Murzilka 41.

Murzilka 41.

"ᝪẞᜱᜧᝪᝀ𐍃 ᜧᜬᢗᜠᠻ᠗ᜧẞ᠘ᠻ ᜬᠻᜦ𐍃"

Mystical coincidence of numbers. Even the stars and those say, "Stop! 

With the development of knowledge, the misunderstood "scientificness" has become an indispensable component of the ideology of the masses. Previously, it was possible to fool the masses with a reflex, now - with an argument. Science is a great force. Nazism and Bolshevism showed that pseudoscience is even stronger. Both there and here - the reasoning is inconsistent: references to logic, arguments, consistency, consistency, comparison of opinions, consistency of parts, comparison with practice - all this lost its meaning in comparison with primitive instincts. G. Rausching testifies:

 "For the National Socialists, the more contradictory doctrine, the better, the more effective. The masses are never able to grasp it as a whole. Whoever is able to do this must either be part of the elite or be beaten as an intellectual and a liberal.

 Doctrine exists for the masses. She is an instrument of domination over the masses. The elite is above doctrine. She uses it as she sees fit to fulfill her aspirations. "

 With frank cynicism, this was preached to like-minded people by the "Fuhrer of all Germans":

 “It is necessary to put an end to the notion that the crowd can be satisfied with the help of worldview constructions. Cognition is an unstable platform for the masses. A stable feeling is hatred. It is much more difficult to shake it than an assessment based on scientific knowledge. The broad masses are imbued with the feminine principle: they only understand categorical "yes" or "no." The masses need a man with cuirassier boots, who says: this path is correct! "

 Yes, the Nazis frankly admitted what ours carried out in silence, but much more virtuoso and on a much larger scale. But for all the difference between their not so irrationality and our not so rationalism, the result was the same. Both there and here, following their Fuehrer, the "agitators and fighters" reduced any concept to a simple slogan, the feeling of irrefutability of which was created by incessant repetition.

 "Primitivization, reduction of ideas to slogans, periodically changing as the course changes and often incompatible, affecting not so much the mind as the feeling - these are the features of the propaganda of totalitarianism," scientific "or mythological, but equally calculated on passivity, fear, darkness.

 Only three years, and Germany was unrecognizable. It turned into a colossal barracks, where the owner was a Prussian corporal of Austrian origin. A cruel and cunning soldier, cunning, purposeful and fanatical. "

 A feature of mass ideology is invariably eclecticism, what in Marxism is called the unity and struggle of opposites ... "Great tasks" always require great destruction, decisive measures, solemn oaths, complete and final victory ... Nazism included elitism and vulgarity. , leaderism and "nationality", chauvinism and "internationality", anti-capitalism and corporatism, autarky and trade, contempt for the masses and the proclamation of the working man as the salt of the social order. But the main thing was still anti-communism. In May 1933, at the congress of the German Popular Front, Hitler said: “14-15 years ago I declared to the German nation that I see my historical task in destroying communism. These are not empty words, but a sacred oath that I will keep until I give up my spirit. "

 Most of what has been said also applies to communism, and in both cases the common requirement is continuous "strengthening" in the name of one longed-for goal - consolidation of power, the dictatorship of the leader, and the cecacracy. Nazi ideology, as set out in Mein Kampf, is categorical and aggressive - all dissidents are declared enemies and must be destroyed. All truths are final. With the frankness inherent in the Nazis and the lack of communists - no bluntness - Hitler ranted: “National Socialism cannot be proved and does not need proof. He justifies himself by his activities that ensure the life of society. " In short: practice is the criterion of truth ... What is our practice - this is our truth. The practice is well known ...

 Nazism and Bolshevism assumed the smoothing out of social contradictions on the basis of a national idea, which for Lenin became the world revolution, and for Hitler - the Third Reich as the center of world expansion. Both here and there the workers received a promise that they would share with them the proceeds of the plunder - the exploiters or the conquered states. Today the German and Russian workers are well aware of how such promises turned out.

 I would not like to equate the ideologies of fascism and communism, but the similarity of many political methods and technologies used by seducers and seducers is quite obvious, and this similarity is not only an expression of a certain “meaning” of the era or the cruelty of the time, it is the result of a single totalitarian nature of the two regimes that introduced in the consciousness of the masses, a new pseudo-religious in nature belief in the values ​​of statism, cohesion and superiority of their nation and their ideas in conjunction with the "values" of racism, xenophobia and anti-Semitism. As in Hitler's Germany, in Russia the idea was always exaggerated that "the old intelligentsia is drawn to the American plutocracy, that sympathies for Talmudism and Jewish abstraction are hidden in it." (V. Grossman).

 Communism and fascism revived traditional values ​​such as "nation"

 "Statehood", the cult of a strong personality and service to it. Here and the subordination of citizen freedoms to the interests of the state, the right to formulate which is usurped by the ruling clique, and the hierarchy covered by the fictions of equality is the fundamental principle of communism and fascism, separating people, segregating them according to class, national, social, religious or other criteria. Although fascists and communists loved to appeal to the future, their ideologies were similarly rooted in ancient cults and myths. The Nazis and communists had a negative attitude towards the church, but they widely used the millennial church, Jesuit techniques of managing their flock, completely subordinating the spirit to the human will of the “father”.

 By the way, if after the denazification Germany entered the family of democratic peoples, then in today's Russia nothing has changed in this respect. The main production of Russia to this day remains the ideological production of lies, cosmic lies, universal lies - I mean the ideology of fooling the people in a permanent war between the authorities and this very people. According to Daniil Dondurei, editor-in-chief of the Cinema Art magazine, this is a huge political work, a colossal work. The main production in Russia is not oil, gas or even weapons, but the production of perverse values ​​and meanings, distorted people's ideas about life - distorted and perverse, that is, distracting the masses from its realities, inspiring ideological deception, zombifying, turning yehu into an obedient grunting herd ... The result is obvious: if pigs could vote, Orson Scott Card, author of Children of the Mind, ironically, then a man with a bucket of liquor would invariably be chosen as a swineherd, no matter how many pigs he killed. They don't care about the country's top rankings for the most vile indicators, the problem of brain drain or the dependence of wealth on gas prices, but they are full of hatred for liberals, democrats or supporters of same-sex marriage.

