Murzilka 46. 

Murzilka 46. 

"ᝪẞᜱᜧᝪᝀ𐍃 ᜧᜬᢗᜠᠻ᠗ᜧẞ᠘ᠻ ᜬᠻᜦ𐍃"

🇨🇳🇺🇸Oth friends of comrades, about fires once - we will remember ...

On January 27, 2020, the Gates Foundation announced five million dollars in emergency donations to fight the "kovid epidemic" in China. Later, the Mellinda and Bill Gates Foundation pledged to invest up to $100 million. In a letter in mid-February, Xi thanked Gates with respect for his support. The relationship between the two could hardly have been more harmonious.

Pictured are Bill Gates and Xi Jinping at a China forum in 2013

Attempts to reduce the birth rate were made by the Chinese authorities long before the start of a large-scale campaign called "One Family, One Child." But earlier, from 1956 to 1971, in the first two campaigns, there were no noticeable results. By the early seventies, The Communists of China were not burdened by the great abilities to manage the territory and not loaded with the mind discovered the overload of land, water and energy resources. They have found a threat and a disaster for China, and the demographic policy of clinical freaks has moved to a new tougher round. The third campaign began in 1971, and at first was limited to administrative measures: increasing the intervals between births, setting for late marriages, reducing the family as a whole. "Wan, Xi, Shao" - the new policy that followed these initiatives, implied legislative measures. Abortions and contraceptives were widespread, and for the first time the "norm" for the number of children per family changed from 3 to 1. It is believed that the next 10 years were the most successful in solving the Chinese mental problem of overcrowding and it would be worth reconsidering the attitude to the issue, but the Communists never back down and the red-hearted authorities of China decide to consolidate their success and achieve new results.

In 1979, a new fourth campaign, one family, one child, launched, aiming to limit China's population to 1.2 billion by 2000.

The plan was executed, but the price was high. A little about the back of the "medal," about the "second end of the stick", which, as you know, always has a place to be in projects of this kind.

The price of "victory"

One of the first "side effects" of the new demographic policy was the practice of clandestine sex-setting services for the expected child.

In the last 15 months alone, more than 6.5 thousand ultrasound violations have been detected without sufficient evidence, except for medical indicators, ultrasound has been banned, resulting in a black market of impressive scale. No wonder - in conditions when it is allowed to have only one child, everyone wanted a boy. Selective abortions (saving a child only if it is a boy) have become a ubiquitous phenomenon, which required to understand who exactly is waiting for the mother-in-laws.

Trying to circumvent the law, many Chinese couples go to give birth in Hong Kong, where there is their own legislation. Recently, the Red-breasted Communists have spent a lot of effort and money in order to establish the fight against "mother tourism." Certain quotas have been introduced for the number of women giving birth from the mainland. It is noteworthy that the problem of the influx of people wishing to give birth in Hong Kong worked equally hard, both the Chinese authorities at all levels, and the Hong Kong authorities themselves - a phenomenon that causes discontent among local residents.

In general, the Communists always have it, all through the ass. 

    "Goats in Belgium ate cabbage,

        Sparrows are rice in China from fields

        And in Australia, like evil mongooses

        They exterminated the most useful snakes"

"And if itching - don't suffer

        You still have enough to do:

        Push the flies, reduce the birth rate,

        Destroy your sparrows!"

Under Mao Tse-tung, China was officially named (if translated verbatim) as the "Middle Blossom people's republic." The red emperor liked such "flowery, pretentious turns." Mao Tse-tung loved his country very much, but this did not help him to avoid mistakes in his rule. About one of these I want to tell ... 

Nationalists led by Chiang Kai-shek were shamefully expelled from the country. The Communists came to power, led by Mao Tse-tung. The Great Leader proclaimed the People's Republic of China and began his unforgettable reign. Having gained full control over the people, Mao Tse-tung decided to argue with Mother Nature. The project was as great as the Great Wall of China: "War against four pests: rats, flies, mosquitoes and... sparrows." These four sneers did not let Grandpa Mao stay awake during the day, sleep at night. Well, if the first three "heroes" on the list could have had any claims, what could a little gray bird be guilty of? Thus, without trial, all the feathered gray people were sentenced to the death penalty, writing in the indictment: "they are to blame for wanting to eat." 

So, the love of birds to cereals played a cruel joke with them. 

