Murzilka 44.

Murzilka 44.

"ᝪẞᜱᜧᝪᝀ𐍃 ᜧᜬᢗᜠᠻ᠗ᜧẞ᠘ᠻ ᜬᠻᜦ𐍃"

Preventive educational activities for the communists - fascists Soros - Putin, covered by the democratic flag of the United States 🇺🇸 and rainbow LGBT 🏳️ 🌈 continue👇

The world laughs at America, and Mao, Lenin, Stalin, Putin smile. Freedom of speech is dead and controlled by left-wing neo-communists - Marxists. 

Romanian Bears, apparently anticipating the approaching turn of 2021, which only no longer promised, do not want to sleep, afraid to miss all the fun.

😷No many still do not realize that the scam sooner or later will be called a scam and will have to answer to the fullest extent of the law. 

Many continue to follow criminal orders to force plebs to anti-medical orders, including wearing a dirty rag on your face, which, given the environment between her and your face, formed by your warm breath and germs, is more like a petri dish, even in the fresh air. And remember, the Internet stores everything, you just need to be able to work well👇

Don't miss and you'll have a tinge below 👇

Sometimes it's not bad to go back a few years to find an explanation for today👇

Wales death statistics

A similar pattern of mortality probably exists in all countries that are horribly affected by the evil killer virus.

In fact, Friends, this screen alone proves that politicians who impose destructive measures, and the officials who use them, are ordinary criminals and criminals scammers.

(c) Express Zeitung

🇺🇸Other Pelosi is a certified rapist and paedophile. 

On the day of the protests outside the Capitol, the FBI released new documents about Nancy Pelosi's father. A quick look at them tells us that Nancy's daddy is a paedophile and a rapist. The documents detail how her father was tried and acquitted for raping two children. Of the 14 other defendants, he was the only one who managed to reach an acquittal.

All that was imputed by Pelosi's father at the trial in Baltimore, Maryland, "is accused of perjury for lying" during the aforementioned rape trial. At the same time, the baltimore city boss, incidentally, was also accused of obstruction of justice for trying to influence the testimony of young people.

🇺🇸Brat Pelosi is a U.S. court-certified paedophile rapist, her father is a certified con man, and the media is writing/saying complete nonsense that has nothing to do with reality.

Under the hustle and whistle of the Capitol, the FBI quietly publishes a 284-page report on The Corrupt Father of Nancy Pelosi,

exposing her brother as a repeat offender-paedophile rapist, while corrupt media were busy covering the protest at the Capitol. Interestingly, all the media as one broadcast that stormed the Capitol supporters of Trump, while the agenda was intercepted by strong guys black, emotionally leading the crowd and entering the Capitol with the connivance of police officers. Ashley Babbett, who was in the front row and killed, was a soros anti-fascist, not a pro-Trump activist, plus, as it became known, the activist from Utah John Sullivan took part in organizing an anti-fascist protest near the Capitol.

🇺🇸In a photo of a senior U.S. Senator from New York, a member of the Democratic Party Chuck Schumer, kissing a young girl on the island of a friend of the author of the idea of reducing the world's population by vaccinating Gates paedophile and workingman Epstein. 

And he's just one of many like people who now want to want to rule your world, Friends.

💉🌎First results of anti-vaccine vaccination and "successes" of Pfizer. 

According to the CDC, 3,150 people vaccinated in one day "cannot perform normal daily activities, cannot work" after vaccination. 

That's a whopping 2.7% of people who can no longer work after being vaccinated with Pfizer's troubled experimental poison.

A 41-year-old Portuguese medical worker dies two days after receiving the Pfizer vaccine, her father "wants answers."

Mexican doctor hospitalized after receiving COVID-19 vaccine

Hundreds of Israelis are infected with a covid after receiving the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine.

The wife of a "perfectly healthy" doctor from Miami, 56, who died of a blood disorder 16 days after receiving the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine, is sure it was caused by an injection.

A 75-year-old Israeli dies two hours after receiving the Vaccine Covid-19 (of the version-type heart attack, the vaccine has nothing to do with it).

Swiss death after Pfizer vaccine

An 88-year-old man faints and dies a few hours after being vaccinated.