 There is an effect that I would call inversion, flipping, replacing "black" with "white". In brainwashing, the communists were washed to the point of complete obscurantism, to the point of no return, when the converts turned into dissidents. Most of the opponents of the Soviet regime were recruited from its supporters. By the way, excessive propaganda always achieves goals directly opposite to those stated. Although I have never been brainwashed from my earliest years, I must admit that its very intensity has accelerated my transformation, forcing, already at the age of 20, to sit down to the 10-volume book "Yehuism" ("Totalitarianism"). The stronger the difference between ideology and reality, the faster the ideology is destroyed from within itself. This is one of the main reasons for the collapse of the USSR.


 The state building of totalitarian states, regardless of the ideologies they use, is built on the same principles of statism, leaderism and the most brutal hierarchy (vertical of power). What I will further quote refers to fascism, but equally applies to Bolshevism, with the appropriate replacement of some concepts with others:

 "The masses were inspired by the idea, transforming it into passion. The idea-passion became an action that was concentrated around the personality of the leader. The leader is a living doctrine, an active principle, a soul marked with the seal of being chosen. And, quite according to Carlyle, the leader was clothed with veneration, worship, dignity , surrounded by a superhuman halo. Ideocracy turned into autocracy. Personality - the medium of an idea.

 Ultimately, it was authoritarianism, which, as a method of dictatorship, presupposes excessive centralism of power, strict hierarchy in relations between its members, terror against the opposition and, finally, the concentration of supreme power in the hands of the leader.

 The party has now become a state! The identity of the party and the state - in other words, the party apparatus and state bodies - is one of the main principles of Nazi doctrine. This principle was supplemented by another dogma: "The Party is the Fuehrer."

 Both here and there, the party was an organization standing above the state. It was the top of the party who commanded everything and everyone. According to the official doctrine of Farinacci, completely copied from Lenin, the leader is higher than the king, and the federal secretary of the fascist party is higher than the prefect. It is no coincidence that the Reichstag (substitute - the Supreme Council) was called the highest paid choir in Germany - its functions were reduced to unanimous voting and singing the anthem after meetings. The party, using the organs of intimidation, cut and reshaped the country, exiled peoples, repressed the unwanted, staged famine, erected the Gulag, and turned the Germans and Russians into slaves.

 Both here and there the ruling party was built on the basis of "democratic centralism", which translated into Russian means the most brutal and indestructible hierarchy. According to the statutes of the Bolshevik and Nazi parties, the lower echelon of the party must blindly obey the higher, and everything, ultimately, to the ruling elite, combining the state and party leadership in their hands. At the top of this hierarchical pyramid stood a great leader (Duce, Fuhrer), whose every word, even accidentally dropped, became a law. In him, in his personal cult, is the center and pathos of Bolshevik and Nazi-fascist psychology.

 An interesting parallel: at first, the Grand Fascist Council (BFS) in Italy was not formally a government or state body. I decided everything. Later, in order to consolidate the leading role of the fascist party, the BFS was declared the supreme body implementing all the activities of the regime that emerged from the 1922 revolution.

 "The main" principles "of the Nazi regime were the undivided rule of the party, the complete subordination of the state and all its institutions (local government, courts, army, etc.) to the Nazis; a sophisticated system of propaganda and social demagoguery, monopolization of propaganda means and isolation of the masses from all sources information from which they could glean truthful information about the internal and external situation of the country; a ramified apparatus of violence and terror, the creation of a huge network of informants.

 The slogan of the fascist propaganda read: "One party - one Reich - one Fuhrer." In fact, this meant that the country was surrendered to the power of the party, and the party to the power of the Fuhrer. To establish an unrestricted dictatorship, all non-Nazi parties were disbanded. "

 What the communist and Nazi parties have in common is that they both “relied on all the healthy forces of the nation, on all classes of society equally, striving to become the selection of the nation, leading its vanguard. The fascist party is against any partisanship, the existence of many parties fighting among themselves, believing that in every nation there should be one leading selection, one national-state party, the bearer and embodiment of the state idea "- here I am quoting not Italian fascists and not German Nazis, and the Russian "ABC of Fascism" by G. Taradanov and V. Kibardin *. (* G. Taradanov, V. Kibardin, The ABC of Fascism, The Star and the Swastika. M., 1994, p. 198). Both here and there, candidates for power were nominated not by individual citizens, but by organizations - in agreement with party bodies, and the list of selected candidates consisted, of course, of 100% adherents of the regime. True, to preserve the appearance of democracy, the Nazis had twice the number of candidates in parliament. Ours could also afford it, because in the end it was not the elections that were decided there either, but the Great Fascist Council (FBS). Article 5 of the "Law on the Reform of Political Representation" read: "The Grand Fascist Council draws up lists of deputies, choosing them at its own discretion from the total number of candidates, as well as outside of it, if it is dictated by the need to include in the list of persons who have gained prominence in the field of science, literature , arts, politics or military affairs that were not among the candidates. "

 Admission to the Nazi and Communist parties was limited and differentiated. It was impossible to leave it willingly, but the “unworthy” were expelled from it, which meant political and often physical death for them. "Moral" requirements and maximum party membership did not prevent the homosexual Rem, embezzler and sybarite Goering, from occupying the highest party and state posts, not to mention hundreds and thousands of Himmler's bloodthirsty henchmen (you can substitute our analogs for the exercise).