On the table of the ruler lay the conclusions of Chinese scientists that one sparrow eats up to 4.5 kg of grain per year. It was estimated that for every million sparrows there was such a quantity of grain, which would be enough for 60,000 people. Seeing this figure on paper, the Great forasel, despite his composition, even jumped.

"Here it is, happiness! With the disappearance of these winged fighters will come a golden age for the Chinese peasantry. And since the love for all the hungry and hungry lies through the stomach, I am recognized as the greatest ruler of all time!

And Mao gathered his subordinates again.

"Let's think how we can quickly and deftly implement the most ambitious plan to destroy these winged marauders. It will not work to shoot, you know- the weapon on the road is not lying around, it is better to let it on its intended purpose, because counterrevolution and world imperialism are still strong. The poison is not suitable for obvious reasons. whereas? Think wise subordinates!

The Deputy Minister of Agriculture dared to offer his own version:

"These little unsightly birds are very voracious and fearless. But they have no long-suffering. They can fly the biggest 15 minutes, after which they need at least a short rest. You can play it... 

Having received a plan to destroy enemies in "grey cloaks" citizens, peasants, children rushed to implement it. They went out into the fields, the streets screamed, waved their hands, rags, rattled nothing, and the poor sparrows, stunned, losing orientation fell dead. Photos of dead birds were flaunted.

In just six months, 2 billion birds were exterminated, and in Beijing, in general, destroyed the whole bird "little" so that, God forbid, did not catch any feathered on the eyes of the ruler. Finally, everyone in the country sighed freely and waited for a generous harvest. The population praised the wisdom of the government in general, and Mao, in particular, gathered in the squares, shouted "hurrah" and threw caps in the air. The first year after the sparrow war was so - the harvest got excellent. But the next year the irreparable happened. Locusts, which once served as the main delicacy for sparrows, were bred. That's what turned out to be worse than all American imperialism. 

The outcome of the sparrow war was stunning. But not in the sense of victoriously stunning, but catastrophically stunning! A year later there was a food disaster - locusts destroyed all peasant crops, and the country was gripped by the greatest famine, the victims of which were, according to various estimates, from 10 to 30 million people! 

Realizing what he had done, Great Mao began to urgently discharge birds from Canada and the USSR, thus restoring the population of sparrows. But soon the fairy tale affects, but soon the job is done ... Echoes of that sparrow war will remind us of themselves for a long time to come. 

The "Big Leap" Agricultural Modernization Program has been called the Academy of Sciences of China... somewhat erroneous. 

In the draft "CCP Decree on Hygiene Activities," Mao Tse-tung wrote: 

"You shouldn't have hit sparrows, as a result we only got bedbugs..." 

Not a word was said about the death of 30 million people from starvation...

China's population at the beginning of 2015 was 1,364,072,828;

The death toll from starvation due to the "sparrow" war is most often 30 million people;

Critics of the "Great Leap" like Defense Minister Peng Dehuai have lost their posts.

Why be like these barbarians? Yes, perhaps, no one knows about a small fragment - the fact given by the Editorial from history at all, judging by the dominance of these "experts" in the form of an expert CNN and other ...

Medical experts of Chinese descent do their job perfectly on CNN for Americans, their experts clearly have no 👎 

Dr. Leana Wen, when there is no Dr. Fauci on the air, she leads the propaganda, reading the brains of 🧠 American liberal audience. 

Dr. Celine Gounder says it won't be back to normal quickly

Then came Dr. Ashish Ja, Dean of the Brown University School of Health:

"Perhaps we will not reach zero, most likely we will not achieve it. But if we can get infections at a very low level, most of us will be able to get back to normal. I think we can probably live with that.

For ongoing efforts at the local, state, and federal levels to get more vaccinations in American hands, it now comes a difficult task: reaching an audience that hasn't been so keen to get vaccinated in the last few months or who may not have had access to vaccination."

Next, here's what Dr. Saju Matthew, a family medicine physician from Atlanta, said:

"Officials have not offered strong enough incentives to vaccinate some Americans, including young Americans. I'm the one who's most concerned about young people. I see them almost every day at work."

Do you understand the Americans? They are worried about young people at work ! 

Recommendation of the Medical Examiner's Editorial for the American authorities . 

