Murzilka 43. 

Murzilka 43. 

"ᝪẞᜱᜧᝪᝀ𐍃 ᜧᜬᢗᜠᠻ᠗ᜧẞ᠘ᠻ ᜬᠻᜦ𐍃"

⚠️🇺🇸Thobook speaker Nancy Pelosi was stolen during a riot at the U.S. Capitol. 

Nout, who was standing in Pelosi's office when people broke in and where the screen was alerted by the U.S. Secret Service, with all her work and private email, which was, among other things, unlocked, was stolen.

🇺🇸Sign Christina Maxwell's sister, Giselle Maxwell, Epstein's pimp, her software company Chiliad provides database software to the FBI's counterterrorism team. In the photo, Christina Maxwell and her husband a friend of Gates, responsible for the rumors, panic and blocking in the U.S. conman Fauci. 

By the way, the daughter of this couple Alison ("Ali"), directly deals with censorship of the coding topics on Twitter, occupying the relevant position in the company. 

And you can continue to listen to these paedophile perverts, broadcasting to the whole world what he needs to do. 

No one will deny the existence of a record in the flight log of the plane Epstein named as Gates, who changed his mind to kill everyone until the population of the ball is reduced to 1 billion, and now suddenly decided to treat everyone from the kovid to save and multiply the citizens of the planet.


British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, French President Emanuel Macron, paedophile epstein's friend Conman Geist and PPC/Gates puppet, HEAD of WHO Ethiopian Gebreisus.

"Change Our World: Agenda for Sustainable Development until 2030"

     💉IBM is puzzled by vaccination.

"Vaccination of the world's population against COVID-19 is one of the greatest proliferation and logistics challenges humanity has ever faced. Some hope that artificial intelligence and blockchain technology can help solve this problem. It's about trying to solve the biggest data puzzle of our lives," says Jason Kelly, ibm's head of blockchain services.

Few people in our country know that companies cooperated with the Nazis, who were not threatened and worked with them for profit. There were enough of them. Many of them, especially American ones, are working and are still known today. "The most famous" of them was "IBM." In February 2001, Edwin Black wrote the best-selling book IBM and the Holocaust, detailing the firm's computers' involvement in the Nazi extermination of the Jewish population of Germany. The author, the son of Polish emigrants who survived the Holocaust, describes the incredible scale of cooperation between IBM and the Nazis. In Germany, a subsidiary of the German firm IBM was Dehomag (Deutsche Hollerith Maschinen Gesellschaft).

The book provides truly disgusting details of the way IBM equipment was used in concentration camps. In particular, IBM punch cards were used to catalog the victims: each victim of the regime was referred to as a certain "class" - homosexuals were assigned the third number, Jews - the eighth. Each prisoner received his own specific number assigned to him by IBM computers.

Hitler, aiming to exterminate all Jews, at least in Germany, wanted to keep their records in advance. The preparation of such a massive event as the destruction of a multimillion-dollar people required careful preparation. First of all, it was necessary to develop a system of identification of Jews, so that none of them could evade extermination. This also applied to those who considered themselves Germans, French, etc., forgetting about their distant ancestors in their ancestry. And to do this, it was necessary to conduct not just a census, but a racial census, about which statisticians have not been aware. Secondly, it was not an easy task to determine the total number of Jews in the world to be exterminated. And thirdly, the first two tasks required the use of the latest technologies for that time.The technology belonged exclusively to IBM, as the company controlled about 90% of the global market of electronic computing machines. IBM CHIEF Thomas Watson faced the choice of whether to sell or continue to own Dehomag.

And he chose to tabulate the Nazi census of 1933 and 1939.

As early as 1933, the life of Jews was put on a punch card. The basis for identification was a cunningly compiled questionnaire, which with the help of seemingly innocent questions, in the process of processing, was to identify among the population of Jews. And not only those who "were not shy" to recognize themselves as Jews, but also those who concealed their Jewish roots - baptized, or changed their surname, tying themselves marriage ties with the Aryans ...