Thousands of people were affected after receiving the Covid-19 vaccine.

A hospital worker dies. He never had an allergy, but after the vaccine he gets into intensive care with a severe reaction. Here, too, is the Pfizer Covid vaccine.

Four volunteers developed facial paralysis after taking Pfizer Covid-19 (this is those about whom memes are posted online), prompting the FDA to recommend "patient surveillance" and that's it.

The investigation began after two people died in a Norwegian nursing home just days after receiving the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine.

Hundreds sent to emergency room after receiving COVID-19 vaccine

U.S. Officials Report More Serious Allergic Reactions to Vaccines

The NHS advised against giving the Covid vaccine to those with a history of allergic reactions.

COVID-19: Single dose of vaccine leads to 'greater risk' from new coronavirus variants, South African experts warn

CDC says at least 21 Americans have suffered a life-threatening allergic reaction to the Pfizer COVID vaccine

Woman experiences side effects of COVID-19 vaccine

Side effects of COVID vaccine are more common after the 2nd dose

Bulgaria Reports 4 Cases of Side Effects From Pfizer Covid Vaccine

Two NHS workers suffered severe allergic reaction to vaccine

Wenn wechseln, dann richtig!/If you change, that's right!


It's time to speak out against these big tech companies, their censorship, their prohibition of free speech and the collection of your personal data to enrich themselves, and their insidious methods of influencing government outcomes.

Get rid of them/Use these best alternatives. If you stay on their platforms, you obey their communist plans. You're part of the problem. Don't let them drag you into their world - they made it like a drug. You're addicted. Go out and switch to the right platforms.


💉🇺🇸Woman from Oakland, from her words, has been vaccinated against the couid of moderna and posts on Facebook her husband working in the rehabilitation center "House of the Good Samaritan" Sean Skelton about what is happening to her: 

"If you're considering a kovid vaccine..... I would advise..! I'm in bad shape! Every day it gets worse and I don't get help and answers! I'm scared to death, to put it mildly! And to find someone who wants to understand this, is not very successful! I went to two hospitals today, went unanswered and went to St. Vincent. There are no answers, either. They say let's look at the neurologist (who knows when I'll be seen) yesterday my tongue started to spasm. Today my whole body is convulsing all day! They sent me home!! I publish 2 videos that publish quite embarrassing if you know me, but I want you to see what happens to me! Just pray for me.

renewal!! The body is still moving uncontrollably. There are still no answers! I contacted Moderna and their security service. They should have contacted me today but didn't! We're going to Vanderbilt in Tennessee. Prayer warriors, please keep praying!"

🇺🇸🇨🇳 Ranchers in Oklahoma sell property to the Chinese, and they are paid 2-3 times more than their ranch.

The Bahamas has a port/base of Chinese origin.

In Canada, whose prime son is communist Castro, there is training of Chinese military 👇

The Chinese armed forces have been near the U.S. border for more than a year and there are leaked classified military documents about Trudeau inviting Chinese troops to train at Canadian military bases. These are 34 unedited pages of cowardice and appeasement towards China, hostility and anger towards America.

Plus, there are countless local and state politicians in the U.S., such as the same Biden and Clinton with Obama, whom they bought. (Pictured, Oregon Gov. Kate Brown leans over to Chinese Consul General Lo Linquan and they look like newlyweds)

🇺🇸🇨🇳🇨🇦Secretary of War: Trudeau invited Chinese troops to train at Canadian military bases. 

In short, as we have written above, there are 34 unedited pages of cowardice and appeasement towards China, hostility and anger towards America. PDF document 👇


🇨🇦🇨🇳Canada and China are trying to be friends against the United States.

From a secret document. 

February 2019.Dear Deputy Minister Thomas:

At the request of your Department, I am writing to you to advise on the interaction of the Ministry of National Defence/Canadian Armed Forces (DND/CAF) with China. The guidance could assist DND/CAF in making decisions in the context of recent developments in Canadian-Chinese relations, including China's response to a U.S. request for the extradition of Ms. Meng Wangzhou (the daughter of owner Huawei, detained in the U.S.-China war over data transfer technology) and the resulting Canadian consular cases.

