship Christ. In those terrible times, Christians will only be able to worship the true God and serve the liturgy only in secret. You'll see it with your own eyes. I'm not going to see it again, I'm not going to be alive.

They will remove crosses, fight with icons, check that they were not in the houses ... But some chosen souls, among them small children, will love God with such force that they will be filled with a fervent love for Christ, which will pour out of their hearts like lava from a flaming volcano, burning Satan and preventing him from approaching them.

God forbid that you and your children are among these blessed people. amen.

Archimandrite Elpidius (Vagianakis). Epiphany, 2021.

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