The machines were so good that they allowed the cross-analysis method to identify even Jews who had been carefully concealing their origin for several generations. All the information, if in doubt, was double-checked... The racial census, according to the data, revealed about 600,000 Jews in Germany, including those who "shamelessly" considered themselves to be a hundred percent German, even though the Jewish blood of grandmothers or great-grandmothers flowed in their veins.

"The census revealed the level of penetration of these polluting Aryan elements into German culture, trade, industry, jurisprudence, medicine, and... The census revealed the confiscated Jewish property - houses, shops, factories ... »

According to the apt expression of Edwin Blake - even before the soldiers of Hitler's army crossed the borders of Germany, his "statistical soldiers" have already occupied outposts in Europe ... The weapons were also different: some had assault rifles, others had just Hollerit punch cards. But the goal of both was one.

And all this with IBM hardware.

For his services to Germany Watson was awarded the "honorary cross of the German eagle with a star" - the Order of Merit of the German Eagle. The German leadership considered the head of IBM a "friend", but, according to Black, Watson was interested primarily in profit, not ideology.

Heydrich's document of September 21, 1939, titled "The Jewish question in the occupied territory," began with the words:

"I would like to emphasize once and for all that the main measures (i.e. the ultimate goal) should be kept secret. The first step is to control the population through census and registration. This is followed by an evacuation. The evacuation is based on census documents. These documents are also a card giving permission to stay. Therefore, everyone should be handed cards before they are deported. Anyone who does not have a card will be executed... The census will be conducted on December 17, 1939."

Heydrich stated that the mass evacuation would not begin until January 1, 1940, and that Nazi Germany used only one census method- punch cards, each of which was made specifically for a separate census.

In Krakow, the Department of Cholrita on Polish Railways opened, which kept records of all trains, including those that took Jews to death in Treblinka and Auschwitz. Leon Krzemieniencki may be the only survivor who worked in the Hollerite department. His duties included tabulating and sorting information about all trains starting with regular passengers on freight trains. He never thought about taking part in transporting Jews to the gas chambers.

The selection of people at the entrance to Auschwitz 1944, SS officers select those who die immediately, who to use as a slave or for medical experiments. Between 1.1 and 1.6 million people; about 90% of the dead were Jews.

By the end of September 1941, all work on the identification of the Jews of Europe was completed. The total table of Jews to be exterminated went down in history as Table 11 Million. By November 1941, all preparations for the "Final Solution of the Jewish Question" were almost complete, and a meeting of central authorities could be convened so that, as Goering had instructed in his letter of 31 July 1941, to "engage them in the task at hand." At the conference, it was reported that 11 million more surviving Jews were to be killed. And the destruction camps have been fully operational. The same machines kept records of those killed in the concentration camps.

The Germans kept statistics on imprisoned Jews. Even the codes that were used to organize the data are: Code 8 - Jews, Code 11 - Gypsies, Code 001 - Auschwitz, Code 001 - Buchenwald and so on. In addition, IBM counting machines were used in the Reich Statistics Committee. With their help, the Nazis counted all the statistics of the Third Reich, much of which related to the genocide of the Jews, including, for example, such as the number of dead per square meter.With the help of more than a hundred researchers who worked in the archives of the United States, Britain, Germany, France and Israel, Edwin Black found documentary evidence of the dark links between this great American campaign and the Third Reich, which continued and during the war. Dehomag continued to communicate with IBM's U.S. headquarters via Geneva, Switzerland. When the U.S. entered World War II, Watson showed himself to be an ardent patriot... Thanks to Watson's policy, IBM has benefited the most from the war. In 1948, its annual turnover more than tripled from pre-war to $140 million... After the defeat of Germany, IBM machines were able to track the fate of many people. Although this did not prevent various groups of people affected by the war and the Holocaust in particular, to demand an official apology from IBM. The company refused to bring them. Even though during the war its employees remaining in Germany continued their work, even communicating with the management of the company through Geneva. However, IBM itself absolfed all responsibility for the activities of its enterprises in Germany during the war from 1941 to 1945.

            Agenda 2040. 

You're getting out of your Android Sleep Pod ™️

You get up, pass through the Covid spray disinfectant in your doorway.

Your McCafe coffee maker ™ SP spits out your morning brew.

You sit down at your Amazon Lifestation ™️, scan your eyes, solve 12 recepts and start your normal working day.