The brain is responsible for regulating human functions. These include: heartbeat, breathing, swallowing, muscle function, auditory and visual reflexes, coordination of movements, etc. One of the significant roles of the brain considers memory.

Scientists have proven that memories are scattered across all the neural connections of the body. The limbic system plays a major role in the functioning of memory. It is located on the inside of the temporal departments, where the hypothalamus. The latter groups the thought process.

There are a lot of medicines that really work, influencing the cause of the problem.

The following groups of medicines are singled out:

Psychostimulants-adaptogens. Natural-origin drugs that stimulate mental and physical performance against the background of fatigue, increasing energy production.

Nootropics. Neurometabolic stimulants that have a direct activating effect on learning processes, increasing the brain's resistance to aggressive effects.

Energy metabolism correctors. Specially designed natural formulations that act gradually. The result is to improve brain activity.

The main causes of memory problems are:

Exhaustion of the body, due to chronic stress, lack of sleep, depression.

Lack of vitamin B and its derivatives.

Cerebral circulatory disorders. atherosclerosis.

Diabetes, thyroid dysfunction; cardiopulmonary, renal failure.

Alcohol or drug addiction.

General anesthesia, the use of certain medicines.

CMT (traumatic brain injury), surgical treatment of temporal lobes of the brain.

Dementia and other degenerative pathologies: Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's, etc.

Psychiatric diagnoses.

Infections: encephalitis, meningitis.

Benign or malignant tumors.

Drink something already ....! ....

💉Classified reports from the World Bank, the CIA and the Planned Parenthood Foundation (on behalf of the Rockefeller Foundation) detail the exact methods of intentionally reducing the birth rate. All but "forced sterilization" were introduced in the West decades ago.

Given that no research has been made on the basis of the results of a product called the anticosic vaccine 💉 on fertility by the public so far and the fact that vaccines, according to scientists, can cause infertility, this is the "forced sterilization" of the world's population.

🇺🇸 The Capitol takeover was planned in advance.

"Just in case, I spoke with my Antifa agent in Portland, and she said that those who travel to Washington will wear camouflage, cuts and Trump paraphernalia to mingle with the crowd, but turn their baseball caps/hats back for identification, so feel free to walk past."

In the video, police escort buses with Antifa/#BLM members heading toward the Washington Hills, where they will take over the Capitol some time later.

💉 "Transparent" vaccination in the German Nursing Home, where the survivors are still alive, made with "awareness of all the risks" about which before vaccination the doctor makes an "individual explanation" to the disabled grandfather.

However, it must be said, Grandpa at first seems a little surprised when he realizes that he was brought to where he will be given a boiler vaccine, and even tries to hold his hand. However, apparently realizing that the forces are not equal and resistance is useless, Grandpa with sad obedience relaxes and allows to do with failure everything that the vaccinators want from him.

Friends, given that the vaccine IS EXPERIMENTAL, and make it on video to someone who obviously would not like to be put to him, I would like to ask, and isn't this the kind of case described in Nuremberg and these people are not on the video criminals? 

Poor-poor lonely EU-ov old men...

The humiliation of old people in the EU has reached the last limit: a regular date in the European House of the Elderly. 

Upd: Vaccination in the Nursing Home🤬

💉Sassive deaths of 23 elderly people in Norway after they received a boiler vaccine allegedly not linked to the Pfizer BioNTec vaccine. 

Steinar Madsen, Medical Director of the Norwegian Medicines Agency (NOMA): 

-There is no definite link between these deaths and the vaccine;

-We are not alarmed or concerned about this because these are very rare cases and they have occurred in very weak patients with a very serious disease;

"Now we ask doctors to continue vaccination;

Take care of your Parents, Friends, for no matter how much you are a fan of jabs, I think, to approach the health of those who gave you life you need to approach more carefully than to your own, for which only you are personally responsible.

In this photo, someone with an unidentified badge accompanies Pelosi before/after the impeachment hearing, January 2021. 

💉"... Because sooner or later, when everyone sees the effect of the vaccine on the population, when they start counting how many deaths it has caused and how many people have been crippled for life by a drug that is still in the process of experimentation, someone will be able to ask those who were a staunch supporter of the vaccine to report" (c) former Apostolic Nuncio in the United States of America Archbishop Vgano.

