Murzilka 47.

Murzilka 47.

"ᝪẞᜱᜧᝪᝀ𐍃 ᜧᜬᢗᜠᠻ᠗ᜧẞ᠘ᠻ ᜬᠻᜦ𐍃"


What connects this Kutuzov, Soros and The Rothschilds?

18 U.S. Code 2384 - Criminal Conspiracy, 18 U.S. Code 2381 - Treason

Court in Peru: COVID-19- Invention of the 'global criminal elite'

A court in the South American state of Peru is currently raising eyebrows with many in its bold decision, which says that the COVID-19 virus is the invention of a "global criminal elite" made up of billionaires such as George Soros, the Rockefeller family, Microsoft entrepreneur and co-founder Bill Gates and other Swabians.

As the Criminal Chamber of the Chincha and Pisco Archipelago announced in a sentencing memorandum, the pandemic is "unpredictable only for its creators" who have managed and continue to manage it with extraordinary secrecy in their environment and global corporations."

🔹In the opinion, three judges wrote:

"No world government, individual or legal entity, nor the defence of the defendants can claim that this pandemic has a quality "predictable" other than the creators of the New World Order, such as Bill Gates, Soros, Rockefeller, etc."

The statements of these three judges have already received due attention even outside the country and they have been accused of spreading conspiracy theories around the pandemic. Therefore, the decentralized Office of The Master's Control (Odecma) Mka has already launched a preliminary investigation against the judges who signed the decision. The purpose of the investigation is to gather evidence that will help to identify the alleged violations committed by the judges.

💉🇺🇸Sup up to print a COVID-19 vaccination registration card on any conventional home printer. 

Remember comrades that most modern printers leave a trail of yellow dots on everything that is printed (to make it easier to look for counterfeiters), so remember that these documents will not withstand digital verification; This will allow you to pass through a police/military checkpoint at best. 

If and when there will be a digital "passport" system, the authors of this promise to arrange reverse engineering and on it too. This first version of the covid passport vaccination is designed for a temporary and emergency solution for people who have to have this documentation just in order to survive. download.

🇺🇸The collection of declassified documents, including the declassified report of 17.01.2020 of the Ombudsman on the politicization of intelligence on foreign election threats.

🇧🇾 Jerry Rice of the Communications Department accused President Lukashenko of lying.

In July, President Alexander Lukashenko said that the WB and IMF offered him a bribe of $940 million in the form of "Covid Aid." In exchange, they demanded from the President of Belarus:

🔹Sapped "extreme blocking" on his People/country

🔹Sing his people to wear masks 

🔹Inestive curfew for its People

🔹Indiving a police state for its people

🔹 to kill the economy and empathy/humanity in the People

The President of Belarus refused this proposal and said that he could not accept such an offer, because it would put his people below the needs of the IMF and the World Bank. On the IMF website, where they also talk about other countries that they are essentially bribing, the representative of the IMF's communications department, giving explanations, in fact accused Lukashenko of lying, saying that the IMF did not demand anything in return, except transparency of spending.

A: I want to ask you a couple of questions about COVID-19 and the IMF. The President of Belarus, as Lukashenko said, the IMF tried to "bribe him to quarantine him by offering funds (money) of assistance from COVID." So I wanted to know that you understand how you will respond to those who say that the offer of aid is an attempt to convince governments to take the pandemic more seriously. And then I thought about corruption, too. In Kenya, an investigation was under way into how materials were purchased and distributed. And there are some similar problems in Cameroon and Honduras, and I just -- I'd like to keep an eye on the countries you've helped with before, just to know how actively the IMF is tracking or keeping its finger on the pulse -- which countries have a problem of responding to COVID-19 with the help of the IMF? Thank you very much.

Rice: Thank you so much for those questions, Matthew. As for Belarus, I can tell you that in March Belarus asked the Fund to discuss possible emergency assistance, but no agreement was reached, and we found no way to overcome significant differences over the proper response to the present problems. The rapid financing tool, which is our emergency, one of our emergency financing mechanisms, does not carry the stringent conditions I explained at the beginning of the briefing, but there are need for transparency guarantees and appropriate policies to ensure that funds are used to fight the pandemic and promote economic stability. We're actually going a little deeper into your next question, Matthew. But in Belarus, I will tell you, we did not require quarantine, isolation, flea-bloods, but we asked for guarantees for steps to contain the pandemic in accordance with WHO recommendations, which is our standard operational procedure in all countries... And so on. 