Your virtual morning conference begins, but you can only see eyes and teeth accompanied by screams and ebonies.

You set up the contrast of the monitor so that you really see your 12 bosses.

And so your e-paycheck has fallen on your government food bill, so you'll treat yourself to a delicious lunch. 

You order the latest version of cage free all, GMO, Bug Whopper ™️, because it tastes exactly the same as the real meat you hear about from the city's 24/7 loudspeaker system.

Today you feel great, so change your SmartWindows ™️ to Sunny Skies ®. But, because you're probably infected with a covid at work, you won't be able to go outside this month. Soon you'll be allowed to see your children in your monthly call ® call as they are in a public kindergarten.

💉 Experimental MRNA Vaccine COVID-19 is an operating system for programming human DNA.

According to the pharmaceutical giant Moderna, experimental vaccines based on COVID-19 mRNA, for the first time in history approved for use in emergency cases, are an operating system designed to program human DNA.

The strands of genetic code act as chemical intermediaries between DNA in our chromosomes and the cellular mechanism that produces the proteins we need to function: mRNA provides the instructions needed for this mechanism to assemble these proteins. MRNA-1273 Moderna is programmed to force your cells to produce the infamous studded coronavirus protein that gives the virus the appearance of a corona.

"We decided to create a mRNA technology platform that is very similar to the operating system on a computer. It is designed in a way that can connect and work as a interchangeable with different programs. In our case, "program" or "app" is our mRNA drug - a unique sequence of mRNA that encodes protein," says Moderna,

"The use of these sets of instructions gives our researched drugs with mRNA quality software. We also have the ability to combine different mRNA sequences encoding different proteins into one mRNA under study."

Scientists have raised concerns that an immune response to RNA could lead to some autoimmune diseases, such as lupus. What's more, a team of researchers from the medical journal The Lancet warned that Covid-19 vaccines currently being developed could increase the risk of HIV infection, potentially leading to more infections. Australia has had to abandon its billion-dollar coronavirus vaccine project altogether after participants tested positive for HIV.

In January 2021, Grafton police, about 32 kilometers north of Milwaukee, arrested Aurora Health pharmacist Stephen Brandenburg after they had 57 vials of a Moderna vaccine with 500 doses. 

Later it became known that the pharmacist was moving, deliberately spoiling the vaccines. According to court documents released Monday, a Wisconsin pharmacist is convinced the world is "collapsing," which he told police, saying he tried to spoil hundreds of doses of the kovid vaccine because he believed the injections were altering/mutating people's DNA. 

😷Maski is a very profitable business. 🤧

Judicial Watch claims to have 848 pages of documents revealing the content of the $1 billion mask contract. The contract is between the California Office of Emergency Situations and the Chinese Communist Party, which is affiliated with BYD. The documents show that the Assistant General Counsel of the Office of Emergency Services admits that they have deviated from the usual procurement process under this contract. In addition, the contract between Office of Emergency Services and BYD uses another name, Global Healthcare Product Solutions, LLC. BYD will not bear "any responsibility and does not guarantee the masks if they are faulty."

🇺🇸SUS has officially reached the ninth level of hell, Friends.

😷Indisces that the vaccinated continue to spread the covid as well as the unvaccinated, and even with great success, as they do not fear for their health because of the injection made, unlike the unvaccinated, vaccinated are allowed to wear a mask of blue color, and unvaccinated only red. 

"Only your official SAFE-ID check card will be accepted as proof of vaccination." 

We see, Friends, the birth of a medical "gender" that will have nothing to do with sex, and the segregation that precedes total fascism, whose under-tensions do what their unfinished ancestors did.

Democrats, represented by McGovern, have proposed gender-neutral rules.Under Democrats' rules on "gender-inclusive language," their plan "modernizes the use of pronouns, family relationship terminology and other references to gender to cover all members, delegates, permanent members of the commission, House staff and their families - including non-binary."

Apparently following the rules, Democrat Emanuel Kliver (Missouri), a pastor-methodist, ended the opening prayer of the 117th Congress with the words "Amen" and "Woman."