 "They and we had an important ceremony for the meeting. True, there - due to the transience of the regime - it was held on the enthusiasm of both the organizers and the masses. People voluntarily rushed to the gathering places, crowding the halls. Exciting marches supported the crowd in an upbeat euphoric state ... Nazi congresses were spectacular, propaganda events. They turned their gatherings into circus performances. A large role was assigned to the so-called "talking choirs" ... Actually, the meetings of the congresses consisted in the fact that individual party officials and representatives of local organizations read in advance compiled "reports" ... Everything was thought out to the smallest detail, every movement was carefully learned and rehearsed, everything was designed in advance, calculated ... The congress was a kind of symbol of the "third empire": here they did not think, did not argue, only listened attentively , greeted, marched, sang, shouted "Heil!" ... did not exist before ... "

 D. V. Prokudin, B. M. Meerson testify: "NSDAP was a" party of a new type ", that is, not a political party in the usual sense. It was not oriented towards parliamentary activity, however, when the opportunity to get into the Reichstag presented itself, its party The party was very strictly centralized, the Fuhrer was a completely indisputable authority, the Fuhrer was smaller - also, within the limits of his competence, a party member was obliged to absolutely obey his leadership in everything without exception. The party possessed paramilitary groups, that is, it was aimed at terrorist activities; the combination of parliamentary debate and terror made NSDAP politics a game without rules, unpredictable for normal politicians. "

 The same "social equality" - with special rights, nomenklatura rations, Kremlin distributors, hospitals, sanatoriums, "envelopes", numerous privileges. The party apparatus of the Bolsheviks and Nazis was built on the hierarchical Fuehrer principle: power and privileges grew from the bottom up. Personal likes and dislikes mattered more than business qualities, Aryan origin more than ability, absolute obedience more than initiative. The upward movement was associated with membership in the party, and the fascists called it "vertical social mobility." Over time, this "mobility" led to the de facto isolation of the Nazi apparatus from all classes, which is so characteristic of any totalitarian regime. Party membership, especially for the surviving "old guard" - persons with party membership cards from No. 1 to No. 500,000 - gave the Nazi bosses and the Bolshevik "Leninist guard" many other benefits, but at the same time turned those seduced by them into cogs of the party machine.

 "For management and unquestioning obedience, Hitler introduced a complex hierarchy of privileges, which received the entire ruling stratum of Nazi society, as well as a small part of the working class, peasantry, and intelligentsia.

 For all more or less significant posts, appointments were made personally by the Fuhrer. There was no trace of democracy in the Nazi cohorts. Hitler considered the discussions "empty chatter".

 Already in the twenties, a special institute was created in the party apparatus

 "Observers" who were obliged to record seditious statements by members of the NSDAP and hand them over to the authorities. Even the Gauleiters were deprived of any independence.

 The slightest deviation or the slightest criticism of prescribed dogmas within their own ranks was considered mortal danger. NSDAP members constantly looked for "individualists" and "heretics", to find and destroy which was considered more honorable than to convert half a dozen open opponents to their faith.

 Back in Mein Kampf, Hitler demanded a clear distinction between fellow travelers and party members. Party members had to recognize the principle of the Fuhrer, to maintain a "fighting spirit".

 Already in the mid-twenties, Hitler established a special party court called USHLA - "Investigation and Settlement Commission".

 Hitler and his personal friends could intervene in all matters at all levels. Many party departments duplicated each other - and this was not an accident, but a system, especially after the Nazis came to power, when party and state bosses performed the same functions, controlling each other.

 Hitler deliberately incited discord in order to hold the reins in his hands.

 To strengthen Hitler's personal power, constant shake-ups within the party were also necessary. Even the big Nazis had to remember that their posts and influence entirely depended on the Fuehrer.

 In a word, the Nazi party was a hierarchical-bureaucratic entity, built not as a military or as a kind of terrorist organization, a kind of “mafia”. "

 Here I am citing the book by D. Melnikov and L. Chernoy "Criminal number 1", although I personally believe that in fact Hitler, at best, was criminal number 3. Everything else - one to one - equally relates to fascism and Bolshevism. Both systems created gigantic bureaucracies, under which they were buried. The apparatus of the phalanx, I read in the book "History of Fascism in Western Europe", has grown so much that the functions of the various services of the phalanx, as a rule, duplicated the services of most ministries. But the phalanx has long ceased to exist, and the legacy of the Bolshevik apparatus, alas, lives on and flourishes: the grandchildren of the Bolsheviks who staged a bloody coup in 1917 are now at the head of the domestic fascists.

 The peculiarity of the Stalinist nomenklatura in comparison with the Hitlerite one was perhaps the endless animal fear of the next wave of terror: no one was immune from Stalinist repressions or protected by a high office.

 "None of the party and state officials of the second, for example, the generation of the nomenklatura, who took up their posts during and after the" Great Terror "of 1937-1938, could not, in an environment of continuous rotation of personnel, feel firmly established in the" leadership cage ", each of them, even the most senior, lived and worked under pain of severe punishment, expulsion from the ruling stratum, in anticipation of the worst that could then happen to any Soviet person. the normal practice of everyday life. Tolerant attitude towards subordinates who for some reason did not cope with their duties, not to mention their own mistakes, threatened to lose trust in the highest leaders. "


 The Germans exterminated Jews and Gypsies, the Bolsheviks - entire classes and strata of society - entrepreneurs, intellectuals, peasants, Cossacks, their own associates ... Hundreds of thousands of Cossacks were physically destroyed, driven from their land, repressed. Lenin testifies: "To hell with them and the peasants - after all, they are also petty bourgeois, which means - I am talking about Russia - let them also disappear from the face of the earth, like a rudiment ..."

 To carry out mass terror against the rich Cossacks, the instructions of the Bolshevik authorities said, by exterminating them without exception: "to carry out a merciless mass terror against all Cossacks in general who took any direct or indirect participation in the struggle against Soviet power."