We wrote in previous materials about restaurants in Italy. From January 15, 2021, 50,000 owners of catering outlets had to rebel against boiler restrictions, open their own establishments, where all will be allowed without masks and other anti-skin dope, which has nothing to do with medicine and health, and start working as usual. 

The Italian said the Italian had made for all 50,000 restaurants and food businesses they had become open despite strict lockout laws.

In the video, the Milan police tell visitors to leave the catering point, but they all start singing "freedom" and refuse. 

The people of Italy acted in unison and were heard.

What can I say? Yet the old world is not New York – and it is so obvious ...

Civil disobedience in January Bologna. 

Citizens kick the local police out of the restaurant shouting: "Freedom! freedom! Freedom!"

All this has been happening within the framework of the resistance of citizens since January 15, when 50,000 owners of catering outlets had to rebel against the boiler restrictions, to open their institutions, where all will be allowed without masks.

Friends, you might not believe it, but we did it, too.

It was wondered what kind of marshals were these two aunts who accompanied Pelosi.

🇺🇸This a caravan of illegals, already advanced towards Guatemala, apparently took Joe's promised mass amnesty for all illegal immigrants in the U.S. as an invitation and decided to accelerate and now they go even at night. According to some of the Hondurans who are drowning in the states, they believe that from January 21, entry into the United States will be easy.

I wonder if Joe's going to make you feel like this? 

In Spain in Palma de Mallorca, where a little more than a year ago a cruise liner, whose population lives mainly tourism, citizens in

January 2021 rebelled against the boiler restrictions and besieged the parliament: "We want to work!"

🇮🇱🇺🇸Umer is one of the main donors to Donald Trump and his campaign, to whom Trump recently snummered for underfunding, the owner of the gambling paradise of Macau (China), megadonor Republicans, Sheldon Adelson. He died in Israel. He was 87.

After Trump's main sponsor, who departed the world in the beginning of one week in January, Sheldon Adelson, king of gambling paradise in China Macau, followed him and, it seems, in the same place sent another representative of this kind of clique, to which belonged to the first. 

🇺🇸🇩🇪 Deutsche Bank manager, who oversaw relations with Trump, abruptly resigned on December 31, 2020. 

So far, Rosemary Wrablich, who oversaw hundreds of millions of dollars in loans from President Trump's company, has left the bank. And as it became known, Deutsche Bank decided to stop doing all business with President Trump or his business. This is the second bank to stop doing business with Trump. What does it mean the roof goes away, the rats are running off the ship.

Baron Benjamin de Rothschild, president of the family holding Edmond de Rothschild Holding SA, which oversees the Franco-Swiss financial group Edmond de Rothschild Group, dies on Friday. According to Ariana de Rothschild and her daughters, Ben stopped being alive after a heart attack at the Preni family home on the afternoon of January 15, 2021. 

Baron Benjamin de Rothschild recently - until the cells of his body ceased to function and became unable to perform the will, when the soul rushed towards karma, looked like this.

🇺🇸Intracy of Benjamin de Rothschild and Adelson, our light leaves another billionaire. He was the CEO of the company engaged in the production of artificial sweeteners, Sweet'N Low. 

The guy was 89 years old. His body was found in the backyard of a building located between 65th and 66th Streets on the Upper East Side.

It is reported that Tober jumped out of his apartment in New York in the early morning, so it will be difficult to write off this death. He was the co-owner and CEO of Sugar Foods Corps, whose flagship product is Sweet'N Low. Since the mid-1990s, it has dominated the sugar substitute market. 

The first thought when I got this news was yesterday's news that Trump was going to declassify a lot of documents and include Obamacare.

What's called, a bunch went in January 2021 .

Week January opened suicides : Adelson, Rothschild, Tober...

Before David finished the countdown, his dad was already dead. The pope could have fallen victim to revenge over the death of Trump's chief sponsor, Adelson. 

The connection with these deaths of another billionaire Donald Tober, supposedly jumped in the 90th year of his life from his own high-rise in New York, we are still investigating, but what can be said definitely, is that the time of suicide is approaching. 

Nothing can stop the coming: the banking system of the Rothschilds is falling (few people will be happy about its fall).

Since we don't know yet on whose account to put Tober's corpse on, we will assume that the score is Trump:Rothschild - 1:1. 

Meet Matilda Lemuan. 