"Amen in Latin means "may it be so." It's not a gender word. Unfortunately, the facts have nothing to do with progressives. Unbelievable," wrote Member of the House of Representatives Guy Stavsentaler on January 3, indignant that the pastor added "woman" to "amen" but in his name the English word "man" (Emanuel - E "man" uel) he refuses to change his name with "woman" (Eumanel-E "woman" uel).

Many politicians concerned about the measures are still unaware that sooner or later they will have to face all this themselves, for there will be no "big and small" and "great and weak". 

The first such power-up "swallow" was arrested in Scotland. Scottish MP Margaret Ferrier has been charged with reckless conduct in relation to an alleged breach of the Crown Code between 26 and 29 September last year. Ferrier is accused of making an 800-mile trip to parliament back and forth after being infected with a Covid-19. She is said to have learned that her test was positive in September, after she spoke in the House of Commons in Westminster and then returned home to Glasgow. Ferrier is also accused of visiting a beauty salon, gift shop and gym in Lanarkshire. 

A Police Scotland spokesman said: "We can confirm that officers today arrested a 60-year-old woman and charged her with alleged criminal and reckless conduct. This was the result of a thorough investigation by Police Scotland into an alleged breach of the coronavirus between 26 and 29 September 2020. The report will be sent to the Fiscal Procurator fiscal and we cannot comment further." 

🇩🇪💊'DF (State Radio): A retrospective look at medicine in Germany.

The Contergan scandal was one of the most notable drug scandals in the Federal Republic of Germany and was uncovered in 1961 and 1962. Sold in millions of batches, the tranquilizing drug Contergan, containing the active ingredient thalidomide, could cause damage in the development of fetal growth when taken early in pregnancy.

Singapore police will start using "boiler data" in the investigation of ug. Crimes. 

On Monday 4 January 2020, Singapore's Minister of The Interior stated that Singapore police could obtain TraceTogether data for criminal investigations.

"In accordance with the Criminal Procedure Code (CPC), the SPF is authorized to obtain any data, including traceTogether data," said Mr Tan, "The Government is the custodian of TT (TraceTogether) data provided by individuals and strict measures have been taken to protect these personal data. Examples of these measures include allowing access to data only to authorized officials, using such data only for authorized purposes, and storing data on a secure data platform."

The window of the overton is open and the next who will be subjected to this kind of search, probably, will be dissidents and others, whom the regimes according to social. status will be considered a "bad man."

2020 has given us the expected aggravation of the crisis of the financial system and the entire social system, for which we have been ready for at least since 2010. Crisis phenomena that have become visible to all since 2007:

🔹Crisis of overproduction: only in the automotive field 40% of excess capacity worldwide;

🔹Crisis of sales: a steady decline in industrial production from 2017 is also not statistically hidden;

🔹Financial crisis: zero interest rate with virtually unlimited fictitious printing of money; Credit creation of money by commercial banks;

🔹Crisis of purchasing power: a decline in consumption since 2005 due to a decline in real incomes;

🔹Crisis in the labour market: an increase in the number of "overweight" people

🔹Migration crisis: a completely unnecessary and unmanageable influx of economic migrants into the EU to an already tense labour market;

🔹sprogressing destruction of nature, veiled and overlooked by politically instrumentalized campaigns on pseudo "environmental protection";

🔹consideration of reality by people and the increasing subconscious fears and uncertainty that have long been incited by the media.

All this was exacerbated last year by managed hysteria and pseudo-pandemics, which, however, was "proclaimed" by individual WHO representatives, but the truth, only verbally, is that there is not a single document in which WHO declares a pandemic.

At the same time, with all this nonsense and other coercive measures, what is being achieved is that

As billionaires' wealth grows, there are fewer small and medium-sized enterprises, which will then be used by the banks that gave them loans that they were unable to repay because of the coy. Apparently, do not pass the cold expropriation of entrepreneurs: either bankruptcy or forced sale - in any case, material values (including technology) will be only from already known large collectors of funds, assets and capital: Black Rock, Vanguard, Fidelity, Capital Partners, State Street, JP Morgan, Citigroup, Bank of New York Mellon Corp., Bank of New York Merrill Lynch Corp., 

The world will have to endure the consequences of war without war; and thus the gigantic redistribution of real values from the hardworking masses to the money kingdom of freaks has already begun on a scale that is not yet known to us and is steadily continuing.