Earlier, in a shocking event, the President of Madagascar made a sensational statement that WHO had offered him a $20 million bribe for "poisoning" a COVID-19 drug in the country called COVID-19 Organics, made of artemisia. Madagascar asked to cover the shop of scammers and called on all countries to withdraw from WHO.

Earlier, the President of Tanzania expelled WHO representatives from the country after Goat and papaya samples tested positive for a covid. A few days after the Tanzanian incident, Burundi also declared the WHO group on the coronavirus for "interference in internal affairs" as non-grant persons. The intercepted report also found that Bill Gates offered a $10 million bribe for a coerced vaccination program against coronavirus in Nigeria. After that, in the Italian Parliament, the Italian politician demanded the arrest of Bill Gates, and revealed the agenda of Bill Gates in India and Africa, as well as plans to fight the human race with the help of the digital identification program ID2020, which combines an immune passport, a means of payment (Visa, Mastercard), and which is already being tested in Africa.

The IMF admitted that it demanded locks and masks from Belarus.

"But still, with regard to Belarus, I can tell you, we did not require quarantine, isolation, fleas, but we were looking for guarantees to take measures to contain the pandemic in accordance with WHO recommendations, which is our standard operating procedure in all countries."

Notice the play on Jerry Rice's words. The IMF uses WHO recommendations to block and wear masks, so he says the IMF did not require locks and masks, but the IMF required the country to comply with the WHO requirement, i.e. wearing masks and locks. I wonder who this can be calculated on and does this guy think that no one at the game of words did not catch his lies? If so, we have to sympathize with our politicians, who have to deal with this level of idiots who consider themselves non-idiots. In fact, the IMF, represented by this guy, admitted that he demanded locks and masks from Belarus.

The puppet head of WHO, Ethiopian Herbrayeus, could face genocide charges. 

An American economist nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize has called for the prosecution of the head of the WHO's Gates for genocide during his alleged involvement in the leadership of Ethiopia's security forces. David Steinman accused 55-year-old Ethiopian Tedros Adhanom, whom Gates and China was drafted as head of the WHO three years ago, of being one of three officials who controlled Ethiopian security services from 2013 to 2015.

Dr Tedros was health minister from 2005 to 2012 and foreign minister until 2016, when his Liberal Party was a key member of the ruling coalition. Mr. Steinman, an economist and campaigner nominated for the Peace Prize last year, filed a complaint with the International Criminal Court in The Hague, where he stated that Tedros had "made decisive decisions regarding the actions of the security services, including the killing, arbitrary detention and torture of Ethiopians".

The complaint to the ICC prosecutor's office came after General Berhanou Jula, the chief of staff of the Ethiopian army, last month called for the Ethiopian to be removed from WHO and accused him of trying to buy weapons for the Tygray area, where the Ethiopian army is fighting the locals.

In his complaint, Steinman pointed to the U.S. government's 2016 report on human rights in Ethiopia. The U.S. report also mentions "other documented crimes." He also accused Tedros of involvement in "intimidation of candidates and supporters of the opposition," including "arbitrary arrest" and "prolonged pre-trial detention."

The complaint also alleged that Tedros personally observed "the killing and infliction of serious bodily harm and mental distress to members of the Amhara, Conso, Oromo and Somali tribes with the intention of destroying these tribes in whole or in part".

For four years, THE head of WHO, Tedros, "was one of the leaders" of the Ethiopian government whose regime was "marked by widespread or systematic crimes against humanity". 

His complaint can only be considered if it is accepted by prosecutors in the Hague court, which is independent of the UN. If they do, it will be the first prosecution of a high-ranking UN official.

Steinman, a former national security adviser to the U.S. National Security Council, was a senior foreign adviser to the Ethiopian Democratic Movement for 27 years. 

Recall, Ethiopian gained international fame as the head of the UN health body during the kuid hysteria and is the first head of WHO without medical education and the first in this post representative ....👇

💉Only, I've just taken a kovid vaccine.