 The result of the policy of dispossession and “decossackization” is notorious: villages and Cossack villages were depopulated, millions of hectares of Cossack lands were deserted. In 1932-1933, in Ukraine and the Volga region, the authorities unleashed a real genocide against the peasantry: all food was requisitioned, after which a mass famine began with facts of cannibalism. The slogan "land to the peasants" in practice turned into collective farm bondage and millions of deaths. Y. Kaunator testifies:

 "In the Kuban-Black Sea Territory, only in the last 2.5 months of 1932 (since November), 100 thousand people were thrown into prisons; 38 404 families were evicted to the Urals, Siberia, to the Northern Territory. All were evicted from the villages of Poltava, Medvedovskaya, Uryupinskaya. inhabitants - 45 639. By the time they were evicted, thousands of people had already died of hunger.From November 1932 to March 1933, the OGPU organs from the village of Medvedovskaya "removed" 1,013 people, 158 of them were shot Remember? -1933, the bulk of the population of the village were Ukrainians (descendants of the Black Sea Cossacks). And then? Next - "The families of military personnel from other regions of the country were settled in the village" (From Wikipedia)

 There was still no SMERSH, no SS, no Einsatzkommando ... But already in 1932, only along one edge, someone arrested hundreds of thousands of HIS population ... someone evicted tens of thousands of families with children, old people and old women, sick, only in three villages ... someone "seized" thousands and thousands of these families and threw them into prisons, someone shot hundreds of peaceful people at a time when the Civil War was over long ago, and before the Great War, which - Patriotic, it was still far away. So who is it? Nails. Remember, Nikolai Tikhonov wrote: “Nails would be made of these people. There would not be in the world stronger than nails. " The "crown" of fascist aesthetics is the "lampshade", the crown of Stalinist aesthetics is the nail. The country badly needed "nails" and stamped them. Nails sprout nails. Skoybeda is the surest confirmation of this ... "

 "And the concentration camps! They are also not an invention of the fascists. To bring Rus' rebellious to Bolshevism to its knees, the Leninists, at the behest of the leader, drove millions of Russians, including families with children, behind the barbed wire, thereby creating for many decades a system of compulsory use of gratuitous communism on great construction sites. The faithful Leninist - Stalin will bring this obligatory attribute of the communist dictatorship - the GULAG - to perfection, and through it he will also let hundreds of thousands of soldiers return from Nazi captivity, where they ended up through Stalin's fault. To lie to the world community about the humanism of the socialist system, they will invent closed mental hospitals for political opponents, imposing on the world the idea that in the USSR the opponents of the communist regime are just crazy and idiots ... the destruction or slavery of their fellow citizens Hitler and Mussoli nor youths to be a model for the Russian fascists. They have more preferred idols for violence and cruelty - Lenin and Stalin. "

 Terror, surveillance, denunciations were introduced into party, public and state practice here and there - with the only difference that they were not hidden and not camouflaged, as here, but officially recognized, as there ... Mussolini testifies: "We must transform the special police inspection into a mysterious, powerful and all-encompassing organization All Italians must feel every minute that they are under control, that they are being watched and studied by an eye that no one can detect. The new organization will have unlimited power and unlimited possibilities. must cover the whole country, like a monstrous dragon, like a giant octopus. Just like a giant octopus. "

 "A free people is ruled by laws, an enslaved people are ruled by denunciations, violence, cruelty," once wrote K.A. Helvetius. In this respect, the Nazis were more free: denunciations, violence, cruelty in Hitler's Germany somehow, at the very least, got along with the law. Bolshevism initially trampled on the right, completely placed at the disposal of ghouls and ghouls such as Vyshinsky and Beria. Above the right stood the party, a pitiful handful of party functionaries headed by a dictator - the general secretary.

 The analogies between Bolshevism and fascism are especially clear in terms of the creation of an apparatus of intimidation and terror. Both here and there arrests, repressions, psychiatric hospitals became means of struggle against the enemies of the state, which hindered the realization of the "great goals" of the people.

 "Of great importance for any totalitarian state is PHYSICAL TERROR, a system of mass repression, which, along with intellectual terror, is the anchor of the new regime. Enthusiastic admiration for the leader and his party and love for them are complemented by fear, which binds the population and the government even more firmly. , in addition, it is one of the means of politicization, because in order to maintain the mass mentality in an active state, this mass should constantly point to the vicious and dangerous enemy with whom the leader is fighting, counting at the same time on the support and help of everyone. "

 "Initially, the basis of the fascist terror apparatus was assault detachments - SA ... The persecution of political opponents and all" unwanted "persons took on a mass character. Stormtroopers broke into apartments, dragged them out into the street, humiliated them. Personal scores were settled on the quiet. race.

 After the first wave of terror subsided, for the sake of appearance, some of the most zealous stormtroopers were expelled from the SA. [This is very typical for all totalitarian regimes: most of the executioners and punishers are also subject to liquidation in the future - a lesson for the future!].

 In reality, the wave of terror was the result of a deliberately planned policy and pursued two main goals. First, it had to create an atmosphere of fear, panic in the country, paralyze the opponents of the regime. It was only in such an atmosphere that the party could carry out the unification of the entire state apparatus in the shortest possible time. Secondly, it had to give vent to the accumulated passions of the winners, who were waiting for "real results" from the coming to power of their party. The possibility of settling accounts with impunity, on the one hand, distracted the masses of stormtroopers from social demands, and on the other hand, tied them hand and foot with the regime, made them direct participants in the persecution of enemies organized by it.

 Not trusting the apparatus of intimidation, the party demanded unwavering faith and fanatical commitment from the performers. And she still doubted her loyalty. The next stage of intimidation was the massive cleansing of the assault squads. In Berlin alone, 3,870 people were expelled from the SA. In total, by the end of 1933, two hundred thousand people were expelled from the SA. Some of them [note - some, not most!] Soon ended up in the very concentration camps that they created with their own hands.

 The SS began to play an increasing role as an apparatus of intimidation. Having taken a decisive part in the massacre of the leaders of the assault detachments, the SS dealt with its main rival in the struggle for dominant positions in one blow. "

All of the above applies to German Nazism, but to the smallest detail coincides with a similar practice in the USSR. Numerous processes began here and there.

 "In total, before the war, Nazi judges conducted 86 mass trials. During these, as well as numerous other trials (!) [All the same, no, but judicial ...] 225,000 citizens were sentenced to about 600,000 years in prison. conclusion (on average, no more than 3 years for each). [The reader is left to compare with the corresponding practice of our "triplets"].

 About one million people [one! how much do we have? ..]

 All Germany was covered with a network of secret agents. At any enterprise, in any organization, not excluding the bodies of the NSDAP, there were agents ... "

 Reference: the terrorist apparatus of the Fuhrer included: police - 140 thousand people; SD security service - 70 thousand people; Gestapo - 40 thousand people.

 And here? And we have? - "If you count the number of people employed in our police, security, investigation, prosecutor's office, court, etc., it turns out that Hitler, even in his best times, together with the Gestapo, did not have the power that we had."