People will continue to be kept at bay by the media, so that despite their growing economic disadvantage, they will not suddenly have the revolutionaries, and at the same time, that people are psychologically hardened and ossified, lose their honor and human dignity, giving the freaks all the reins of the plebs. 

Crowds will be able to emerge from a hopeless situation, which is lost by freaks, and in which they find themselves, only through obedience and submission to the most reckless measures "in the name of saving lives" . Sooner or later the planned huge reduction of humanity, there will be a digital classes of society, super "elite", a layer of digital drones. 

We do not know, Friends, and no one knows how long certain circumstances will last, but it should not prevent any of you to save yourself and remain a Man, so that when the time comes, begin the destruction of the system from the first small steps, so that you can continue to pursue their own path. 

🇺🇸On Bush's funeral, many American politicians received envelopes.

The envelope was received including the wife of US Vice President Pence and Hillary Clinton.

🇺🇸Karen Pence, Al Gore and their envelopes...

☠️ Ewing Sweden by year. 

If you still think that the locks are related to health and safety, we are unlikely to be able to pick up your name so as not to offend you. 

🇺🇸☠️ Official dock on mortality in the States as well as the dock. Mortality in Sweden by years, in fact OFFICIAL informs us, Friends, that the "cat pandemic" is nothing but a hoax and a scam. 

Although, maybe just numbers lie and we misinterpret them ...

🇮🇱🇺🇸Earing groups and politicians demanded in January that the NYPD take action after someone in a Brooklyn apartment through a window noticed a swastika hanging on his wall. City Councilman Mark Treiger, a Ukrainian Jew representing South Brooklyn, demanded a police investigation into the man. When Traiger contacted the NYPD to report the flag, he was told that the banner inside the house was not a crime. The flag was taken off by a Brooklyn man and could no longer be seen through the window.

🇺🇸 New York Mayor Bill de Blasio and his wife on New Year's Eve in Times Square show who they really are. 

Very few people notice it. According to the FBI, the badge on their colorful rags, which on the faces, means belonging to the "brotherhood of paedophiles."

🇺🇸Lyan Wood does not calm down and publishes another video (video No.1) from the bath, proving pedophilia and the use of children by the highest ranks of state functionaries: 

"Many people have seen this video about the bath before. I won't re-post it to avoid breaking Twitter's rules. There are THOUSANDS of videos of paedophilia crimes committed by powerful people. Chief Justice John Roberts should resign immediately. A storm is coming."

We couldn't help but add to Wood's post video number 2, looking at how it breaks our hearts every time we see it, not just us. What this child has experienced is inseding with any adult logic and is not explained by any normal motives, and it is one of the many children who are forced to speak for their "educators" of paedophiles. These people need to be stopped.

🇩🇪 The story of the mutant virus COVID21 continues.

Karl Lauterbach, a German scholar and politician of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD), professor of health economics and epidemiology at the University of Cologne, demands an indefinite blockade of Germany: 

"The incidence rate is 50% insufficient because in the future we will probably be dealing with a variant of the virus that is significantly more contagious than the one that has been prevalent in Germany so far."

🇩🇪 Inscription hangs from New Year 01.01.2021. The facade of the Magaz of the German discount supermarket chain Lidl, Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Berliner Strasse. Photo 03.01.2021.

"Burn Alive By The Dissidents"

We hope, now you imagine, Friends, what level of hatred through the so-called media they managed to achieve among the plebs and on which camps to divide it in order to total atomize society.

Gates' friend is a paedophile Epstein at 14 and 2 years old. On the right is my grandfather, mother, left aunt. 

2020-2021 can be safely described as a state of war. We are the people of the planet at war against an increasingly authoritarian and tyrannical, elitist globalist system run by a small group of multi-billionaires who decades ago planned to seize power over people, control them, reduce them to what the tiny elite considers "sufficient quantity" to live on Mother Earth and digitize and robotize the rest of the survivors as a kind of serfdom. It's a combination of George Orwell's "1984" and Aldous Huxley's "The Brave New World."