We hope you now understand why the daughter of Ernst Albrecht (Christian Democratic Union of Germany), former Prime Minister of Lower Saxony, ex-gynecologist Ursula von der Leyen put direct pressure on the EU's permitting authorities to certify the Pfizer vaccine expeditiously and allow its use. Apparently, a significant number of deformities, disability and death as a result of vaccination can be attributed to her guilt too. In fact, and in fact, she's a murderer. 

🇩🇪 Bavaria. The curfew begins. Someone's voice-over: "Warning, curfew! Now it will start to wield the virus"👇

In his book The Debate on Libya, Machiavelli noted that those who held power over the population had long realized that the united population was always stronger than those who ruled them, and thus, since ancient times, the rulers sought to "divide the many" and weaken the power that was strong when it was united by the methods that promote division. 

Here's what Edward Berneis, the nephew of Sigmund Freud, a pioneer in public relations and modern propaganda, said: 

"The conscious and reasonable manipulation of organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element of a democratic society. Those who manipulate this invisible mechanism of society constitute an invisible Government, which is the true ruling force of our country. We are governed, our minds are formed, our tastes are formed, our ideas are instilled, mainly by people we have never heard of... in almost every action of our daily life, whether in politics or business, in our social behavior or in our ethical thinking, we are at the mercy of a relatively small number of people... who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires that control the public consciousness, which use old social forces and invent new ways to bind and guide the world... A systematic study of the psychology of the masses revealed ... the ability to invisibly control society by manipulating the motives that drive the person in the group... (these studies) found that the group has mental characteristics other than individual characteristics, and is motivated by impulses and emotions that cannot be explained based on what we know about individual psychology. Thus, naturally there was a question: if we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind, is it impossible to manage the masses and manage them of their own free will without their knowledge... In general, psychologists at Freud's school pointed out that many of a person's thoughts and actions are compensating substitutes for desires that he was forced to suppress. The thing may be desired not because of its inner value or usefulness, but because it unconsciously came to seeing it as a symbol of something else, a desire in which he is ashamed to confess to himself. A man buying a car may think he wants it to move... He may really want it, because it is a symbol of social status, a testament to his success in business or a means to please his wife... Men are largely driven by the motives they hide from themselves... It is obvious that a successful propagandist should understand the true motives and not be content with people ingesting what they do... Each group ... considers its own standards final and uncontroversial and tends to reject all contradictory or different standards as unreasonable"

Freudian 🖕reservation on the air: "Control of consciousness is (their) work."

In January 2021, Klaus 🤶 expected leaders, including Chinese President Xi Jinping, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, to hold a virtual meeting next week. The forum is scheduled to be held in Singapore in May.

Dr. 👨 ⚕️ Schwab said the aim of the "Davos Agenda" virtual meeting, which starts on January 25, is to restore trust and engage all stakeholders in business, government, civil society and beyond to help build a "more peaceful and prosperous post-kovid era." 

Borge Brende, the forum's president, said Xi and Modi would also join Japanese Prime Minister Yushihide Suga and South Korean President Moon Jae-in, and such leaders will consider "the role Asia will play in reconstruction."

Others expected to include Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, French President Emmanuel Macron and Colombian President Ivan Duque.

Wherever totalitarianism is brutalized, almost everything here is listed.

In January, caravans of people from Honduras, who have already been named in the states as the Orks,

moving to the states, received reinforcements and now it is much easier for them to cross the borders of countries that fall in their way. 

bbb (666) - build back better is a strategy aimed at reducing the risk to people of countries and communities as a result of future disasters and shocks. bbb-rebuild better. That is, to build anew. rebuild. Destroy and build again - this is to rebuild. This is the slogan of the Great Reboot of Schwab, which for six months the media wrote about as a conspiracy theory, until this guy published his book of the same name. bbb is the strategy of a big club, and none of the Russian elite, including those who still think they are such, is not in it. And we are pleased to see that the people of this segment of society are beginning to not only understand this, but also openly declare it.

If you look closely at this 🖕re seen the material, it is quite obvious from a number of appraisal practices, not all speakers understand the essence of what they said. These are rehearsed blanks made by someone in the mouth of media faces and nothing more. It's not their thoughts 💭 and that's a fact. 