 Another note: in Italy, from 1927 to 1935, less than 3,000 anti-fascists were convicted, the average prison term did not exceed 5 years.

 An important element of the terror was the "nights of long knives" against competitors, as well as the "purges" of the party aimed at eliminating warring cliques and old cadres. According to the doctrine of Mussolini, which theoretically substantiated the "purges", the party cannot retain power with the same cadres with whom it was won. Here is a mini-list of the biggest bosses who were dealt with by the "great leaders": Gregor, Rem, Schleicher, Blomberg, Schneidhuber, Geynes, Ernst, Fritsch, Strasser, Mukhov, von Bredow, Kar, Jung, Bush, Witzleben, Beck, Fromm, Rocco ...

 ... Trotsky, Bubnov, Zinoviev, Kamenev, Pyatakov, Bukharin, Radek, Ordzhonikidze, Kirov, Rykov, Tomsky, Stetsky, Smirnov, Tolmachev, Eismont, Ryutin, Rudzutak, Kosior, Blucher, Tukhachevsky, Yakir, Uborevich, Dybenko , Postyshev, Gamarnik, Petrovsky, Lyubchenko, Lominadze, Chubar, Frumkin, Ageev, Akulov, Yenukidze, Erofeev, Zof, Karakhan, Kodatsky, Komarov, Krylenko, Muklevich, Strievsky, Solts, Voznesensky, Kuznetsov, Popkov, Miltinov , Oppokov-Lomov, Teodorovich, Osinsky, Rukhimovich, Orakhelashvili, Kolegaev, Shotman, Shlyapnikov ... A complete list would require a separate and huge "Memory Book" ...

 The "purges" of the party, reprisals against "dissidents", that is, with potential competitors, pursued several goals at once: elimination of rivals, intimidation, inciting suspicion and - at the same time - rallying the party around the "wise, all-seeing and invincible" leader.

 Both here and there, the victims, who knew well who sent the executioners to them, died from the bullets of the SS or Chekists with exclamations: "Long live the Fuhrer!", "Long live Stalin!"

 History knows only two states where the executed died with a cry glorifying the real killer ... Even the pervert Rem, who a few minutes before his death said: "All revolutions devour their children" - even Rem died with a cry: "My Fuhrer!"

 The extermination of their own - at first glance unnecessary and senseless - gave the Bolshevik leaders and fascist bosses certain benefits, allowing at the same time to strengthen personal power and "restore order" in the party by rooting out the slightest signs of dissent in the bud.

 "Purges", terror, and unremitting control as their necessary consequence had a progressive negative (unnatural) selection: the elimination of dangerous, objectionable, obstinate individuals who possessed individuality, knowledge, skill, and talent. Gradually, at all levels of the bureaucratic hierarchy, here and there were cunning, quirky proteas, who were not capable of anything other than mimicry: bastards and werewolves, feigning devotion, activity, activity.

 And what about punitive medicine? .. There is an organic fusion in one person of a doctor and an SS man, here are two pillars of Soviet psychiatry A. Snezhnevsky and G. Morozov, who unquestioningly fulfilled state orders ... If only two. Thousands, hundreds of thousands ... According to General Grigorenko, “the idea of ​​special psychiatric hospitals was precisely to create institutions of uncontrolled and not based on the law of political terror. It was for this that the prisoners of these hospitals were deprived of all rights, even those enjoyed by prisoners in prisons and camps, and criminals were assigned to them as “nannies” and the latter were given the opportunity to do whatever they want with their wards. "

 “The broadest opportunities have been created for interspersing mentally healthy political people among the masses of mentally seriously ill patients. To do this, we need at least doctors who would simultaneously represent a repressive body, doctors who could openly say:“ Someone must be admitted insane ”and who, possessing a medical diploma, or even better, high scientific knowledge, could invent pseudo-scientific formulations for recognizing normal people as insane.

 So, special psychiatric hospitals and psychiatric examinations, headed by a single body of political terror, represent a well-oiled system of transferring a certain category of normal people to the status of mentally deranged, with their subsequent processing as such. "

 As is the priest, so is the parish: where there are criminals 1, 2, 3 ... above, criminals of the corresponding rank are below. And here I will repeat an important thought: totalitarianism is dangerous, first of all, for itself, it strangles the country without outside interference. Rotten power is not the only reason. Total misinformation, subscripts, wishful thinking, voluntarism, euphoria, mythology, phantasmogoric doctrinaire vision of the world, total lies and deceit make their work more reliable than execution ditches and crematoria ...

 Yes: both there and here - by terror and purges - they formed a kind of "order of leaders", "who have shown themselves and can be the guarantors of the unity of mind and will in the leadership of the people." Both here and there there was a myth that the all-knowing leader knew nothing about repressions and that his entourage was to blame for everything.

 If you like, the difference between Nazism and Communism was that the Nazis in their "purges" preached a narrowly nationalist approach, demanding the destruction of individual ethnic groups, while Leninism claimed "universality": the Bolsheviks unconditionally excluded from the human race "bourgeois" and " counter-revolutionaries ", declaring them subject to unconditional destruction. By the way, such an idea could be born on the basis of the Russian mentality. Suffice it to say that Russia is not only the birthplace of fascism, but also of extreme forms of political extremism as such, bordering on insanity, so to speak of "absolute terrorism." The lessons of Dostoevsky's "Demons" turned out to be in vain for Russia: one of the successors of the Nechaev cause proposed to exterminate all Russians over 25 years old who were unable to implement the ideas of revolution.

A little about punitive medicine. There - an organic fusion in one person of a doctor and an SS man, here - such pillars of Soviet punitive psychiatry as A. Snezhnevsky and G. Morozov, who unquestioningly fulfilled state orders ... If only two. Thousands, hundreds of thousands ... According to General Grigorenko, “the idea of ​​special psychiatric hospitals was precisely to create institutions of uncontrolled and not based on the law of political terror. It was for this that the prisoners of these hospitals were deprived of all rights, even those enjoyed by prisoners in prisons and camps, and criminals were assigned to them as “nannies” and the latter were given the opportunity to do whatever they want with their wards. "

 “The broadest opportunities were created for the inclusion of mentally healthy politicians among the masses of the mentally seriously ill. To accomplish this, we need at least doctors who would simultaneously represent a repressive body, doctors who could openly say: “Someone should be considered insane” and who, possessing a medical diploma, and even better, high scientific knowledge, could invent pseudo-scientific formulations to declare normal people insane.