Welcome to the age of trans people. So they need vaccinations to inject us with transgenic substances that can change our DNA if we don't wake up or at least the critical mass doesn't realize - and doesn't change the dynamics. Because the dynamics are unpredictable, especially in the long run.

The war is real, and the sooner we realize it, the sooner masked and socially distant people notice the world's dystopian conditions that we have allowed our governments to impose, the better our chances of restoring our sovereignty. Today we are faced with completely illegal and strict rules, which are imposed under the pretext of "health protection". Disobedience is punishable by a large fine; Rules observed by the military and police: wearing masks, social distancing, staying within the permitted radius of our "home", quarantine, keeping away from our friends and families.

Indeed, the sooner we humans accept the old forgotten quality of humanity - "solidarity" - and this war with our solidarity, with our love for each other, for humanity, with our love for LIFE and our love for Mother Earth, the sooner we will again become independent, self-confident beings - a quality that we have gradually lost in the last few decades of postwar history. Piece by piece of human and citizen's rights were cut off under false pretenses and propaganda - "security" - to the point that we asked for greater security and happily renounced most of our freedoms and rights. How sad it all is.

Suddenly we realize that there is nothing left. And it's irretrievable. We allow this to happen before our eyes because of the promised convenience and propaganda lies of these small groups of elites - the globalists, in their thirst for infinite power and greed - and the endless increase of their wealth, their billions. Are billions of monetary unions "wealth"? It's doubtful. They have no love. No soul, no heart, just a mechanical blood pump to save their lives.

These people, the globalists, are so deeply immersed in their moral dysfunction, completely devoid of ethical norms, that it is their time - either to be convicted in accordance with international human rights standards or for war crimes and crimes against humanity - similar to the post-Nuremberg process. 

As the number of people awakening increases, the Force, which is becoming more and more nervous and struggling to get all people to accept the official tale and promote it.

This is so obvious, knowing these people in "normal" times, that their progressive views suddenly turn 180 degrees to the official narrative, defending the government's lies, the lies of the "scientific working groups" of governments that advise them, and thus provide them with an alibi so that they still "twist" the "nuts", the very people who protect governments and on whom they should work; lies and deceptive messages emanating from "scientists" who may have been promised "eternal, endless career ladders" or life in a hidden paradise. What can you get in return by trying to refute the opinion of your friends, colleagues and patients about the terrible disease "Covid-19"? Perhaps something as good as life itself - and free for the greedy rich. For example, a certificate of vaccination without vaccination by toxic injection - which opens up a world of travel and entertainment, "as in the old days."

Other special services may include exemption from social distancing, wearing masks, quarantine and, who knows, huge cash bonuses. It's no surprise that this tiny evil cell grows like a cancerous tumor and takes over the world.

What should be done if citizens misbehave? - Loss of work, deprivation of health benefits, physical threats to families and loved ones, and more.

We're at war. In fact. 99.999% vs. 0.001%. Their tactic is to win, coupled with this last brilliant idea - the introduction of an invisible enemy, a virus, a plan and a campaign of fear to suppress and tyranny the world, all 193 UN member states 🇺🇳 and with the participation of the UN's governing body 🇺🇳.

The infamous words uttered by Rockefeller's protege Henry Kissinger more than half a century ago come to mind: "Who controls the food supply, controls people; who controls energy can control entire continents; who controls money can rule the world."

If vaccination 💉 rise to full height, the gap between those who follow the rules and those who reject will only widen. Those who refuse to be vaccinated will be treated as outings. Anyone who is not thrilled with the idea of adopting an experimental drug, whose manufacturer is exempt from all claims of liability, is seen as an enemy of the state, separated from their children or expelled from home as a "health risk" of children. Peter Koenig is a research fellow at the Center for the Study of Globalization. 

Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and former senior economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he has worked for more than 30 years on water and environmental issues around the world, lectures at universities in the United States, Europe and South America, and regularly writes for online magazines and is the author of Implosion, an economic thriller about war, environmental destruction and corporate greed, and co-author of Cynthia McKinney's book When China Sneezes : from coronavirus isolation to global political and economic crisis"

At the beginning of the material, an American pastor-innovator tried to introduce an additional thing in the form of "avumen" in the addition to "amen" in prayer. 