Cherry 🍒 from the editorial office on two party cakes 🍰 🍰 


United States 🇺🇸 

Inventor Paul A. RotaLarry J. AndersonWilliam J. BelliniCara Carthel BurnsRaymond CampagnoliQi ChenJames A. ComerShannon L. EmeryDean D. ErdmanCynthia S. GoldsmithCharles D. HumphreyJoseph P. IcenogleThomas G. KsiazekStephan S. MonroeWilliam Allan NixM. Steven ObersteTeresa C. T. PeretPierre E. RollinMark A. PallanschAnthony SanchezSuxiang TongSherif R. Zaki Current Assignee Centers of Disease Control and Prevention CDC

Worldwide applications

2004 US 2007 US

Application US10/822,904 events 


Priority to US46592703P


Application filed by Centers of Disease Control and Prevention CDC


Priority to US10/822,904


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Publication of US7220852B1




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Disclosed herein is a newly isolated human coronavirus (SARS-CoV), the causative agent of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). Also provided are the nucleic acid sequence of the SARS-CoV genome and the amino acid sequences of the SARS-CoV open reading frames, as well as methods of using these molecules to detect a SARS-CoV and detect infections therewith. Immune stimulatory compositions are also provided, along with methods of their use.

Images (7)


C07K14/005 Peptides having more than 20 amino acids; Gastrins; Somatostatins; Melanotropins; Derivatives thereof from viruses

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Claims (1)

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1. An isolated nucleic acid molecule consisting of the nucleotide sequence as set forth in SEQ ID NO: 1.



This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 60/465,927 filed Apr. 25, 2003, which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.


This invention was made by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an agency of the United States Government. Therefore, the U.S. Government has certain rights in this invention 👇🇺🇸

Maybe not everyone knows Hillary Clinton is the 2016 presidential nominee for the 2016 creations of the Rothschilds and the New World Order. But it is also known that Donald Trump is also the establishment of the Rothschilds and the actor playing a role in the great fictitious forgery, which is a fake new World Order policy designed to keep people in control of this supposedly "democratic" society.

"In 1987, Donald Trump bought his first casino shares when he acquired a 93% stake in Resorts International. The history of Resorts International is shrouded in darkness and began in the early 1950s, when it evolved from a shell company CIA and Mossad, which was created with the aim of laundering money from drug trafficking, gambling and other illegal activities. On October 30, 1978, The Spotlight reported that The Spotlight was the main investors of Resorts International, including Meyer Lansky, Tibor Rosenbaum, William Mellon Hitchcock, David Rockefeller and Baron Edmond de Rothschild."

"In 1987, after the death of CIA leader James Crosby, the symbolic head of Resorts International, a budding young New York real estate mogul, Donald Trump came into play and bought Out Crosby's shares in the gambling empire."

"Soon, Trump's name became a household name, thanks to his bright personality and his insistence on naming a multitude of luxury hotels, residential homes and other businesses in his honor. But while Trump's name was glowing in all the headlines, the names of the real executives of Resorts International - Rockefeller and Rothschild - remained hidden from society.

After the rapid expansion of Resorts International in Atlantic City in the late 1980s, Donald Trump found himself in a difficult financial position as the New York real estate market was unstable. Three casinos in Atlantic City, like Trump's other assets, have been threatened with confiscation by creditors. It was only through the help and conviction of Wilber L. Ross Jr., senior managing director of Rothschild Inc., that Trump was allowed to preserve the casino and rebuild his empire."

This is detailed in the Article "Bloomberg" of March 22, 1992.

The same Wilbur L. Ross, who is still Jacob Rothschild's right-hand man, spoke out in support of Trump's candidacy in March 2016, Bloomberg reported - and he has now been elected as commerce secretary in the Trump administration.

Seeking to set up his team of economists, Trump appointed Steven Mnuchin as Treasury secretary, the same Mnuchin who spent 17 years working for Goldman Sachs, an investment company that produced several Treasury heads before taking over the reins of Trump's fundraising operation this year.

Mnuchin also worked with the man who hacked the Bank of England. Billionaire and financier George Soros hired him in 2003 to start a new business - Dune Capital, focused on buying risky debts.