 So, special psychiatric hospitals and psychiatric examinations, headed by a single body of political terror, represent a well-oiled system of transferring a certain category of normal people to the status of mentally deranged, with their subsequent processing as such. "


 In both cases, an important element of the regime was the mass organizations designed to mobilize the people to fulfill the directives of the party and its leaders, in other words, to help the terror apparatus control the country. G. Rausching testifies: "All the gigantic organizations created by Nazism are an apparatus for controlling the life of the nation in all its manifestations, giving impulses only in one direction from top to bottom, from the center down to the family, to each individual."

 The following applies to fascism, but when changing names (Hitler to Stalin and NSDAP to KPSS), you will no longer need to change a single letter:

 “After Hitler came to power in the NSDAP, the philistine went in a stream. The clear preference given to the Nazis in hiring and in promotion, intensified this influx.

 Built on the principle of centralism (the appointment of all officials from above, unquestioning obedience to the orders of the chief), the NSDAP was an effective instrument of mass influence.

 The huge army of the so-called political leaders of the NSDAP, numbering 502662 officials, meticulously watched not only the behavior and actions of the NSDAP members, but also kept all citizens in sight.

 All groups of the population - workers, officials, doctors, lawyers, cultural workers, youth - were united in unions with a pronounced Nazi flavor.

 An important role in this entire system was played by youth unions created with the aim of suppressing true aspirations and educating young "guards". Here young men and women were subjected to active indoctrination in the Nazi spirit.

 The man in the street found himself in the bonds of this entire network almost from the very birth. From the age of 10 [after all, from 10, and not earlier: “I have not seen Lenin, but I love him”] he went to “Jungfolk”, where he was instilled in respect for the “Fuhrer” and the “order” he created. Then he ended up in the Hitler Youth detachment, where, as a result of indoctrination and military-sports training, the skills he had developed from childhood were strengthened and developed. "

 The goal of the ramified network of youth organizations was formulated by the fascists as follows: "To prepare a new generation, physically strong, spiritually pure, which could be fully entrusted with the sacred heritage of the greatness of the motherland." The preparation of a new generation, "in which hatred will no longer do its own thing" (and in fact, everything was built solely on hatred), was given great attention not only by party and youth, but also by cultural organizations, such as "Dopolavoro", the function of which became "Organization of leisure". Yes, even leisure - here and there - was controlled by the party and the state! There are whole studies on this topic.

 Even without joining the party, every citizen - here and there - became a cog in the grandiose state machine. Almost all of them became members of trade unions almost without fail. Through the DAF in Nazi Germany, there were social insurance benefits, vouchers, and other benefits. A person's home was also not left alone. Representatives of various societies and committees demanded participation in demonstrations, gatherings, wearing badges symbolizing solidarity with the regime, and decorating the facades of houses in connection with the festivities.

 The impact of the Nazi (and communist) organizations was the greater, the further the fusion of the party, social and state apparatus went. It started from the very top. Hitler, for example, played a triple role: as the leader of the party (Fuhrer), head of the executive branch (Reich Chancellor) and head of state.

 Almost a few years after the seizure of power, state, party and public institutions and organizations - here and there - were an inseparable whole. As a result, pressure on the state line was immediately reinforced by pressure on the "public" line, and pressure on the "public" line received immediate support from the "state authority".


 In his book "It's Impossible With Us" Sinclair Lewis indicated the following criteria for the onset of totalitarianism:

 1. Decline in fun among the population;

 2. Trembling at the sound of footsteps in the street, a phone call and a light knock of ivy on the window;

 3. Fear of talking to each other about anything other than the weather;

 4. Focuses of statistics;

 5. Grandiose processions and processions with torches or flags;

 6. Titanic buildings;

 7 the greatest art ...

 Well, I'll move on to the parallels in art and culture. Responding to the accusations of emigrants, one of the poets of Nazi Germany spoke on Berlin radio that fascism does not threaten culture and does not encroach on the high ideals of mankind, but, on the contrary, creates a higher, hitherto unseen culture, fosters a new discipline among the people, and leads to national prosperity.

 In the field of culture and way of life, the events of fascism were called "cultural reclamation" (!). This campaign developed in many directions, the most important of which was the struggle against "foreign" influence and "bourgeois habits." At the same time, in Nazi Germany, the national tradition was not suppressed, as in ours. One of the most active apologists of the fascist regime, Alberto De Stefani, wrote: "The fascist regime must control not only the import of goods, but also the import of ideas and lifestyles."

 The fight against "foreign habits" often took farcical forms: for example, energetic fascist propaganda was conducted against the custom of drinking tea, and there were scribblers who seriously argued that this habit "weakens the nation." Wide activities were carried out in the field of literature. Many foreign authors were banned, who for various reasons did not like the fascist (or Bolshevik) authorities. D.V. Prokudin, B.M. Meerson testify:

 "The most important" driving belt "of the Nazi state was the sphere of education and culture. All of it was subordinated to a system of total propaganda unprecedented in Europe, which carried out the most important function of a totalitarian state - IDEOLOGICAL TERROR, which, along with physical terror, is one of the anchors of the new regime. propaganda and public education (!), headed by Joseph Goebbels Propaganda, initially a priority sphere of interests of the NSDAP, was focused on the mass mentality and had the goal of maintaining it unchanged after the arrival of the masses. "She was obsessive, recklessly deceitful, directed at the instincts of the masses, and not at the mind of every person. And, of course, she was supplemented by coercion, which changed the whole style of life of the Germans: every house had to have a portrait of the Fuhrer," Mein Kampf " and the Nazi flag, instead of greeting the Germans glorified Hitler, the German could not help but attend propaganda rallies and meetings. However, this compulsion was secondary, for the system bore fruit: the masses showed sincere enthusiasm in love for the great Fuhrer and the NSDAP. "

 P. Hindemith said: the thirteen-year dictatorship of Hitler's dictatorship turned music into a lubricating oil for the political machine. And 70 years old? .. The music of Schoenberg, Webern, Berg, the prose of Kafka and Joyce, the philosophical works of Spengler and Ortega were equally persecuted and ostracized by both fascism and communism. The fascists saw in them a symbol of anti-German, the communists - of degenerate art. A. Webern testifies:

 “Today we are not far from such a situation when a person will be sent to prison for being a serious artist. [In four years Mandelstam, and hundreds of others with him, will already be there]. Yes, that’s there, that’s already so! [Gumilyov already shot ...] I do not know what Hitler means by "new music", but I know that for these people what we call it is tantamount to a crime. [And not only for these ...]