While consular decision-making is the top priority of the Government of Canada, ensuring some continuity in other parts of Canadian-Chinese relations remains important given the increased attention, any decision by Canada to reduce/break ties must be carefully considered to avoid sending any useless or unintentional communications. 

In this context, DND/CAF's interaction with China should be based on the following principles:

🔹Canada does not want to be a partner that reduces normal bilateral interaction. 

🔹In the still a desire to maintain a permanent relationship with China, while recognizing the risks and managing them. 

In this context, it is essential that consultations be held before any activities are cancelled/postponed, especially initiatives previously agreed between the DND/CAF and the People's Liberation Army. This includes !!️ preparation on peacekeeping...

The entire document in the PDF is presented above 

😷Teth who breaks people in the streets, in shops, subway and other for the lack of a rag on the face, apparently, often can not read, and allow themselves to walk without a mask where it is written that without it the entrance is prohibited. 

The inscription: "No mask-no entrance."

Although, perhaps, these people in the service of the covid-organizers simply already consider themselves to be who they are not, the masters of life. It is very sorry for such, because the fate of them all is the same, and it is already visible on the horizon, Friends.

🇺🇸Threst Winter or who did the fan outages in California January 9-10, 2021 ? Who was able to cut off electricity in California? 

On January 10, 2021, the emails were reported. California: California is now experiencing huge power fluctuations, like Pakistan. More than 100,000 outages in Texas have also been reported.

January 6. D.C., Capitol👇

🇺🇸Sed members of the left-wing radical group were arrested in 1988 on charges of blowing up the Capitol building.

Susan Rosenberg was arrested and charged with hundreds of pounds of explosives in her car. If we're not wrong, Obama pardoned her.

Not long ago, this woman was a board member of the Black Lives Matter Foundation, whose members brought the crowd into the Capitol. The same woman shot dead in the assault by Babbitt, who was in the front row, was a member of Antifa

Capitol Police urges mobsters to seize state facility 👇

It's not just now your personal life Stephanie, you got into a big lie consciously, so get the full program 👇 to you Barack it also applies fully 👇

A quartet of former U.S. presidents has urged Americans to be vaccinated against COVID-19. The nation was televised by Jimmy Carter (1977-1981), Bill Clinton (1993-2001), George W. Bush (2001-2009), Barack Obama (2009-2017), and their spouses. Politicians took part in the filming of social advertising.

Former U.S. presidents Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter appeared in an ad for COVID-19 vaccination, addressed the nation and urged everyone not to be held safe.

"This vaccine offers hope. It will protect you and those you love from this deadly disease," Barack Obama says in the video. 

Clinton said in the video that he wants to travel and get back to work, and Bush anticipates going to the Texas Ranger Stadium when the restrictions are lifted. 

"Bill, you know what it's called? 

"It's a sable👇

🇺🇸For understanding who we're dealing with. 

The president-elect's son is the daughter of former President Obama's first African-American president, Malia. On fluoride photo at once two daughters of Obama . 

🇺🇸😳Bayden sexually abused Barack Obama's daughter. 

Biden Jr. grilled Obama's daughter Amalya with Obama's dog, who was caught in the frame during one of Biden Jr.'s at home, it's almost 100 percent likely that hearing isn't a rumor, but a reality. Hunter really sexually exploited barack and Michelle Obama's daughter. Speaking of which, Jim Stone agrees with us. 

We don't know who in this cancer video is a narth Hunter, the face of the facility's passionate fuck he didn't show us. We didn't see anything reprehensible in this video either.

People are always fucked, there's no news 📰. The news of all these people above is only in the lie about the epidemic and the false salvation in the false vaccine . That's the only reason we presented this material. What is called themselves to be in trouble, it was not necessary to so brazenly lie to the Americans and the whole world 🗺 

The son of the President-elect, Lady Gaga, who, incidentally, is also known for the fact that, in addition to being in a real meat suit with blood flowing from him, she is also a WHO Goodwill Ambassador and recently gave her bluntest speech there.