If the connection is still not obvious enough, consider the fact that Jacob Rothschild's son, Nat Rothschild, even met Ivanka Trump.

Both candidates of the main parties were controlled by the globalists. While Hillary Clinton was preparing to pay for the Rothschild indulgence, Trump was bought much earlier. It was created by the Rothschilds. He pays his debt by appointing senior members of the Rothschild clan to key positions in his administration.

And another excerpt of one article can be read in Marbec August 14-13, 2018, titled "Rothschild worries about the world economic order because of Donald Trump." 

In the course of historical development in the world on the basis of the precepts of WORLD domination, two financial groups (clans, "families," syndicates) - Rockefellers - Ashkenazi and Rothschild - Sephardic were formed. 

A certain "specification" has been established behind the two Jewish communities. The power of the Sephardic- clan of Spanish-English Rothschilds was based on the seizure of monopoly and control of the issue of paper money and the formation of their course on the basis of the "gold standard". The power of the American Ashkenazi - Rockefellers was based on oil production, processing, i.e. on the "oil standard" with the control of oil prices.

It is easy to calculate 🧮, oil goes 🚶 into oblivion, because the main consumption is the automotive park of the world, and it will become electric by 2035. We wrote, new oil is an annual vaccination against fake viruses.

Yes, they're sore all over your head, and what do you want? Let's look at you in 100 years 😂

In 1929, American bankers sent to Hitler his ambassador - one of the Warburgs (from the Rockefeller family), to negotiate the financing of the National Socialist Party. 

Warburg introduced himself to Hitler as an envoy of wall street finance, interested in supporting the national socialist movement in order to create opposition to France (by default, French bankers Rothschild - Sephardic), whose policy causes a crisis in the United States. 

Rockefeller in 1930, in order to finance the Nazis created the Bank of International Settlements (Basel, hence the neutrality of Switzerland during the period of the Second World War).

Hitler in two years receives hundreds of millions of dollars from American bankers and millions of Deutschmarks from German financiers through the Mine. The contents of the SA and SS, as well as the election of Hitler were secured. 

In 1934, Rockefeller's Standard Oil (USA) bought 730,000 acres of land near Hamburg and built an oil refinery on them, which regularly supplied fuel to Germany throughout the war. Oil came from Romania. 

In 1939, Chase National Bank (Rockefellers), gave Nazi Germany $25 million. 

Hitler was completely dependent on the Rockefellers and the USSR.

In May 1940, Hitler received from the Rockefellers, through the Roosevelt administration, the following instructions: the British in Dunkirk not to touch, to allow them to return to their island, the Germans the English Channel did not cross, but the bombing of Great Britain to continue, creating the appearance of the continuation of a large-scale war, and to deploy the preparation of the "Plan Barbarossa" (attack on the USSR).

Terema Pythagoras. Or Pythagolas pants 👖 in all directions are equal.

No one's responsible for anything.

Neither Fed officials, nor the owners of federal banks, bear any responsibility for the collapse of the financial pyramid.

The Fed does not meet the obligations of the state, the state does not meet the obligations of the Fed. This is enshrined in the Federal Reserve Act, which has the force of law. The Federal Reserve Act (251, p. 6, 38) of December 23, 1913.

The U.S. bears no legal responsibility for the collapse of the Fed dollar on international currency markets. The U.S. does not meet the Fed's obligations. 

The euro, the yen, the Swiss franc, are provided by the US Federal Reserve dollar and the obligations of the U.S. Treasury. And world gold prices are expressed in the same US Federal Reserve dollars. In other words, in the event of a collapse of the US dollar, we have not just chaos, but the global financial circus.

This is a masterpiece erotic moment of collapse of the entire world economy. 

The word "Circus" is the most appropriate here.

Because for all the ensuing mess, which risks taking the lives of dozens, if not hundreds of millions of people, no one bears any legal responsibility. Over the whole of Manhattan cloudless sky, so it will be until the very last day of X, when one day, in the early morning to the service 911 New York will not call someone and will not say that the window on the 40th floor of the 50-story building just flew an unknown man, judging by all the employee of the company that owns this building. It will be the Signal to the beginning of the Great Plum.