 Will they think it over at the last minute? If not, the culture will die. [And she really died, turning into "Russian grandmothers" and Verok Serduchek] ".

 There they removed Schoenberg from the Prussian Academy of Arts, here they hounded Shostakovich and Prokofiev, there they expelled Einstein and Fermi, here they smashed the theory of relativity, quantum mechanics, genetics and cybernetics, the brothers Mann, Zweig, Werfel, Musil, Frank, Rennes, Schickele, emigrated there, Reinhardt, Adorno, Fromm, Marcuse, Carnap, Gödel, Feigl, Neurath, Neumann, Weinberg, Reichenbach, Popper, Walter, Upru, Kolb, Zuckmeier, Horkheimer, Toscanini, Szilard, Halbahn, Kovarski, Polgar, Birchwald Viertel, Horney, Reich, Reich, Becher, Remark, Brecht, Wolf, Levit, Arendt, Korsch, Husserl, Hülsenbeck, Grossman, Lowenthal, Oppenheimer, Mannheim, Tillich, Pollock, Kraft, Honigsheim, Kelsen, Wirtnert, Lisa Meiter , Levy, Warburg, Vavilov, Chetverikov, Koltsov, Chayanov, Meister, Kondratov, Rapoport, Zhebrak, Zavadovsky, Sabinin, Vvedensky, Lapshin, Luppola, Zilber, Karpechenko, Govorov, Belyaev, ten Likhachev, thousand millions ...

Even the Ossetskys are common. Osetsky was a world-renowned writer and publicist who fought against Nazism. He was thrown into a concentration camp. But in 1936 he won the Nobel Prize. In all countries, the struggle for his release began. Even the Fuehrer - unlike us - could not ignore world public opinion. Osetsky was transported from the concentration camp to the hospital and began to "process" him, demanding loyalty. But the dissident refused to compromise. The only difference with ours is that Osetsky did not die in a concentration camp, but in the Berlin-NORDer sanatorium. It was ... in 1938.

 D.V. Prokudin, B.M. Meerson testify:

 “Politicization has also affected science. Moreover, as in the USSR, all aspects of knowledge, not only humanitarian ones, were subjected to this politicization, which is quite natural for an ideocratic regime. Scientists in any field were not so much engaged in science as they were fulfilling an important political task on the scientific front. Mainly, this task was reduced to the fight against enemies, and for this - to the differentiation of "our" and "not-our" science. The "arization" of this side of human life was expressed in the emergence not only of Nazi history or philosophy, but also of German physics , Aryan mathematics, Nordic biology. In the struggle on the scientific (and he was part of the ideological) front, the scientist had to carefully ensure that the results of enemy influence did not fall into his concepts and formulas. "

 Totalitarianism does not need culture and science, for it they are only means of propaganda: ways of spreading ideology. Both here and here, entire areas of knowledge were ostracized, research was stopped or falsified. For example, after the defeat of fascism, the president of the German Sociological Society, Leopold von Wiese, testified to the "distrust" of sociologists on the part of the leaders of Nazism.

 "During the reign of Nazism, concrete studies of society became 'redundant': the fascist regime relied only on apologetic pseudoscience, and its leaders not only did not seek to accumulate empirical knowledge about the actual functioning of the social organism, but also in every possible way prevented the collection and dissemination of objective social information."

 The irony of fate: 26 years after the defeat of fascism, the same person who wrote this indictment against fascism, closing the circle, said: "Western anthropology is one of the forms of 'ideological fetishism'" forms of philosophical and sociological retrograde. From the speech of Berthold Brecht at the I International Congress of Writers in Defense of Culture: "Fascism also believes that education has been neglected. It educates the whole nation and educates it all day. He cannot give much to the majority of the population, which means that it is necessary to educate a lot. He cannot feed , so he must cultivate self-restraint. He cannot put his production in order, and he needs soldiers, so he must cultivate physical courage. He needs sacrifices, so he must cultivate patriotism and a sacrificial spirit. "

 And do not other words of B. Brecht apply to us, aimed against fascism: the one who wants to write the truth must have the courage to write the truth, although it is suppressed everywhere; intelligence to recognize it, although it is hidden everywhere; the ability to use it as a weapon; the ability to choose those in whose hands it will be effective; trick to spread it among them? (Was all this enough for Brecht himself in relation to us?)

 Those of ours who were assigned to observe the "purity" of Soviet art would not hurt to know what one of their associates, whose name is Adolf Hitler, once said about this: "From now on and forever," he said, "the road to those will be closed." works of art ", which in themselves are incomprehensible and need to justify their existence in pompous comments." Pierre de Lescure testifies: “At one time people were sent into exile because they preferred the Phaedra of Euripides to Phaedra Racine ... Today the physicist Einstein, Freud's psychology, Izaya's melodies are banned. , Henry James, Faulkner, and all the other writers we love. "Shakespeare, Milton, Keats, Shelley, English poets and romantics of all ages should not be displayed in the windows," reads the bookseller syndicate's order from the propaganda ministry. "

 You read the list and are amazed at the similarity of tastes ... By the way, the first speech of the Fuhrer was devoted to culture. How could it be otherwise - an artist ... "The Greatest" - will add the Reich propaganda minister. Yes, - B. Brecht ironically, - today he is the greatest artist, tomorrow, speaking with the workers' front, he will be a worker. Who, if not we, is familiar with this phenomenon: "great linguists", "the largest transformers of nature", and at the same time agriculture, "the greatest commanders", "the wisest philosophers" - "revolutionaries of the spirit", "creators" who created - what ? .. And the fact that the "great" muddler spoke about culture is sad and, alas, too familiar to us ...