Lady Gaga helps WHO fight fake coronavirus

Together with other artists, she takes part in the online festival One World: Together at Home

In late March, The Director-General of the World Health Organization, Tedros Gebreisus, reported that he had been contacted by Lady Gaga, who had offered her assistance in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic. In collaboration with WHO and Global Citizen M, Stephanie participates in the one World: Together at Home charity music festival on April 18. Gaga also told us that during the week she helped Global Citizen to raise $35 million, which will go to solve the problems associated with the fake COVID-19. 

The goal of 🎯 One World: Together at Home, she says, is not to raise funds, but to create an atmosphere of comfort and unity at this difficult time. Among the participants of the festival are Billy Eilish, Paul McCartney, Elton John, Lizzo, Coldplay vocalist Chris Martin, John Legend, Alanis Christisette And many other famous musicians. They will be available on ABC, CBS and NBC, as well as on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. Beginning at 20:00 ET .

The next day, April 19, the concert was shown by the BBC - in a version for British television included interviews with the staff of the National Health Service. 

At the end of March 2020, Fox News and the iHeartRadio broadcasting platform held a benefit concert aimed at raising funds to fight the coronavirus and help those affected by the pandemic. Its host was Elton John. 


-Who are all these people? 

-A collection of national disgrace🖕

So close your mouth 👄 and don't squirm. 

Let's go further 🛫 

🇺🇸 In January 2021, dozens of pages were published from the diary of Ashley Blazer Biden, the 39-year-old daughter of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, who the whistleblower identified as the 2019 diary. The diary was started while Ashley was in rehab in Florida, and details her romantic interests, a falling marriage, struggles with drug and sexual addiction, and family life when her father began running for president. In Ashley's diary, Biden reveals child sexual trauma, drug abuse, resentment against old Joe and much more. 

Ashley Biden's diary in full (112 pages) in pdf 👇

We don't know the speaker on this big video 👇 but we think it's noteworthy.

🇨🇳In January 2021, we are again faced with a crazy Chinese lie that the doors to the high-rises are welded, and people throw their pets out of the windows: A large Chinese city in isolation, the whole province is on alert. 

Plans to announce a new threat to the covid21, Friends, no one canceled and if anyone would like to understand, an attempt to spend what exactly in our country in this regard will be made, then just look at England. The scenario for all countries is the same.

💉 After the Gates mosquito-vaccine mallaria in Texas, the most freedom-loving state, it's time for smart multivaccine patches. 

As part of the world's first development of its kind, researchers are creating a Band-Aid for the intelligent COVID-19 vaccine, which will deliver the vaccine as well as measure its effectiveness. The team at Swansea University's Institute of Innovative Materials, Processing and Numerical Technology (IMPACT) will create a Band-Aid for the intelligent COVID-19 vaccine using microneedles (MN), which deliver the vaccine, and measure inflammatory reactions to vaccination by monitoring biomarkers in the skin.

The project is called "Smart Devices for Vaccination" for COVID-19 vaccination and is funded by the Welsh Government's funding programme and partly by the NSW Regional Development Fund through the Welsh Government and Swansea University.

The patch will use tiny microneedles, which are designed to overcome the skin barrier and deliver drugs, providing a safe and effective method of delivery of the vaccine. The design allows the use of lower doses of the vaccine, which contributes to the cheapness of production and simplifies the spread and introduction. Researchers say the design will allow for an individual approach to vaccination.

Project manager Dr Sanjeev Sharma, from Swansea University, said: "Measuring the effectiveness of the vaccine is extremely important because it shows the protective effect of vaccination on humans. Vaccination using "plastic" has been described as the best approach to immunization because of its ability to overcome immune tolerance observed during pregnancy and lower vaccination costs by saving doses of antigen, which is especially true in underserved countries. The main goal of this project is to create a prototype intelligent device for vaccine delivery, which can not only deliver the COVID-19 vaccine transdermally, but also a minimally invasive way to control biomarkers in the skin department, offering real-time information about the effectiveness of vaccination. The new method will change the way vaccine efficacy tests from statistical evaluation to scientific measurement of a patient's inflammatory response to vaccination. The platform's real-time operation will mean quick results to contain the COVID-19 virus more quickly. This low-cost vaccine injection device will ensure a safe return to operation and control the subsequent waves of the COVID-19 outbreak. In addition to the pandemic, the scope of this work can be expanded to apply to other infectious diseases, as the nature of the platform allows for rapid adaptation to various infectious diseases. We are currently preparing a platform and hope to conduct clinical trials of transdermal delivery in humans with our existing partners at Imperial College London in preparation for the final implementation. We aim to release the first prototype by the end of the project in March 2021. Then we will study clinical trials and trials."