The sin that Jesus most condemns is hypocrisy, which is what happens when someone claims to be a Christian but does not live according to the teachings of Christ. You cannot be a Christian without living as a Christian ✝️ 

Hypocrisy is the main requirement for a politician, this is the main quality for any major transaction. Donald and trump's company, which Trump inherited from his grandmother and father, was large, but not so much as to allow Doni to join the club of elected billionaires, the American and international elite. A financial breakthrough was needed that could put Trump among the celestials. And Donald decided to return to the old proven business, which was engaged in his grandfather - restaurants, alcohol, gambling and girls. It was this business that allowed Trump to become Trump and build his hotels and Trump Towers around the world. 

As the late writer, publicist and radio host Michael Collins Piper wrote in his book The New Jerusalem: The zionist Power in America, the beginning of Trump's path to fame was a direct consequence of his function as a colorful frontman, a sign for some very wealthy and influential behind-the-scenes sponsors and mobsters. In his own memoir, "Art of the Deal," Trump proudly described how in 1987 he received his first stakes in casinos and gambling when he bought 93 percent of his voting shares in gambling group Resorts International. But Trump is silent about one important thing. Andrew St. George wrote in the September 25 and October 30, 1978 editions of The Spotlight: Resorts International was created and controlled by the Manager for the benefit of Rockefeller and the Rothschild family. The security of the business was carried out by "security forces" from the CIA and the Israeli Mossad. 

The St. George Report in 1978 blew up American society. It documented that illegally operating casinos were being exploited in collusion with "respectable" politicians, law enforcement officials, Wall Street financiers who loaned and financed Resorts International.

 St. George wrote that many of the casino resorts run by many frontmen were in fact involved in partnerships with behind-the-scenes mobsters and assisted the CIA and Mossad in the massive drug and gambling money laundering that was later channeled into covert operations by the two allies. special services. In turn, the CIA and Mossad, using their influence, provided a "roof" for illegal gambling, not allowing law enforcement agencies to fight these phenomena. One of the main frontmen in this business was Donald Trump.

 Resorts International was the successor to the CIA signage firm created in the early 1950s by CIA Director Allen W. Dulles and his closest associate, New York Governor Tom E. Dewey, a political functionary in the so-called "Rockefeller wing" of the Republican Party. The first company was the innocently named Mary Carter Paint Company, which operated a national paint store chain but was formed to carry out covert CIA money-laundering operations.


 In 1958-59, Dewey and a number of associated companies used $ 2 million of CIA funds to buy a controlling stake in the Crosby-Miller Corporation, headed by Dewey's friend James Crosby. Later this company was merged with Mary Carter Paint Company. One of the first operations of the new company was to launder money to arm anti-Castro Cuban exiles. The company also launched a number of casinos in the Caribbean, for which the CIA brought in the National Crime Syndicate Meir Lansky and Charles "Lucky" Luciano. Based on these events, director Francis Ford Coppola shot one of the parts of the movie "The Godfather" with Al Pacino in the title role. The money from the casinos was used to overthrow the government of Fidel Castro, who closed all casinos after the revolution in Cuba.

 The link between the CIA and the Lansky syndicate, beginning in 1963, was carried out by the syndicate man Alvin "Al" Melnik, closely associated with the operations of Mary Carter Paint. Miller was a Jewish emigrant from Russia, a lawyer, a businessman, and the owner of popular Bohemian nightclubs and restaurants in Miami, which even allowed him to become a consultant to pop star Michael Jackson. It was Miller who, years later, introduced Trump into the bohemian circles of pop stars, cinema and the modeling business, from where two of his three wives came from.