So, in fact, the impact of Amen and Awomen on the curvature of space is about the same as the impact of a black hole.

David Martin, Rocco Galati, Dr. Judy Mikowitz and Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: "Don't think it's a vaccine and so it should be safe. It's not a vaccine and it's not safe. Don't call it a vaccine." 👇

When you're white and decided to swing right in China. And the Chinese suck (afraid to touch) the red-faced point plays in the Communists👇

Another warning, on behalf of a large group of health professionals, was sent on 19 December 2020 by the law firm Giuristi per la to the main leaders of the European Commission, including European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, European Commissioner for Health Stella Kyriakides, EMA Director-General Emer Koki, WHO Regional Director Hans Henri P. Kluge, Chairman of the Council of Ministers Domenico Mantoan, Prime Minister Nicola Magrini, Constitutional Court, Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court Fatou Bensuda. Experts caution against mass experiments with the Covid 19 vaccine and/or any mass experiments with genetic therapy (mRNA) in a way that violates a number of international conventions:

EU Charter on Fundamental Rights, Oviedo Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine, Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights (2005), UNESCO Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity, Article 6 of the Treaty on the European Union...

💉 All our readers remember that "Covid-19 Diagnostic Test Tools and Devices (902780)" was exported to countries around the world from 2018, prior to the appearance of the kovid: "On the website of World Integrated Trade Solution (WITS) Russia placed an order for "COVID-19 diagnostic test tools and devices" worth 20,843 01 U.S. dollars and required 35111 units what has been called the "COVID-19 Diagnostic Test instruments and apparatus."

After receiving publicity, the information posted on the site was changed and the word covid opposite 2018 was removed.

💉Reading fake with vaccination. This time from Holland. 

"Almost 900 staff members were invited to vaccinate #COVID19. >60% have already logged in within 24 hours. Very few people have indicated that they do not want the vaccine," wrote Mark Bonten on Twitter, a microbiologist and epidemiologist mentioned in the story.

🇩🇪Sizing a note for the medical staff about the covid. 

"... Effects on nerves or cardiovascular system, as well as long-term currents of the disease personal. Although the disease is common, and !!️ abs. most of the patients recover, severe currents threaten pneumonia, which can lead to death due to lung injury...". 

it is frightful? We don't have to do it either...

The UN has removed information from its website about the New World Order. 

We reported earlier that under the banner of the UN suddenly earned the project "New World Order", briefly describing what is the project, the announcement of which on the UN website coincided with the pandemic of the kovid.

The United Nations "New World Order" project is a high-level global initiative founded in 2008 to advance a new economic paradigm, a new political order.

However, apparently noticing the reaction of the sober part of the world, which understands what follows, on this initiative, the UN has removed all information about the project. In the photo site: it was and became

Trump's Twitter feed was last smeared with red communist shit and will forever remain that red communist shit 💩 

🇺🇸In case someone needs a new podium for any purpose, Friends, then keep in mind, one such is with free delivery: 

"The Speaker's Tribune of the House of Representatives

Price $99,600 q Free shipping. There are available. Delivery Mon, 25 January - Wed, 27 January." 😂

😷In Calgary (Canadian province of Alberta) you will be arrested and fined for skating without a mask, even if you skate on the street alone 👇

We cannot guarantee that this is indeed related to Hillary, as the request is marked with the name of the applicants as Denetra D Senigar and the date of 12/13/2018. It should be understood that this is the date the file was received, not the actual date of the letter/request. The search for The Denetra D Senigar does not bring anything significant and may be a pseudonym, as in the virtual reading room of Clinton's emails to search for nephilim zero results. However, if you are looking for the name Denetra D Senigar, you will get 12,726 results. So it looks like this name may well be some type of satanic code name. 

We linked this request to Hillary because of a media report on her interests in this matter: "Hillary Clinton called Gilgamesh and buried nephilim." 

And you call us obscurantists, Friends, while this term is more appropriate for perverts from a deep state. 

Here, we showed you.

𝓔𝓭𝓶𝓸𝓷𝓭 𝓓𝓪𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓼

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