 "Of the arts, he [Hitler] has the least inclination towards poetry. He does not speak about it at all. He orders music, which he cannot live without, to do without text. It does not need text. It must achieve its goal only with sounds. In any case. , as soon as words creep into the music, a demon immediately infiltrates in. Carelessly composed, words form a meaning, and then it is necessary to intervene.

 Art criticism has been abolished (by the way, his festivals have nothing to fear from it anymore, no one can criticize what he says now!), And doctors took the place of critics. Now they no longer criticize, but immediately sterilize. They will think before they continue to vilify everything.

 Architecture for him is the most beloved of all arts. No text.

 No text, but it looks. The stone will survive millennia. And he doesn't speak. And then, he also builds these barracks, gigantic structures. Subsequent generations will stand in amazement before them, as we stand in front of medieval cathedrals.

 Yes, the future will have something to say about its buildings. This has been taken care of. His tone is confident. The phrase that will conclude everything, the phrase "What artist dies with me!" he apparently hasn't started rehearsing yet. "

 The Stalinist Empire style was a direct continuation of the Empire style of fascist Rome or Nazi Berlin, all buildings in the USSR in the 1920s and 1940s were built in full consideration of the Roman canons of architecture. The communist subbotniks instituted by Lenin in Soviet Russia were reflected in the fascist labor Saturdays. The battle for the harvest is an Italian invention. A photograph of the twenty-third year has survived, in which the "Capo del governo, Duce del fascismo" ("Head of government, leader of fascism") with his naked torso loads hay into a truck with a pitchfork. True, she still does not dive for amphoras ...

 The fascists also denied all varieties of modernism and also gravitated towards a crude pseudo-realist monumentality that clearly demonstrated the power and inviolability of the regime. Huge, ridiculous, mediocre monuments, gigantic processions, orgies in stadiums. Had someone today put on an exhibition of the "works of art" of the two great empires created in the thirties and forties, it would be, perhaps, the most Swift spectacle, where yehu would already look quite decent.

 "Quite characteristic of this style was the Carponetti fresco, glorifying the Duce. This fresco adorned the walls of the corporate ministry building, built in the style of a honeycomb, which, apparently," embodied in stone "the idea of ​​a fascist" people "."

 And, of course, monuments! Monuments to the Fuhrer! Granite, marble, gypsum, clay, sandstone, any molded crap. And - everywhere: from squares to closets ... Millions of tons of monuments - to human devilry.

 The same anti-individualistic policy in life and culture, pursuing the same goal - to completely subordinate the individual to the state. The same identification of the latter with the collective. And even a single communist-fascist thesis about collectivism in art.

 "How they understood this collectivism, spoke, in particular, one of the fascist ideologues, Moraini, at a meeting of artists, architects and sculptors in November 1933. He argued that" fascism is designed to create great monuments and great creations of the regime. " This presupposes the group method of creativity and the rejection of the "prejudice of originality, which has poisoned so many brilliant artistic temperaments."

 Possessing unlimited powers in deciding the fate of specific works of art, the authorities have eradicated everything in the slightest degree beyond their understanding. The campaign they announced for a healthy "folk" art led to the complete destruction of the talented fine art for which Germany was famous, to the triumph of mediocre and flat naturalism. German films turned into primitive propaganda materials that had no cultural or educational value. From German literature remained primitive reading, dedicated to the praise of the regime and Nazi, militaristic "ideological values".

 But the decline of culture and art in Germany did not bother the Nazi rulers. People are deeply uncultured, they simply did not notice this decline, being sure that what is happening is, on the contrary, an expression of prosperity. "

 The Fuhrer considered "health" to be the criterion for distinguishing between good and bad art. In the Third Reich, novels with "biologically defective" heroes, that is, with heroes prone to reflection, introspection, altruism, forgiveness, and philanthropy, were prohibited. There the genius Leni Riffenstahl filmed "Triumph of Will", here the talented Ivan Pyriev - "Kuban Cossacks" ...

 "I read" The Idiot "at such a time, Böll recalled, when in Germany the philosophy of optimism and" health "was promoted in all forms. And since then, a" healthy man "who is alien to all suffering has always remained for me the most terrible monster, so the same as what was then understood as "healthy popular feeling and healthy art."

 Just as in Nazi Germany, the native language was learned according to Mein Kampf, so in the "crystal palaces" with earthen floors they got acquainted with linguistics from the "works" of another necrophile, who had a poor command of Russian. And there, and here the stake was placed on "education". But while waiting for the fruits of enlightenment to ripen, the leaders clearly preferred methods of coercion to methods of persuasion.

 But in general - pitiful, petty devils! And - a pitiful Skoda, although there was still no need to store materials of their own congresses or congresses of writers (say, the first of them) - in the safes of the secret collections of libraries, but all the same - pathetic, petty ghouls, afraid of words - those words from which you can compose whatever your heart desires, for example, this is written in 37: “I don’t know of any other country where a person breathes so freely”. It was in 1937 ...

 By the way, if we compare the culture of fascists and Nazis with the Soviet one, then it is difficult for me to find in the USSR such peak figures of world art as Tomaso Marinetti, Gabriele D'Annunzio, Gottfried Benn, interesting not only in themselves, but as if mutually exclusive, completely differently directed. And Ezra Pound, for some reason, also preferred Mussolini over ours.


 Here and there, unification primarily affected the press. Gradually, step by step, all the more or less unorthodox newspapers were liquidated. Bolshevik and Nazi commissioners were sent to the rest. The editorial offices were purged, placing loyal Bolsheviks and Nazis as heads of publishing houses. The system of supplying information to newspapers and magazines was unified. The monopoly on information was given to the state, and its only source was the German Telegraph Agency, or the German Information Bureau (DNB) - there, the Information Bureau and TASS - here.

 Ending in 42 years of 👇

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