 In 1963, Mary Carter Paint spun off its paint sales division and over the next few years began developing a gambling business, predominantly in the Bahamas. In 1967-68, the company officially changed its name to Resorts International and began a massive international expansion to open hotels, villas and casinos all over the world. The Spotlight listed the main investors in the new venture:

 - Meir Lansky, "chairman of the board" and chief financier of the global gambling syndicate. Used connections with the US CIA and the Israeli Mossad;

 - David Rockefeller, head of the Rockefeller financial empire, secured his family's influence in the CIA and global banking connections to assist in money laundering operations;

 - The Investors Overseas Service (IOS), the world's largest capital flight investment conglomerate, controlling $ 2.5 billion in assets;

 - Tibor Rosenbaum, the main financial sponsor of the Mossad for clandestine arms deals, the head of the Banque De Credit Internationale of Geneva, the main European financial asset of the Lansky syndicate;

 - Baron Edmond de Rothschild from a European banking family, Rosenbaum's personal business partner in Mossad-related projects;

 - William Mellon Hitchcock, one of the heirs to the Mellon family fortune, one of America's largest private family fortunes. He also maintained close ties with the CIA over the years.

 By the 1970s, Resorts International began an aggressive expansion into the US market and, after taking over Las Vegas in Nevada, opened a chain of hotels and casinos in the then fading resort of Atlantic City. The next step was a lobbying campaign to legalize gambling in the United States, in particular in New Jersey, which made it possible to legalize casinos in Garden State and Atlantic City. In 1987, following the death of CIA business spokesman James Crosby, the nominal head of Resorts International, a young New York-based developer Donald Trump stepped out of the shadows and bought Crosby's stake in the gambling empire.

 It was the funds raised from the gambling business that allowed Trump to build many luxury hotels, villas, apartment buildings and other commercial enterprises around the world and become a billionaire and part of the bohemia. But no one knows that the true owners of Resorts International are behind this success.

 A huge role in the formation of Donald Trump as a billionaire and president was played by a certain Wilber Ross, positioned by the Illuminati financial media as an "independent investor." However, Ross was a longtime senior managing director of Rothschild Inc and led a bankruptcy advisory team that represented bondholders who were threatening to buy out Trump's gambling business. The fact is that in 1988, Donald bought the NJ Taj Mahal casino and other properties in Atlantic City from Resorts International and ran into unbearable debt. Trump was threatened with bankruptcy. Ross, having appreciated Trump's political talents, decided to help him and make Rothschild a political agent. An agreement was concluded with Trump, as a result of which Donald gave up a 50% stake in the Taj Mahal in exchange for much better loan conditions and a future presidency. Thus, the Rothschilds became the main beneficiary of the 2016 US presidential campaign. Wilber Ross himself became the US Secretary of Commerce under President Trump.

 Trump's relationship with Rothschild was so close that his daughter Ivanka had a long relationship with Lord Jacob Rothschild's son Nat. However, later, when Ross began to do business with the Kushner family to buy commercial real estate in New York through the investment company Invesco, Trump was forced to marry Ivanka to Jared Kushner, a partner of Wilber Ross. Jacob Rothschild himself would have lost nothing in any outcome of the 2016 US presidential election. Hillary Clinton's candidacy was once funded and personally approved by Lynn de Rothschild, CEO of E.L. Rothschild and ex-wife of Sir Evelyn Robert De Rothschild.

 Ironically, the main "engine" of globalists, George Soros, also did not lose anything from the Trump presidency. According to The Real Deal in the article "George Soros is the secret financier behind Kushner-backed startup Cadre", the George Soros Foundation in 2015 financed Kushner's company Cadre in the amount of $ 250 million. Cadre. However, the latter was founded by brothers Jared and Joshua Kushner in conjunction with Ryan Williams' Blackstone Group in 2015, which causes laughter in US political circles.

The curious chain of the Rothschilds - Soros - Kushner - Trump.

In early May 2017, news feeds filled with reports of Jared Kushner's business dealings - President Trump's son-in-law and senior adviser - with well-known financial tycoon George Soros, co-founder of the payment system PayPal Peter Thiel and a member of the Rothschild group in the U.S. investment bank Goldman Sachs. This was reported by the well-known edition of The Wall Street Journal.

This information was previously unavailable to the general public, although as early as January 27, 2017, The Real Deal, a New York-based real estate news outlet in the United States, reported that Soros, the Kushners' undercover financier, supported their startup Cadre, stating that "Soros has a long and productive relationship with the Kushner family."

Cadre (Real Cadre LLC) is a company founded by Jared Kushner and his brother Joshua, which runs a real estate business. (Prime Ed. - Joshua's name - comes from Hebrew ... form of the name Jesus. English form - Joshua)

The company, which manages Soros' assets, opened a $250 million credit line for Cadre, and the brothers, along with their business partner Ryan Williams, raised $1 billion in investments. 