She is an economist at CMA-CGM and chief economist at Edmond de Rothschild Holding SA, whose president was the suddenly deceased 57-year-old Baron Benjamin de Rothschild. 

She is an expert on the influence of monetary, fiscal and European policy on global economic and financial trends, i.e. she is a figure in global bottling. She is also an independent director of the world's leading retailer Carrefour Group, director of Ecole Normale Sup'rieure (ENS) and an expert on European fiscal policy, where she was appointed a member of the Supreme Council of Public Finance of France, established in 2013 to conduct an independent and authoritative analysis of public finances. Since 1997, she has been a professor of macroeconomics at Sciences Po (Paris).

In fact, the existence of this person alone, Friends, is a testament to what everyone knows: the corrupt Macron henchman of the Rothschilds.

Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frederick Macron was born on December 21, 1977 in Amiens, France, in a family of medics.

"Emmanuelle" is a French erotic film, directed in 1974 by The Director Just Jaquen, an adaptation of Emmanuel Arsan's Emmanuel. 

So-called "experts" believe that one mask is no longer enough, and plebs should be forced to wear two masks. 

"It essentially blocks 90 to 95% of all viral particles," dr. Monica Gandhi, an infectious disease specialist, told Inside, recommending first to wear a tissue mask and then a surgical one.

What to do with sclera and generally mucous eyes, left open to viruses, which makes the abs. useless mask, this more than a strange aunt did not specify . 

💉Another conspiracy theory is now not officially a conspiracy theory and has become a reality.

 Major technology companies and healthcare organizations have teamed up to foster a return to "normality."

 The group, dubbed the Vaccine Credential Initiative, wants to ensure everyone has access to secure digital records of their Covid-19 vaccinations - like digital vaccine passports - that can be stored in people's smartphones. The recordings could be used for anything from flights to concerts.

 The coalition includes a wide range of healthcare and technology leaders including Microsoft (MSFT), Salesforce (CRM), Oracle (ORCL), Cerner (CERN), Cigna (CI), Evernorth, Epic healthcare software firm, and Mayo Clinic Clinic, as well as many others.

 Another potential pitfall of such a system is inequality; someone without a smartphone will not be able to access a digital recording of their vaccine. However, the Vaccine Credential Initiative says it plans to provide such patients (for now only) a paper with a QR code containing a record that sooner or later they will switch to "quantum dot" tattoos (technology tested on corpses, tattoo lasts longer half a year - the declared validity period of the vaccine), which are still a "conspiracy theory" according to MSM.

 Now, Friends, what the media called "conspiracy theorists" has been writing about has become the official agenda.

 Something tells us, Friends, that no one will apologize for the slander that MSM poured over the course of the year on the mentioned category of citizens who know a little more and see a little further, just as they did not apologize for the "Great Reboot", which they also branded "conspiracy theory" until the book with the same name of the head of the WEF Schwab saw the light.

💉Achamiable reports to the federal system, 55 people in the U.S. died after being vaccinated against COVID-19. Deaths were reported among people receiving Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines.

The reporting system, the Vaccine Side Effects Reporting System (VAERS), is a federal database. The system is passive, which means that reports are not collected automatically and must be filed. Anyone, including health care providers, patients, or their family members can file a VAERS report. The Epoch Times

🇺🇸One of Speaker Pelosi's letter, where she sabotages the establishment of order in Portland, is enough to recognize her as an internal terrorist:

"Dear Mr. Wheeler: I have seen your reaction to the riots in your city and I urge you to stick to the proven Democratic game. I'd like to discuss this with you now

1- denial of the problem, (the press will support it) 

2 Treat everything as peaceful and peaceful, (the press will help here) 

3 When all hell breaks free, go to the camera and show your support for any law. (The press will praise you for it, you will be a hero here, believe me)

... it worked every time I used and again the press told me they would support ... smash television and condemn Trump and give up any resistance."

🇺🇸Access in the U.S. you can legally detain anyone: to do this, you just need to express the assumption that the attendees are a co-pilot and a peddling.

The U.S. Public Health Act is amended by adding a new section 2120 of the following:

Seizure and detention of cases, contacts and carriers that pose or may pose a risk to public health ..."

So keep the American communists, the right way go comrades. 

𝓔𝓭𝓶𝓸𝓷𝓭 𝓓𝓪𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓼

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