We say frankly: - you in the total amount of balance make the impression of not quite mentally healthy people. 

🇨🇳Kitay continued to clean up behind him in January 2021 . 

The Chinese government has undergone a new test as its officials have cleared important online data on the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the controversial laboratory that is the source of the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to the Daily Mail, "hundreds of pages of information" covering more than 300 studies conducted by WIV have been removed from the database, including some that discuss the transmission of diseases from animals to humans - which were published online by the state-run National Natural Science. Foundation of China (NSFC). The removal of key evidence has reignied fears that China is trying to whitewash itself by possibly being a snous-like duck. 

It comes after President Xi Jinping last week blocked World Health Organization investigators from entering the country. Meanwhile, China's state media published hundreds of articles claiming that the virus did not even originate in Wuhan city.

As part of the NSFC's online research purge, the CPC removed all references to studies conducted by Shi zhenli, a virologist from Wuhan who was nicknamed Batwoman for his trips to collect samples in bat caves. Research that is key to any investigation into the source of the virus has disappeared, including one study of the risk of interspecies infection from sars-like coronaviruses and another study of human pathogens carried by bats. Academic Proof of the existence of the "Gold Standard", Friends, recall so far no one has seen and, it is given, now the chances of it have become zero. 

By the way, one of the projects was called "Bat Woman."

🇨🇳Pubton humiliation of those whose views were not endorsed by the KRC during the Cultural Revolution in China in the 1960s, which sought to purge Chinese society of all the remaining capitalists and traditionalists.

It is estimated that during this time the CPC has killed 2-7 million people, and millions more have been brutally persecuted.

💉Thilization in the style of Lagarde and Gates : There were no deaths from cowids in the nursing home, but after the residents were vaccinated against the couida, fatal coe-like cases began to occur.

While WHO is expected to reduce or end coviid mortality, the Washington nursing home of The Commons on St. Anthony began to occur only after residents began getting vaccinated against the kovid.

James T. Mulder wrote on Saturday on that there had been no cooed deaths in The Commons until December 29, and that since December 29, seven days after the nursing home began to be vaccinated against the kovid, vaccinating 80% of residents, such deaths began to occur.

According to Mulder, in less than two weeks since December 29, 300-!️ 24 residents infected with the 4,000-year-old family home have died in a nursing home.

"The nursing home began vaccinating residents on December 22. To date, 193 people, or 80%, and 113 staff members, or less than half of the staff, have been vaccinated. The nursing home plans to do more vaccinations on January 12," Mulder said. 🤬

🌎Reace about the covid and our pandemic teachings Event 201

"In October 2019, the Johns Hopkins Health Safety Center held a pandemic event called Event 201 with partners, the WEF and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Recently, the CDC received questions about whether this pandemic exercise predicted the current new outbreak of coronavirus in China. 

To be clear, the Center for Health Safety and partners did not make predictions during our exercise. For the scenario, we simulated a fictional pandemic of coronavirus, and made it clear that it was not a prediction. 

... We do not predict that the 2019 covid outbreak will kill 65 million people." 😂

We move on to the main known to date defendants in the future criminal case. The plan of the epidemic they inscribed in October 2019, Friends👇

The INTERNET provider in Oydaho decided to block facebook and Twitter for its customers.

🇺🇸The company said they see criticism of angry and concerned customers who didn't want them or their children to access these media platforms because of their illegal censorship.

The ISP stated that all sites/apps/platforms and other illegally and unconstitutionally engaged in censorship will be blocked!😂

Continue educational procedures and anti-communist vaccinations in the next issues of Murzilka, stay tuned . 

𝓔𝓭𝓶𝓸𝓷𝓭 𝓓𝓪𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓼

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