It is well known that during the 2016 election campaign, George Soros supported, among other things, Hillary Clinton with large donations and harshly criticized her rival Trump. 

Soros's company explained that investments in Cadre were made in early 2015, that is, before Donald Trump announced his intention to run for president of the United States.

Kushner did not disclose his involvement in Cadre after taking office as a senior adviser to the U.S. president. However, his lawyer, Jamie Gorelick, explained to The Wall Street Journal that the declarations mentioned Trump's son-in-law, BFPS Ventures LLC, which controls Cadre's stake.

Cadre CEO Ryan Williams, a longtime Kushner friend and former employee of Kushner Cos., told WSJ that since Trump's inauguration, Kushner has not been involved in running the company. Work is currently under way to update the reports submitted to regulators.

Some believe that data on assets such as Kushner's stake in Cadre should be disclosed because they may indicate a possible threat to his bias. All of Trump's cadence has come under Jared's financial control and influence, and that's a fact. Jared and his family are longtime friends of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Uncle B.B. calls netanyahu a lover Kushner. Ivanka Trump converted to Judaism ✡️ actively involved in the Activities of the Jewish Community of New York. It is clear that the policies of the American President cannot be seen outside the context of relations with Israel and the entire Jewish community. Kushner played a key role in orchestrating Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit to Washington. It is no coincidence that one of Trump's first international meetings with japan's prime minister was marked by the presence of his son-in-law and daughter. Kushner quickly reached key roles in the Trump administration, which is what Soros needed. 

About Soros himself and his connections with the powerful Rothschild clan has already said a lot and only the lazy does not know . All the assets of the same George Soros are just capitals, which the Rothschilds transferred to the trust management of an unknown Hungarian Jew by the name of Schwartz and who part-time serves as a PR-service of the Rothschilds. 

The well-known researcher William Endgal in the article "Unknown pages of the biography of George Soros" testifies: 

"From the very first days when Soros established his own investment fund in 1969, he owed his success to his relationship with the Rothschild family's banking network. Soros worked in New York in the 1960s in a small private bank closely associated with the Rothschilds, namely Arnhold and S. Bleichroeder. Inc.", a banking surname that represented Rothschild's interests in Germany during The Bismarck Era. To this day "A. and S. Bleichroeder. Inc." remains the main holder, along with Citibank, soros's "quantum fund" funds. George C. Karlweis, associated with the infamous Rothschild Bank AG in zurich, gave Soros a portion of the initial capital and brought the first investors to his "quantum fund". 

Endgal testified that Soros is under the special patronage of the Rothschild family: "Soros's attitude to the Rothschild financial circle is not accidental. We will have to make a small excursion into history to explain the extraordinary success of a simple private speculator, and the strange ability of Soros to "properly play" so many times in such high-risk markets. Soros has access to "internal information" in some of the highest government and private offices in the world."

Soros performs certain functions to serve the interests of the world's highest oligarchy, which manages global processes, as William Angel writes in detail in his article.

It remains to be remembered that Soros is a longtime business partner of Kushner.

Thus, a chain is being built: the Rothschilds - Soros - Kushner - Trump - Netanyahu - Netanyahu and at the end of this chain of calcium and aluminum transformations into a vaccine 💉 hangs Deutsche Bank 🏦. Well, about this World Criminal Laundry Deutsche does not know only lazy, ask at least Merkel . She is certainly embarrassed at such a frank intimate issue as a girl and can even blush or shake. Yes, of course, at the end is not only Deutsche Bank, there's a lot at the end that sat like a tripper. Deutsche we have led as the perfect collective lifestyle of crime .

We don't think it's going to be boring. Ahead of the final scene with bare ass.

The collapse of the world economy is inevitable, cannot be prevented and cannot be delayed. It can only be led. 

The world financial matrix will be rebooted after all the coe-flying flights have been disassembled. Everything will be back to normal. To the good old gold standard of national currencies! You can't get any old assholes.

𝓔𝓭𝓶𝓸𝓷𝓭 𝓓𝓪𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓼

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